The time has come for us to walk the talk. The time is now because we are marching into battle with little resources. We need your financial assistance to help force changes to a system that continues to repulse and insult us after 50 years of independence.
I had intended to put up the appeal for support for DAP Election Fund together with support for a Fund for the Foundation for Justice, Freedom and Equality to promote the betterment of Malaysian society, including public litigation, publications, educational programmes as well as outreach to marginalised Malaysians, but the latter project will now have to wait until after the 12th general election.
Let us unite with single-minded objective – to turn the 12th general election into the electoral battle of the century to initiate meaningful change in Malaysia, first time in the nation’s 50-year history. For this we need your generous support for the DAP Election Fund.
* This post was originally blogged on 2008-02-13 5:02:47 pm
* This is to explain the difference between the DAP Elections Fund and the candidates’ personal donation drive.
The Elections Fund is to finance the party’s HQ operations, prepare publicity materials, advertisement, logistic support, expenses for leaders to go round the country preparing the candidates and states to face the battle, etc.
After parliament is dissolved, the HQ’s main financial resources are also cut off as one of our main incomes is from our representatives’ monthly contribution.
The HQ’s expenses still have to be paid, staffs have to be paid, and we have to pay for extra manpower to meet the extra workload during the campaign period.
We can only afford to supply limited publicity materials to the candidates. Candidates will have to pay for their own posters, flags, personal publicity materials, that’s why they usually have a separate donation drive.
Please take note that the party will NOT be sending out anyone to solicit for cash donations apart from at our ceramahs and functions, where announcement will be made and the amount collected will be announced at the end of the function. If someone approaches you on the street of at your house for cash donation, please inform the nearest DAP office.
#1 by js on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 5:19 pm
Let us have your walk and talk schedule. We will fully support.
#2 by a-malaysian on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 5:22 pm
Just paid RM500 online, by Visa. Successful.
Will source for more and contribute again.
Fellow Malaysian,
Walk Your Talk
50 years is ENOUGH
Vote For A Change
Vote For Any Opposition
Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.
#3 by MAJULAHMALAYSIA on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 5:24 pm
Fellow Malaysian, Please remember, The BN is using people’s money for their election campaign. DAP definitely not matched with their fund. Please donate to DAP for our future interest. Thanks you for your help and donation.
DAP is going to the Battlefield to defend your rights and interest no matter what happened to DAP.
#4 by Ah Hong on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 5:29 pm
little donation to DAP Malaysia, will promote the campaign in my blog. Good Luck DAP and Opp.
#5 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 5:34 pm
Please do more donation campaign in JB.
#6 by gofortruth on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 5:43 pm
Apart from doing my part on financial support, I’ll e mail this to everyone I know and ask them to do the same:-
Together lets change it!
#7 by madmix on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 5:49 pm
That cartoon rocket…looks like a condom ad.
#8 by a-malaysian on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:05 pm
YB Kit better known as Uncle Kit has come out in the open personally to appeal for support for DAP Election Fund.
Please do your part to ensure a big victory for DAP. Time for change and to kick out umno are the slogan you all had been chanting all the time.
Now is also the time for you all to Walk Your Talk.
50 years is ENOUGH
Vote For A Change
Vote For Any Opposition
Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.
#9 by just n free on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:09 pm
Yes, DAP needs our support financially.
The next 5 years depends on how the opposition performs even if they do not get the mandate to run the country, at least their collective (hopefully many) presence will keep a healthy check on the ‘hopefully not BN voted-in govt.’
I’ll donate at the DAP office in PJ.
#10 by Xiao He on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:10 pm
Yes, pls donate to the DAP election fund, for a better Malaysia, for the betterment of our society..
#11 by grace on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:11 pm
madmix, if you do not have kind words, kindly keep to your goodself.
a-malaysian, I definitely would do the same ! Appeal toothers to help DAP for a really noble cause! REDUCE BN MAJORITY!
#12 by Libra2 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:18 pm
I am on my way to the Public Bank.
#13 by sean on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:23 pm
PJ headquarters is near my home…….always glad to contribute to opposition fund ..
Emails have also been sent to all my contacts , friends and relatives etc.
god bless the opposition this time around
Just change it……………..
#14 by ycg on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:32 pm
your link below: http://dapmalaysia.org/english/2008/jan08/bul/bul3433.htm cannot be sent. Error 404. is it because of data congestion? pls rectify asap. time is $$ also! :)
#15 by mysn1st on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:39 pm
Yeah! The ‘Malaysian First’ election is coming.
#16 by basis on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:42 pm
We must do our part, spread the word, I just send out this piece of information to all my email address contact. Please do email to all the people you know. It time to change. I will donate whatever i can in order to help the courses….
Please spread the word. Email, SMS, phone call…….
#17 by ahkok1982 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 6:53 pm
Will go back and donate to the election fund online… I am in Uncle Lim’s constituency and will definitely vote for him!!!
#18 by cocomomo on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 7:00 pm
Done my small part thru’ visa. Will i receive a receipt or other notification that the money has been rec’d? Just want to make sure money rec’d by the DAP as i have had negative experience in on the line transfer previously. Not expecting a tax exempt receipt……….
#19 by limkamput on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 7:36 pm
Yes, it is time to walk the talk, especially those who have talked and talked. Those who have made pledges also please pay up. There is no time to wait. DAP needs the money now, not after the election.
#20 by js on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 7:43 pm
Just transfer my donation through e-banking. Good Luck DAP! Hope to see DAP grab all the seats especially in Penang. Looking forward to have a CM from DAP.
#21 by ahkok1982 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 7:47 pm
Just to side track a little… if you go to The Star Online and look at the News under Nation, you will see two topics:
1) Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has announced that Parliament has been dissolved, paving the way for the 12th general election
Then at the bottom:
2) Parliament will not be dissolved today, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
This is seriously a big joke….
#22 by js on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 7:50 pm
We have to face the facts that the Parliament has been dissolved. No point keep on talking about this issue. We should now focus on how to help DAP in the campaign and win in this GE.
#23 by grace on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 7:50 pm
Yes, I did my thru M’card! All information confidential and no worry that the fund will reach DAP!
Not only fund, do canvass for votes from every one you meet.
As I said earlier, Koh Tsu Khoon ask us to discuss with family members to vote rationally.
#24 by zack on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:13 pm
a vote to the DAP is an anti-Malay vote?
#25 by burn on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:15 pm
will do that!
have forward emails to friends too…
all the best… DAP!
#26 by tuai rumah on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:19 pm
I think ‘Malaysians First’ is no longer suitable. Must Change the name of this country. Malay-sian, is not suitable at all. DAP, do something.
#27 by teckwyn on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:20 pm
I’ve just done inter-bank transfer. Quite straightforward. The cartoon rocket does look like a condom ad. But it is quite appealing nevertheless.
#28 by megaman on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:28 pm
Hi Uncle Kit,
Contribute some $$$ into DAP election fund.
Do you think you can give us an email to make sure that the $$$ goes into the right piggy bank ?
I am sure many others have the same concerns as well. The Internet is very convenient but has lots of con traps and other dangers as well.
Hope you understand. I personally contribute once I am sure the $$$ transfer is secure and reaches DAP directly.
#29 by tselau on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:38 pm
Uncle Lim – reference no. 318179 through public bank online. Go for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are all behind you.
#30 by Thegame on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:42 pm
If DAP is seriously short of fund apart from donating personally can we offer help in any other way to collect funds like going house to house in groups to collect money..In Ipoh wet market is a ideal place to collect money.I am not sure of the legal side to it.If it will help please let us know.We are ready to assist ….Ipoh Timor speaking.We are at your service.
#31 by mendela on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:50 pm
I have just done my part via Visa.
Pls inform all your friends. To make donation on-line is so simple, it won’t take more than 5 minutes of your time!
#32 by Godfather on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:50 pm
This is not a joke – Badawi doesn’t know if he is coming or going. Just ask Jeanne.
#33 by mendela on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 8:57 pm
Hi Kit,
Other than donation, what else we supporters can help?
Providing vehicles?
Providing food and drinks?
Monitor polling stations?
Pin-point and disclose UMO’s abuses and vote buyings?
Help campaigning?
Help in putting on banners and postals?
#34 by chiakchua on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:09 pm
Yes, we need to help DAP to fight for a fairer Malaysia!
Please donate generously for the just cause! It is our investment for a brighter future for our next generation in our beloved country.
Regret trying to donate vide credit card but failed. Will try later.
#35 by ahpiow on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:14 pm
Saudara LKS
Best wishes for DAP candidates. Hope you will knock out MIC MCA and UMNO candidates. Have posted cheque to your DAP PJ office. Sorry not internet-banking savvy. DAP or opposition has 4 votes from my family. In the past I was a staunch BN supporter being an MCA member. No more!
#36 by limkamput on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:15 pm
If we say we love Sdr Lim
If we admire his tenacity
If we value his contributions
It is time to do something, not just mere talking
At any one time I see about 100 bloggers online. My original proposal: each blogger here contribute RM200, and that is RM20,000 if hundred of us contribute. For those who have not contributed, can we do this by tonight? The next morning DAP will have RM20,000. That can print lots of posters or cover lots of travelling expenses.
Please everyone, the DAP bank account number is PUBLIC BANK BERHAD NO. 306 382 8309.
We need to contribute now. DAP needs the money now, not after the election!
#37 by BetterMalaysia on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:18 pm
anyone can tell me why is it sufficient for the opposition to break BN 2/3 parliament seat and this is considered as a big victory for the opposition? sorry… newbie in politics…
#38 by naked taliban on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:19 pm
credit card remittance failed, something is not right .
#39 by penangboy on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:22 pm
I have done my part….Malaysians please do yours. We are not ECM Libra. We are not Esquel. We are Malaysians and it’s time to stop the bullshit…I
#40 by selvam on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:30 pm
I have just deposited a small amount via maybank2u. Best of luck to DAPin this election. Kick the baboons out of parliment………..
#41 by catharsis on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:37 pm
Uncle Lim your “DAP FUND”should be an ongoing exercise instead of this 11th hour appeal-
Anyway if everyone could email 10 friends to solicit funds for DAP it would go a much longer way- I just emailed 30 of my friends
1 x10=10, 10×10=100, 100×10= 1000, 1000×10= 10,000, 10,000×10= 100,000, 100,000×10= 1,000,000………………inffinity
GOOD LUCK UNCLE LIM- your years spend in a cold cell is not and never be in vain- I salute you
“If Kevin Rudd could beat John Howard by listening to the people I am sure you can too”
#42 by mendela on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:39 pm
I think we need to invite all world organizations to send representatives to Malaysia to help in monitoring this GE.
Of course, we must not forget to invite all the world media too!
We must not let UMO and its cronies to buy votes and to abuse their powers at broad day lights this time.
It would be great if ex-President Carter, Mandela and other world leaders can come and see thro their own eyes how unfair elections are run in Malaysia, how lopsided the mainstream media is, etc.
#43 by Short-sleeve on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:47 pm
Count me in. I will personally come over to DAP PJ office tomorrow and donate RM200
#44 by oknyua on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:48 pm
Yes, it is time to walk the talk, especially those who have talked and talked. – limkamput
Whether you’re regularly posting, or just readers, please take an active step now. Whether today or tomorrow or day after tomorrow, it’s never too late. Any amount, 100, 200, 300..1,000… etc.
Those who bank-in on line, e-mail the DAP office. Due to many similar figures, it might not be easy to single out which one is yours. Maybe e-mail acknowledgement is adequate. (This isn’t tax-deductible?)
Those wanting receipt, make a photocopy of your bank-in slip and DAP representative sign and chop, be adequate as receipt.
Now it’s official, those who talks politics outside, pease get proper forms of authorisation (form e?). Don’t get into trouble and don’t get your DAP candidate into trouble.
Thank you.
#45 by mugmug on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:54 pm
I have just donated little amount, order number is 1688 under NBepay.
I am from Penang, hope this time DAP will be successful in Penang!
Good Luck!
#46 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 9:58 pm
Some weeks ago somebody sent me the link to a video of our Prime Minister being interviewed “live” on CNN. It was during the Davos World Economic Conference or whatever. What got my attention wasn’t Davos. It was the way the prime minister of my country presented himself on live global television.
#47 by justice6 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:00 pm
#48 by AntiSUPP on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:02 pm
Dear Mr Lim,
I just donated RM99.99 for the common Chinese cause & I will pledge to donate more when i see more of Lingam’s dirty linens.
We are all behind you and will go back home to vote for DAP even it means flying back.
#49 by mickey01 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:03 pm
Wish DAP every success and victorious fight against corruption, racial discrimination, nepotism, extremism, cronyism, human violations, and many more injustices and sufferings of the poor. May God bless DAP Malaysia and get rid of the evils.
#50 by js on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:04 pm
My donation thr. e-banking transaction reference is 314275. It is very secure as when I made the fund transfer under the same bank, the receipant name will be appeared on the screen for verification.
#51 by BlackEye on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:18 pm
Why only $200.00? That is small change.
As for me I’ll only contribute if limkamput can prove to me he donated $1.00.
#52 by BlackEye on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:20 pm
Correct that! I’ll match every dollar he could prove and then double it!
#53 by raven77 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:20 pm
It is time now. The DAP must help in ensuring the BN doesnt achieve its two thirds majority….But more then that…the DAP must see if it can snatch Penang. And if it does….it must transform Penang into a world class economy even if the BN throw all soughts of obstacles…and if they succeed in making Penang better then Singapore….they would have proven to every Malaysian….that a Malaysian party can indeed take a Malaysian state to first world status by using the best brains…..and that alone will convince and snowball every Malaysian to keep voting in the DAP……If the DAP deliver by exemplary governance…..you would have given hope to so many Malaysians who have lost hope in this country…….May God be with you….
#54 by AntiSUPP on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:23 pm
By the way, ref no for proof for those you who can talk / fart only on this blog.
Approval code : 568535
#55 by Libra2 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:29 pm
For those who fear transfers by internet read this:
The main difference between http:// and https:// is it’s all about keeping you secure.
HTTP stands for HyperText Transport Protocol, which is just a fancy way of saying it’s a protocol (a language, in a manner of speaking) for information to be passed back and forth between web servers and clients.
The important thing is the letter S which makes the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.
The S (big surprise) stands for “Secure”.
If you visit a website or webpage, and look at the address in the web browser, it will likely begin with the following: http://. This means that the website is talking to your browser using the regular ‘unsecure’ language. In other words, it is possible for someone to “eavesdrop” on your computer’s conversation with the website. If you fill out a form on the website, someone might see the information you send to that site.
This is why you never ever ever enter your credit card number in an http website!
But if the web address begins with https://, that basically means your computer is talking to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on.
You understand why this is so important, right?
If a website ever asks you to enter your credit card information, you
should automatically look to see if the web address begins with
If it doesn’t, there’s no way you’re going to enter sensitive information like a credit card number!
#56 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:30 pm
“If we do not have enough representation in the Barisan Nasional, then to the Chinese community, the lesson of 1969 is sufficient. I think we cannot afford another such scenario.†MP for PJ Utara, MCA woman Chew Mei Fan
#57 by ALtPJK on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:31 pm
I see a possible record number online tonight…very seldom the number goes above 200!!!
oknyua, could you elaborate on your last paragraph. I sense it is a rather important point you wanted to raise there.
#58 by DarkHorse on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:32 pm
I did my small contribution of USDSL200.00 as soon as I read the message by American Express. RM200.00 is only about $50.00 which is too small to be a decent sum for a noble cause.
