Common sense in Politics?

By Hussein Hamid

Time and time again we have been told that the last 50 years have seen unprecedented growth and development for Malaysia – more development and material progress then at any time of our history. Our technical and scientific skill has increased to allow our country to be a developed country in the global context. Yes – unprecedented growth as compared to what? Compared to the last 500 years of our history? If it has been so why not work towards the development and growth of our country for the next 50 years? Why does the Government of Barisan Nasional instead concern itself with the control of our society in which we live in and in ways and means of ensuring itself a lengthy stay in Government?

Is it not now than at any other moment of our history that we should concern ourselves with morality and ethics? That statesmanship and government must be for the well being of our people?

But instead our people live in fear. Fear of the ISA, fear of PDRM. Fear of the Judiciary and its inability to dispense justice to one all without fear or favor. Fear and loathing of the constant politicizing of all things that would have any monetary value to those in Barisan. It is this fear that divides rather then unites the people. It is this fear that could cause our people to act foolishly in a common determination to preserve their freedom against economic control; intellectual control and physical control by a small but determine Barisan group within our country. It is this fear that will drive our nation to its knees.

But I know that it is also this fear that will drive our people to act to preserve their sense of justice and fairness in their life. We detest racialism. And yet the very existence of UMNO is dependent on the principal of divide and rule. Divide the Chinese, the Indians, the Malays and the others and rule the country.

We want peace and stability within our Nation and require that those who are sworn to protect and preserve us will do their duty. And yet these very instruments of state are used by a determined and evil government to subdue its own people to its political will.

For now the people are united by more important things that those that are being used to rule and divide us. We are united by a common determination to live with honor and justice in our own country. We are united by a common desire that our diversity will unite rather then divide our people. We are united by our resolve to end greed, deceit and self-interest that now pervade all levels of that party UMNO that now leads the coalition of Barisan Nasional that now govern our country. I am certain that that which unites us will surely see the end of that which attempts to divide us for their own purpose. This unity amongst the people will remain because they are the ones with the most to lose if they fail.

With each successive Prime Minister we are told to Look East, Work with me, not for me and now 1Malaysia which is suppose to preserve and enhance this unity in diversity. We are often told that we are all Malaysian but give the Bumiputra some leeway to catch up with the others. Well as a Malay I now want to announce that we Malays have caught up with the others. The UMNO Malays have not only caught up with the others but they have also raced ahead busy with their looting and pillaging of the nations treasure. Let us no longer be deceived by the ranting of these UMNO politicians who says that the Malays still need the NEP. The Malays do not need the NEP. UMNO does. The Malays do not need the ‘privileges‘ that the government have carved up for them. UMNO does. The Malays no longer need Bumiputra status. UMNO does. I say to you that we Malays can stand shoulder to shoulder with the others in our country and take care of ourselves. Equal opportunity for all. Equal opportunity for the Malays. That is all that we ask. That is all that the others will ask too.

There is a potential for our country to descend into chaos and turmoil in this struggle between them and us. But I think not. The costs to us all for a descend into the madness of the May 13th Racial Riots is too heavy for any of us to shoulder. But do not let that fear paralysis us into cowering to the bullying of UMNO /Barisan. For surely they too are not keen to unleash what unknown terror the people can inflict upon them at the next GE, if not sooner, if they push us over the brink. In this practice and rehearsal that we are now in between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan all of us fear and dread what this treat to our people could do to our country. The question now is whether common sense will prevail.

Today more so then in the recent past, the stakes are much too high for us to risk an outbreak of war and riot that would threaten the very foundation of our country – but then what choice do we have in the face of those that even now are planning our demise through any means at their disposal? Conventionally the politicians should go to the polls to gain legitimacy for their rule – now days the unconventional has become conventional. All instruments of state are used in their misguided and diabolical attempts to continue their plague upon us

No task in more urgent now then that of ensuring the preservation of peace in our country by injecting the voice of reason into the affairs of our government. Let us mobilize all our resources of spiritual, moral and political strength to come to our side and demonstrate to Barisan/UMNO that we are for justice, we are for decency and we are for equal opportunity for all our people. – that whatever strength we have will be used for that purpose and that purpose only. Do not seek to test our resolve on this issue.

Towards this end we have started our journey at the 2004 elections. We recognized that Pakatan Rakyat has an important role to play with us in this matter. We choose to work with them for their ideals are our ideals. Their goals our goals. Their leaders our leaders.

We will now raise our voices and you will listen. We would prefer that there is no ultimatum that we need to act upon, no rattling of sabers to make your point, no need to embark on a game of brinkmanship. That you will come to your senses and let the next GE be the basis for a settlement that our country needs. Do not allow a bad situation to get worse. Do not seek an unfair advantage for we will be vigilant. We have hoped that we all have but one interest – what is best for our country and our children in the times ahead. Unity in diversity. Let each and every one of us live our own life and let others live theirs, in their own way, in peace and allow them a means of earning a decent wages in a country we all love.

We must succeed in this endeavour. To fail is unthinkable.

