Archive for category 1Malaysia

Umno outsourcing extremism to Perkasa, says Kit Siang

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 26 — DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang today accused Umno of outsourcing its “extremist demands” to Perkasa after the right-wing Malay group demanded Barisan Nasional (BN) review its aid for the Chinese in Hulu Selangor.

The group had demanded the government reconsider its election pledges to the Chinese in Hulu Selangor because of the community’s poor support for the ruling coalition in yesterday’s by-election.

“It is very clear that Umno has outsourced its extremist demands to Perkasa. The voice of Perkasa represents (the views) of the Umno extremists,” Lim told The Malaysian Insider.

The veteran politician claimed this was a test for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on whether his 1 Malaysia concept of unity was actually practised or a mere farce.
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Another attack of Muhyiddin’s “foot-in-mouth” disease when he claimed that Kamalanathan is truly 1Malaysia as “Kamal” is Malay, “Alan” a Chinese and “Nathan” an Indian name

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had another attack of his “foot-in-mouth” disease when he claimed that the Barisan Nasional candidate for Hulu Selangor P. Kamalanathan is truly 1Malaysia as “Kamal” is Malay, “Alan” a Chinese and “Nathan” an Indian name.

Muhyiddin is insulting the intelligence of the 65,000 voters of Hulu Selangor with such “garbage”.

Would Kamalanathan respond and answer in a crowd if someone shouts “Kamal” or “Alan”? Clearly not.

If Kamalanathan’s name comprises of “Kamal”, “Alan” and “Nathan” then he has a longer name and should be called “Kamalalannathan”! The BN candidate for Hulu Selangor will stare at you for being hostile and unfriendly if you call him that!

Does Muhyiddin Yassin’s name qualify to be a “1Malaysia” name? Where are the Chinese and Indian components? What about Kadazan and Iban components?
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When Muhyiddin repeats he is Malay first, Malaysian second, no wonder there is blackout at the MCA 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme briefing

Yesterday there were two 1Malaysia programmes – the launching of the 1Malaysia Motivation Expedition Squad by Gagasan Pelajar Melayu Semananjung (GPMS) by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and the 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) briefing organisd by the new MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek and featuring the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Idris Jala.

When Muhyiddin proudly reiterated that he is Malay first and Malaysian second at the GPMS launch, no one is surprised that there was prolonged blackout at the 1Malaysia GTP briefing in MCA headquarters on the same day.

In fact, every time Muhyiddin declares that he is Malay first and Malaysian second, he is delivering an open slap in the face of the 1Malaysia and KPI Minister, Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon.

Forty, thirty or even 20 years ago, the twisted logic and reasoning given by Muhyiddin to justify his “Yes, I am a Malay first and no apologies” stance might have a powerful market, but in the 21st century and the second half-century of Malaysia’s nation-hood, such ultra views are facing a diminishing support base.
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If Najib launches Malaysia-US (Congressional) Caucus without PR MP representation, he is telling the whole world that his 1Malaysia concept is utter bunkum

It has been suggested on the twitter that it’s a bit too late to cancel the launching of the Malaysia-United States (Congressional) Caucus by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak next Wednesday April 14, 2010 and that perhaps Pakatan Rakyat can send some of its Members of Parliament for the event.

My twitter responses yesterday were:

• Not suggesting Najib put off trip 2US he can meet Obama but put off caucus launch programme which can only embarrass him n nation

• No not too late Sure American countrprts will appreciate not bng dragged into maelstrom Msian partisan politics JJ shld take note

• Question of saving nation/PM’s face or Nazri/JJ’s face Indeed a test of whether putting national interests above that of indvdls

• As gatecrashers?Better things 2do Question whr BN can see what is national interest @alphaque .. perhaps PR can send some of your own there.

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Najib’s first year in office, Part I

April 6th, 2010
by Greg Lopez ·

Najib Razak became Prime Minister of Malaysia on 3 April 2009. With the nation in tatters and his reputation suspect, Najib was destined to either become one of Malaysia’s ‘greatest’ or ‘worst’ Prime Ministers. Greatest if he could reverse the excesses of the Mahathir years – when Malaysia became Mahathir’s personal fief – and put Malaysia back on strong democratic and economic footing ; worst if he accelerates Malaysia’s already weak fundamentals. One year on, the record suggests that he is likely to be Malaysia’s worst ever Prime Minister.

Najib Razak or APCO (the controversial communications firm he hired) proposed an ambitious ’slogan’ to distinguish his administration. The ’slogan’, ‘1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now’ (1Malaysia) is explained as a concept to promote national unity and eventually achieve Vision 2020 based on specific values. The irony is, according to Najib, the 1Malaysia concept is integrated with Barisan Nasional’s past policies – the very policies that saw BN thrashed at the 12th general election; which has made the BN and UMNO in particular, the most despised political party in Malaysia; which has been identified as the cause of Malaysia’s long term decline; and which clearly needs to be reversed if Malaysia wants to move out of the quagmire.

There is no 1Malaysia

Malaysia is polarised – in the Peninsular, it is split right down the middle between the supporters of PR and BN, between West and East Malaysia, between Malay and Islamic supremacist against the rest of Malaysia, between an elite minority that is privy to governmental largesse and those who suffer its consequences, and between the BN-led federal government and state governments, especially those led by the opposition – exclusively due to UMNO’s insistence on driving the national agenda to meet its needs for political survival rather than forging a united Malaysia. Althoughhe has inherited this 52-year legacy, there is nothing that Najib has done in the past year to reverse the trends. Instead, fearing for his own position in the party, he has flip-flopped on his signature policy. Read the rest of this entry »


Make Any Sense to You ?

by ehy

Does this make sense 2 u?
Rakyat make more sense than Leader, so what is the Leader doing at his job ?

What do I get for paying toll everyday?
Now I have to pay an extra RM50 for each credit card. For what?
Extra GST (goods and services tax).

Again, how does that benefit me?

Look at the long list: Read the rest of this entry »


The father, the son and the fighting spirit

Malaysian blogs
Extract from“Does it matter if you are Malaysian first or Chinese first or manusia first?”
“The Obnoxious 5xmom”

It doesn’t help that our Chief Minister is super laser tongue and he just have to go on and on to refute BN’s politicians. It is made worse when UMNO leaders are so used to our previous, gracefully silent Chief Minister who will smile his way through even the most humiliating moments. They forget that now, they have the father, the son and the fighting spirit to bite on their tails over the slightest thing.

The best is, if you ask the CM some provocative questions, it will get him to blast BN even more. Sometimes, I enjoy being a CJ because it is fun to ask things to get him to say what I have in mind but don’t have the power or the immunity to say it. So, put in some tricky questions and tadaaa….it is yet another world vs Lim Guan Eng drama.

Frankly, I never think of myself as a Chinese first or Malaysian first. But if leaders like our DPM said it loud and then, supported by the PM who quoted the constitution that they think it is alright to put their race before the nationality, then, we have to be worried. They have that superior air around them and that makes the rest of us, the dan lain-lain manusia to be second grade, or even third grade. It is unacceptable, don’t you think so?

It is not about dismissing who they are. It is about how secured and comforted we, the citizens, feel under their leadership. I don’t think I like what the DPM had uttered. No no. Time for all of us to think carefully where we stand. Read the rest of this entry »