Public banned from Parliament on Monday – ridiculous & outrageous!

Ridiculous! Outrageous!

This is my immediate reaction to news report of a directive by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz banning members of the public from Parliament on Monday purportedly to thwart a demonstration to be organised by the Opposition over the Standing Order 18 motion by Parliamentary Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Wan Azizah on no confidence in the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

How can the public be banned from Parliament when the public gallery is an integral part of parliamentary process to ensure that it remains open, accountable, transparent and democratic?

If Parliament is to conduct its proceedings in “closed session”, there must be strong security justification – and not just on the pretext of a rumour of an Opposition demonstration in Parliament building on Monday.

For the record, this is the first time that I have heard of such a rumour!

Even if Parliament is to take extraordinary security measures in the parliamentary precints, it must be decided by Parliament itself and not by the Executive – unless Parliament is nothing more than a mini government department.

A House Committee of MPs from both sides of the House has been set up tasked with responsibility over parliamentary facilities and questions like whether extraordinary security measures should be taken as to deny the public free and easy access to Parliament should come directly under its purview and jurisdiction.

I understand that police has issued a national alert cancelling all leave as if expecting grave national security threat stemming from Parliament on Monday.

Is somebody trying to create a situation to justify extraordinary and even emergency measures?

  1. #1 by mendela on Saturday, 12 July 2008 - 11:13 pm

    Taxi Nazri is mamuk!
    May be a paranoid!

  2. #2 by alwaysfair on Saturday, 12 July 2008 - 11:26 pm

    It is s typical BN response when it is not to their advantage, to cover-up, this has been their M.O. since time immemorial.

    Some even go to to the extreme not only to cover-up but OBLITERATE!!!

    The way they behave like secret society instead of public servants responsible to the public. They treat the Parliment like they got the title-deed to the place and others are just guests.

    Typical response of a corrupted 3rd class pseudo-democracy at work.

    It is any wonder the rakyat turn to blogs etc to know the truth???

  3. #3 by katdog on Saturday, 12 July 2008 - 11:39 pm

    Looks like the UMNO goons are trying to stir up trouble.

    Already there have been hints of possible use of military to ‘calm’ the rising tensions and growing unhappiness in the country.

  4. #4 by Rocky on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 12:04 am

    what are they going to do…throw all PR guys into ISA and make sure there is no public around.

    this gomen is running scared la..another rumour like the ink saga.

    gomen run by Pak Lah is a joke.

  5. #5 by darcwil on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 12:11 am

    Maybe the whole point is to not hold a demo in the first place? Come on, I feel it is at least ethical and respectful enough to uphold the Parliament house, and to hold a demo? Is that really the best method to convey a point?

  6. #6 by musyu99 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 12:35 am

    Uncle Kit,
    Saya terkejut juga membaca melalui Malaysiakini Nazri beritahu akan halang orang ramai dari memasuki Parlimen pada hari Isnin ini kerana khuatir akan ada demonstrasi besar-besaran oleh pihak pembangkang.

    Pelik juga kerana tiada pula saya mendengar khabar angin sebegini sehingga kenyataan dibuat oleh Nazri. Pada pandangan saya, sebenarnya UMNO/BN sudah mulai rasa goyah dengan kedudukan mereka dalam politik negara. Mereka sedar betapa BN tidak lagi relevan dalam pemerintahan negara. Kemenangan tipis yang mereka perolehi semasa PRU12 jelas memberi impak negatif kepada kedudukan mereka.

    Sebenarnya UMNO/BN sudah mulai rasa takut yang amat sangat dengan bayang-bayang mereka sendiri. Saya percaya jika benar ada demonstrasi pada hari Isnin ini bagi menyokong usul undi tidak percaya kepada PM, bukan sahaja yang menyertainya datang dari kumpulan pembangkang. Malah yang akan hadir kelak adalah lebih kepada ahli-ahli UMNO sendiri dan lain ahli dari komponen BN serta lebih ramai lagi rakyat yang tidak berparti akan turut serta dalam demonstrasi ini bagi memastikan Pak Lah dilucutkan jawatan PM.

    Saya rasa ini sebenarnya info yang diterima oleh Nazri dan UMNO/BN. Tetapi untuk mengelak dari menunjukkan malu serta kelemahan diri sendiri, mereka membuat tuduhan kononnya dari pihak pembangkang. Hakikat sebenarnya, ramai ahli UMNO dan lain ahli komponen BN sendiri mahu Pak Lah letak jawatan.