  1. #1 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 11:05 am

    “Well as a Malay I now want to announce that we Malays have caught up with the others. The UMNO Malays have not only caught up with the others but they have also raced ahead busy with their looting and pillaging of the nations treasure. Let us no longer be deceived by the ranting of these UMNO politicians who says that the Malays still need the NEP. The Malays do not need the NEP. UMNO does. The Malays do not need the ‘privileges‘ that the government have carved up for them. UMNO does. The Malays no longer need Bumiputra status. UMNO does.” – Hussein Hamid

    Right on target, Hussein! Matthias Chang, Mahathir’s former political secretary, claims in his book, “Will Barisan Nasional Survive Beyond 2010?” that the Malays have now controlled every economic sector in Malaysia. So how is it that many Malays are, as Mahathir himself claims, still living in squatter houses?

    Elementary, Mr. Watson. Because the 30% achievement under the NEP has not been equitably distributed among the Malays. It is not impossible that 80% of those 30% or more are in the hands of only a handful of Malays who are closely-linked to UMNO. UMNO has created many billionaires, including Mahathir himself who claims to champion the Malays but seems to be helping himself more. And the other 20% are like bones thrown to the Malay masses. And when the 20% is divided among millions, it is like one Malay getting one hair. I believe they can live without that one hair.

    Yes, UMNO indeed needs the NEP more than the Malays. They are using the name of the Malay community to help themselves… a handful of UMNOputras taking the meat, and the millions of Malays sharing the bones. That’s what UMNO is really fighting all along. United Malay National Organization, my foot! United Millionaire National Organization sounds more like it.

  2. #2 by k1980 on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 11:08 am

    “…the last 50 years have seen unprecedented growth and development for Malaysia – more development and material progress then at any time of our history. Our technical and scientific skill has increased to allow our country to be a developed country in the global context.”

    So take a look at our immense accomplishment in the English Language via the Selangor Education Department UPSR Performance Enhancement Programme

  3. #3 by a2a on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 11:50 am

    NEP is expired.

    Equilty is the aim in federation constitutional.

    Follow can read to know more:



  4. #4 by a2a on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 11:56 am

    NEP is expired.

    Equality is the aim in federation constitutional.

    Orang asli live in west malaysia very long ago.

  5. #5 by monsterballssgoh on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 11:57 am

    UMNO BARU is fooling his own race and they can never change.
    After 12th GE…we are seeing so much clearer…who and what UMNO BARU really is.
    Talk till you drop dead…but do not expect UMNO BARU to change.
    Yes…indirectly…voters asked for it….got it…now live with it.
    The main point is…now Malaysians are getting smarter and see an alternative…not there…until 12th GE.
    13th GE is to finish off UMNO once and for all. More than 54 years is simply too long.
    Just observed weird Mahathir twisting and turning..and picture all of us…were governed by him for 22 years.
    Just look at his last few years going to all the countries in the world…just to enjoy…using tax payers money..with no second thought….as if UMNO owns the country.
    Give a moment to Tunku Abdul Rahman….how sad he must be….seeing so ungrateful UMNO buggers….ousting him.
    Yes…present UMNO buggers are ungrateful to Tunku..and now robing rob us..and sucked up country’s wealth.
    What do you expect from the..”1 Malaysia”???
    What is that?……..when UMNO BARU cannot even unite his own race.

  6. #6 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 12:06 pm

    UMNO has changed the medium of instruction for Science and Mathematics from English to Malay. I agree with that. Can’t be teaching any subject in English when the students have not yet mastered the English language, right? What the Minister of Education should do, if he has any brains at all, is to ensure that Malaysian students have a proper mastery of the English language. Once they have that, they can read any book in English… not just on Science and Mathematics. Teaching Science and Mathematics in English without students having a proper grounding in the language is like putting the cart before the horse. Isn’t that why many supposedly intelligent Malay students are failing the two subjects? Just imagine what will happen if law courses are suddenly conducted in Latin. I won’t be the least bit surprised that even the intelligent students, be they Malay or non-Malay, would also fail.

    Being a British colony, we had a head start in the English language and yet, we screw it up such that today, most Malays can only surf websites in Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia… how pitiful! UMNO has succeeded in turning the Malays literarily into kataks di bawah tempurung in this Information Age, what with most websites written in English.

    I have been wondering… Muslims pray 5 times a day and yet I hardly see them practising much Islamic values (if any). Islamic rituals, yes, but not Islamic values. Is it that praying 5 times a day is not sufficient, is it that they don’t even pray, or is it that they don’t understand what they are praying? What I am trying to drive at is that the Ministry of Education should make the Arabic language a compulsory subject in schools for all Muslims, unless Muslim prayers can be made in the Malay language… which as I understand, cannot be done. No point praying when you don’t understand what you are praying, with prayers becoming another mindless ritual consisting of memorizing a few verses, right? How can they be expected to read the Qur’an then, without a mastery of the Arabic language?

    I would suppose that if the Malays can understand the Qur’an (no mean text, if the English version is to go by), they must be well-versed in the Arabic language but when I asked many of them, they hardly seem to know much about that language. What a joke! If anyone were to claim that he understands the English Bible but cannot speak English, I must think that he is just pulling a fast one.

  7. #7 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 12:21 pm

    a2a :
    Orang asli live in west malaysia very long ago.

    Yes, no doubt about that. And if they were to claim Ketuanan Orang Asli, I think no one can dispute that. Apparently, the bulk of the Malays came to the Peninsula from Sumatera after Parameswara started the Melaka Sultanate. Is it any surprise that Kerishammudin was quick to stop the Bar Council from discussing Ketuanan Melayu? This Muslim knows that Ketuanan Melayu cannot see the light of day.

