Archive for May 24th, 2015
View from the Umno grassroots
Posted by Kit in Financial Scandals, UMNO on Sunday, 24 May 2015
– Muhammad Azaham Wahab
The Malaysian Insider
24 May 2015
I am a member of Umno who had served the party for a good 40 years and was a Branch Chairman for 23 years.
I also served for a few years at the division level and consider myself a grassroots leader of Umno and am qualified to say that I embody the sentiments of members at the grassroots level.
As a branch leader for more than 20 years, we have always obeyed the higher ups in Umno and slogged at every election to ensure the success of Umno-Barisan.
I was proud of Umno and my MCA and MIC friends because for whatever weakness Barisan had we were brothers in arms to develop the country.
I trusted the leaders and they did not betray my trust because the country was peaceful and development in all sectors was satisfactory although it could be much better.
However things have changed and corruption and misuse of power had reared its ugly head. The Barisan leadership condoned corruption and used their power to cover up their corrupt practises on the economic and business sector. Corruption is now so embedded in society we seem to accept it as a normal practice. Read the rest of this entry »
An Eight-Year “Save PR” Roadmap by reaffirming PR Common Policy Framework which had won support of 52% of the electorate
Posted by Kit in Pakatan Rakyat, PAS on Sunday, 24 May 2015
(Scroll down for English text)
Pelan tindakan lapan tahun ‘Selamatkan Pakatan Rakyat’ dengan memperkukuh Dasar Bersama yang telah berjaya mendapat sokongan 52% daripada jumlah pengundi
Pakatan Rakyat sudah tidak ada masa. Dalam masa dua minggu lagi, Pakatan Rakyat mungkin sahaja tidak wujud lagi.
Ini suatu perkembangan politik yang sangat lucu.
Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN) sedang berada pada tahap paling lemah dalam sejarah, berpaut kepada kuasa sebagai kerajaan minoriti pertama dalam sejarah Malaysia.
Perdana Menteri yang juga Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Najib Razak telah terpaksa menjelajah ke seluruh negara untuk meraih sokongan orang ramai lantaran skandal kewangan dan pecah belah di dalam Umno yang semakin menjadi-jadi, serta demi melengahkan kempen dahagi yang sedang dikepalai oleh mantan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden Umno yang paling lama, untuk mendesak Perdana Menteri meletakkan jawatan. Sementara itu Ahli-ahli Parlimen BN dari Sabah dan Sarawak serta parti-parti komponen mereka (yang bertanggungjawab meletakkan Najib di kerusi Perdana Menteri) sedang memantau dengan sangat teliti sama ada Najib akan mengkhianati kontrak sosial dan Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 hanya demi memastikan survival politiknya sendiri. Read the rest of this entry »