    Lagi pun kita mungkin menjangka Speaker akan menolak usul ini dengan berbagai alasan. Tetapi kita rakyat bukan lagi bodoh dan diperbodohkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin BN yang lemah. Kami terasa amat muak sekali dengan kepimpinan Pak Lah dan sidang kabinetnya yang kaki ampu.

  7. #7 by The Enforcer on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 12:39 am

    What a joke these GOONS are up to.
    Anyway, uncle Lim, please ensure the PR MP’s have all the necessary recording devices ready so that we can be updated thru the blog. Can’t count on the media.
    Thanks uncle Lim.

  8. #8 by cemerlang on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 12:49 am

    May be all this while, Barisan Nasional has been playing big brother and so does not know what democracy is all about. That day when Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop failed to give decisive answers to Ms Fong Po Kuan, I wonder what these politicians in power are doing all this time. The funny thing is if they need answers, they can get it as quick as lightning. But if the people ask for answers, they will either take their sweet time or not answer at all. Have they been chair warming in their offices all this time ?

  9. #9 by wanderer on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 12:50 am

    Every piece of material for the building, including your salary Nazri comes from the tax payers. This is the people’s parliament and why should we, the rakyats be deprived to attend the Monday session.
    Is there a security risk that we don’t know, then, reveal it to justify
    your action!

  10. #10 by yhsiew on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 1:05 am

    UMNO has made Malaysia Parliament a laughing stock in the eyes of the world community!

  11. #11 by yhsiew on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 1:18 am

    It is bad that this bunch of goons continue to tarnish the democratic image of the country.

  12. #12 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 2:08 am

    In the U.S. the Capitol Building houses the Chambers of the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as the offices of the congressional leadership. Access to the galleries from which visitors to the Capitol may watch the proceedings of the House and the Senate when Congress is in session is on the third floor. This access from where visitors could watch proceedings is never restricted or blocked.

    I was there as a tourist from Malaysia once to gawk (no cameras allowed) at the empty chambers. It was August when legislators take their summer break and leave Washington D.C. to return to their homes.

    We cannot claim to be a democracy if we deny access to visitors who should be free to watch what are public proceedings.

    The fact that the symbolism appears to have been lost on a BN government already in its death throes should not surprise us.

  13. #13 by dawsheng on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 5:58 am

    It is only a rumour.

  14. #14 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 6:05 am

    So much is changing in my home country. I hate the thought that I’m already missing a piece of history. Go Pakatan! Bring down the corrupt BN government and teach them what the power of a single vote could do!!

  15. #15 by lopez on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 6:53 am

    Arrogant legalist at play
    Forgotten what came first, the people or the gomen
    Suggest Najis2 go read history books to get background of how democracy process got started
    But he has to bit his tongue while reading them becos there is no other sources from his type.

    Some arrogant regime rule for thousand of years, but then those ancient city states and thier population were nearly entirely illiterate and only the superstitious and violent crooks rule of course in harmony with the greedy clergy.

    the bee end gomen is bluffing boilhland in that sad phase and ironically in the millennium.
    Hey but democracy is all about quorum, so where are those majority who empowered them….you look back now and nobody is around any more , just hollow grams.
    It is called wakening from 50 years of forced sleeping.

    People who can just speak and kick the very core element of a democractic process is really not fit to be in that position, all this while he could be having an earphone by his ear when the farcelimen is in session.

    Welcome to boilhland democracy reinvented

  16. #16 by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 7:36 am

    YB LKS, as you’ve rightly said, Parliament is independent of the Executie. So Nazri, the great mocker and court jester, is showing how totalitarian his attitudes can be by imposing such a ruling! He isn’t even the Speaker, just a parliamentary office boy and usher for UMNO.

    Besides, Parliamen ic constitued by reps from the public. The pulic must be free to see if their reps are doing their job. Such fetters coming willy nilly only shows our Parliament in chains! Indeed, I have no reason to imagine otherwise; the Malaysian Parlianent is in chains and unequally yoked.

    Anwar, stop play-acting. Take those 30 MPs or whatever number and take over the country! The longer you wait, the lesser will be the credibility. Even if it isn’t enough to change the govrnment, let those MPs show their sincerity and integrity by changing their coats now and not wear the dirty linen of Barisan Nasional.