    But apparently, UMNO has forgotten again that East Malaysia is part of Malaysia… I understand that Malays are a minority there.

  8. #8 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 12:24 pm

    Wasting time writing when both posts are awaiting moderation which may take days. I don’t even know which part is offensive. Anyway, I think the moderator would only be fair if he just delete the offensive part, like what some forums do, instead of deleting the whole post. I guess I better go and sleep, LOL.

  9. #9 by monsterballssgoh on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 12:59 pm

    ekompute….I get alot of my comments…under moderation.
    So I read and delete and change few words…all approved!!
    I am so used to comment with words that are actually no offensive….but LKS have other ideas….so I change some words..all OK.
    Do not be frustrated.

  10. #10 by frankyapp on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 1:02 pm

    “I say to you that we malays can stand shoulder to shoulder with the others in our country and take care of ourselves.Equal opportunity for all,equal opportunity for the malays.That is all that we ask.That is all that others will ask too”…….Hussien Hamid. Wow,this is indeed a great statement a malay ever been made.Well done,Hussein. How I wish,it’s NR who said it.NR knows what Hussien said is the truth but always denies it to protect his own family,umnoputras and warlords interest,wealth and power.It’s a great pity,for more than half a century,the malays in the country have been cheated all along by their very own elected leaders.I hope Hussein’s comment will reach all eyes and ears of the malays who would agree with him(Hussien) and come all out to conderm Umno/leaders I think it’s time for all good loving malay malaysians to stand firm and to root out this siziable greedy umnoputras and warlords.

  11. #11 by k1980 on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 1:11 pm

    //Cabinet to drop “race” from most official forms and documents.//

    What’s the point when the rakyat is differentiated into tuans and pendatangs?
    Imagine the following scenario:-
    2 civil servants vetting scholarship application forms:

    Civil servant A: “Tan Ah Too… Apa racenya?”

    Civil servant B: “Tan Ah Too…Tan Ah Too… dari Mongolia kut?”

    Civil servant A:”OK pendatang tu. Buang tong sampah lah.”

    Civil servant B: “Thambi a/l Samy… Apa racenya pula?”

    Civil servant A:” Itu pendatang juga. Buang saje”

    Civil servant B: “OK. Sekarang ini Ali bin Baba…no problem…”

  12. #12 by OrangRojak on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 1:38 pm

    Cabinet to drop “race” from most official forms and documents.
    It’s a good move, it will free up some space on the forms. No need to record race. Got MyKad:


  13. #13 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 2:06 pm

    “Well as a Malay I now want to announce that we Malays have caught up with the others. – Hussein Hamid

    Please, as far as I know you were never left behind, no one succeeded in getting as much free lunches as you guys. Well, whatever it means by “caught up”, it should be good, right?

  14. #14 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 2:14 pm

    The UMNO Malays have not only caught up with the others but they have also raced ahead busy with their looting and pillaging of the nations treasure. – Hussein Hamid

    Same here with MCA and Gerakan Chinese. The issue here is about politicians breaking the laws for their own good, it’s never about race.

  15. #15 by taiking on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 2:34 pm

    The umno gobermen is obsessed with expressions like “unprecedented growth” (ah ha we know where hussien hamid got the expression from). 50 yrs ago (then) malaya (whilst under british rule) was the third richest in asia and with 50yrs of unprecedented growth we ought to be on par with japan and germany etc. But how come now we are on par with some african nations instead! So you see. Hussien does have a valid point. The umno gobermen has a knack for coining big terms to blind what they thought are simple malay folks. They are committing error big time here.

    About that dropping the race column in umno gobermen’s forms I can imagine this problem:

    “Borang xyz: Permohonan untuk duit kopi. Kementrian Rasuah”

    “Nama permohon: Tan Ah Kow”

    “Eh siapa tu tan ah kaw? Melayu ke?”

    “Bukan. Bukan. Mungkin India.”

    “Oh ya. Bunyi macam india.”

    “Dan yang ni, mahathir mohamad? Cina ke?”

    “Tak tahu lah”

    “Mungkin juga.”

    The problem is obvious. So is the need to maintain the race column in umno gobermen’s forms. The problem still exist despite 50yrs of unprecedented growth. What a shame. But umno knows no shame. What they have is an oversize arrogance.

  16. #16 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 3:09 pm

    monsterballssgoh :
    ekompute….I get alot of my comments…under moderation.
    So I read and delete and change few words…all approved!!
    I am so used to comment with words that are actually no offensive….but LKS have other ideas….so I change some words..all OK.
    Do not be frustrated.

    Hi monsterballssgoh, thank you for your posts. If I have any idea what those words are, I would have exclude them, rather than waste my time writing and then waiting for it to be moderated, only to see it disappearing into thin air without knowing whether the decision is based on lapse of time or on actual moderation. I know LKS do not have the time to moderate, but at least get an assistant. The assistant (any DAP member… don’t tell me he can’t even find 3 or 4 volunteers within his party, taking turns to moderate; remember this is also a political blog, not merely a personal one) can then ask him if he is not sure, i.e. borderline case, but for those post that has been held for moderation merely because they are two links… I know that that is to prevent spamming but I think any fool can moderate such a post and then release it as early as possible.