#59 by choonchoy on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:34 pm
Will bank in tomorrow and try to get more people tp contribute.
#60 by DarkHorse on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:34 pm
“Maybe e-mail acknowledgement is adequate. (This isn’t tax-deductible?)”
Why should it be tax deductible?
#61 by dappy on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:35 pm
My sincere THANKS to State DAP Action Team Sdr Tham Weng Fatt for making ‘noise’ to the press of the ‘parachute’ candidates. Only then we knew of the ‘big guns’ coming to Penang. What a brilliant way to be highlighted in the press. Sdr Tham, we know that you have serve the community well and that is important. We welcome every Malaysians who are geniune to assist, create history in this 12th General Election and make PENANG as the forefront battleground in Malaysia. Don’t worry, PENANG folks will turn the table and show BN and the rakyat of Malaysia…
Remember back in the 1910s, Dr Sun Yat-sen’s unwavering commitment to revolution and his final battle was right here in PENANG!.
Excerpts is part of his historic speech of launching the fund-raising campaign – “We believe this is the best opportunity for us to restore the sovereignty of our country, and will spare no effort to achieve this goal. As I have said, every time I meet with you, I always ask for donations. I really do not want to do this, but with this burden on my shoulders, who else can I ask the help from, if not from you, my sympathetic comrades?
Success or Failure and however difficult the situation may be… this time the party will be all out for the Last Battle.”
#62 by HJ Angus on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:37 pm
My first time making a political donation.
If you do thru credit card, the first window closes and then a few seconds later, the https screen opens with the various banks ( for extra security)
Think it is pretty safe.
#63 by js on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:48 pm
I try to forward the DAP Election Fund Statement to friends BUT fail to send after I have entered all the informations required. Can DAP IT help?
#64 by limkamput on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:49 pm
Blackpurple Eye, nobody here is asking for proof. Why make it so difficult. If you want to donate, just do it. Besides, why depend on me? Am I your role model or what? Talking cock is free la, loser.
As for you Darkhorse, a noble cause is not based on the amount. Poor thinking process again. An old woman gave a penny, and Jesus said she has given more, much more than those who gave USD200.
#65 by wahlaueh08 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:50 pm
i will support you wholeheartedly till you form a new government!
you definetely got my big VOTE this round!!!!!
#66 by TrueMalaysian8888 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:51 pm
Just my 2 sens thought,
Malaysia Needs a change for good. We can’t keep on supporting BN as the leading govt, none of the leaders there are actually doing their duties except enriching themselves and their family.
But, how should DAP do about it. Should they grouped with PAS and PKR?????
Plssss, we all know what PAS is up to , it does not make a differences whether it is Pas ruled govt or BN ruled govt !!!.
How about PKR????? Plsss, the leader came from the same gang of Malaysia Inc…..enriching themselves!!!
What do True Malaysians needed ????
A true Malaysian Party with no corruptions !!!
A True Malaysian Party that do not practice discrimination !!!
A True Malaysian Party that think for the long term !!!!
A True Malaysian Party that elect leaders who are capable and not
#67 by BlackEye on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:56 pm
God! Never knew you’re that daft! I said I’d match your contribution if you could prove to me that you even contributed RM1.00 and then double it!
I hope that’s plain enough English for you.
#68 by limkamput on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:56 pm
BlackEye Says: I’ll match every dollar he could prove and then double it!
Talking is cheap. I can tell you this: You are not a wise man.
#69 by limkamput on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:59 pm
Black rat eye, why do you have to match my contribution? What can you achieve by doing that? Just do whatever you can afford and get over with it, ok.
#70 by mr7077 on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:59 pm
donated 200.00…done..My whole family will vote for u! Not only that…i will make sure all my friends will also vote for opposition. Cannot tahan already…say one thing & next day totally opposite…what is this ????!@#$ How i wish we can have a leader like kevin rudd…honest, humble, far sighted and impartial.
#71 by BlackEye on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:03 pm
Talk is cheap! Time to put money where your mouth is, limkamput! I don’t believe you contributed anything – just a lot of hot air.
#72 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:04 pm
“I had intended to put up the appeal for support for DAP Election Fund together with support for a Fund for the Foundation for Justice, Freedom and Equality to promote the betterment of Malaysian society, including public litigation, publications, educational programmes as well as outreach to marginalised Malaysians, but the latter project will now have to wait until after the 12th general election.”
Why wait? Let us start today! Use this opportunity to raise as much money as possible! The cause that DAP stands for run into millions of Ringgit in cost. So everybody, as Malaysians we share that responsibilities in making our country better. Think about it, if you can give RM50 to a dirty cops I am sure you will be able to donate more for a worthy cause! God bless those who donated to DAP election fund.
#73 by negarawan on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:05 pm
Money on the way. I remember the days when people will donate gold chains and diamonds for a worthy cause. This is one such cause, for our children’s future. Will also donate to PKR. Apart from that, there are many volunteers waiting to help in all polling stations.
#74 by wiseman on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:05 pm
Newly registered & Mastercarded RM300 into the DAPfund & looking forward for an exciting GE. To those who oppose the CORRUPTED ruling goverment … May ALLAH be with You.
#75 by limkamput on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:14 pm
I don’t believe you contributed anything – just a lot of hot air. Blackeye
I don’t have to prove to you anything, so long as i know, god know and DAP know. I am not liar. I am not like those in BN and those who change handles like changing underwear here. You can take whatever you have and shaft it behind you.
#76 by tbsbidayuh on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:17 pm
Wahhh..!!I cannot pay online lah. error 404. I think there might be data congestion due to supportive respond. My prayer is that may opposition wins this 12th GE and put down all the BN candidates down.
Time to change and time to vote opposition. everybody talk it loud. VOTE OPPOSITION!!
#77 by bukanbumi on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:25 pm
Will deposit RM 300 to Public Bank this week end, just consider it as a Police Summon for speeding on the Highway.
#78 by anak sungeisiput on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:27 pm
My heart sank when I read the Anti Corruption Agency gave $ 3000 to Jayanti to as a reward in closing a prima facie case of judicial corruption. Malaysia is a failed state and all else is a miarge only.
I have deleted a host of *%$#& >>_)*&&% n words that expresses my anger, disgust, vile curse etc etc.
M y ancestors have gave their sweat and live for a minority [deleted] to plunder and ruin the nation.
Foreign investors…please keep away from these orang %$##* mentality people.
#79 by peanut king on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:36 pm
Just let half of the Hindraf members know about this fund.I am sure
their contributions will beat all of us flat.
BTW how much is need for elections? Give us some guide line so that we can help by ways n means otherthan cash which is quite limited to some of us.
I will surely contribute ASAP.
Its time to stand united and fight for our rights and stop the bickering.
#80 by kosmoalpha on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:37 pm
to all the right minded malaysian,umno/BN fund of rm 10mil.here n 10mil there did not come from their own pockets,these are all our hard earned tax payers’ money being unfairly used for their own benefit..!!
#81 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:41 pm
Kosmoalpha, you left out one zero. I believe BN campaign fund is hundreds of million ringgit of taxpayers money!
#82 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 11:47 pm
BN will then uses taxpayers money to buy votes! And that is not enough! Where did other cold hard cash come from? Businesses! Like property developers, they will be force to contribute tens of millions to UMNO so that they will still be in the business after the election.
#83 by jimz on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 12:02 am
Just paid RM300 online, by Visa. Successful.
Fellow Malaysian,
Walk Your Talk
50 years is ENOUGH
Vote For A Change
Vote For Any Opposition
Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.
Jimmy Choo HS
#84 by ablastine on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 12:07 am
An advice to voters who have been offered ang pow for voting Samy Vellu or the BN candidates. Take the Ang Pow, or better still collect them from your like minded friends and donate them to the DAP donation funds. But on election day of course go in to vote opposition. I heard Samy Vellu was offering $100 per voter in the last election. He is bound to up it to at least $200 per voter considering his unpopularity. All this money will be a good bounty for the DAP.
Most of us here would have made donation or going to very soon. Can Uncle Lim let us know whether the funds collected is going to be sufficient. If not we can always go another round. Please email this link to whoever can help the DAP, opposition and the embark on the only route that can save our beloved country, Malaysia.
#85 by ablastine on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 12:09 am
I would not underestimate the financial muscles of overseas Chinese. Guess who is the major contributor to the Olympic Stadium in Beijing.
#86 by smeagroo on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 12:13 am
Why are we fighting in here as to whether Limkamput donated or not? The main thing is we have done our part and make sure we reach out to our friends, neighbours and relatives for their vote and financial support to DAP, PKR, PAS.
JUst lately the income tax dept has been working doubly hard in chasing errant taxpayers for the money owed and back dated them.
#87 by AhPek on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 12:15 am
We should not only contribute to DAP ELECTION FUND,we must also try and influence our friends and colleagues to do likewise.This will contribute a bigger punch for DAP to fight more effectively for change that we all want to see and for a better Malaysia so that every Malaysian will have a place under the Malaysian Sun.
#88 by smeagroo on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 12:48 am
Yes briefly spoke to a few friends online and some of them just said “we are already supporting Dap with our votes, no need gv money la”> Sigh
I think we need to do much more than talk and vote. Many ppl dont hv access to online news. Already Traxx FM playing “propaganda” today and kept repeating them to woo the Kelantanese comparing how far Terengganu have prosper under BN. DAP and other Oppositions need money to make in raods to such places.
Come on, we can do better than givng Rm10 or RM50. LEt’s up the ante! Spread ur donation over 5 years and it wont look that much.
We save rm100 then next day the corrupted goons will rob us back 100 fold!
#89 by Count Dracula on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:58 am
It is time to stop hurling obscenities. Like one poster says, “Time to put your money where your mouth is”.
Make your donation quietly. You don’t need to shout!
#90 by kanthanboy on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 2:21 am
Time to walk the talk.
When I got the news that Parliament has been dissolved I went online to DAP to make donation by Visa. Few minutes later, I received an email from DAP headquarter confirming that the Visa transaction was successful. It only takes a few minutes.
Let’s do our parts by donating money and time for the election campaign.
#91 by ahpiow on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 2:33 am
Count Dracula,
You got it right. Campaigning costs is not cheap. Any amount of individual financial support, RM10 or RM1,000,000, is crucial for the opposition to get ahead.
This GE is a do or die for the opposition. We cast our vote not for our generation, but for our next generation, our children!
My family can actually give 6 votes to the opposition, but unfortunately, 2 members will be migrating to another country in the next 2 weeks, before the elections. They have my blessings to start off a new life with no racial discrimination and equal opportunities in their new home country.
Me? Too old to migrate. To provide a better future for our younger generation, give the opposition a chance. They cannot rule the country at this stage, but they can provide an effective check and balance in parliament. Give them a little more than 1/3 parliamentary seats.
Blessings to DAP, PKR, and PAS. You have my support.
#92 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 7:32 am
Money sent. Good luck. I am sending out emails to overseas Malaysian and other oveseas Chinese who want to see justice in this land.
#93 by Count Dracula on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 7:32 am
You said it all. Donate according to your ability. No amount is too small.
You’re never too old to migrate especially when you have sons and daughters who are migrating. Too old to start all over again -yes. They can later sponsor you to become PRs but do not give up your Malaysian citizenship. You can then have the best of both worlds. Malaysia is still a good country to retire in if not to work.
Vote for change.
#94 by malaysia_mana_boleh on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 8:51 am
Just donated.
Now I am going to send this link to all my friends to donate as well.
Let’s work together and bring down that corrupt government.
#95 by boomingray on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 9:21 am
yes,we must destroy the ‘dacing’,it’s uneven,all the other BN 13 -component- parties are ‘blind’,they acted like they are the saviours of the country,but infact,we are going backwards!
didnt they know that they are the parasites of UMNO?they won bcos UMNO was inciting Malays’ hatreds against non-malays?
i know it’s difficult to stop racist hatreds,even U.S.A. till today is not immuned,but we are heading from bad to worse,it’s time to stop discriminating the Malaysians into ethnic or religion groups!
Cast your votes right to the box that promise NEW MALAYSIANS!WE WANT CHANGE!
#96 by raverus on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 9:37 am
Already sms this great news to my friends. Godspeed DAP!
*p.s-Nice logo….love the humor part.
#97 by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 9:38 am
Am joining all of you who wants CHANGE in Malaysia and will be banking cash into Public Bank today.
I hope we can circulate this appeal for funds…to all ordinary folks from the bottom up. That’s where votes will count.
Let’s teach BN a precious lesson. They have been insensitive to the Indians and now they slight the Chinese too by calling this GE in the midst of the CNY celebrations.
#98 by budak on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 9:58 am
tried to make my decent donation RM200 and transaction number 1688… no success… :-)
#99 by budak on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:01 am
3rd time using my new UOB CC also no success… what shall i do now…?
#100 by Ah Hong on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:12 am
try Maybank2u.
#101 by Short-sleeve on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:19 am
Dear Blackeye and limkamput,
Guys, seriously, why dont we set aside all these inflated egos and look at the bigger picture? Our Parliament have just been dissolved and GE is just round the corner. If we truly love our country and truly want change for the better, then lets work together instead of bickering like a bunch of spoilt schoolkids.
#102 by smeagroo on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:22 am
Banked in Cheque this morning. Somehow I am pissed off with my friends with the tida-apa attitude. They are DAP supporters and will gv DAP their votes but sadly they arent willing to go the extra mile in helping out financially and these are people who are financially well off. Looks like some ppl just wanted the cake and eat it too!
Yea these ppl are CHINESE! So guess what? After this GE the same ppl will again grumble about BN’s ruling and corruption but yet today when the opportunity is here for us all to stand united some ppl are still stinging on pennies and waiting for BN to rob us of our hard earned money…again.
#103 by AntiSUPP on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:23 am
Lots of other avenues to donate via Public Bank, etc etc.
I have enough the White Termite building more anthills like RM200m+ State Legislative Building which actually costs RM100m+. The main contractor dont even do the job, just sub it out. CM will definitely stay in power but SUPP OUT!!!!! George & the mistress Christina & their illegitimate child OUT!!!!
I will donate RM10 each for every Sarawakian who post their support for DAP here.
#104 by budak on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:39 am
Yes, getting my friend in M’sia to transfer $$$ into DAP account… I’m not in the country at this moment… :-)
I know it’s important for me to contribute back to the country as UMNO had screwed my education opportunities… and this a good time for me and family to kick these egg tarts out from Parliament… if OZ dare to do so, what about M’sian… we’ve nothing to loose…
#105 by alantb on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:43 am
made mine.. donated rm100… transaction :1688
go DAP! have a change!!
#106 by emgbrl on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:43 am
Dear Uncle LIM K.S,
RM 200.00 donated via online Transfer today-Ref Number 363311. Will pass message to others to donate!!!
All Malaysians must stand up for Malaysia by voting for Opposition! Say NO to D-UMNO. Say NO to B-ULI Nasional/BARUA Nasional/BERUK Nasional!!!
#107 by budak on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:50 am
See what “Sleeping Tajol” said:
Thursday February 14, 2008
Make sure Kit Siang loses, says Tajol Rosli
“IPOH: Barisan Nasional must make sure that Lim Kit Siang loses in the general election, regardless of whether the Ipoh Timur MP contests in Penang or Perak.”