  17. #17 by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 7:38 am

    Sorry: should read as :
    “Besides, Parliament is constituted by representatives from the public. The public must be free to see if their reps are doing their job and observe them in action”

  18. #18 by yhsiew on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 8:13 am

    Malaysia is no better than Myanmar which is governed by a repressive and secretive regime.

  19. #19 by Godfather on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 8:28 am

    This is more than just a repressive and secretive regime. This is a regime that is so incompetent that it is out of control. Nazri says one thing, Zaid says another, Tiong says one thing, Badawi says another.

    This is like a ship that has sprout leaks everywhere, and the crew is trying its best to plug the leaks. No co-ordination, not central command, just run helter skelter.

    Learn to live with it. We will have another 2 years of little Napoleons, big Napoleons, and a sleeping Napoleon.

  20. #20 by Godfather on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 8:29 am

    sorry, “…no central command…”

  21. #21 by yhsiew on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 9:33 am

    Police is to quiz Anwar on sodomy claim this Monday.

    There is a chance that police may detain Anwar – I guess that is also to stop him from leading the gathering which will be held near the Parliament this Monday noon.

    Anwar said even if he would be in jail again, the opposition’s agenda must prevail.

  22. #22 by fido on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 9:36 am

    We need to go back to the basic fundamental question……who does the parliment represent and who does it belongs to?

  23. #23 by lopez on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:01 am

    Thats full marks, back to the fundamental question

    It is elementary, it the ABC, it is the BASICs of all Basic, and what is this…we do have a serious problem…… another clown ….he better speak for himself…..

    hey hello dooooom goons days are sunsetting.

    ship out sorry no grace…50 years is too long

  24. #24 by patriotic1994 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:13 am

    Might as well setup Road Block every Sunday everywhere in Klang Valley!

  25. #25 by ShiokGuy on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:41 am

    DSAI said Unrest of the Rakyat will bring down the BN government

    Hence I am not surprise that the BN government quickly uses this excuse to banned civil liberty. So why are we keep giving the BN government the excuses? Why can’t we just do it silently and take over? Am I too naive to say the above?

    Unless we have nothing in the pocket, like in the poker games. When we know we have nothing to bluff anymore, 2 ways out, close the card and accept defeat or create a scene so the games does not need to continue.

    Please don’t use us!

    Shiok Guy

  26. #26 by James on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:55 am

    The latest shameful development on the conduct of Parliament shows clearly the desperation of the BN mob of brainless nincompoops. The powers that be is testing the waters to gauge if they can further progress to suspending Parliament & declaring martial law, in other words, to preserve their power in running a most corrupt & highly profitable business in grabbing ALL the riches of the country.

    PR representatives must act with haste to stop these desperadoes from executing their evil programs NOW.

  27. #27 by Jeffrey on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 11:12 am

    A rumour of demonstration to be held within or outside the parliament compound is an excuse. Demonstration outside parliament may be dealt with by FRUs and security forces outside – and the Opposition can also dismiss the rumour by a confirmation to the contrary – and it is odd to think it has nothing to do with the members of public inside in which seating capacity is, in any case, only for 100 people.

    Should Opposition motion be accepted, it is likely to be debated on Monday, and the real reason to exclude the public might well be that they don’t want to public to hear the debate and reasons (read dirty linen) on why such a motion of no confidence is moved.

    This in turn may suggest that the Speaker may be given the ‘Ok’ to allow the motion for 1 hour debate.

    If so the government’s motive is to silence the Opposition and undermine DSAI’s credibility once and for all that the Opposition could at this moment in time secure sufficient defections and cross ocvers to carry the motion by majority for all the big talk of taking over in September.

    If DSAI were “bluffing” on the defections stitched, then he must be gambling on the switch from those within BN camp immediately dissatisfied with the 18 month long transition pact between AB & Najib.

    AAB’s detractors such as supporters of Mukhriz, TDM and Tengku Li will be in a dilemma as to whether to toe the party line and vote against the motion, to vote for the motion or to abstain. DSAI is counting on abstentions as well to help.

    Logically and following party convention the unhappiness with AAB no matter how strong, ought not translate to a vote for or an abstention in favour of an Opposition’s motion of such nature, and on the balance of probabilities, the detractors are expected to oppose the Opposition’s motion.

    There is then a strong chance the BN will view it a DSAI’s bluff and call it by allowing such a motion just to prove that he is bluffing all along. However they cannot be 10% sure, so police has been put on a national alert cancelling all leave just in case of whatever eventuality.