    I think there must be a page with guidelines as to what is not allowable. At the moment, I know that curse words are not allowed (common practice everywhere) and that you cannot have more than one link per post. That is after some trial and error. Why can’t we have some transparency?

    And I also suspect that posts that speak favorably of BN are also not allowed. Do you believe that this world is black and white? Even the pak kua symbol has white in the black area, and black in the white area! So if one is going to paint BN as all black and PR as all white, I think that is going to insult everyone’s intelligence.

  17. #17 by Bigjoe on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 3:52 pm

    Speaking of common sense, everybody listen up..

    Rohaizat is turning out to be huge liability.. Its getting out of control for BN. Its a golden opportunity..

    If BN loses big in Permatang Pasir, it will fall on the shoulders of Muhiyiddin and Zahidi Hamid. Najib and Muhiyiddin are going to blame each other. Imagine if they fight.. UMNO will be done..

    Permatang Pasir suddenly has become the mother of all by-election. It could be the end for Najib, Muhiyiddin, UMNO and BN…

    No kidding…

  18. #18 by Thor on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 3:56 pm

    2 years more and still counting!
    Each day when I look at the calendar, I’ll be counting.
    Everyone in my family will be counting.
    Even my friend Hassan and Razali is counting.
    We’re all counting for the next GE to come and we can’t wait to “whack” the whole BN out.
    I’m sure lots of you out there sure share the same feelings as mine.
    Wanna see Najib cry!
    Wanna see Muhajideen cry!
    Wanna see all those bullies of the BN tremble with fear!
    That will be the day when most of us will celebrate.
    As for this merdeka, I’ll be staying put at home.
    Nothing to celebrate at all!
    Happy to see that not much people are flying flags on their cars these days.
    Just a sign to show that Najib’s admin is a loser.
    Just keep on dreaming BN cos it will really be the END!!!

  19. #19 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 4:24 pm

    The Star reports: “Rohaizat, a 38-year-old legal advisor, said he was surprised to have been chosen but was confident of wresting the Permatang Pasir state seat for Barisan.

    “The constituency may be a PAS stronghold but in politics nothing is impossible,” he said in PERMATANG PAUH.”

    Well said, Rohaizat! So are you also saying that we shall see a change of government in the 13th General Election? Hip-hip-huuraaaayyyyyyyy.

    Maybe we will let BN come back again in the 14th. But for the 13th General Election, let’s have a change so that PR can investigate and reveal all the syit that BN has been manufacturing all these 50-odd years and have all the prisons bursting at their seams, LOL.

  20. #20 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 4:26 pm

    The Star reports: “Rohaizat, a 38-year-old legal advisor, said he was surprised to have been chosen but was confident of wresting the Permatang Pasir state seat for Barisan.

    “The constituency may be a PAS stronghold but in politics nothing is impossible,” he said in PERMATANG PAUH.”

    Well said, Rohaizat! So are you also saying that we shall see a change of government in the 13th General Election? Hip-hip-huuraaaayyyyyyyy.

    Maybe we will let BN come back again in the 14th. But for the 13th General Election, let’s have a change so that PR can investigate and reveal all the syit that BN has been manufacturing all these 50-odd years and have all the prisons bursting at their seams, LOL.

    (P/S: Seems like this blog has a grudge against The Star. All posts with links to The Star disappears into thin air!)

  21. #21 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 4:41 pm

    Lest it be misunderstood that I merely commented about transparency and censorship here, I did write one too at I asked Mahathir why, even as he remains commited to no censorship in cyberspace and still champions it, he has to moderate every post?

    He mentioned in his article, HOW TO MUZZLE YOUR CRITIC: “Of course I don’t like to be criticised. Anyone who says he likes criticism must be a hypocrite.” So I posed the question back to him. Does moderating every post while advocating no censorship in cyberspace tantamount to hypocrisy?

    As a matter of fact, I also told him that criticism is something that every public figure must face. My, am I surprise that a man of his stature cannot take criticism, LOL. No wonder he is surrounded by yes men.

  22. #22 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 4:49 pm

    P/S: By the way, even as Mahathir said that he does not like criticism, he has approved for release many posts that are highly critical of him, e.g.

    “Tun, saya amat terkejut dengan komen Tun yang nampaknya kebelakangan ini pandai memutarbelitkan hal-hal penting. Paling terbaru mengenai hak asasi rakyat.”

    Would such a post be allowed here, I wonder. So while I am criticizing him, I still have some admiration for him in this respect. As I said before, there is no such thing as all black in this world, nor all white, and any attempt to paint this world in black and white must be a big deception.

  23. #23 by SpeakUp on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 5:14 pm

    Commonsense? No la … not in Malaysian politics. Why? Let’s see, I shall generalise it:

    BN politics – only sense that is common is Ringgit and Sen, Power and Control and this leads to corruption and waste of resources

    PR politicians – incompetent candidates fielded so you have incompetent people as ADUNs and MPs and we have seen the results of it. Started with defectors in Perak, then ADUNs and MPs who make stupid remarks or do stupid things and start to stir a lot of 5hit.

    PR component party leaders – incompetent illustrious leader and some component party head honchos and we see things like Hadi wanting to reconcile, we see DSAI promising so much that never happens etc.

    Malaysian politics is full of people without commonsense. They are not real statesmen. Period.

    Of course we have some good ones but they are lesser known. Media loves the noisy ones who make the most noise and get controversial.

