Archive for September 16th, 2021

Three wishes for the 58th Malaysia Day on 16.9.2021

(Versi BM)

I have three wishes for the 58th Malaysia Day today on 16th September 2021.

Firstly, that when we celebrate our 59th Malaysia Day in 12 months’ time on 16th September 2022, there would be no doubt whatsoever that we have won the war against the Covid-19 pandemic. Read the rest of this entry »

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Memorandum of Understanding on confidence-supply-reform (CSR) between Ismail Sabri and Pakatan Harapan the most important political document in the nation’s history since the drafting of Malaysian Constitution and Rukun Negara

(Versi BM)

The memorandum of understanding on confidence-supply-reform (CSR) between the ninth Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri and Pakatan Harapan is the most important political document in the nation’s history since the drafting of the Malaysian Constitution and Rukun Negara.

One pertinent question is why such a memorandum of understanding had not been drawn up earlier in the nation’s history. Read the rest of this entry »

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