    In the first place is the Opposition (PKR in particular) organising a demonstration outside the Parliament against a possible rejection by the Speaker of the motion or a victory celebration just in case the motion were allowed and carried for Nazri to be able to use untoward incidents, security of parliament compound and safety of MPs as an excuse to bar the public? Has the Opposition dismissed the rumour of demonstration?

  28. #28 by cheng on on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 11:32 am

    First, they ban the journalists,
    Now, they ban the public,
    Next, Will they ban all the Pakatan MP?? What kind of parliamen??

  29. #29 by procol on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 11:43 am

    Sorry to divert a little. This statement was reported in the Star today.

    “PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has confidence that Malaysians can help Barisan Nasional win big in the next general election similar to the 2004 historical victory….
    He suggested that if Malaysians could change their attitude, repeating the historical 2004 general election results was possible.”

    Has he lost touch on the purpose and spirit of election? That the party who can better govern the nation should lead? It is clear that he is focused on “winning big” instead of on how to improve. The second part made me sick. Since when are we to be blamed for the huge defeat. So BN suffered unprecedented loss and it’s because of “our attitude” in voting? In essence if I voted for P.R., I have an attitude problem. U change ur attitude when something’s wrong with it and if we, as Malaysians are asked to change our attitude it means Malaysians have attitude problem. Since when “attitude of citizens” became the determining factor in an election and not the performance of the party?

  30. #30 by ktteokt on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 11:50 am

    Democracy? What democracy? Not in Malaysia! BN practises GUIDED DEMOCRACY which translates into “democracy of choice” at their pleasure!

  31. #31 by limkamput on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 12:12 pm

    Parliament is a separate branch of a government. Can a member of the Executive branch, in this case the Minister in the Prime Minister dept unilaterally decide on the access to the Parliament. I thought the President of the US can NOT go to the Capitol Hill uninvited. But I guess that is the difference between a third world country and a democracy.

    On second thought, may I know what is the purpose of the proposed no confidence motion on Monday? Is it just to create anxiety and uncertainty? What is the game plan? Why doing this knowing PK could not achieve much of the difference? Why not wait, think through, and deliver a blow out punch . PK is only creating disillusionment on one hand, and sharpening the resolve of BN on the other.

  32. #32 by citizenwatch on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 12:23 pm

    There’s certainly something cooking with BN/UMNO. Read or watch mainstram media there seems to be more misinformation, discredit of PR and more apple polishing and making BN govt and UMNO leaders smelling sweet. It’s just like general election is around the corner.

  33. #33 by isahbiazhar on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 1:59 pm

    It looks like the government is very cautious.We have to accept peaceful protest in order to see the working of Democracy.If they cancel the leaves of the police it means trouble.The government is not educating the public but frightening them.What is the purpose? The police and the army going to rule us soon? We have to wait till 1010.

  34. #34 by taikohtai on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 2:27 pm

    It’s obviously the last hurrah for BN to ‘flex’ a bit of whatever power they have. It’s akin to the jaga kereta guy who directs traffic at the parking compound. Boy, does he show off his authority!
    BN is in its death throes. There will be more ridiculous side shows but that’s exactly what they are. They shall count for nought when the real gomen steps in. GO PAKATAN RAKYAT!

  35. #35 by Jeffrey on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 3:45 pm

    In respect of the ‘rumour’ of an Opposition demonstration in Parliament building on Monday, YB Kit said, “for the record, this is the first time that I have heard of such a rumour!”

    However Tian Chua, PKR’s information chief admitted, “we just called our supporters to witness the debate, but authorities think it will be a mass gathering” – Malaysiakini’s report Jul 13, 08 2:30pm.

    Kit asks, “how can the public be banned from Parliament when the public gallery is an integral part of parliamentary process to ensure that it remains open, accountable, transparent and democratic?”
    The seating capacity of public gallery is only for 100 people – which can easily be all filled up by PKR supporters.

    In the first place does not the public gallery refer impliedly to gallery for press and public observers who are “non partisan”????

    In reference to the other point raised by Kit – “even if Parliament is to take extraordinary security measures in the parliamentary precincts, it must be decided by Parliament itself and not by the Executive – unless Parliament is nothing more than a mini government department” – it must be recollected that the motion of no confidence will be moved this Monday so where has Parliament or its standing committee time to sit to decide on this ???

    The Speaker himself is bracing on how to decide on this motion of no confidence in Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Monday. Has Speaker the time to look into and handle this part of proceedings on public gallery being filled by Opposition supporters?