TAJOL you’re most welcome to challange Uncle Kit in Ipoh Timur, just name a date and time, me and my family will ensure you and stupid UMNO and its DOGS zero votes from us…
we dont need a BAPUK CM in Perak…:-)
#108 by Bobster on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:57 am
Will deposit $200 later today. This small token is meant for those who suffer under discrimination and inequality of the policy makers in this nation after 50 Years Into Independent and to show our support to DAP for continual fight for justice and equality for betterment of ALL MALAYSIANS IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE AND RELIGION.
My HOPE:- DAP will work closely with other parties like PKR and to be seen as a non chinese party, representing all three races in the Parliament. PAS will tune down their unpopular religious agendas to gain support from other races and to win Kelantan, Terengganu, and Pahang states.
My DREAM: DAP together with PKR and PAS will win this 12th Election and to form a multiracial government that will wipe out corruption, inequality, racial discrimination, poverty, racist and religious fanatism(to cover up their personal agendas) of this BN government.
#109 by Bobster on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:01 am
By the way, I have also distributed this message to all friends and relatives.
#110 by takazawa on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:08 am
Hi Bro Kit,
The reference number of my donation via Public online banking is 364875. Although it’s not a huge sum but I just pray that God will bless every ringgit and every sen that have been donated and translate them into more parliamentary and state seats for DAP in this 12th GE. The biggest ang pow we can ever present to our fellow Malaysians is to give the den of Bandits & Nincompoops (BN) an unprecedented defeat.
To the common folks out there who are yet to register as voters or voted in the den of BN in the past, the time for a change is now or never! It’s a do-or-die mission!
#111 by Malaysian on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:09 am
#112 by Malaysian on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:15 am
#113 by AntiSUPP on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:20 am
My main grouses:
1. Crime rate has risen tremendously (Car theft, Breakins, etc etc)
2. Excessive state spendings & misuse of govt funds (eg. white termite anthill aka ADUN building)
3. Suburbs infrastructures poorly maintained
4. Poor getting poorer with high inflation costs
5. Employment opportunities for Chinese non existent for a state that produces net oil / palm oil exports
6. Incompetent senators (not all but majority)
7. 60 years land lease remains unresolved
8. Virtual monopoly of businesses by Chief Minister & Sons & Brothers (CMSB listed on Bursa)
#114 by cg on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:23 am
I tried to pay with credit card online. However I got “Unsuccessful online payment” after my Credit Card’s authentication. Any advice?
#115 by Malaysian on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:34 am
to cg,
i pay it without problem at all.
Citibank master.
i find that sometimes my local bank cr card tend to reject internet payment. Probably they r afraid of fraud.
#116 by Malaysian on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:36 am
#117 by helpless on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:36 am
My support to remove good for nothing BN candidate.
My humble donation done.
#118 by smeagroo on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:36 am
BTW, what’s DAP MBB acct No?
#119 by dawsheng on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:41 am
PETALING JAYA: MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu was surrounded by some youths who jeered him during the ground-breaking ceremony for a new Tamil school here.
Samy Vellu was walking back to a canopy after performing the ceremony for the SRJK Tamil Seaport in Kampung Lindungan when the youths surrounded him.
The school is being relocated from Kelana Jaya.
MIC supporters quickly came in to help but Samy Vellu and the youths were already involved in a heated argument by then.
Police were called in and they escorted Samy Vellu from the area.
Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo was also at the ceremony.
Earlier, as Samy Vellu got down from his car, a group of about 30 people held placards stating that the land area for the school had been reduced.
After listening to their grievances, Samy Vellu assured them that the new school building would be bigger.
He said the new building could hold 450 pupils compared to the 150 now.
“We should be happy that an extra RM500,000 has been allocated to build this school at a cost of RM1.5mil,†he said. (Star)
#120 by delon85 on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:48 am
Election will be held on 8 March.
#121 by caishen on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 12:36 pm
( Only for the Hokkien )
Caishen gives number.
1313 Pao-teo ( Sure Strike !!)
Buy all KTM counters!!
Kena don’t forget to contribute 20% to DAP Fund!!
#122 by queen of all things malaysian on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 12:54 pm
Greetings from Singapore! Am donating money to this fund. I am tired of reading all these news of corruption and more corruption, nepotism, favouritism, racism and all the evil misdeeds the government is doing to the ordinary Malaysian citizens. I want to see a change in Malaysia – to remove the corrupted-to-the-core BN politicians and restore Malaysia to its glory days once again so that I can come home and be proud of being a Malaysian where ever I go. At this moment, when I introduce myself as a Malaysian I get embarrassing looks and questions from non-Malaysians and I am tired of this because I was not even part of the whole picture, to begin with.
#123 by Bobster on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:02 pm
Dear Uncle Kit,
Tried to deposit $200 to Public Bank account 9-0698289-09, unfortunately error message appeared saying transaction has been terminated. Please advice if any error in the account number.
Hope this is not an act by the disgraceful BN gomen trying to stop public donation!
#124 by Godson on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:03 pm
Condom ad? Pretty cool & eye catching eh…..:) I like that.
I will be on my way to Public Bank soon to help DAP. I’ve also informed my friends in Sarawak to do the same.
The time has finally arrived.
GOD Bless DAP and Uncle KIT.
#125 by oknyua on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:11 pm
“Virtual monopoly of businesses by Chief Minister & Sons & Brothers (CMSB listed on Bursa.” AntiSUPP
Are you in Sibu now? The strange thing about Sibu/Kuching guys, they vote opposition at state level, but vote BN at federal level. This time, just vote them out.
In regard to yr grouse above, hey, the answer is to kick out your good doc. George. His daughter married the white-hair man’s son, something like that. The white-hair man & sons are supported by the good doc. Ask any Sarikei SUPP, they spit on the doc’s name.
I like your earlier posting on him and his “ligitimate”son. In fact rumours say he has another regular girlfriend. When I inquired about him and his girlfriends in Kuching, they shhh.. me off. It’s fortunate Kuching is not Muar.
#126 by oknyua on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:15 pm
Boster, saw your posting. Account No wrong. Should be not problem, I’ve just returned from PBB. Check account no. in YB Lim’s posting up there.
#127 by cosmoo on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:23 pm
donated to DAP yesterday thru Visa… hope every sen count… for a better malaysia!!
#128 by caishen on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:29 pm
Samy Whereloo? where r uuuuuuuuu..?
That MIC-Maniac in Charge is creating nuisance where ever he go-lah.
Should we pity him?
Probably he is been followed by the ‘Tontos’ or his enemy within.
He is trying to get all the credits that is buildup by HINDRAF.
Very Thick-skin like Whereloo should go back to Sg.Siput and hide.
#129 by trader168 on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:30 pm
Dear YB LKS,
Thank you very much, your accurate prediction gave us some ang pow in the market, we will definitely support! But whats the next prediction? Tell us if the electricity is going up! Let us ride the wave once more!!
Additionally, just a suggestion, please place g00gle ads / adsense to your site, definitely help you pump big cash with your current mighty viewing web traffic! Please add it sooner.
Please request your IT group to explore such mechanism, these days tarak duit, tak boleh jalan, All the best!!
#130 by cg on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:32 pm
Transaction failed for 4-5 times already. I’m giving up Credit Card Payment. Will try to find time to PBB instead. Is it possible for us to pay by cash to the respective branches at our local area?
#131 by Saint on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:39 pm
I am getting a skypee no. 306 382 8309 only on the pages I go.
and I am no computer expert.
#132 by Saint on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:41 pm
3063828309 – just typed the numbers; and it automatically went into skypee mode. Is that the Public bank number?
#133 by AntiSUPP on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:44 pm
The Star
Thursday February 14, 2008
Johor MIC chief pulls out of race
JOHOR BARU: State MIC chief Datuk K.S Balakrishnan, a five-term assemblyman, will not be contesting in this general election.
Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said Balakrishnan cited health reasons.
Asked whether MIC’s performance would be affected now that two of its top leaders are out (following MIC deputy chairman and Tenggaroh assemblyman Datuk S. Krishnasamy’s murder on Jan 11), he said Balakrishnan had assured him that he would provide the leadership.
Besides Balakrishnan, at least three MCA assemblymen and Umno’s Mahkota assemblyman Datuk Gapar Gurrohu have said that they would not be seeking re-election.
#134 by helpless on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:49 pm
Phantom voter… underaged , deceased, mobile-voter and so on..
Oblivious people at rural area….. donation, fund for school, May-13 and so on….
Newspaper…. BN do this, do that and so on….
TV… BN government do this, do that and so on….
What is DAP strategic planned activities?
If not … station a group of DAP supporter at the wet market and spread the ugly part of BN with prove.
Practice like the the ad. by one of the fin. institution. ” I see the big car at our neigbour suddenly appear at our car porch. I see not you see…”
#135 by helpless on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:50 pm
…with proof.
#136 by AntiSUPP on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:53 pm
Hey Budak,
I’m also out of the country at the moment and doing my bit to “hukum sula” the BNs corrupted ministers. They screwed up my education also.
Used to stay in Sibu. So far my offer has only topped RM10 from your support. =( Will wait longer
#137 by mendela on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 1:58 pm
BTW, how can we stop big businesses like Genting, Berjaya, etc. from (forced)contributing to UMO and its cronies?
These money are deadly.
Should we go dig out their books and tell the world that such companies were making big contributions to UMO in order to sustain UMO’s rots and abuses?
#138 by budak on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 2:02 pm
finally my RM200 support went thru “Approval Code: 003462″…
hope Uncle Lim and his team whack the doggies (UMNO + MCA + MIC + Gerakan) out of Penang… also need Malaysian supports to deny BN holding 2/3 of Parlimentary seats…
HIDUP DAP..! :-)
#139 by Bobster on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 2:08 pm
Thks Oknyua for info.
Can someone advice whether DAP Public Bank no. 5-0658285-09 or 3-0638283-09 or 9-0698289-09? Number listed on the post not clear. Very hard to differentiate whether number 3, 5 or 9.
#140 by wiseman on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 2:19 pm
BTW have you guys checked where is your election poll??
just key in your NRIC no. & semak..
#141 by jbhlee on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 2:23 pm
Can DAP give a statement of total funds collected on a day to day basis? If there is transparency, many more will come foward to donate.
#142 by oknyua on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 2:43 pm
Bobster, when you key in the No. 3 0 6 3 8 2 8 3 0 9,
the account name “Democratic Action Party” should come out. I’ve spaced out the No. for you.
The two (Account No. and Account Name) should tally. Cheers!
#143 by emgbrl on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 2:59 pm
Please do not leave any space when keying the Public bank account number when doing online transfers ie. 3063828309 .The name DAP Malaysia should appear as the beneficiary after keying the numbers if online transfer is done via Public Bank online banking website.
Thank you.
#144 by Bobster on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 3:17 pm
Thank you Oknyua sir!
Calling Seluruh Rakyat Malaysia! Support all the respective opposition parties be it DAP, PKR or PAS in your area (as long as they are the strongest) and sack the bunch of doggies from the disgraceful PARLIAMENT HOUSE!
#145 by limkamput on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 4:07 pm
It is time to stop hurling obscenities. Like one poster says, “Time to put your money where your mouth isâ€.
Make your donation quietly. You don’t need to shout! Dracula
May I know who is shouting here other than your friends or may be it is you in different handles. What is wrong if I was the one who started to call the bloggers here to contribute? Yes, it is time to put your money where your mouth is and that person is none other than Blackeye, which could be you! I just propose a number RM200. Surely all of us know that we can contribute according to our ability. What is the point of you keep challenging me? Do I have to account to any one of you. We can have differences, but please when come to contribution for the party, just do it, no need to quarrel on this.
#146 by Malaysianborn on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 4:11 pm
I came across this article on the internet and i hope the Malaysians who wants to make a change/ difference could emulate those “small donors” in the article.
All the best DAP!
#147 by js on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 4:37 pm
Is it possible to donate by using SMS? DAP should liase with Maxis/Celcom to use such facility in generating fund.It is simple and easy. But have to check whether the law is allowed.
#148 by limkamput on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 4:41 pm
To Short-sleeve
Look, short sleeves, I am constantly being called a liar by Blackeye and the gang, who all could be one person in different handles, like Dracula, darkhorse, bodo etc. What do you expect me to, keep quiet? Why must I show proof to them that I have contributed? What is all these nonsense? It all started when I suggested each blogger here contributes RM200 to the party to finance partly the suit against the government on “care taker†government. Since then, they have never wanted to leave me in peace, keeping harassing me with kinds of insinuations. I think they are the most disruptive elements here. We can debate, argue and insult, but when come to doing something concrete, liking donating to the party, I have taken it seriously. It is all up to individuals. If they feel compelled, and if affordability is not an issue, just contribute. Why must you challenge and find out whether others have contributed? Why must you insult others for contributing less simply because one of them, darkhorse had contributed USD200.00. I can also turnaround and say what is USD200? May be it is just a dinner for you and some friends. Please, I admit we argue, debate and insult, but I have never insult them on contribution until they started first. Even in this thread alone, just scroll up and read from the very beginning.
#149 by limkamput on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 4:48 pm
You’re never too old to migrate especially when you have sons and daughters who are migrating. Too old to start all over again -yes. They can later sponsor you to become PRs but do not give up your Malaysian citizenship. You can then have the best of both worlds. Malaysia is still a good country to retire in if not to work. count dracula
See, we can not see our own irony. This is a typical statement of an opportunist. You think other Malaysians will be happy to see people like you around. Please get lost and don’t come back again to Malaysia. Malaysia does not want you also.
#150 by grace on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 4:49 pm
Think bickering among us will not do any good. What little amount that we could can contribute goes a long way in helping DAP to win more seats.
I for one, do not doubt your sincerity and do strongly believe that you have contributed.
Yes, you did the right thing in not revealing the amount in accordance to the Bible: Let not what the left hand know what the right hand does.
God Bless you and do canvass for more votes for DAP!!!!
#151 by js on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 4:49 pm
I agreed with jbhlee that DAP should publish a statement on the total fund collected on daily basis. Beside more transparent, people will help to spread or donate more should the fund is insufficient. Can DAP response on this. Thks.
#152 by oknyua on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 4:50 pm
Just a thought to motivate us about “walk the talk.”
I had a teleconversation with a corporate guy that said nothing good about AAB and his admistration. “At least TDM started good and took out only in later years. But this fellow AAB took out on first day he became PM…”
I told this corporate guy, “I am supporting DAP, can you donate RM1.0m to the DAP campaign fund?”
This is where we fail miserably. We talk a lot, complain a lot, but when come to the crunch, we all back out. If we have AAB as PM for another 4 years, we deserve it. As for this guy, RM1.0m is peanut for him, but refused to help.
So the battle for Malaysia’s fate rests on you and me, the ones who donate a dollar or two. If we do achieve something, we can always look back and declare, “never so much been owed to so few,” (Churchill – Battle of Britain.)
So please, feel challenged to donate. The battle lies with the hardened, the iconic Mr. Lim Kit Siang but lighten his battle with your help. Be a part of 2008 GE. Be proud to participate. Thank you.
#153 by KampongBoy on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 4:59 pm
I am going to Public Bank tomorrow. Perhaps we should use the word “to participate” instead of “to donate”. We want to be part of it. To participate in raising the fund would be a great way to support DAP particularly to those missed the registeration, eg from studying or working abroad.
Just do what we can so that DAP can represent us and deliver our messages to Parliament “Loud and Clear”.
Uncle Lim, we thank you.
#154 by KampongBoy on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 5:13 pm
Maybe someone should advise that how much do we need for the election campaign? Roughly. Also, some updates of the current fund amount would be great, so that we can try our best to reach the target. We want our representatives to have sufficeint support before the battle. However, I am afraid this would be useful information to BN. Any has a better idea? Thanks.
