Archive for October 13th, 2017

MCA should requisition a Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting to thrash out once and for all whether the UMNO/BN propaganda attack is going to be Mahathir is Lim Kit Siang’s stooge or Lim Kit Siang is Mahahtir’s stooge!

I have just read the report on Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad’s blog suggesting that BN should make a decision regarding him and myself, decide who bought who, whether Mahathir has bought me or I had bought Mahathir.
UMNO leaders like the UMNO information chief Tan Sri Annuar Musa keep repeating the claim that DAP dominates Pakatan Harapan, but MCA makes the very opposite allegation, accusing me of selling myself and DAP to Bersatu instead.

This is a most ridiculous scenario, and only those who cannot catch up with the times would make such a colossal blunder. Let me tell the UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders and propagandists that we are in the information era where information travels at the speed of light and not in the stone age or bullock cart era, where it is possible to restrict access to information.

Furthermore, it also highlights the Machiavellian and treacherous character of those responsible for the propaganda and information war of UMNO/BN that they are prepared to say different things to different audiences.

This is one basic difference between the Pakatan Harapan and the Barisan Nasional Coalitions, where the four component parties in Pakatan Harapan, whether DAP, PKR, Amanah or Pribumi Bersatu say the same thing and deliver the same message regardless of audience or location, while the Barisan Nasional component parties are utterly dishonest and hypocritical, with UMNO saying one thing to Malay audience but the MCA saying a completely different versio to the Chinese audience.

This itself would be a powerful reason why the time has come for the UMNO/BN coalition to be replaced, for Malaysia cannot succeed or progress if its leaders say different and even contradictory things to the people depending on the audience, circumstance and location. Read the rest of this entry »


To Malaysia’s eternal shame, we are singled out and named in the new book “The Corruption Cure” as the nation which the United States government is combatting in the fight against global kleptocracy

It is to Malaysia’s eternal shame that we are singled out and named in the new book, “The Corruption Cure” by Robert Rotberg as the nation which the United States government is combatting in the fight against global kleptocracy.

This is to be found in Page 288 of the book, which reads:

“Under President Obama and his two attorneys general, the U.S. has intensified its attack on corporate, sovereign wealth fund, and individual corruption because it is wrong, but also because the Department of Justice believes that such corruption is a major cause of global instability, a severe hindrance to economic development everywhere, a major creator of poverty, and a critical abuse of national social contracts. Funds pilfered abroad – as in the Malaysian government sovereign wealth fund case, where more than $3 billion was misappropriated – also distorts real estate markets and the overall American economy (witness Miami and New York). For all those reasons and more, corruption is a ‘threat to American national security’”.

Reading this paragraph, I find it most ironical and indignant that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak could speak about Malaysia strengthening the American economy when he visited US President Donald Trump at the White House on Sept. 12.
Read the rest of this entry »


UMNO is the country’s biggest manufacturer of “fake news” through its owned or controlled “mainstream media” especially Utusan Malaysia – will it direct them to stop publishing “fake news”?

Yesterday, the Minister for Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak called on Malaysians to defend the nation from false news.

I instantly responded in a tweet: “Only time so far I agree with Salleh”.

However, I had added a caveat: “I oppose all fake news, whether against DAP and Pakatan Harapan or Umno/BN leaders.

“Will Salleh/MCMC (Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission) oppose all fake news, even those against DAP/Harapan leaders?”

In response, Salleh thanked me for backing his call on Malaysians to help counter fake news and information but did not specifically address the issues I raised, deflecting them with a very officious position that MCMC would make a similar stand on the fake news which targets the opposition.

He said: “The law is clear. If a report is lodged with MCMC, the necessary action would be taken.”

In the country today, the biggest manufacturer of “fake news” is none other than UMNO/BN through its owned or controlled “mainstream media”, led by UMNO-owned Utusan Malaysia.

For over 40 years from 1965, I did not exist as far as Utusan Malaysia was concerned, as all my statements, speeches and activities were blacked out in its pages, but in the past ten years since the 2008 General Election in March 2008, I became “big news” in Utusan Malaysia, with my photographs and reports getting huge play in the Utusan Malaysia, but not true news, but fake news. Read the rest of this entry »

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