    Under the circumstances and under pressure of time isn’t Nazri Aziz, the minister in PM’s Dept in charge of Parliament the right person to decide on matters of security?

    If you don’t want the govt to stop the public from accessing the public gallery, then PKR should not turn the public gallery to a PKR gallery by calling on its supporters to go to Parliament to support Datuk Seri Wan Azizah’s moving the motion – which conjures in the mind of the authorities that they might also heckle, boo and jeer if the Speaker decides against allowing the motion!

    In a sensitive session of a debate on no confidence motion on the PM/government is it right for PKR to call its supporters to fill up the public gallery? What happens if the BN also does that giving 99% of the seats to its own supporters, and what happens if Opposition suporters protest and a ruckus ensues within?

  36. #36 by sickandtired on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 3:45 pm

    A friend of mine just came back from London. He just went there for a week negotiating a loan and he told after he came back that Malaysia goverment and parliment are laughing stock. They certainly look down on all Malaysian because of all these shits going on. Our DPM link to a murder of a Mongolia girl, DSAI has been framed of sodomy the second time, yet our gomen denied to have anything to do with it.

  37. #37 by badak on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 3:50 pm

    Read tuesday Main STREAM MEDIA.Najib said ” Another plan by PR failed.The RAKYAT had lost confidence in PR.””
    Anyway what is happening now is the same thing that happened just before Tun Dr M launch OPERATION LALANG in the early 80s.

    My adviced to PR leaders instead of tabling a no confidence vote on Monday,Most RAKYAT if not all will be more then happy if PR MP,s will table a motion that “” BARRED MPs from swiching parties””.If MPs wants to switch parties they must first give up their up their seats and have a by election.

    To be fair to every one ..Malaysian voters normally vote for a party and not the candidate.If Malaysian voted base on candidate,Most YBs on both sides of the devide will be jobless.I can name elected representatives on both sides who are not fit to be YBs…

  38. #38 by The Enforcer on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 4:14 pm

    Hei patriotic 1994, you got your wish come true – setting up road blocks every Sunday.
    Was out this morning and already the road blocks started already. Also heard from the news that a couple of roads around Parliament will be closed tomorrow morning from 7am.
    Well RAKYAT, the GOONS are now making our working life even more miserable.

  39. #39 by alancheah on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 5:04 pm

    Sad Case.

  40. #40 by dapsupporter8888 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 5:38 pm

    You know, I normally don’t read the govt newspapers anymore these days, but this morning, being a Sunday morning, I relaxed a bit and thought I’ll just browse through The Star.

    What I read on page N4 nearly choked me to death!! Noticed the 2 articles on the page entitled :

    (1) PM : We do what we have to do
    (2) Barisan can win big in next polls, says Pak Lah

    OMG, this PM of ours seems to be still living in his own world, denying reality and he obviously still haven’t woken up from his sweet dreams, lest from his sleep!!!

    The things that he said in those 2 articles I mentioned above really got me laughing deep down in my heart! One of the thing I noticed is that he gives very general statements about hiking the fuel prices “for the benefit of the people”. But what he has failed to elaborate is HOW the fuel price hike benefits the people!! I don’t see any benefits to it except benefiting UMNO’s and Pak Lah’s own pocket!! Our economy is in doldrums thanks to Barisan!!!

    And for the fact he says that Barisan can win big in the next election is really the biggest joke of the century. He asked us, Malaysians to change our attitude so that repeating the 2004 victory is possible!! WHAT NONSENSE IS THIS?? Sudah nyanyuk kah?? Why should we change our attitude? Why? Why not Barisan change their attitude??? There is NOTHING absolutely wrong with our attititude but there is something very wrong with his & Barisans!!!

    If Anwar can’t take over the helm of the PM and help make this country a better place to live this round, let us ALL rakyat ensure that PR can form the next federal govt in GE13!! Let us all stay united and vote BN out of Putrajaya!!!

  41. #41 by StevePCH on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 5:44 pm

    next time , they might just ban Opposition MPs from entering Parliament when they were to vote for the no confidence on Pak Lah’s leadership. ….. democracy … it’s here but alive but abused

  42. #42 by yhsiew on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 6:01 pm

    Sorry to digress.

    themalaysianinsider: “Minutes after the succession plan was announced on Thursday, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak swore on the name of Allah that he was not connected to the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case……The line went down well with the delegates in the Putra World Centre, who responded with robust applause……”

    Since Najis said he is innocent, the police should take action against RPK and Bala for slandering – why wait any longer?

