Archive for August, 2024

The Nenggiri by-election in Kelantan has ignited the hope that Malaysia can rise again to become a great world-class nation and is not doomed to become a failed state

The Nenggiri by-election in Kelantan has ignited the hope that Malaysia can rise again to become a great world-class nation and not doomed to become a failed state.

Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister has outlasted the three previous Prime Ministers – Ismail Sabri, Muhyiddin Yassin and Mahathir Mohamad in his second tenure as Prime Minister of Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia can and must contribute to world civilisation dialogue and understanding because Malaysia is at the confluence of various world civilisations

I thank the DAP Secretary-General Sdr. Anthony Loke and DAP MPs for this dinner to mark the conferment of DUPN on me by the Governor of Penang.

In the United States, a great campaign is going on to decide in the next 90 days who will be the President of United States. Until some three weeks ago, there was nothing to watch was it was a battle between two old men. Now there is hope and vision for America, and the Democratic Candidate Kamala Harris has coined the slogan “We are not going back. We are going into the future.” Read the rest of this entry »

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