    Finally, Malaysians in general have little commonsense. Like what PRK says, we got what we deserve. Look at us.

    If we as a nation have commonsense then we will not have so many who die on the roads daily (on average 15 people die), our streets will not be littered (just tell me which road in PJ is clean), our people will be more civil (no one cares to hold doors and they prefer to enter the lift before anyone goes out). Its a sad state of affairs but what can you say.

    Welcome to Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh!

    ps ekompute … my comments hardly get moderated la. Hmmmm … maybe you all are nottier than me!

  24. #24 by Thor on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 5:29 pm

    As for PR, please learn from your mistakes!
    Stop squabbling among yourselves as it sometimes makes us sick.
    You ain’t in power yet and there’re infighting every now and then.
    Actually, I don’t like politics but because of the bully tactics of the BN, I seem to favour you.
    I just hate bullies and liars after all!
    I just ought to remind you to be more careful as BN is using every dirty tactics to create chaos among you all.
    We can’t rely on god to help you cos we really can’t figure what actually god thinking at the moment.
    The only one to fight along with you are us, and we’re really dying for justice and democracy.
    So please behave and stop all those backstabbing.
    Sort out all those troublemakers and be weary of those spies that are planted by those Umnos.
    Nothing is impossible as long as we’re united.
    Umno can’t be united because greed for money and power are the thing that’ll destroy them.
    And if there’s a chance for you to be in power someday, please allocate more funds to build more jails so that we can squeeze all those “bastard” in.
    No need throwing them out from tall building after all.

  25. #25 by Leong Yook Kong on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 6:43 pm

    BN does not care about the people’s interest and welfare. Just look at how funds were disbursed to BN MPs and ADUNs and not to the Oppositions before 308 election. How the Federal Govt. squeezes the PR held states (Kelantan, Kedah, Selangor, Penang and Perak (from 308 until BN grapped power in February 2009) after 308 election? Why should the people in these PR held states make to suffer? Are these people considered to be “UNGRATEFUL”?

    Where is the oil royalty to Kelantan? Just because Kelantan is ruled by the PAS, the people of Kelantan have to endure the punishments and suffereings meted out by BN. They are being penalised by the Federal Govt. for turning their backs against BN.

  26. #26 by ekompute on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 8:41 pm

    SpeakUp :
    ps ekompute … my comments hardly get moderated la. Hmmmm … maybe you all are nottier than me!

    Truth be said, some posts are quite critical of BN and/or DAP, but no curse words. We talk based on reasoning and first principles. Mindless spewing of four letter words is not my cup of tea.

  27. #27 by Jaswant on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 9:32 pm

    The NEp has done irreparable harm to the Malays.

    It strips them of the dignity, respect they deserve. Today when you see a successful Malay be it in the field of business or in the academic field we say “Oh that’s because he is a bumiputra”.

  28. #28 by SpeakUp on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 - 11:29 pm

    Thor … can you call up LKS, Hadi and especially DSAI to say that to them every morning! Heheheehehheeee …

  29. #29 by frankyapp on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 2:15 am

    Hi Leong Yook Kong,you are absolutely correct and now most if not all voters know how bad and evil Umno/Bn are,comes the next general election,lets all vote this evil regime away once and for all. Heheheehehheeeeeee………………

  30. #30 by monsterballssgoh on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 2:34 am

    ekompute…All things been said….I think LKS is very open minded to all comments…be it for or against.
    He spoke to me..and said he knows I am protecting his blog…but asked me to tone down my words.
    I did….yet some were still under moderation..until I change the said words.
    For example..I wrote.”Drains in Subang Jaya have shit smell”….not approved.
    I change to…”Drains in Subang Jaya have foul smell”….APPROVED!!
    As you can see….such harmless expressions…also not approved.
    Bottom line…you need to master British way of speaking…and forget the Tin Can Alley ways from Americans..which does not mean…foul words are used.. at….”shit man….where have been so long?”…or “Damn it…I have been screwed”
    Yes….foul words should not be used…but limiting one to express himself with no words..yet considered foul…this..I have gone through many times.
    We are in his house…and we abide and respect his rules.
    But LKS does not stop any pro UMNO commentators to post..or even insulting him.
    All just left…after getting hordes of comments to shut their mouths.
    LKS fights and believe in transparency and democracy.
    Such a man can never stop anyone to speak up freely..unless you brand him a hypocrite.

  31. #31 by monsterballssgoh on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 2:36 am

    ekompute…All things been said….I think LKS is very open minded to all comments…be it for or against.
    He spoke to me..and said he knows I am protecting his blog…but asked me to tone down my words.
    I did….yet some were still under moderation..until I change the said words.
    For example..I wrote.”Drains in Subang Jaya have shit smell”….not approved.
    I change to…”Drains in Subang Jaya have foul smell”….APPROVED!!
    As you can see….such harmless expressions…also not approved.
    Bottom line…you need to master British way of speaking…and forget the Tin Can Alley ways from Americans..which does not mean…foul words are used.
    Yes….foul words should not be used…but limiting one to express himself with no words..yet considered foul…this..I have gone through many times.
    We are in his house…and we abide and respect his rules.
    But LKS does not stop any pro UMNO commentators to post..or even insulting him.
    All just left…after getting hordes of comments to shut their mouths.
    LKS fights and believe in transparency and democracy.
    Such a man can never stop anyone to speak up freely..unless you brand him a hypocrite.
    PS: I had to delete some examples…as not approved…and hope this will be approved.