#155 by zack on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 5:59 pm
#156 by ahkok1982 on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 6:07 pm
Uncle Kit,
Agree with jbhlee for a daily statement of how much gathered. It would also be helpful for you to set a target of how much you would like to get in order to be fully prepared for this coming GE. In this case, everyone can see how much you still need.
If there comes a time when DAP is still short of fundings, those who have already donated may donate again if it is within their means. Without a target, most of us dont really have any idea how much is a good amount to give (which may be a reason why some here are fighting over).
Also, those who have already donated would not have the urge to donate again if they do not know that DAP is still running short.
Anyway, just my 2cents. It will also be a good eye opener to know how much it costs to run for elections. I seriously do not know how much DAP needs to run.
#157 by budak on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 6:10 pm
Reference: http://www.malaysia-today.net/2008/content/view/2772/46/
Video showed Malaysia Agong at Dubai: http://www.dubaione.ae/videostreaming.asp
Yang Di-Pertuan Agong not in the country (13 Feb 2008), how does His Highness able to sign on Parliament Dissolution paper…???
#158 by despin on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 6:14 pm
Donated RM1,000. May the force be with DAP this coming election!
#159 by trader168 on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 7:20 pm
Hi Mendela, in my humble opinion why should we stop big businesses like Genting, Berjaya, they contributed alot to the economics and they are one of the defensive blue chips in the market, their ang pow quite big.
Actually it is a simple logic, they are doing business, who can provide good environment, they will support. I would have agreed as well from business point of view.
To raise funds there are many ways, not necessary you get funds from the local, we even have contributors from neighbouring countries as stated in the above comments.
We don’t need “kesian” , if local funds not enough you can gain easily by trading outside the country , eg. Trade the $SPX, $INDU, SHASHR, HSI. Important thing is education, the rest is a matter of choice. Malaysia Boleh!
#160 by malaysiatoday.com on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 7:53 pm
10 wanted policies to help poor Malaysians especially Indians
These are proposals we think make sense, not lip service to help hardcore poor families.
1. Relocate at least 5,000 hardcore poor families from Indians, Chinese and others to Felda-typed of plantation estate.
2. Replace full blanket fuel subsidize with poverty-linked welfare system to benefit needy and poor families and reduce wastage of our national wealth.
3. Increase intake quota for non-bumi students to Mara matriculation institutes to 20%.
4. Change all half-subsidize vernacular schools to fully subsidized status and budget allocated shall be proportional to the number of students.
5. Abolish dual examination system for STPM and Matrikulasi by establishing an unified examination for university entrance under a true meritocracy system.
6. Allow all religions to use TV and Radio channels for religious teachings as Thailand.
7. All temples and churches on the public land must be fully funded by the government.
8. Non-Muslim conversion to Islam falls under civil court.
Foreign Worker:
9. Foreign workers in agriculture and manufacturing sectors must be limited to less than 40% of total workforce and no foreign workers are allowed in service sectors. Deport all illegal workers and canning punishment on illegal workers and employers must be carried out strictly.
10. High crime rate must be tackled from its root. Drug abuse, jobless youth and foreigners are root causes for all criminal activities. The resources shall be channeled to eradicate these social ill problems. Adding more policemen on the street and installing CCTV are just fixing the symptom of rampant criminal problem.
#161 by malaysiatoday.com on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 7:54 pm
Will donate RM200 through Maybank2u.
#162 by malaysiatoday.com on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 7:57 pm
YB Lim,
How to make send money to DAP maybank2u account? There is no bank account info in your web page.
#163 by Colonel on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 8:16 pm
It is clear that if limkamput is the average kind of DAP supporter, that he is the best the party has to offer, then the party will not go far.
#164 by Colonel on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 8:19 pm
I contributed what I could afford as a pensioner living next to Kg. Attap – a meager $5.00 but I am at peace with my conscience knowing that I did my best. If there are 500,000 active supporters, that is no small sum.
#165 by a-malaysian on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 8:27 pm
Dear Fellow Malaysian,
Many are requesting for accounting of your contribution. I have every confident of DAP using your contributed money wisely, that is putting all their effort to bring down umno the racist party.
As you all know, the election had been called and YB Kit and all DAP staffs are very busy preparing for the great battle to save us and our future generation.
So for the time being please trust DAP and not to request for contributions status so as not to disrupt their work.
I am not a DAP member and I am speaking on my own and not on DAP behalf. I have being their supporter since the sixties and I truly trusted them.
For those who wants to know more about contribution method other then online payment please visit this DAP Contribution Website.
From what I see since yesterday of this posting, many had make their contribution in various ways. Some had posted that they had make contributions and others may have contributed without mentioning it here.
For those who have yet to contribute, please help in any way you can, big sum, small sum, I am sure DAP is grateful for it.
So please help DAP to help us and together we fight this great battle to bring down this racist umno.
If not then go for change:
50 years is ENOUGH
Vote For A Change
Vote For Any Opposition
Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.
#166 by BlackEye on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 8:51 pm
grace Says:
Today at 16: 49.18 (3 hours ago)
“limkamput, yes, you did the right thing in not revealing the amount in accordance to the Bible: Let not what the left hand know what the right hand does.”
Limkamput has been shouting at the top of his voice that he is pledging the hefty sum of RM200.00 – which was the reason why I called him to put his money where his mouth is.
#167 by Colonel on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 9:26 pm
I don’t want to know what he does with his left hand!
#168 by LadyGodiva on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:49 pm
For those who feel the need to donate to this DAP Campaign Fund even though they may be registered supporters of BN but have been disenchanted with their policies lately, should look for a way to do it anonymously.
#169 by budak on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 10:54 pm
dear Malaysians, this is the opportunity to “remove” UMNO and its cronies from Malaysia Parliament… dont let your sons, daughters and grandchildren down and See You No Up…!
#170 by smeagroo on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:17 pm
BN seemed so confident in doing well in this coming GE and that sends a shiver down my spine. We know they have their phantom voters ready. We know SPR is on their side. We know they claimed that this year’s GE is the best ever in terms of fairness and transperancy with the use of indelible ink and transparent ballot boxes and latest was there would be no more serial numbers that link the voters to whom they have voted for thus everyone can vote in secrecy. So how will the rigging be done?
Agents will be placed at each polling station to ensure everything goes on smoothly and fairly.
Ballot boxes are tagged and locked and will be moved to the tally station for counting. Anything can happen in between? Any chances for them to switch boxes? Could they have pre-prepared voting slips and tagged them, locked it and then during the journey, they switch it?
I mean I am just thinking about it. That’s how much I dont trust the EC.
#171 by Sitiawan on Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 11:21 pm
Best Wishes DAP,WE are all behind you.
WE want an opposition meaningful Victory.
Capture Penang and teach the BN Clowns a good lessons.
#172 by damianyeow on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 12:51 am
YAB LKS, just my humble opinion, I have walk the talk, in the last election I have volunteered as a polling agent & in that process observed that the PJ HQ is not well organised at all. People who wanted to to volunteer & donate came in droves but only one person assigned to cater for them, & she seems at lost what to do
If DAP is to be more succesful with its target of min 30 parliament seats this time, an organized well-oiled DAP campaign will be far more important to bring-in the votes & potential supporters, & in this process I’m sure will bring in more cash donations. Even though I was paid nothing, but I’m glad to have done my part but it is my oinion that DAP should offer some kind of momento, may I suggest a metal collar-pin or badge of the DAP’s rocket emblem.
You can even use this as a way to raise funds or donation, me personally willing to pay let’s say RM 100 for such a noble cause & in return get a small souvenir which I will be proud to wear on my shirt, as recognition from DAP of our small contribution..so how about it YAB LKS, good idea?
#173 by mendela on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 1:29 am
#174 by limkamput on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 1:38 am
Colonel Says: I don’t want to know what he does with his left hand!
You really want to know, ok I will let you know what I do with my left hand. It is to smash you on your moronic ugly face, satisfy now???
#175 by zioburosky13 on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 1:40 am
Can’t afford to pay but you can guarantee to have my vote for the opposition parties rather than B.N.
If the people of Taiwan and America willing to change their government soon, why, can’t we Malaysian, do it?
Are we that dumb and stupid?
Vote wisely!
#176 by BlackEye on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 1:45 am
Anyone who screams and shouts and not put his money where his mouth is and is not prepared to walk the talk, should be made to walk the plank instead.
#177 by limkamput on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 2:08 am
black rat eye, perfect, that person to walk the plank is none other than you.
#178 by js on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 2:15 am
I really appreciate if BlackEye & limkamput can use other webpage to arque. I really cannot “Tahan” liao. You make our life difficult.
#179 by laifoong on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 7:01 am
i think…it is just limkamput….he look for a fight every time….even when not provoked….he should stop using this blog like his grandfather blog and showing disrespect…..i’m serious and hope moderator would kick em out! i oso cannot stand!
#180 by Candima Yu on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 7:47 am
The DAP and other opposition parties have been shackled and are already handicapped, with little money, hardly any avenue open to them to publicise their plans and campaigns. If we have any genuine passion to support them, please all your bickerings and ego trips aside for the moment and concentrate on the work at hand and that is to help the DAP and other opposition parties to win big, I mean REALLY BIG this time round. We are not going to be given any chance anytime soon.
I am about YB Lim’s age and have seen most of the goings on that the BN had done to the country. During the early seventies, when the Mca were giving ceremahs to convince the people to accept the NEP policy, I went along to listen to them and thought that it would be an acceptable idea. What happened? After the Mca had procured our consent, they completely abandoned their role of looking after our interests and let UMNO run wild and in the process we lost our rights, our hard earned tax money and also our rights to practise our religion peacefully and to choose where we want to be buried. Is this the Mca you will trust again? When UMNO raise the keris, not a whimper comes out of them. Only in a completely Chinese function will people like Chew May Fun open her mouth to speak. We don’t need them to tell us what is right or wrong. We need to have people like Uncle Kit who has overcome great adversities to lead us and get the country back to a righteous and honest path where people do an honest day’s work and are responsible for their actions.
Go to a DAP centre near you and volunteer your help. Do not ask for recognition for the little effort you are contributing. If you want recognition, please ask yourself what you owe Uncle Lim and his whole family for the pain and sacrifices that they had given you. The other way to help is to encourage your close friends and family to contribute generously to the DAP election fund.
May I wish you all good health and strength to help make this election a successful one for the DAP. We need to get a CRITICAL MASS going and that can only be achieved if we think positively and say, WE CAN WIN AND WE WILL WIN.
#181 by Bigjoe on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 8:23 am
Please post the ceramah series in each area so that we can attend. I love DAP ceremah, usually lots of characters there. People are passionate especially the uncles and aunties there..
#182 by ChinNA on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:05 am
I used to think that I give too little. Then I started increasing my amount. Up to a stage, I began to feel proud being a great giver.
One day, to my dismay, I realised that there are quite a few others who gave MUCH MUCH more than me. I am not at the top segment (but neither am I am the bottom).
Moral of story:
Give because you want to.
Don’t look to be #1 and it is never too little..
#183 by dawsheng on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:19 am
Decide if you should donate more or why you should donate at all.
#184 by kcb on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:23 am
I found that certain people here like to irritate limkamput and be entertained by limkamput’s reactions.
Dear limkamput, knowing their intentions, I think you should just ignore their comments. Try this and you will find that you could actually laugh at their comments.
#185 by helpless on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:39 am
Some of those practical comments are highly commendable.
Just think about how the media is under controlled by the BN.
Whereas the avenue for the opposition parties to enlighten the people especially for those at the rural area.
These are the people who do not have access to internet or computer illiterate. These are the people who vote for BN due to lack of info. on the ugly part of BN.
When one is hand-tide but about to go for a battle, the basic need is to equip themselves and no time to think as how to manage & record funding matter.
How do you feel if someone asking for proof of your finance matter whereas you are in the mist of fighting for the betterment for them?
#186 by k1980 on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:42 am
The desparate mullah realises that should he fail to get a 2/3 majority in Parliament, he’ll be C4-ed like Altantuya
#187 by Thegame on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:45 am
LKS you are our hero and you are our leader.One who has proven time and again without a shadow of a doubt.Please lead us.In you we trust.You have always taken the fight to the BN without fear.In courage and determination there is non to equal you.We are at your service.Just tell us what to do and we shall follow you.What you do within the next few weeks will decide the faith of all of us Malaysians.You must do all that is needed to give us Malaysian a good victory over BN nothing else will please us more.If DAP is short of cash please come forward and be honest about it.We will reach out to our supportors in whatever way you choose.Just tell and it shall be done.The time for change is now.We trust you and we love you.You are the best….cheers
#188 by Short-sleeve on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:51 am
Went to DAP PJ HQ yesterday and made my donation.
However, tonight I will be attending a dinner with ex-school mates. Will collect some donation from them and then forward them to DAP.
#189 by Kannank on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:00 am
Dear Sdr Kit Siang
I have transferred contribution to DAP. Hope DAP wins atleast 30 Parliamentary seats this time. Please ensure both DAP members now under ISA detention for their worthly struggle against the marginalisation of Malaysian Indians are offered winnable seats in this GE.
#190 by Saint on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:03 am
Please stop nonconstructive statements
Let us donate, organize volunteers to mend ballot boxes, campaign in rural areas, organize talks in our community areas etc.
We have so little time. Time to consolidate among ourselves.
#191 by limkamput on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:04 am
kcb, ok, I will do as you said, and see how it goes.
Not every one of us can go out there campaigning. But for those doing it, they really need financial support and other resources. So may I suggest for those who have contributed earlier, may be we will do it one more time before the end of this month – any amount according to our affordability.
This blog has provided the avenue for many to air their views and opinions. To some, it has become their favourite pass time. If we want this blog continues in the same vigour, we must make sure that Sdr Lim and DAP win big. Otherwise we may find ourselves no where to go after the election.
#192 by cto on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:30 am
On the one hand, I see that readers here want and demand change etc. On the other hand, there is a lot of bickering and pettiness. Logical conclusion – people here do NOT want change badly enough that they are willing to stop the pettiness and bickering. :(
It is time to walk the talk. Rise above the pettiness and stop the bickering if you are at all serious about wanting to see some real change.
#193 by helpless on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:37 am
My guess is there are a group of “corporate man” who are highly influencial but not afford to jopardise their position for campaigning for the opposition.
No one could deny that there is a risk factor if the corrupted BN won 2/3 parlimentary seat. Even the press / TV have experience of the threat for licence to be revoked.
It is really sickening thinking of it. Anyone has an adea of how to breakthrough ?
#194 by Thegame on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:48 am
Hi helpless..one way to work around this is to make cash donation.It leaves no trial.Donate and forget about it.I think this will be good for such corporate figures.We must be practical at all times.This is a win win situation.
#195 by Thegame on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:54 am
cont…it should be read as no trail not trial.sorry for the typing error
#196 by sotong on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 11:24 am
This election will send shock waves to BN…..the next one will sink the ship with rats leaving and swimming for their political life.
#197 by grace on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 11:25 am
So may I suggest for those who have contributed earlier, may be we will do it one more time before the end of this month – any amount according to our affordability- Limkamput
I agree with you. I will do it again. Financial support for DAP is crucial to win more seats.
With just a small amount of donation to DAP will eventually save the public billion of public fund which would simply goes into the pockets of most of the BN corrupted MPs or ADUNSs.
If corruption can be checked by a big presence of opposition in DUN or Dewan Rakyat, cost of living will go down.
