Archive for October 5th, 2017

Is Dzulkifli emulating Najib in refusing to have any media conference because he is afraid like the Prime Minister that his boasts and bombasts may be pricked by journalists’ sharp questioning?

Is the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad emulating the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in refusing to have any media conference because he is afraid like the Prime Minister that his boasts and bombasts may be pricked by journalists’ sharp questioning?

Najib achieved a few “firsts” in his visit to the White House and meeting with US President Donald Trump on Sept. 12 – one of which was to strenuously avoid the press and evade any media conference from the Washington White House Press Corps who might ask him embarrassing questions about Malaysia’s global kleptocracy, 1MDB scandal, “MO1” and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) largest kleptocratic litigation to forfeit US$1.7 billion 1MDB-linked assets in United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland.

Today is Dzulkifli’s first major address to an international conference, the 9th International Conference on Financial Crime and Terrorism Financing since his appointment as Chief Commissioner of MACC a year ago.

However, after his keynote address at the international conferenc, he did one thing which key-note speakers do not do – he declined to take questions from the media.

Why was it necessary for Dzulkifli to “play safe” by avoiding a media conference, if the MACC has nothing to hide in its campaign to fight corruption in Malaysia? Read the rest of this entry »


Syed Saddiq should be a model for young Malays and young Malaysians to be true to our Malaysian Dream for the country to be show-case to the world of an united, successful, progressive, prosperous, plural nation of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures

Is Parti Bumiputra Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Youth chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman to be believed when he said that he turned down the bribe of a place in Oxford University and RM5 million in return for leaving Bersatu.

The UMNO information chief, Tan Sri Annuar Musa said Syed Saddiq is not worth RM5 million and that he has a long way to go in politics.
I believe Syed Saddiq is telling the truth.

I do not believe the “movers and shakers” in UMNO today regard Annuar is now worth RM5 million, and this is why Annuar is desperately trying to make himself useful with his nation-wide “4 All” UMNO dialogue programmes.

RM5 million is not a small sum to ordinary Malaysians, but it is just pittance to those who have found that UMNO is the “goose that lays the golden eggs”. Read the rest of this entry »


Call on the civil service chiefs to resist the political pressures by Prime Minister and the UMNO/BN leadership to co-opt civil service to campaign for UMNO/BN in the run-up to 14GE

I call on the civil service heads to resist political pressures by the Prime Minister and the UMNO/BN leadership to co-opt the civil service to campaign for UMNO/BN in the run-up to the 14th General Election.

The civil service must be mindful that it is non-partisan and serves the government of the day, whether UMNO/BN or Pakatan Harapan, to further the interests of the people and country.

The civil service owes loyalty to the people and nation and not to any political party or coalition, as civil servants are paid from the taxes levied on Malaysians and not from the pockets of the Prime Minister or party coffers of any coalition of parties.

The political pressures applied on top civil servants to co-opt the civil service to campaign for UMNO/BN in the run-up to the 14th General Election has already caused several top public servants to commit public bloopers and become the butt of public jokes or adverse comments.

A case in point is the shocking statement by the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Ali Hamsa, who said yesterday that there is no problem with the Federal Territories Minister, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, openly inviting teachers to join UMNO at a school function in Putrajaya, which turned into a mini-UMNO affair with students singing the UMNO party song and waving UMNO flags.

Would Ali say that teachers can join DAP and the other Pakatan Harapan component parties, and if not, can the 13th Chief Secretary point out where in the General Orders is it stated that teachers can join UMNO but not DAP and the other Pakatan Harapan component parties? Read the rest of this entry »