  32. #32 by monsterballssgoh on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 2:37 am

    ekompute…All things been said….I think LKS is very open minded to all comments…be it for or against.
    He spoke to me..and said he knows I am protecting his blog…but asked me to tone down my words.
    I did….yet some were still under moderation..until I change the said words.
    For example..I wrote.”Drains in Subang Jaya have sh..t smell”….not approved.
    I change to…”Drains in Subang Jaya have foul smell”….APPROVED!!
    As you can see….such harmless expressions…also not approved.
    Bottom line…you need to master British way of speaking…and forget the Tin Can Alley ways from Americans..which does not mean…foul words are used.
    Yes….foul words should not be used…but limiting one to express himself with no words..yet considered foul…this..I have gone through many times.
    We are in his house…and we abide and respect his rules.
    But LKS does not stop any pro UMNO commentators to post..or even insulting him.
    All just left…after getting hordes of comments to shut their mouths.
    LKS fights and believe in transparency and democracy.
    Such a man can never stop anyone to speak up freely..unless you brand him a hypocrite.
    PS: I had to delete some examples…as not approved…and hope this will be approved.

  33. #33 by monsterballssgoh on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 2:41 am

    ekompute…The above is my third attempt…to get approval.
    Notice the word.”sh..t”…. not complete?
    Complete it…you get moderated.

  34. #34 by frankyapp on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 2:49 am

    Hi Speakup,talking about PR imcompetent Aduns and MPs,it’s a pity that some of these PR ybs have fallen but I think it’s not due to their imcompetency rather they were lured by temptation.Sometime,many capable people if not all,are carried away by temptation from the devil.The devil in this case (ybs flogging) was the iresistable Umno/Bn who offered 50 million ringgit each plus scott-free all corruption charges.In this material world,it’s pretty tough to find,especially in Malaysia,among the present core of politicians and even would be politicians,a kind of devil/money proof person/s to join in the arena of politic to serve the country.No matter who runs the government,corruption will stay on,the choice is between BN and PR and it’s up to us,the voters to choose the lessor of the evil and in the current political scenario BN is the much much evil one,hence you have my tip as to whom you may wish to vote in the 13 GE.

  35. #35 by frankyapp on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 2:52 am

    sorry I mean “frog or frogging”

  36. #36 by OrangRojak on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 2:53 am

    Hey monsterball – just a question about your comment. I notice after the builder did some renovations to my house here near PD that he extended the kitchen up to the rear perimeter of the plot, like many of the neighbours. I notice – like many of my neighbours – that the kitchen sink waste empties into the storm drain now. Before the renovation, the sink waste went into the foul drain. I see two of my neighbours have moved their downstairs toilets into the back corner of their renovation and now even the waste from the toilet empties into the storm drain! We all have our kitchen windows above that drain, so it can be a bit of a challenge knowing what dinner will taste like when preparing it next to the window!

    I know in England if you route foul waste to a surface water drain, a helicopter will appear in the sky and the Environment Agency will abseil down and blow your house up, but I guess the rules are more relaxed here? When I realised what the builder had done, I considered having the waste moved back to the foul drain, but I would have to dig up the floor of the house to do it!

    Just thought I’d offer my 10sen – you’re not the only one whose drain smells of siht.

  37. #37 by monsterballssgoh on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 3:07 am

    hahahahaha….I noticed you beat the formula with the word…”siht”!!
    Forget about advanced ways to clean drains and keep country clean.
    Even in backward Haadyai…you find most advanced huge vehicle cleaning the roads and 5am…automatically.
    I am tired to compare our country with backward neighbors…one by one…getting more advanced than Malaysia…because the government is much much more sincere than ours.
    Can you imagine farmers.. fishermen…taxi drivers..become ministers….getting elected to be law makers?

  38. #38 by monsterballssgoh on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 3:29 am

    ekompute…Renovations done are inspected by serious government staffs in the good old days…to see…no renovations are done..breaking health rules and laws.
    Nowadays…no such thing….especially to Muslim houses.
    Here in USJ Subang Jaya…you will find all sorts of renovations…and Muslims simply love to renovate with easy money ..fell from heaven.
    No joke…3 Muslims houses in USJ 2/4 are competing with each other for two renovations per year…and each renovation…takes more than one month..and these are terrace houses.
    Drive along the bangalows…almost all are owned by Malays….and mostly police officers..and when they throw a party.they will put out road blocks..with no considerations to others.
    This has gone on for years…but of late….seems to be more quiet…and few houses empty.
    But renovations are their favourites.
    You can see…easy come…easy go type of attitudes..with no fear…to be questioned..where money come from.
    No checking after renovations….and poor neighbors cannot complaint..nor say anything.
    My Malay rich neighbor cemented my corner lot outside land…to park his cars..without asking permission from me. I got mad and put huge pots of flowers outside…to beat his system!
    Thank God…house sold recently to a more considerate neighbor.

  39. #39 by ekompute on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 5:21 am

    monsterballssgoh :
    ekompute…The above is my third attempt…to get approval.
    Notice the word.”sh..t”…. not complete?
    Complete it…you get moderated.

    Hi monsterballssgoh, s.h.i.t. is not allowed in most forums. It is quite standard practice and that’s why I always give it the Malay spelling of syit, LOL.