  43. #43 by Loyal Malaysian on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 8:14 pm

    What else is new? The Police is just an extension of the institution of the UMNOputras.
    Perhaps it is not just the no confidence motion which BN can easily defeat!
    Maybe it is to prepare the intimidation atmosphere as they clip Anwar’s wings and put him back into a cell!!!

  44. #44 by pkrisnin on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 8:19 pm

    I suspect BN will use the Speaker to find a stupid reason to stop the motion if they are unsure of their chances

  45. #45 by winterman05 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 8:20 pm

    1. What is Parliament for ?

    2. Is it a PEOPLE’s Parliament ?

    3. WHY could not the PEOPLE ( VOTERS) see how their MPS conduct themselves?

    4. WHO gave the order to close the building to the PEOPLE who voted in the very MPs?

    5. Is this the procedure when the BN is about to be in the spotlight and the PM is to be questioned about his PERFORMANCE or NON-performance ?

    6. Is this bar ( against the PEOPLE) seen in any Parliament where democracy is being practised ?

    7. Is there a SECURITY risk if the PEOPLE gather in the grounds of Parliament building?

    8. WHY is the BN Government SCARED of the PEOPLE ?

    9. What is wrong with the Minister in charge of Parliament ?

    10. Is the BN SCARED that it will be toppled ?

    Could any one answer my 10 questions ?

    S.H. Huang

  46. #46 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 8:43 pm

    “A friend of mine just came back from London….They certainly look down on all Malaysian because of all these shits going on. Our DPM link to a murder of a Mongolia girl, DSAI has been framed of sodomy …”

    It is hard not to share your sentiment?

    You can’t blame them as scandals such as these in their country would have brought their government down a long time ago. It did so in the 60s.

    A man in the position of our deputy PM would have been forced to resign not by the opposition but by his own boss ( as deputy to the Prime Minister, he holds his post not at the pleasure of his Majesty the King but that of his boss. I believe our constitution makes no mention of the post of deputy Prime Minister). The problems of his deputy would be such a serious distraction to the business of governing, that it interferes with their own duties as elected representatives. Of course, he need not resign his position as a Member of Parliament. He would have to face his constituents at the next elections.

    Have you ever looked at pre-War photos of Anglophiles dressed in three piece suits with hats and all walking in the hot sun down Mountbatten Road where Robinson used to be? How awkward looking they were? The ‘Orang Putih’ taught them how to dress the way they themselves would in their weather. I guess we have not come far enough from those days. We still have problems dressing up!

  47. #47 by limkamput on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 8:43 pm

    I think Kevin Ruud, the Australian PM should be whipped 20 times for talking nonsense.

  48. #48 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 8:48 pm

    “A friend of mine just came back from London….They certainly look down on all Malaysians…. Our DPM link to a murder of a Mongolia girl, DSAI has been framed of sodomy …”

    You can’t blame them as scandals such as these in their country would have brought their government down a long time ago.

    A man in the position of our deputy PM would have been forced to resign not by the opposition but by his own boss ( as deputy to the Prime Minister, he holds his post not at the pleasure of his Majesty the King but that of his boss. I believe our constitution makes no mention of the post of deputy Prime Minister). The problems of his deputy would be such a serious distraction to the business of governing, that it interferes with the Cabinet members’ own duties as elected representatives.

    Have you ever looked at pre-War photos of Anglophiles dressed in three piece suits with hats and all walking in the hot sun down Mountbatten Road where Robinson used to be? How awkward looking they were? The ‘Orang Putih’ taught them how to dress the way they themselves would in their weather. I guess we have not come far enough from those days. We still have problems dressing up!

  49. #49 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 9:02 pm

    “I thought the President of the US can NOT go to the Capitol Hill uninvited” limkamput

    That is correct.

    The President is not permitted not only to address Congress but also not allowed to enter the House Chamber without the explicit permission of Congress. Even for his State of the Union address called for under the U.S. Constitution, the President of the United States as head of the executive branch has to be ‘formally invited’.

    In the U.K. no member of the Royal Family, nor any unelected members of the aristocracy can enter the House of Commons without the specific invite of the members of the House of Commons. Heard of the Black Rod??