#198 by mindamerdeka on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 12:15 pm
Tahniah kepada semua penderma untuk memperjuangkan keadilan dan demokrasi di Malaysia.
Saya terharu membaca komen daripada penyumbang2 yang begitu ikhlas.
Saya juga akan turut menyumbang.
#199 by jspt on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 12:25 pm
Just noted from Jeff Ooi website. Jeff Ooi also requesting for the donation to him. Do you need to separately donate or what? Please advise. Thks
#200 by Albundy on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 12:31 pm
Uncle Kit, all the best in the coming election. Many Msians hope at the corrupted ruling party will at least lose its 2/3 majority in the Parliment and stop these crooks from further piratising the country’s resources.
Have done my little share of helping the cause and emailed all my friends of this DAP election fund.
Hidup Malaysia!
Order Number : 1688
Authorized date/time : 2008-02-15 12:15:57
Approval code : 259995
Service Items : Donation
#201 by I Malaysian on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 12:38 pm
For a peaceful harmonious and most importantly corrupt free democratic country, as Malaysians we could chip in a small amount according everyone’s ability. Most importantly if every one of us could convince 10 of our family, friends and neighbors to go for alternative parties we could make the real change. I think I have done that.
Lets do more
#202 by alvinkhng on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 1:15 pm
will do my part of contributing later tonight
Change is what i am after.
#203 by k1980 on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 1:28 pm
What has happened in the past is that the coalition has the money and the resources to deliver the vote. There are perennial complaints of rigged elections. But the coalition’s power is in money – money to hire the buses and drivers to round up rural Malays and get them to the polls, to organize and do the crucial mechanics of electioneering and to buy them at least lunch if not more.
Those powers by and large are not available to the opposition parties, hamstrung as they are by the fact that virtually all the sources of information dissemination are in the hands of the establishment. Whatever the polls show, and in the past they have shown the coalition to be in trouble, don’t be surprised if, on March 9, the Barisan Nasional still has its historic two-thirds majority on the Dewan Rakyat, or parliament, and the opposition remains on the outside, looking in.
#204 by AhPek on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 2:01 pm
That’s absolutely right K1980. The opposition parties are playing on a completely lopsided playing field. The obstacles stacked against them are:
(1) Money makes the world go round and BN has stacks of them.Opposition has nothing to match
(2) BN has access to radio,television and all the major media to disseminate their propanganda whilst opposition has probably YB Kit’s blog whose readership can’t be as widespread as the newspapers.
(3) constituencies have been delineated to BN’s advantage in other words gerrymandered.
(4) BN has the Electoral Commission doing their bidding. Postal votes will go en block to BN candidates.
(5) You can be sure UMNO will play to the sentiments of the Malay heartland.This heartland is the place that detemines who govern Malaysia.I don’t think PKR has enough fire power to upset UMNO’s position just yet. Most likely PAS can do some damage here.
(6) You can be sure they will make use government machinery …government vehicles,government chauffeurs to drive UMNOPUTRAS back to their constituencies, hotel bills for their stay, helicopters etc etc etc
These are the things not available to UNCLE KIT.So please do your best for DAP in whatever way you can. In helping Kit you are helping yourself as well.If Kit can succeed in giving us a better Malaysia, he is in fact giving a place for all of us to have a place under the Malaysian sky.
#205 by jus legitimum on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 2:14 pm
I have just made a donation at Dap HQ PJ today.Let us use our votes to thrash the 2/3 majority of BN and also the PJ Utara ‘Char Bee Hoon’.She slyly used the May 13 incident to intimidate the voters.Vote and support Dap in the coming GE.
#206 by js on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 2:20 pm
Below is the statement noted from Jeff Ooi blog:-
“If you could help me raise some campaign funds, and do it superfast, please email me at jeff001 @ jeffooi.com.
Let me have your mobile number, I will call back and give you the details”.
Is this the same as what we have donated to DAP Election Fund?
#207 by dawsheng on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 2:23 pm
DAP Secretary-General Sdr Lim Guang Eng said Abdullah’s lack of time in the Internal Security Ministry saw serious crimes rising by 13.4% nationwide last year compared to 2006. The increase in crime, particularly gang robbery without the use of firearms rose by more than 159%, gang robbery with firearms up by 15%, rapes up by 30% and molest cases up by 12%.
With 3,177 rapes and 2,320 outraging of modesty cases last year, this means that there are 8.7 rapes and 6.4 women molested daily last year. In other words 15 women were raped and molested a day last year.
These are only reported figures and the actual rapes and molest cases could be much more as it is generally known that for every report lodged there are as high as 5 unreported cases. Such frightening figures are unacceptable in a civilized and caring society such as Malaysia.
There were only 4 rapes a day when Abdullah became Prime Minister in 2003.
However, Abdullah’s only solution is to put in more CCTVs. What is the point when those CCTVs already put up are a waste of funds as they do not work and images are blurry?
DAP regrets that Abdullah has refused to consider DAP’s proposal to put 100,000 more policemen to patrol the streets and set up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission(IPCMC) to promote effectiveness and efficiency in crime prevention.
Please donate so that our love ones can be safe.
#208 by Bobster on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 2:41 pm
jus legitimum,
First thing Malaysian Chinese need to do is to clean up our own house first ie leaders like Tun LLS, Ng YY, Char Bee Hun and the like who only know to sing karoake to pull vote should be vote OUT representing the community.
The more they sing the more haywire the chinese society becomes.
#209 by geeclau on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 3:22 pm
My dear friends/ex-colleague,
Are you tired of the high crime rate & inflation rate? Fed up of the low productivity & corruption practices by government servants? Worried about the poor road conditions that might one day cause you in the hospital?
Now that the battle is on, it is again the time we make a wise decision to vote out all the rubbish from BN especially those from UMNO! Whether you like Dr. Mahathir or not, for one right think he said is that there are so many deadwoods in UMNO that need to be voted out (though some were picked by him). This time I will do exactly what he said!
Pls do not think that politics is dirty and that u r too weak in making any changes. It is those rubbish “politikus” that make politics smelly! I still remember how our teachers (since primary until my professors now) told us that if u think u can’t, for sure u will fail. Whether u like it or not, our PM is no compare to Lee Kuan Yew so we don’t need a strong man like him before we have a fair system that will help all Malaysians, a true affirmative action that base truly on needs and merits, not on religion, color and race.
Hence, I am writing to appeal to you all to come forward to help build a better Malaysia for the future of this country’s children in two ways. First, help any Non-BN parties especially DAP & PKR in fighting for this crucial battle in any way that you can, like explaning to your friends and relatives the importance of having a strong check and balance in the parliament & state assemblies. More importantly, I APPEAL to you all to take the time to CARRY OUT your respsonsibility to cast your vote, if you are eligible, to DAP and PKR on behalf of your children and the people. If you are not eligible now, pls register immediately at the post office so u are eligible in next election.
Secondly, DONATING to DAP & PKR election funds, regardless you are overseas or in Malaysia and no matter how small the amount is! As for my part, I have donated RM500 to DAP Election Fund using my scholarship allowance that comes from the POEPLE! And I am going to donate more on behalf of the people! You might want to read this: http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-money14feb14,0,5632691.story
I am nobody compare to Dr. Martin Luther King, but I do have a same dream when one day all my children will be able to stand right up and shout proudly that they are Malaysians. Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is just over (Feb 12), George Washington’s birthday is coming (Feb 23) and the election nomination day is on Feb 24. Let’s all do our part to continue the legacy of Lincoln & Washington.
#210 by jacsoho on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 3:23 pm
Uncle Lim, publish statement of the contribution in digital form updated every second in the dap website.,it will definately helps to get more contribution
#211 by verbal-lash on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 3:25 pm
Already donated through Visa. DAP … all the way! Looking forward to polling day to put the X under your rocket sign or any opposition sign. Any sign except the DACING. My whole family going for the opposition.
#212 by smeagroo on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 3:27 pm
1st-ly i m pissed off with many of my chinese friends who wont even wanna donate and shy away when i brought this matter up. Secondly, they are Christians and I am so ashamed that they failed to see the importance of this fund drive. Well maybe they can pray that BN losses big time!
#213 by grace on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 3:57 pm
The Chinese as I often said have no balls. I am a Chinese and a Christian too. I feel ashame of such people too.
When given goodies, they really want and greedy too. But when come to donation to DAP? Sorry la.
But they willingly attend dinners thrown by those tycoons or businessmen just to have free makan and then sell their bloody vote for shit!
When some of them got into trouble, they turn to MCA or Gerakan who refuse to take up their case for fear of UMNO. It is DAP which eventually take up the case!!! Yes, I am ashamed of my own kind!!!
#214 by dawsheng on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 3:59 pm
smeagroo, please don’t be sad. Just ask your friends for a small amount will do, even one ringgit is ok.
I did not know that DAP candidates have to raise their own campaign fund. Many months back I already hinted that money is important. In the next general election, I wish to see a more coordinated and well planned donation campaign.
I understand why you hesitate to ask for donation because you don’t wish to take money from the public because their lives already hit hard by inflation, but now you can rest assured that the public knew that DAP needed money to make the country better, so please do a better donation campaign. The public will support DAP.
#215 by ng say eng on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 4:00 pm
TO all Malaysians,
Please vote for opposition regardless of candidate’s origin to deny BN 2/3 majority. Even if opposition decided to field a monkey as candidate vote for the monkey. Uncle Lim, will drop by at DU office to hand in my contribution. Good luck
#216 by ZepolBumi on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 4:06 pm
Just had a donation done, cant wait to vote.. will drive all the way back to penang for it!.. Seri Delima & Bukit Gelugor… Rocket Kid!
#217 by Malaysianborn on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 4:31 pm
The Elephant and the Chain
I am not sure if anyone has heard of the story of how in the circus the baby elephant(s) are chained on their leg since young and no matter how hard the elephant tried to break the chain to escape/ run, it will always fail. The chain will continue to be on the elephant until it becomes a full grown elephant. Here comes the exciting part, eventhough by now, the elephant has the strength to break the chain easily, but due to it’s memory/ experience in the younger days, it has given up trying. As such it is forever (willingly) being bound by the chain.
Fellow Malaysians, 50 years, same ruling government, same chain…is it not the time to break the chain now?
Need i say more?
#218 by limkamput on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 4:39 pm
jacsoho Says: Uncle Lim, publish statement of the contribution in digital form updated every second in the dap website.,it will definately helps to get more contribution
This is not a good idea, not that I am not for transparency. What if the money is not coming in as fast as it should be. BN will be laughing at DAP and we will lose confidence. Second, I think we ought not let BN know how much money is coming in for DAP. Please have some trust on the DAP leadership to manage the money. We are going to trust them to represent us, right? So just let it be. BN war chest is enormous and all unaccounted for.
#219 by I Malaysian on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 4:52 pm
Guys let us realize something. All these awareness that we have now do any one of you think is it because of money, mainstream media or RTM TV and radios? Do you think is it because of them we can reach one another to share views in seconds? Thanks to the internet world which is uniting us Malaysians for common cause. So let us move on using the available channels and what we need most is appreciating and be appreciated every ones of us who comes out to support the alternative parties. ( I think we should stop naming BA as opposition as to us the real opposition is Barisan and their corrupt practice).
#220 by KampongBoy on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 5:02 pm
We trust DAP sincerely that the fund will be used adequately. The reason of bringing out this issue is, we want to participate. We want to make sure the troops are properly equiped.
We are helping ourselves. We want to help the next generation. We want to vote BN out with our FULL strength.
#221 by AhPek on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 6:26 pm
Have you not heard that:
(1) Hampers are distributed just all over the country on the excuse that it is Chinese New Year Season.
(2) Grants and TOLs are freely given.
Now these are the goodies that opposition parties cannot and can never match!! This Sleepy Head is not that sleepy when it comes to buying votes.Even during Mahathir’s time such blatant vote-buying is not displayed so recklessly and openly.
YB Kit have you a counter against this not in the form of vote-buying of course.
#222 by gofortruth on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 6:29 pm
Honestly can you call this bribery?
#223 by smeagroo on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 6:30 pm
YEa and hey Grace Assembly Church suddenly got approval to build their church after waiting for 20years! And they credited MCA MP for it. WOW!
GE can do wonders.
Tell u guys ho, next round of GE make sure u bring out all ur problems to the govt and i can tell u the govt will work 24hrs to get thigns done.
#224 by gofortruth on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 6:45 pm
I’m deeply ashamed of Grace Assembly of God. They should have just picked up the land title from the land office what is rightfully theirs ( long over due too, don’t you think 20 years?) instead of receiving it on a public stage from a MCA politician (is she also an officer from the land office?)Sigh!
Read Psalms 1:1-3
#225 by Just_True on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 7:07 pm
At 9am, this morning, I told my mum (who is 91 years old) that DAP has sent out a request for campaign funds. Immediately, she asked to be counted in. She hobbled to the phone and called her old friend & my sister – the answer was a resounding ‘YES – count us in too’. I made another call – 5 people responded. At 10am, the money was deposited into the Public Bank DAP account – via cash deposit at the ATM. Ladies & gentlemen – there are so many people out there who have been silent supporters for years. All they need is a phone call from you or an e-mail – & please provide them the DAP bank account no. too. If they refuse, never mind…you have done your part. LKS needs us to soldier on as he has done over the years. For those who want to contribute, please do so quickly – there is very little time before polling day.
Just a final note – my Dad (who is also 91 years old) and is bedridden told me weeks before the announcement of the GE, in one of our discussions about politics – (quote…”LKS is a good politician, fearless – he deserves our support”…unquote).
LKS – we wish you and your team every success.
#226 by ALtPJK on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 7:18 pm
oknyua, in your post above you wrote
“Now it’s official, those who talks politics outside, pease get proper forms of authorisation (form e?). Don’t get into trouble and don’t get your DAP candidate into trouble.”
Could you elaborate. I am not sure what it means but I sense there is an important message/point in it. Thanks.
#227 by shortie kiasu on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 7:36 pm
It is the show time that was long awaited. Work hard for the victory and a new destiny. We will give you all the supports.
#228 by Colonel on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 8:03 pm
“We are going to trust them to represent us, right? So just let it be. BN war chest is enormous and all unaccounted for.”
Just let it be??? You’re implying that DAP officials could not be trusted!!
#229 by patriotic1994 on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 8:07 pm
Just transfered RM200 to DAP Malaysia.
Please tell all your friends about this blog entry. Send mass email.
The more the better and all will come to support DAP!
#230 by oknyua on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 8:07 pm
When you canvass for votes on behalf of a candidate, you need an authorisation from that candidate, (signed by election agent). The authorisation identifies you as authorised campaigner. If and should you be asked, you show this form. It has the “Form E†printed on the right-hand side. Unless you have that form, you cannot campaign and if you do, and caught, you could get into trouble. In hotly contested areas, it might be a point for disqualification.
I am not sure about the final points involved, but maybe you could go to the DAP office and ask further details. Just be safe, get your own authorisation. Thanks and be a campaign worker!
#231 by oknyua on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 8:16 pm
smeagroo & gofortruth,
Since you talk about a church, may I, as another (probably older) Christian beg you two, don’t post this kind of thing in here. Please, it does not edify anyone certainly. Thanks
#232 by limkamput on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 8:41 pm
The scripture said: be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. To be the light i guess is easier, just keep doing the good things including the political correct things. But just ask yourself how many Indian boys and girls can we help if the society keeps churning them out by the thousands. To be the salt is a bit harder – to see the injustice and decay in our nation is reversed. Those trying to be the salt may have to rough up some feathers. Christians ought to be the light as well as the salt. Stand up and be counted.