    Actually, it is not good to write like that but somehow, there is no ohhmmm if you don’t write like that, hahaha. Anyway, my grouses is not related to that. As a matter of fact, my short comments which don’t require much thinking always get approved. It is those that I put in a lot more effort that get moderated and when I checked the next day, and the next… it is still not released and finally disappears.

    Anyway, I shouldn’t be complaining so much. After all, like what BN politicians say, “You don’t like, you get out of Malaysia laaaaa,” LOL.

  40. #40 by ekompute on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 5:34 am

    monsterballssgoh :
    LKS fights and believe in transparency and democracy.
    Such a man can never stop anyone to speak up freely..unless you brand him a hypocrite.

    There was one post that I did comment about DAP and it disappeared without me knowing the actually reason. It was not a hard attack, just a gentle comment because being Asian, I still believe that when you go to people’s house, you must not speak too bluntly. The same goes when I write in I tone down what I say to Mahathir, but when I repeat it here, I speak my mind bluntly.

    I don’t see why calling LKS a hypocrite should be censored. In my blog, I welcome such accusations because all I have to do is asked them to substantiate. And you know those people who call others names, they often talk without using their head… they use their heart, and when you ask them to substantiate, they can’t and just disappear. Or else, they spew more rubbish. And if it is rubbish, I still publish it to show the whole world what rubbish he is.

    If you did not miss one of my previous post, I did ask Mahathir whether he considers himself a hypocrite by moderating every post while at the same time championing no censorship in cyberspace. I don’t call him a hypocrite. I ask him whether he considers himself, given the contradiction I pointed out, LOL.

  41. #41 by SpeakUp on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 11:51 am

    frankyapp :
    Hi Speakup,talking about PR imcompetent Aduns and MPs,it’s a pity that some of these PR ybs have fallen but I think it’s not due to their imcompetency rather they were lured by temptation.Sometime,many capable people if not all,are carried away by temptation from the devil.The devil in this case (ybs flogging) was the iresistable Umno/Bn who offered 50 million ringgit each plus scott-free all corruption charges.In this material world,it’s pretty tough to find,especially in Malaysia,among the present core of politicians and even would be politicians,a kind of devil/money proof person/s to join in the arena of politic to serve the country.No matter who runs the government,corruption will stay on,the choice is between BN and PR and it’s up to us,the voters to choose the lessor of the evil and in the current political scenario BN is the much much evil one,hence you have my tip as to whom you may wish to vote in the 13 GE.

    Frankyapp … sorry la, I disagree to a certain degree. People like Johari … Wee … Nordin etc etc etc. They have not been bought. Just plain incompetent.

  42. #42 by ekompute on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 6:10 pm

    monsterballssgoh :
    LKS fights and believe in transparency and democracy.
    Such a man can never stop anyone to speak up freely..unless you brand him a hypocrite.

    Hi monsterballssgoh, why unless you brand him a hypocrite? Because he cannot defend himself if anyone says so? Well, if that is the case, LKS has something to learn from Richard Nixon who said: “People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook.” LOL

  43. #43 by ekompute on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 6:21 pm

    SpeakUp :

    frankyapp :
    Hi Speakup,talking about PR imcompetent Aduns and MPs,it’s a pity that some of these PR ybs have fallen but I think it’s not due to their imcompetency rather they were lured by temptation.Sometime,many capable people if not all,are carried away by temptation from the devil.The devil in this case (ybs flogging) was the iresistable Umno/Bn who offered 50 million ringgit each plus scott-free all corruption charges.In this material world,it’s pretty tough to find,especially in Malaysia,among the present core of politicians and even would be politicians,a kind of devil/money proof person/s to join in the arena of politic to serve the country.No matter who runs the government,corruption will stay on,the choice is between BN and PR and it’s up to us,the voters to choose the lessor of the evil and in the current political scenario BN is the much much evil one,hence you have my tip as to whom you may wish to vote in the 13 GE.

    Frankyapp … sorry la, I disagree to a certain degree. People like Johari … Wee … Nordin etc etc etc. They have not been bought. Just plain incompetent.

    Wahhh, RM50 million? That is a strong allegation but if it is true, I don’t think I can resist either. It’s more tempting than having a naked woman in front of you. I have resisted RM100,000 before but I don’t think I can resist RM50 million. Fortunately for all of you, I am not in politics.

    Never, never put oneself in a tempting position, otherwise all our principles will fly with the wind and we will be left rationalizing, rationalizing and rationalizing, even to ourselves. Is that why Tun Mahathir started By the way, Tun was a very idealistic man when he first became Prime Minister. ABC. Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah! And now? Cakap Besar Pecah Amanah! LOL. He fell to the devil too.

    (P/S: RM50 million is a believable figure because nowadays UMNO is playing high stakes by the billions, and millions to them is just pocket change.)

  44. #44 by ekompute on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 6:25 pm

    Now I can figure. If even an ordinary ADUN is worth RM50 million, what then murder is in this high stake game?

  45. #45 by SpeakUp on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 6:36 pm

    ekompute … I doubt its RM50M, its not worth it but its not RM500K for sure. I can tell you Toyo’s house is not RM24M but its not RM3M too la … same old coffeeshop rumours.