  50. #50 by ALtPJK on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 9:30 pm

    //The problems of his deputy would be such a serious distraction to the business of governing, that it interferes with the Cabinet members’ own duties as elected representatives.// – undergrad2

    Have they been governing since 8308?? I doubt very much; practically every minute of their waking hour they are scratching their heads till bald thinking hard on how to keep afloat. If previously, many people thought that AAB had always switched on autopilot, they’d better realise that now the whole executive is desperately trying to open their bullet ridden parachutes.

    //I guess we have not come far enough from those days. We still have problems dressing up!.//

    They are just incomparable to the likes of our southerly most noted senior neighbour who was often regarded as ‘an Englishman who happened to be born there’. No wonder we see such yawning gaps in practically all aspects progressive human endeavour.

  51. #51 by ALtPJK on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 9:34 pm

    There isn’t anything inflammatory nor degrading….I wonder why the awaiting moderation!!

  52. #52 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 9:40 pm


    Try cutting it down and avoid any quote or mention of key words like you know what!

  53. #53 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 9:42 pm

    Software used is far from perfect and needs looking into by the host!

  54. #54 by badak on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 9:47 pm

    On the 8 PM TV3 news.It was said, that there is nothing in black and white on the special privileges of the Malay.But no one must question Malay rights for this is what holding the nation together.

    But in the 50 years of the UMNO led BN goverment rule ,We as a small but growing nation has seen NON Malays rights being pushed aside.When ever NON Malays bring up any issues base on race and religion ,This bunch of UMNO leaders will quote the famous phrase. “” VERY SENSITIVE WILL CAUSE UNREST “” Sensitive to who .The MALAYS in general or just UMNO.
    If the UMNO led BN goverment don,t want to discuss in public,then do it behind close doors.

    What UMNO is doing is not helping the Malays at all. But in fact causing them more harm then good.How long must UMNO spoon feed the Malays,another 50 years.

    By the way not all Malays are lazy,There are some very hard working Malays who had come up on their own without UMNO,s help at all.

  55. #55 by ALtPJK on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 9:53 pm

    undergrad2, thanks for the tip.
    Not to worry, the comments will eventually appear with or without some words.

  56. #56 by aiD_kamikuP on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:05 pm

    “I think Kevin Ruud, the Australian PM should be whipped 20 times for talking nonsense.”

    If Kev was Ruud (rude….I take it as what you meant) then may be 1 stroke might suffice. But Kevin Rudd surely doesn’t deserve 20 for whatever reason you think that was not right. Kev is playing it safe for the time being, as advised by his advisors. He can sure feature more prominently once the mess shows some semblance of clearing up.

  57. #57 by highhand on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:10 pm

    the police now get a court order again to prevent the public to get within 5km from parliment. together with the act of blocking roads and plastering prohibitive posters, these desperate measures are no more than actions to curtail civil liberties.

    i wonder why no civic minded leaders would lodge a police report to counter such insulting court order.

    why the home ministry is so afraid of the rakyat and their free will?

    we are not traitors, the real traitors are those in the immigration department who sold off our country to china dolls, indonesia, bangladesh illegals workers.

    may i suggest the home minister to resign to take full responsibility for such treacherous act

  58. #58 by ALtPJK on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:13 pm

    Our august chamber is “feared” to be “threatened” by protestors creating a ruckus……my oh my! Where is this leading to?
    Is it any wonder the country is being perceived as fast descending the downward spiral ala Zimbabwe?

  59. #59 by General Maximus Decimus Meridius on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:19 pm

    remember 20 June 1792, the France’s Third Estate Tennis Court Oath. remember the date, remember the history…

  60. #60 by General Maximus Decimus Meridius on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:20 pm

    We swear never to separate ourselves from the National Assembly, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the realm is drawn up and fixed upon solid foundations.

  61. #61 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:27 pm


    Are you a student of French constitutional history? Just curious. I have to know U.S. Constitutional history to pass a public exam I’m sitting for. Tough for a foreign student to master.

  62. #62 by General Maximus Decimus Meridius on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:29 pm

    nope. just a student of political science.

  63. #63 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:30 pm


  64. #64 by cheng on on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 10:49 pm

    Got caught in a traffic jam from Tesco , Jln Cheras to town around 5.30pm, the st.p.d police set up road block!
    where got any democratic govt ban public from Parliament??ridiculous!! Now st.p.d court give police to arrest anyone within 5 km from Parliament, so are they going to seal all roads within 5km??Might as well impose a curfew!