#233 by newkid on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 8:55 pm
Now is the time to action.. I have just donated via maybank2u..
#234 by waterfrontcoolie on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:14 pm
YB, can the Local DAP branch be empowered to collect this donation? It will make thing easier for we ‘small timers’ to contribute too!
#235 by gofortruth on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:22 pm
oknyua ,
#236 by newkid on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:26 pm
This is my first posting.. here.. have been following YB’s blog for quite sometime now.. Just donated RM100… via maybank2u..
#237 by ALtPJK on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:38 pm
oknyua, thanks for the clarification.
#238 by chiakchua on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 9:41 pm
Just back from Public Bank. Done RM1000. Deposit receipt no: 031657
#239 by BlackEye on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:00 pm
“I found that certain people here like to irritate limkamput and be entertained by limkamput’s reactions.”
Can you blame the puppet master if someone insists on being a clown??
#240 by Godson on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:05 pm
News from my friends in Sarawak. Recently Datuk A.Yap from SUPP talk some rubbish. Many projects delayed or on hold coz DAP won the seats. Sarawakian have supported SUPP many many years of leadership…..but ???????. All corrupted like the white ant. So, if you cant perform let DAP do it. This Datuk lost his seat to the DAP. Nobody listen to him anymore just lke sami value. SUPP talk and promise but deliver rubbish.
Good Luck & GOD BLESS DAP.
#241 by BlackEye on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:29 pm
I purchased a money order yesterday for a decent sum and had it mailed it. That way I could do it anonymously. I’m a serious contributor to any fund set up for the right reasons and in this case it is for justice and fair play that comes with free elections. I feel I do not have to thump my chest and say I’m better than the next contributor. It is not tax deductible.
After making the talk, now take the walk. Put your money where your mouth is. A $1 donated is a $1 donated. No amount is too small.
#242 by AntiSUPP on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:39 pm
Hi Godson (are u related to Or Kau aka Black Dog?)
Good to know another S’kian here. Another RM10
Yes, the white termite will stay in power knowing how easy our native “brothers” are easily bought for their votes (by roast porks & cartons of beers)
Heard that white hair wears a belt of charms & spells & withcraft on his waist now. Bloody termite wont die, after eating so much rubbish, tummy cancer and still cant die. The charms works for him.
Let us support DAP for our Chinese rights representation and I believe the current DAP senators has been able to keep check & balance in ADUN although they are toothless.
We are with DAP.
#243 by BlackEye on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 10:47 pm
“Let us support DAP for our Chinese rights representation and I believe the current DAP senators has been able to keep check & balance in ADUN although they are toothless.”
So much for DAP being more than a Chinese party!
#244 by Godson on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 11:24 pm
Hi AntiSUPP. What you say about the white ant is correct.
I hv some educated native friends in Sarawak who dislike the BN white ant. Except those poor longhouse natives whom the BN white ant cheated every election. Many of them have been waiting for the BN white ant promises before every election but ???????? all rubbish. Thank God the BN SUPP lost their seats after many many rubbish promises. DAP captured their seats and screwed them up. Slowly things are in progress but a lot of work needs to be done after all the mess done by BN SUPP over the years during their leadership under BN UMNO. I heard the next election will hit BN SUPP even harder.
#245 by Kota Melaka on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 11:30 pm
Donated another RM300 (Cash) to DAP Puchong Branch this afternoon and RM200 by cc previously, will source for more “bullets” to fight the UMNO’s doggy.
#246 by mendela on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 11:30 pm
Let’s take a break and to have some funs…
#247 by max2811 on Friday, 15 February 2008 - 11:39 pm
In the last few elections, I was in the MCA ops room. Bags of money given out. I man the computers and also do the stats.
If you need my help, email me. I can be in Ipoh Timur or Barat or Po Kuan’s ops room. FOC.
#248 by limkamput on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 12:23 am
BlackEye says: I purchased a money order yesterday for a decent sum and had it mailed it. That way I could do it anonymously. I’m a serious contributor to any fund set up for the right reasons and in this case it is for justice and fair play that comes with free elections.
Good for you, good for DAP and good for fair play and justice. Yes no amount is too small. DAP is for Malaysian Malaysia. If some supporters have misconstrued, just forgive them.
#249 by BlackEye on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 12:37 am
If you confine your comments to the issues and resist making personal remarks against any particular commentator, then I take my leave from this blog.
*self appointed cyber police
#250 by yapsunny on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 1:17 am
Check this out…
Vote for freedom.
#251 by mendela on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 3:17 am
Just did my second donation 5 minutes ago.
All bloggers out there should try your best to get your friends to participate in this great movement, especially your rich friends.
If we can get a few rich men to donate a million or two each, we would be almost there!
Also, to all our many rich overseas comrades, have you done your share already?
#252 by mendela on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 3:22 am
By the way, may I suggest the few you-know-who bloggers out there not to disrupt and hijack this blog and this great cause?
We must not lose our focus; GE is so near!
#253 by burn on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 5:25 am
“antiSUPP says:…
let us support DAP for our chinese rights representation…”
non-bumi rights… sedap di dengar! kita kan malaysian!
#254 by Loh on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 5:53 am
///The MIC has nine parliamentary seats and 19 state seats in the 2004 general election, securing a 100% win in the seats contested. Samy Vellu said he was confident that the party could repeat its feat this time around. ///
Making MIC lose 100% will make the tripod minus its third leg. Race-based political parties cannot stand. Obviously Indians will be represented through opposition parties; nothing to worry.
#255 by chiakchua on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 8:58 am
“antiSUPP says:…
let us support DAP for our chinese rights representation…â€
non-bumi rights… sedap di dengar! kita kan malaysian!
Yes, DAP is for all Malaysian! Not only non-Bumiputra or it will surely fail; I will be the first one to go against it!
Regret that “antiSUPP” had made the ‘Chinese right’ quote. This may be due to Chinese rights had been encroached by the ruling government for the past 50 years, especially after the May 13 1969 incident. This has definitely stir-up ‘anti-government’ feeling in most clear conscience Chinese like antiSUPP to the extent that he had misquoted due to the ‘anger’ or ‘hatred’?
My apology, we should all fight for all Malaysian, irrespective of race and religion.
Waste no time, please walk the talk to help uncle KIT to fight for us!
#256 by budak on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 9:13 am
Kit, please leave Sg. Siput to PSM…
no point fighting among oppositions…
lets have a straight fights; 1-on-1 with BN doggies, our common enemy… unless we have better people representative for Siputian…
else let Samy Vellu continue to screw Siputian as he wish…
if Siputian like to be screwed… :-)
#257 by Just_True on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 9:26 am
chiakchua says “My apology, we should all fight for all Malaysian, irrespective of race and religion”
Thanks, chiakchua for setting the record straight. We must not deviate from truth and justice. Truth and justice does not see race and religion. Let us fight the issues that matter to the present and future generations.
#258 by budak on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 9:27 am
Yesterday Tajol said:
Make sure Kit Siang loses, says Tajol Rosli
“IPOH: Barisan Nasional must make sure that Lim Kit Siang loses in the general election, regardless of whether the Ipoh Timur MP contests in Penang or Perak.â€
Today he said:
Perak BN sees 16 hot seats
“As for the parliamentary constituencies, Tajol Rosli pointed out that the fight was in Kinta Valley where it would be difficult for Barisan to regain Ipoh Timor and Batu Gajah, adding: “We cannot win back Ipoh Timor and Batu Gajah but we will give them a run for their money. We think we can win back Ipoh Barat.â€
sound like Pak Lah leh..!
less than 24 hours change mind leh… :-)
Tajol let me remind you, Ipoh Timur belong to Uncle Kit (DAP) for now and forever… Ipohan don’t like liar, broke back and sucker like you…
#259 by St0rmFury on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 9:34 am
I was wondering wheter to donate to Teresa (I stay in Seputeh area), Jeff Ooi (fellow blogger), or simply to the election fund. Since I don’t want to give myself a headache, I deposited RM250 to the election fund. Hopefully it will be distributed wisely among the other branches who may need the extra push.
#260 by Pocket on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 9:52 am
Done! Just donated a small amount to the Election Fund, reference number 1688 via Maybank2u.
Besides this, also brought ticket for wife to back to KK, Sabah for the up coming Election as soon as AAB announcement. While in KK for the past few days, already told in-laws to vote for the opposition, instead of BN, if they really want to see real development for Sabah and Sabahan. Brother-in-law also flying back for the Election as well.
In additional, also told my family, relatives and friends to vote for opposition as well whenever I saw them in the past few days. All confirmed to vote for oppositions, regardless of DAP, Keadilan, or PAS, but not BN!
#261 by Candima Yu on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 10:07 am
It is good to see a more civil tone appearing in the comments. Focus on the work at hand. We are fighting an uphill battle and need all the help and positive energy to get us moving in the right direction. Hold back any negative thoughts you have for the moment and help the DAP and our Big Brother YB Lim to fight the Mother of All Elections. Reach out to your neighbours and friends to contribute to the election funds. Go out to the neighbourhood coffee shops and inform them of the fund and how to contribute. I just came back from breakfast at the neighbourhood kopitiam and heard a hawker grouse about being unable to vote as his application to transfer his voting constituency had not been approved after 1 year. Get these people to come out and help.
If you are able, go to the DAP centre near and offer your help. They will definitely need YOU. Exercise some patience and know that you are working for a good cause. All will be well.
May you all be well and happy.
#262 by unknowngrouse on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 10:51 am
Just collected some money from GH yesterday. Will contribute some of the winnings. Hope GH will be as generous in my next trip.
#263 by oknyua on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 11:01 am
There are a few that asked how much it costs to finance a candidate. I cannot tell exactly the actual amount. Generally, a BN candidate spends more than an opposition because BN workers are paid (handsomely), but most opposition workers (except contract workers) are volunteers.
• Preliminary costs are: Posters, rental premise, vehicles, extra phone lines.
• Deposits: to Election Commission, Majlis perbandaran/district office, (someone has to clear the posters after the election)
• Equipments: telephones, faxes, computers (mostly borrowed/rented).
• Election workers: Those at the operation room, field. Maybe 15 people and some needed to be paid. Lunch and soft-drinks.
• Candidate’s discretion: This is something we cannot determine. If the candidate visits the hospital and sees a poor widow, for example, he cannot say, “Get well†and leaves. He has to leave some money for the widow.
The ceiling RM100,000 just cover basic cost and that’s what an opposition candidate needs. A BN candidate may spend double because no worker would fix the poster without RM being paid. I won’t work for BN unless RM15,000 paid to my account first thing. Each attending the BN rally during nomination had to be paid lunch and transport of around RM10. That explains the “durian runtuh†for traders during election time.
The info above, does it help? If it does, give more to DAP. Donate in kind, maybe a driver. Or get more from GH?
#264 by Bobster on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 11:26 am
MAIN STRATEGY for this upcoming battle of the century is vote of the strongest oppositions in your area be it PKR, DAP or PAS as most leaders in the BN are corrupted and rakyat cannot NO longer tolerate this ill practices that cause so much social ills and hold back the nation to achieve better future for the next generation.
Country needs MAJOR RESTRUCTURING. So give ANY OPPOSITIONS a mandate in the Parliament so that the present government will NOT continue to take the RAKYAT for a ride and take no action against those corrupted politicians like Datuk Z, Internal Security Minister, One Eye Minister and the list goes on and on.
DAP, PKR and PAS should issue an official instruction to all supporters to adopt a common strategy.
I as a Christian will support PAS if they willing to accept a multiracial society, rule the nation with justice, fairness irrespective of race and religion. Think people need to give them a 2nd chance to test their capability, at least in the states of Kelantan, Pahang and Terrengganu, to dilute the Barisan strength in the East Coast. Why Pahang? Because Najib hometown in Pekan. To make sure the future PM under some pressure to perform. Based on many statements that he has made and his background (Tun Razak and gangs) dont think he is capable to rule the nation with justice and fairness. Time is too short for DAP and PKR to pull support from people in the East Coast IMO.
#265 by justiciary on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 11:44 am
Use our votes to throw out the racist and religious fanatics(the latest incident was the Jawi road signs by DBKL),the perpetrators of unfair and discriminatory policies such as NEP,the LPs and LMPs,the hypocrites,the liars.the corrupted,the cheats and also the whole bunch of political eunuchs and spineless from MCA/Gerakan/MIC/SUPP.Donate to DAP and vote DAP,PKR and PAS for a better Malaysia.
#266 by max2811 on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 11:50 am
Anyone heard OKT’s brother OKC will be appointed a Senator even if he loses? Just to make way for him to be a Minister. Most probably Health Minister.
Another would be record – 2 brothers in the same Cabinet. Utter nonsense! These 2 are morons, highly corrupted and always hiding behind their religious actions.
MCA has rotted under OKT. The Chinese has been threatened by keris wielding amuks, marginalised in the education and business fields and bullied by religious bigots.
UMNaziO is a Nazi party. They propagate race superiority(which they are not) and supremacy over others. Just like Nazi Germans who thought that the Aryans are superior over the Jews. What I see in them is that they are a bunch of thieves, bullies and parasites of Msia waiting for gov aids, contracts and monies. But they will not give up NEP. It is something for their survival and they would be willing to kill for it.
How are the minorities going to survive and have a decent life style in Msia? Can we trust PAS? Can we trust Anwar? I will choose the lesser of the two devils.
The onus is on the Malays to try and change the situation. The non Malays are not in a position to do anything. We can deny them 2/3s. So what? The same situation still persists.
I am too old to fight anymore. I can vote. For the first time, I intend to give you my vote. Being a life member of MCA, I am not a traitor to the Chinese but I have given more than 30 years of my adult life to serve them as they were being bullied in all fields.
I have educated and trained many young Chinese. I am proud most of them have made it in life.
I hope Mr.Lim will remain in Ipoh Timur. I have influence on more than 50 votes here. 60% of Gov servants I know will vote opposition.
#267 by Tickler on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 12:30 pm
Campaign of Roses Update 11.30am Update
Update at 11.30AM – It was reported that the crowd has now dispersed and gathered around Court Malai Pillayar Temple. It is estimated around 10,000 people around the temple area. There was few stand off between FRU and the Campaigners. Apprently the FRU being very aggresive and even chasing people out of coffee shops.
Campaign of Roses Update 12.00pm Update
Update at 12.00PM – The crowd is moving towards Pudu Jail…apparently few of the Hindraf committee members were arrested last night itself. Fair amount of people from different directions are heading towards Pudu Jail.
#268 by ablastine on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 1:29 pm
Marcos had everything from inexhaustible funds to military power but still had to fall because of People’s Power. Now in Malaysia we are more fortunate because despite all the grievances we have about the BN government they still have not yet completely sabotaged the only constitutional means of government change i.e. by election. I hope the electorate realise how precious this privilege is and use their vote wisely for the good of the entire country. The BN led government has shown themselves to have failed miserably for the past 50 years. To allow them to continue in their ways is a sure receipi for future disaster. If the majority of the electorate is unable to even realise that or unable to see beyond self interest then there really isn’t much future for our children in Malaysia anymore.