    You resisted RM100K? Hmmmm … I wonder if I will resist RM5M. I also know why you say RM50M is better than naked woman, with the RM50M it will be WOMEN! Hahahahahaaha …

  46. #46 by ekompute on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 8:00 pm

    SpeakUp :
    ekompute … I doubt its RM50M, its not worth it but its not RM500K for sure. I can tell you Toyo’s house is not RM24M but its not RM3M too la … same old coffeeshop rumours.
    You resisted RM100K? Hmmmm … I wonder if I will resist RM5M. I also know why you say RM50M is better than naked woman, with the RM50M it will be WOMEN! Hahahahahaaha …

    Hi SpeakUp, what you say makes a lot of sense. Things tend to get exaggerated. George Bernard Shaw was reputed to have told this story… I am recalling from memory, not exactly his words, but you will get the gist:

    “Will you sleep with me for one night if I pay you $1 million?” he asked a woman.

    “Well, yes,” the woman replied without hesitation.

    “How about half a million?”

    The woman hesitated and then replied, “Why not?”

    “How about $50?”

    The woman got angry and retorted, “What do you think I am?”

    To this, George Bernard Shaw answered coolly, “Well, I thought we have settled that. The question that now remains is just the price.”

  47. #47 by ekompute on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 8:17 pm

    SpeakUp :You resisted RM100K? Hmmmm … I wonder if I will resist RM5M. I also know why you say RM50M is better than naked woman, with the RM50M it will be WOMEN! Hahahahahaaha …

    RM100,000? Oh my, did I exaggerate?!!! Actually, it was RM88,000 to double-cross my company in one deal. And need I say what race or even dialect that offers me that amount?

    When I first started work, one of my suppliers offered to give me a monthly allowance that was almost twice my salary (construction industry, you know laaa…. corruption big time!). And I thought that I was Mr Clean.

    I even believe that RM5 million will not move me. But RM50 million??? Well, that guy must be silly to pay me 5 times my price, LOL. I will quickly let go of ALL my principles if they pay me only RM10 million. I will even say “wow-wow” if they ask me to bark.

    So now you know why Anwar fail to get any BN ADUNs to cross over. Not enough money power to fight with people. He thinks he is still in BN, LOL. That strategy can only work for BN, not when you are outside. When you are outside, your only weapon is to talk about principles, kekekeke…. oppphsss, sorry, that was my toes laughing, old toes making a lot of creaking sound.

  48. #48 by ekompute on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 8:40 pm

    A beautiful quote from Bob Marley: “Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold…”

    I hope all of you guys follow that priceless advice. Give me the silver and gold, and I will gladly give you all the wisdom I have (that is, if I have any) without hesitation, LOL.

  49. #49 by SpeakUp on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 11:03 pm

    ekompute … the honest never get rich. I had opportunities to make money, I never bothered to. So am financially an average person only.

    Let’s not bother to talk so much about DSAI, how can you trust someone like him? When he was at the opening of the Penang UMNO building he pledged his allegiance to DrM, all that time he prepared a crony list of DrM but it was DrM that released DSAI’s crony list. So we wanna trust that same man? Hahahahaahahahaa …

  50. #50 by ekompute on Thursday, 20 August 2009 - 11:58 pm

    SpeakUp :
    ekompute … the honest never get rich. I had opportunities to make money, I never bothered to. So am financially an average person only.

    “An average person”, and some more “only”? Average enough laaa. Me, I am poorer than a church mouse. And to add insult to injury, my ex-boss calls me “Straight Intestine”, LOL. He says “straight until intestine also straight”. I supposed the synonym for that nick is “damned b.l.o.o.d.y stupid”, LOL. Lest it be mistaken, we have great mutual respect for each other. I have the highest respect for him. He has shown me that one can also become rich through hardwork and a high level of honesty and integrity.

  51. #51 by SpeakUp on Friday, 21 August 2009 - 12:37 am

    ekompute … dang, looks like we both are not hardworking! Hence, the last of finances!!! Hahahahaa …

  52. #52 by frankyapp on Saturday, 22 August 2009 - 2:40 am

    Well.ekompute and Speakup,get near someone who is pretty closed to V.Tan and you know I’m not exaggerating the figure of 50 million ringgit each especially the three ungrateful frogs of Perak.Well not all Aduns would be paid that much,it’s all depend on the situation and circumstances.Who’s talking about Umno’s money,the real money comes from top corporate leaders who get huge government contacts worth billions of ringgit through negotiation only.In return as an appreciation,these guys help Umno/bn to pay off such money to such people like the three frogs I just mentioned and for other Umno/Bn activities. Hence it’s your money or our money which paid to all these greedy and ungrateful people.

  53. #53 by frankyapp on Saturday, 22 August 2009 - 7:36 am

    Hence guys if you are like those self-centred Umnoputras,you just spend money extravaggantly as its other people money but when it’s their own hard earned ones,you find these guys fingers hardly able to reach their back pocket.Hi did you guys ever heard,an ex-cm in the early 70s in a nite club in KK simply offer RM one million to a singer for a song ? Hence what’s million worths nowadays ? To those big bosses,Rm50 million is nothing.One huge project from TAIKO ,these boss/es would reap easily a profit of 700 million. Just calculate 3-6 projects of this kind,how much these “towkeys” would gain in return for some 100 millions donation.It’s a kind of goliath money gain and david money spent. Who doesn’t want that !

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