  65. #65 by pakpandil on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 11:05 pm

    Good luck to those going to KL for work on Monday morning. When you are caught in the jam, please remember that it is caused by BN government. The new goverment under Pakatan Rakyat will not bloc the road…..

  66. #66 by badak on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 11:07 pm

    HAHAHA.. Asking our UMNO leaders to resign ,Highhand thanks for making me laugh.Yes this guys are brought to court,Case will take 15 years to settle.End of the day weather they go to prison is another thing.
    They will be out on bail enjoying their ill gotten wealth.Yes the courts will freeze their accounts,If they are guilty do you thing they will keep the money in their own account.
    I stop trusting our legal system and the ACA a long time ago.Remember Tan sri ISA the former MB of N.SEMBILAN.Was thrown out of UMNO for money politics.Yet he stayed on as a MP.Why ACA did not INVESTIGATE the case.Its like UMNO telling us “” We don,t trust him being in our party but we trust him being your MP.”” This things can only happen in our UMNO led BN goverment.

  67. #67 by carboncopy on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 11:10 pm

    5km radius. Does the Police Raja Di Malaysia even know how wide it is.

    It goes all the way east to border of KL with PJ. Down south to Sg Besi air field, Mid Valley included. All the way to the east to KLCC.

    So if Anwar decide to go take KLIA express to the airport, or go to KLCC, Mid Valley, etc. Or for the matter of fact go home to his Damansara home, if he is not already home. He will have already go against the court order.

    Plus, how can the Police Raja Di Malaysia have locus standi to obtain court order for the Parliament of Malaysia? I really would love to know the name of the judge/magistrate who signed the court order.

  68. #68 by One4All4One on Sunday, 13 July 2008 - 11:44 pm

    A three-in-one?

    Minister ban public from entering parliament house ( for fear of a mass demonstration, purportedly organized by opposition political parties) + police get court order to for parliament + 5 km radius ban on Saudara Anwar Ibrahim from parliament house?

    What is the logic here?

    Can someone enlighten us on these?

    Who said there would be a mass demonstration? Who started the rumour? Some government officers? Anybody found spreading rumours causing social unrest, tension and peace, would be severely dealt with by the police?

    What is going on in Malaysia?

  69. #69 by flyer168 on Monday, 14 July 2008 - 12:21 am

    Dear YB LKS,

    Quote: Malaysiakini
    Jul 13, 08 2:02pm

    updated 6.50pm Police have also obtained a court order to arrest on sight if Anwar Ibrahim and opposition supporters are spotted within five kilometres of Parliament.MORE
    Tian: The government is paranoid
    Sapp MPs to back Pakatan’s motion

    Police have put up roadblocks in Kuala Lumpur as they brace for protests ahead of a possible debate of no confidence in Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tomorrow.unquote.

    I am saddened by what is happening. Haven’t they done enough damage to this nation, our nation’s assets,its peaceloving but downtrodden citizens & insulted their own race & Islam in the eyes of the World now?????

    These so called BN, UMNO & UMNOputras still in self-denial are the desperados at the tail end of “Ketuanan Melayu” in the 21 century context being propelled by the powers-that-be, FEAR their imminent DEMISE by the Peoples’ voices, will resort to the SUBLIME !

    They are their own worst enemies set on a “Self-destruct” mode, in their final “Death Throes” would resort to this PROVOKING tactics to the PR Representatives & the Downtrodden rayaat on a “MONDAY” morning…to disrupt Traffic, etc to its very own people wanting to go to work to make ends meet !

    Let us all work hand-in-hand to UNITE as MALAYSIANS to support you & PR in your Noble pursuit of Justice to save our nation, its multi ethnic cultures/religion & its assets for every downtrodden MALAYSIAN citizen forthwith !

    Have no fear as God will continue to Bless & Protect those peoples’s Representatives/Leaders including you & PR in voicing the rayaat’s plight against the Evil Powers that be. Insha Allah !

    May God show them the truth !

  70. #70 by ktteokt on Monday, 14 July 2008 - 10:37 am

    Build barricades within a radius of say 2 to 3 km around parliament and declare these areas as “security” zones!

  71. #71 by kosmoalpha on Tuesday, 15 July 2008 - 1:10 am

    where is ‘democracy’ for malaysian,it has been missing since long long time ago n a total stranger now!however we hav umnogoons go ‘demon crazy’ n u find abundant of them in the august house n aduns!!specialising in ‘orgy of lootings’!!

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