The peoples’ power is stronger than any money the government has in its coffer to help them in the election. It is stronger than any guns they can bring out to intimidate or any ISA they can muster to terrorise dissent. They are powerless against a nation of united people who know that the leadership has to change their ways or the country will die. Let DAP be the organisational force and defeat all defeatist attitude and mindset. This prodigal government has no match against the might of an entire nation united. Let us all march on and mobilise the nation to a common cause of voting for a brighter future and that means voting this useless incumbent government out.
#269 by sosmalaysia on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 1:36 pm
we must vote with a god given conscience both with our votes. If bn was just so so a manager(however good or bad ) let’s tell them they had used their quota and now it is time for another new and alternative manager – ala DEMOCRACY>
A journey of a thousand miles change start with a first step of some $$$ -small or big , it’s allright – GOD bless you.
#270 by aiD_kamikuP on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 2:17 pm
With all the talk of rising public unhappiness lending more support to opposition you’d always have a nagging suspicion that some distraction or a scare might occur during the lead up to elections and guess what…..? Draw your conclusions!!
#271 by germ on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 2:58 pm
over the past few elections, i have been voting opposition cos i couldnt stomach the behavior of those in power and thought they were infants. now it is soooo apparent. also cant stand how they like to give politicians nick names like Pak Lah etc…its darn irritating, coupled with all those lame one liners from this person who i feel has no character at all. its embarassing and disgusting how he has been running the country and how the main stream media is so lopsided….ranging from the blatant public lies and attempted tactics to crush opposition.
opposition support is much much stronger now and i really hope we can at least put a dent to the existing choke hold BN has over us.
good luck!
#272 by cocomomo on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 3:28 pm
thought my contribution thru’ visa had gone. however received an e-mail 2days later that payment had failed. not sure why. shall try again.
#273 by AhPek on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 3:58 pm
‘Anyone heard OKT’s brother OKC will be appointed a senator even if he loses?Just to make way for him to be a Minister. MOst probably Health Minister.’.Max2811.
But this isn’t surprising at all for I believe that OKC is an obedient lap dog of the UMNOPUTRAS. Haven’t you read that not long after OKT has taken over the driver seat of the MCA OKC has in fact come out to say that UMNO is not only a party for the Malays it is also a party for others as well cos UMNO looks after everybody’s interest.This was reported in the media.A master politian this chap is for he knows right from the start who the boss is.
#274 by AntiSUPP on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 4:15 pm
Dear all,
My sincere apologies for one lopsided “chinese” representation statement i made earlier on. I was carried away by my emotions after remembering how much i & many other aspiring youths was left behind in BN agenda in the education & economy.
I pledged another small contribution again for the common cause for everybody! Approval code : 675312
Minta maaf.
Vote for DAP!
#275 by thinkingahead on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 4:25 pm
Saudara YB Lim,
I’m currently overseas(Aust) and are eligible to votes. what procedures do i need to follow in order for me to vote?
#276 by kanthanboy on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 4:45 pm
“…I believe the current DAP senators has been able to keep check & balance in ADUN although they are toothless.†AntiSUPP
Who is the current DAP senator(s)?
#277 by sean on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 5:03 pm
For those that aren’t comfortable with online payment or can’t go online, it is a good time to walk into any PB bank and do it through cash deposit machine :) weekend is the best for those that are worried about hassle
#278 by Evenmind on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 5:37 pm
It’s TIME now to walk the talk so that BN can take a walk, we all have a DREAM., that is to take out this racist, corrupt and brainless govt. out of the equation to build a just, equal and a prosperous Malaysia.
#279 by St0rmFury on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 5:39 pm
Hmm, its been 3 days since YB Lim’s last post. The GE announcement must have caused DAP to go into overdrive until no time for YB to post.
#280 by sean on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 5:49 pm
this “Sack Zam as “caretaker Information Minister†if he continues to misuse RTM/Information for BN propaganda and spread falsehoods against Opposition
February 16th, 2008 (7 hours ago) ”
was posted today few hours ago….
just change it
#281 by jus legitimum on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 6:45 pm
Saudara Lim,
I don’t know if my suggestion is rational.How about making an appeal to donate to DAP Election Fund in Sin Chew Daily? I think the response will be overwhelming.
#282 by chiakchua on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 7:14 pm
“we all have a DREAM., that is to take out this racist, corrupt and brainless govt. out of the equation to build a just, equal and a prosperous Malaysia.’ by evenmind.
Yes, all Malaysian must have such a dream! Don’t give up, one day the dream will come true!
No Malaysian should live in poverty with the resources we have!
Per capita income of Singapore, without any natural resources and scarcity of land is app. RM96756.00 per year (US$29320.00). Malaysia is app. RM24000.00. How can we still have so many family living in poverty? Yes, its CORRUPTION BECAUSE OF ABSOLUTE POWER.
Contribute whatever you can to help the opposition to do their best to deny BN the 2/3 majority!
#283 by Lat Gao on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 7:57 pm
I’m a low income earner with 5 mouths to feed, pls bear with my minimal donation, I want a better future for my coming generation.
I’ll shall bank in through your PBB bank’s account when my salary is credited on 21th this month.
The fight must go on ! No to BN !
#284 by eagle828 on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 8:15 pm
I don’t know about you guys but I am tired and weary about this Umno led government. They have been ‘ killing me softly with their song ‘ . I have 1 vote and that is my power and strength . I intend to use it wisely for the sake of my children and their children’s future. RM 500 already in and I am waiting for my payday end of the month to help out further. The change and courage starts with us! We can make a difference ….. Cheers !
#285 by aiD_kamikuP on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 8:18 pm
What is wrong with my post of 14:17:00 that it has now taken 6 hours awaiting moderation.
#286 by aiD_kamikuP on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 8:39 pm
Yes it’s through now. Thanks.
#287 by waterfrontcoolie on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 10:15 pm
Can someone throw some light on this OKC guy? beside being brother to OKT. It looks like OKT wants to ensure that his borther will take over, after he had completed his two terms in office! Talking of YB Lim building a dynasty, at LGE has gone through the mill and stood up when MCA had failed to represent truth and honesty! YB , make sure a strong condidate is put against this OKC shyster!!
#288 by AntiSUPP on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 10:44 pm
Just a gentle reminder of how Mullah’s pitbull antics and the double standard of our so called Royal Police Force of handling demonstrations.
#289 by JimmyNg on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 10:45 pm
Uncle Lim, I’ve done my small part to help the cause for a better Malaysia.
#290 by AntiSUPP on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 11:31 pm
Pitbull almost kena wallop by a pakcik @ Ijok. How good it will be if he striked the lowly dog until it whined with tail under the legs.
#291 by AntiSUPP on Saturday, 16 February 2008 - 11:55 pm
How does our Oxford Beruk sounds like when interviewed ;-P Hmmm… sounds like somebody
#292 by ablastine on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 1:08 am
Please DAP publish your plea for donation to your campaign fund in the major newspapers and make sure there are enough of avenues for the funds to come in. Not everybody read this blog or are internet savvy but most people read the papers. You will have more funds than you need because the support for the opposition this time is overwhelming. Malaysia does not have very much time left if it continues to be govern by this incompetent, corrupt and racist government.
#293 by jgspot on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 2:17 am
http://jgspot.com fully support DAP and BARISAN ALTERNATIF!!!!
#294 by chiakchua on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 7:15 am
“I’m a low income earner with 5 mouths to feed, pls bear with my minimal donation, I want a better future for my coming generation.”
By Lat Gao on 16th. 19:57
Salute to you Lat Gao! Only if more Malaysian like you come out to support the opposition the way you did, our ‘JUST, PEACEFUL, PROSPEROUS’ Malaysia dream will come true!
Ephesian 6:13 “having done all, stand”
#295 by davors on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 7:33 am
Dear Uncle Kit
What I believe it is very important to DAP is, please reduce politics fighting that only TEARING DOWN the opponent, instead I really do hope something more about LIFTING UP the country’s condition!
Best Regards
“Time to change the corrupted administration!”
#296 by grace on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 8:46 am
I see many people are using abbrievation OKT!
You know what OKT stand for in Hokkien? It reminded me of my childhood days When we used to use to scold others as OKT!
No offence to any one with this abbrievation.
OKT = Or Kooi Thau!!!
#297 by lhteoh on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 9:27 am
I may not be able to contribute monetary to DAP fund but I assure you that I will pull at least 20+ of my few associates to vote for opposition, only opposition and not the corrupted BN.
#298 by max2811 on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:22 am
Mr Lim,
Have you settled with PKR about the seat distribution? No point splitting the opposition votes. I’m referring to DUN Simpang Pulai. MCA has a small fry there(Alex Chan) but PKR put up Dr Lee Boon Chye and DAP put up a “I dunno who”.
If the two parties can’t even agree on who to contest, then I see no point in giving my support. BN can do this better. Only one contestant for one DUN or Parliament.
Please work something out. Both can only lose if you contest against each other. In the end, we also lose as we have one less anti BN in Parliament.
I can suggest a solution. If both parties had contested against each other in the previous GE, the party with the higher votes will contest this time.
#299 by k1980 on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:56 am
Another solution– worse comes to worse, settle it with a toss of a coin. Remember, only one contestant for one DUN or Parliament.
#300 by jus legitimum on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 11:26 am
Use your votes to elect more opposition MPs and ADUNs so that there is check and balance.If there is check and balance,there won’t be cases like the PKFZ and ‘Zak Kar Liao’.There won’t be any more fraudulent purchases and claims as reported in AG’s report.There won’t be any more body snatching etc.Use your votes to destroy Umo arrogance and the political enuchs and spineless from MCA/Gerakan/MIC/SUPP.Vote out the self serving.the corrupt.the title seekers,the get rich quick dreamers and all those who are hypocrites and who never inspire themselves with the mission to build a real multi racial,multi religious,multi cultural,multilingual,just and fair Malaysia.
#301 by wargamalaysia on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 11:37 am
#302 by Wisdom above on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 12:24 pm
1)…must show a strong commitment to Malaysia where he would place the country above self. He must not be biased to any particular ethnic group. His campaign and his speeches must not favour one particular ethnic group or one religion or gender. He will address the people of this country as “Malaysian” and not Indian, Chinese, Malay, etc…
2)I am also particular about representatives who do not attend Parliamentary or State Assembly sessions.
3)The candidates that are elected must be the type who will speak their minds in Parliament or the State Assembly without fear or favour.
4) I am also against Representatives who try to become popular by belittling women and think that they can run certain government agencies with a wink of an eye like as if they own it.
5)We should recall MRR2 cracks and closure. The landslides, development projects in sensitive areas in Ulu Klang and Bukit Antarabangsa and also the floods in TTDI/Shah Alam due to unplanned and bad forest management. This reflects the quality of planning and work of the ruling government…. Auditor reports faded away…?
6)In parliament, we can see how the opposition is called bodoh, babi and are even jeered at by the Government MPs. Sometimes I wonder if these people are our elected Honorable MPs of the ruling party or monkeys from the zoo. When I see Theresa Kok asking some intelligent questions, the government MPs would jeer and belittle her.
7)A very realistic & holistic exposition .
We appreciate your details efforts to enlighten all ‘ Malaysians ‘. Syabas..!
#303 by Evenmind on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 12:26 pm
I’ve just been informed from an acquaintence of mine that her dad (who happen to be not well off) who is a avid Keadilan supporter has accepted a gift of RM 4000 from BN people to switch camps., according to her , her dad’ll still support keadilan iinspite of the gift.,
My only wish that he was sincere , had not accepted the gift , and reported the matter, then again corruption is a way of life in this country., the azz whole gomen is above the Law , as been proven by Lingamgate, i bet no one can prove any wrongdoing of the Gomen as long as the s h i t s are still in power.,
( Hot from the horses mouth )
#304 by takazawa on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 12:34 pm
Folks, just to side track a little bit by sharing with you an inspiring story emailed to me by a friend of mine recently, and it goes like this…
The Ants & The Grasshoppers
Older Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.
Modern Version (politically relevant)
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant ‘ s a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
TV1, TV2 & TV3 show up to ! provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The majority of the Malaysian Parliment stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper allowed suffering so?
Khairy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant ‘ s house .
Nazri goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.
Most of the related people criticizes the Malaysia Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.
The local news paper & the Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and
Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance) .
Deputy minister immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and Grasshoppers.
Hishammudin makes ‘More Special Reservation ‘ for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.
The Ant; fined for failing to comply with 30% sharing and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes; its home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by maju ———.
Prime Minister announces to the whole Malaysia that this is part of the NEP and all have to respect, no question ask and have to follow it.
Many years later
The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company. Thousands of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in Malaysia because of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the Grasshoppers, Malaysia is still a developing country!!!
All because the ANTS are still doing their work diligently………………………..
#305 by chiakchua on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 12:39 pm
“Mr Lim,
Have you settled with PKR about the seat distribution? No point splitting the opposition votes. I’m referring to DUN Simpang Pulai. MCA has a small fry there(Alex Chan) but PKR put up Dr Lee Boon Chye and DAP put up a “I dunno whoâ€. By max2811 17-2-2008 10:22
Reference to above, Dr Lee has been an national activist in PKR and a long time professional. With due respect to DAP’s candidate, please do consider to come to a compromise with PKR to let Dr.Lee goes it alone with the BN candidate. We need staunch opposition politician like Dr. Lee to speak up in the DUN or parliament!
#306 by ycjoo on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 1:10 pm
Have done my small part. Fully support DAP.
Thanks Mr Lim.
#307 by stk on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 2:11 pm
Dear Kit,
Please don’t fight among ourself,it is sick to see the fight for seats by the DAP and PKR,please negociate behing close door,the MSM will be attacking even with a slight misunderstanding took place and blew it out of proposion,I don’t think the opposition can affort that.Let’s give and take.
#308 by AntiSUPP on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 2:22 pm
Hi Godson,
Apparently our SUPP told press that that they have resolved the 60 years land lease issue but i would to know where are satistics & proof that the rakyat was happy & satisfied.
Like your post, janji itu ini, keluar tahi & sampah saja.
What a bull of crap from SUPP gutless MPs. YKS & AS, u wait 4us in the polls when we marked our Xs.
#309 by AntiSUPP on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 2:30 pm
The All Almighty Snobbish White Termite has declared to deliver the perfect record. Its because the constituencies are represented by illiterate voters who are denied of education & vote buying.
And In His Termiteness royally proclaim this:
“Asked if the land-lease issue that created major upsets against fellow Barisan component Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) in the 2004 polls would affect PBB, Junaidi said most voters in PBB constituencies were unaffected by the problem”
Hmm….. Kacang lupakan kulit. Other constituents & voters are just rubbish & insignificant to him? Fellow rakyat vote wisely…..
#310 by glokaltower on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 3:10 pm
The long term solution for chinese primary school’s problem is to support MCA totally.
1. According to Tun Mahathir, Pak Lah is one term PM. The most Dato Najib can wait is two term. But in reality, Pak Lah will try to hold three term to put his vision to an fruitful end. There will be intense in-flighting among UMNO in the near future. The Legend of “RAHMAN” has predicted that UMNO’s run of PM position will end at six. After that, UMNO, Keadilan and PAS will have equal chance to head the new coalition. In this case, MCA with its vast administrative experience and flexibility can be the king maker. Base on merit, Chinese put intense effort in education and good at business, so it is ideal to increase MCA’s minister portfolio by two, namely, education minister and second finance minister.
2. With the term limitation introduced by the president, MCA becomes the vibrant ground to breed new and young talents. In a few years, we will see a new batch of leadership including the honorable MP Wee. They surely can push MCA to a greater height.
