Archive for December 8th, 2022

Hadi should explain why he is so irresponsible as to make the wild accusation that DAP is promoting Islamophobia when the OIC Islamophobia Observatory in unable to report a single case of Islamophobia in Malaysia although it had monitored all forms of Islamophobia in the world on a daily basis for the past 15 years?

(Versi BM)

The PAS President, Hadi Awang should explain why he is so irresponsible as to make the wild accusation that DAP is promoting Islamophobia when the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) Islamophobia Observatory in unable to report a single case of Islamophobia in Malaysia although it had monitored all forms of Islamophobia in the world on a daily basis for the past 15 years?

I have gone through the 14 reports on Islamophobia of the OIC Islamophobia Observatory since 2007, which are authoritative accounts of the problem of Islamophobia in the world, but I have not been able to find a single case of Islamophobia in Malaysia reported in the reports in the last 15 years.

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