3. As the second Chinese based party in the world, MCA also has a regional if not global stage to play its role, especiaaly in the unification of China and Taiwan. The future is the combination of chinese and islamic value against the western trend. The chinese and malay are bound to be one family and united to propel the nation into much more competitive capability.
#311 by AntiSUPP on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 3:30 pm
Our DAP senators can be found here on this link, sorry for the late reply
#312 by a-malaysian on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 4:05 pm
glokaltower the bodek king to glokal najis.
Pray tell me, can we afford to wait until “MCA with its vast administrative experience and flexibility can be the king maker.”
They simply cannot do anything other then being the running dogs for umno. The longer you wait, the more the chinese are going to suffer and there will be nothing left for the chinese. umno is slowly removing what is being left of the chinese be it education, religion or business. Put it this way, mca have no balls today and they are not going to have any balls in the near futute. Think about that.
People do not listen to mca promises, its not worth anything.
There is no bn but just umno. A vote for mca is a vote for racist islamic state umno.
50 years is ENOUGH
Vote For A Change
Vote For Any Opposition
Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.
#313 by js on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 4:31 pm
Fong Poh Kuan quit ??? What happened in DAP?
#314 by CK on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 5:57 pm
Must support opposition this time, not for ourself, but is for our next generation’s benefit. We have been wasted 50 years, i think we can’t afford to waste the next 50 years. If goverment don’t listen to rakyat biasa like you & me, lets put more people of DAP/Adil/PAS into parliment. Lets these people to fight for us. Trust me, there is no such thing vote wrongly, die forever. Is just 5 years. Goverment won’t die with just because more opposition people in parliment, but they will be more careful in decision making.
#315 by Jeffrey on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:00 pm
If you say that the Electoral Roll is tainted with phantom dead voters; if postal votes are manipulated to dislodge Opposition leaders; if electoral bountaries are gerrymandered to ensure incumbent ruling coalition wins – if the Election Commission is not impartial and if amendment laws have been passed with regards to the Election Act 1954 to make sure that the electoral roll once certified by EC is “deemed to be final and bindingâ€, then all these, if true, will only show that the party in power has no heed for democratic principles and merely using the so called ‘will of the people’ evinced from a “manipulated†ballot box to legitimise their remaining in power and that no matter what and under whatever circumstances, whether by hook or by crook, they will ensure that they are enscounced in power….
If this be so why do Opposition parties participate in the General Election to give the Coalition in power the legitimacy of a General Election vindication of its so called “popularity†that it obviously does not deserve?
Why not boycott? Why not agree to participate only if certain conditions ensuring a fraud free election are prior met? Why Do you participate in the game when the rules of engagement are fraudulent, unfair and stacked against you, where the playing field is tilted against you? What do you to gain by engaging in such a game? Do you serve the Cause of Democracy or the People? I don’t think so. You’re just lending legitimacy and credibility to fraud!
#316 by wargamalaysia on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:15 pm
Hi people,
Actually I just joined this LKS blog today. No offence. Just feel like joining here to have some intellectual discussions over certain issues. I’am a malay muslim anyway.
(by max2811) : How are the minorities going to survive and have a decent life style in Msia? Can we trust PAS? Can we trust Anwar? I will choose the lesser of the two devils.
my comment : Even the majority malays are/will always suspicious of DAP/chinese? Why? I myself have good and bad chinese friends. As for us the malay, we always feel being cheated by chinese while doing business even with malaysian chinese. i.e My former chinese developer company purposedly didn’t sell (hide) the bumi-quota-units and later made a request to government to convert the status and sold them as non-bumi units. Malay perceived it being cheated by a chinese not by a malaysian. Then thru chinese runner, they will offer bribes to bend certain regulations (like Lingamgate and VC Tan). Non-bumis will also always suspicious of malays/muslims on certain privileges.
(by bobster) : I as a Christian will support PAS if they willing to accept a multiracial society, rule the nation with justice, fairness irrespective of race and religion.
my comment : The misunderstanding of certain issues pertaining cultures and religious make us difficult to accept our difference and perceive things as justice and fainess. Like ‘the body snaching’ issue as mentioned by juf legitimum. Truthfully, there is no benefit at all for muslims to snatch a non-muslim body and bury according to Islam. No benefit to the deceased physically as well as the soul even during this life or afterlife. By right muslim shouldn’t do such things. A muslim will never be respected as a better muslim even from our view if he snatch a non-muslim body. That’s why I don’t really understand.
To me, it’s more on the failure of the present system to truthfully recognise the status of the deceased.
These problems will always be there. It depends on how much we understand and appreciate our differences. Non-muslim just undertand skin-deep of Islam/Malay cultures. Likewise, Malay/Muslim also just know skin-deep of other religions/cultures.
#317 by CK on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:20 pm
May i know where to refer on coming ceramah schedule?
#318 by dawsheng on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:34 pm
Jeffrey, you are right. Yes, I am all for a boycott but I think it is not that easy, all opposition parties must agree to it first, right?
#319 by wargamalaysia on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:43 pm
UMNO/PAS will always champion the malay, So do MCA/DAP with the chinese and MIC/PPP with the Indian. These political parties will always be racial. No doubt about that. They can be seen as multi-racial party on certain issues only. Have we seen malays/indians blocking authorities from demolishing a chinese temples? Have we seen chinese/malays blocking when it comes to a hindu temple? Have we seen chinese/indians stopping authorities from demolishing a surau?
MCA/DAP will always give priority to the chinese. Even now we recognise ministers by their race. A MALAY education minister, a MALAY finance minister. You propose a CHINESE education minister and a CHINESE finance minister. Then the indian will propose an INDIAN health minister.
These ministers will only be recognised by foreign government as MALAYSIAN MINISTERS whereas locally we recognise them by their political parties or races.
We have sek keb mainly attended by the malays, sjk(C) for chinese and sjk(T) for indians. We shouldn’t talk about “Bangsa Malaysia’ coz’ we don’t act like ‘Bangsa Malaysia’.
#320 by dawsheng on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:46 pm
wargamalaysia, who will you vote? MCA or DAP?
#321 by Jeffrey on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:47 pm
To fight the BN with maximum ammunition, everyone must walk the talk including the DAP!
Now the DAP has an ‘underdog’ role in Malaysian politics. It fights for the underdogs. It can do this effectively if it at all times proceeds on high principles – not political expedience.
The moment it deviates from these founding principles to which the Rocket is identified with, it gets punished by massive withdrawal of traditional support as in 1999 as when it collaborated with PAS under the Alternative Front.
This (the issues of principles) is not confined to national level but party level as well.
Fong Po Kuan had served Batu Gajah parliamentary constituency for 2 terms. I have not as yet heard any imputation that she had not served well her constituency service needs and articulating their voices inside and outside Parliament.. In parliament she had to suffer the “slings and arrows†of outrageous ‘bochor’ insults. She, like others, would have certain attachment to that constituency. She would have received representations one form or another from party leadership to be allowed to carry on there. She would have made certain sacrifices as price for her to remain there. Expectations therefore are built and structured along these lines that she would be fielded there.
So I could imagine Fong’s disappointment when the DAP’s state leadership pressured her to relinquish the Batu Gajah seat and contest elsewhere (perhaps in Johor as she was married to a Johorean), and to let Pantai Remis state representative Nga Kor Ming to contest in Batu Gajah instead – if Malaysiakini report on Feb 15 is true.
It is no consolation to justify such pressure on her based on the usual reasons of “ Macro Electoral Strategy†….
“ Macro Electoral Strategy†may be important to a political party but the trouble with DAP is that simple promises earlier made by party leadership to people like Po Kuan should be held upheld as bond – because these are what supporters as well own party members and officials expect of the Party to stand for. It is when a certain promise was made, relied upon by the promisee as a basis to do certain things, and then perceived not honoured, that a leading member of DAP of national profile like Po Kuan would feel so keenly the disappointment as to want to resign.
According to Malaysiakini Po Guan “also revealed that party secretary general Lim Guan Eng had contacted her by telephone last night to inform her that she would be nominated to stand as a candidate in the Batu Gajah parliamentary constituencyâ€.
But it is too late. She said she would not be contesting in her Batu Gajah seat – or in any other seat as well – in the coming general election.
By way of general observation it will be fair comment to say that people who are strict about their principles on certain things will correspondingly expect others to accord them the same treatment based on principles/promises rather than political expedience based on some “Macro Electoral Strategyâ€.
Especially as earlier said, when the DAP and its leaders are held to higher standards as regards principles.
So I repeat where I first started : for this coming general election, the DAP has to get its house in order. The dissension in Perak leading to Poh Guan’s resignation is disconcerting. I hope it is not because of DAP’s leadership not walking their talk!
#322 by wargamalaysia on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:50 pm
We all, as citizens of this country are to be blamed for generations to come. Not just our past and present leaders but rakyat as well coz we support racial issues, probably due to our ignorance of other religions and cultures. Be it Malay, Chinese, Indian, Khadazan, Sikh – all the same.
#323 by dawsheng on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:51 pm
Jeffrey, again you are right.
#324 by kcb on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:57 pm
wargamalaysia @ (18:50.28)
Give us some suggestions (examples), what should we do then?
#325 by dawsheng on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 6:58 pm
Poh Kuan can always join MCA or Gerakan, if not she can join PKR, but I hope if she left politics for good!
#326 by grace on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 7:06 pm
Mr Lim,
I think you must heed Jeffrey’s advice. I , too, share his idea.
Fong has proven herself to be capable and very likeable to the residents in batu Gajah. The 2004 results showed her majority increased ispite of trouncing of the opposition.
She should be coaxed to accept her candidacy in BG again.
If that fails, her choice of candidate Pasir Pinji’s state representative Su Keong Siong must stand in. Su must have been a tireless worker for the poor to the extent that Fong had recommended him. i believe the locals there like him very much too.
The locals choice must be respected over party’s choice,Mr. Lim.
Pleae do not rock the boat at this crucial moment.
#327 by js on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 7:19 pm
DAP might lose support from people if Po Kuan’s withdrawal not being settled immediately. DAP must convince her to withdraw her statement for not contesting in this coming GE.
People may query on DAP management system.Please do not create internal issue…it will not benefit the party at all.
#328 by Wisdom above on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 7:48 pm
Since 1957 …certain rights and special privileges, to be “reviewed after 15 years, meaning some time in 1972″…
So now I understand the year 1972 was significance.
…But something happened before 1972, and that was the race riots of May 1969,…
…Invariably, the rights and special privileges of the Malays were not reviewed in 1972 as originally intended. Instead, the NEP became the new policy which in a way ‘strengthened’ the rights and special privileges of the Malays even more.
So was the year 1990 , NEP was supposed to be reviewed after 33 years.
“But this was supposed to end in 1990 — which meant that the 15-year review would be reviewed after 33 years instead.
In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. So purposely forgotten & refused to review NEP ?
So from 1990 to 2008 , during the last 18 years , what went wrong again ?
Now in 2008 , what happened to NEP ?
#329 by wargamalaysia on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 7:54 pm
dawsheng Says:
Today at 18: 46.37 (47 minutes ago)
wargamalaysia, who will you vote? MCA or DAP?
answer: I’ll vote for the Opposition (whichever party nominated in my area) same as the previous election coz’ of the arrogance of the present government (BN=UMNO+MCA+MIC+other components). Not to say that the opposition is the best, but probably merely a better option, I hope.
kcb Says:
Today at 18: 57.14 (37 minutes ago)
wargamalaysia @ (18:50.28)
Give us some suggestions (examples), what should we do then?
answer: I’m no expert in politics nor racial integration advisor. Personally, I haven’t seen a single leader/group of leaders who is/are really honest to resolve the racial issues. From honest will come fairness and justice. Most of our leaders will react politically (to a certain degree) whenever responding to certain issues. It’s due to the fact that Politics is DIRTY – depends on how dirty you want it to be.
#330 by smeagroo on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 8:08 pm
The boycott plan was once being discussed. BUt u think those BN crooks will care? THey will just accept the boycott and win the GE by default. You think the other countries will care? No one will save us if not ourselves. Just like Msia boycotted the Olympics once. SO WHAT? Today we are back in the games. If by boycotting can wake the rakyat up then so be it. But even looking at my friends who are so pro opposition, they wont even wanna donate one single sen to DAP’s causes. So what boycott?
#331 by alicialph on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 8:19 pm
i’m from batu gajah and basically i’m dissapointed to hear that po kuan is not going to contest for batu gajah.. anyway i don’t think that i’d like to vote for someone that i don’t know of being capable to carry out their responsibility or not
#332 by wargamalaysia on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 8:22 pm
Wisdom above Says:
Today at 19: 48.26 (6 minutes ago)
“Since 1957 …certain rights and special privileges, to be “reviewed after 15 years, meaning some time in 1972?…So from 1990 to 2008 , during the last 18 years , what went wrong again ?
Now in 2008 , what happened to NEP ?”
reply : I’m tired of listening to most of the issues raised by so-called ‘malaysians’. What do malaysian really want? Lets say Abolish NEP. Then what? Abolish ISA. Then what? The problem are not really the policies – mainly the attitude of the leaders.
Open tender all governement projects – Let’s assume that the chinese obtain most contracts due to their competitiveness and available support by most chinese suppliers. Then what? Will then the malay and indians start to rally to express their disatisfactions. What is the ultimate goal of the malaysians?
How does really MALAYSIAN SCHOOLS look like? Not SK, SJKC or SJKT. Real malaysian school. Can anyone imagine that?
Most policies have to be drafted in the forms of general statements, subject to various interpretations.
Sorry, I don’t have the answer to all these questions. Probably LKS can try answer them.
#333 by popo on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 8:50 pm
Ki Siang,
You owe us an explanation as to why Fong Po Kuan would throw in the towel. Heads must roll. She has impressive credentials. Either you have not been on the ball in Perak or you glad to see her leave.
Meanwhile I ma withholding my donation money.
#334 by pilihanrayaexpert on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 8:53 pm
silly of Perak DAP :(
little stone elephant chili Fong Poh Kuan quit in coming general election ???????????????
come on , she is only 35 years old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#335 by stk on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 8:55 pm
Jeffrey,you are right.The DAP can’t affort the case of YB Fong to happen as DAP don’t have the luxury as every safe parliment seat counts.At least listen to her and recommendation,sure everybody tom dick & harry want to an MP but are they the right person or qualification,in her 2 terms as MP,she did an excellent job,unlike some DAP MP without any voice ,as if they didn’t exist.What the point of becoming MP and not doing their job.
Please get someone of YB Fong or YB Teresa caliber,not those gila for positon.Su Keong Siong should be her replacement as YB Fong recommended candidate,who care about Perak DAP big wig if they are not interested in serving the people.Let’s not make it a DAP crisis at this crutial time.
#336 by grace on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 8:58 pm
I just went around convincing people to vote DAP or Keadilan or PAS.
Managed to convince them but as for the Governmebt servant it is scary.
They wanted to vote opposition. But they have the impression that in votingopposition, their ballot paper would be scrutinised later they would be victimised! IS IT TRUE? GOT TO KNOW THE ANSWER BEFORE MEETING THEM AGAIN!
Since they are so frightened, I advised them to refrain from voting rather than to go and cast a BN vote! Here again, they thought that voting was compulsory! Poor Thing. THE DAP GOT TO MAKE CLEAR TO THEM THEIR POSITION!!!
#337 by max2811 on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 9:08 pm
And I thought of giving my vote to DAP this time. Suddenly, out comes Po Kuan’s issue. What the hell is DAP Perak doing? Don’t tell me you guys are worse than UMNaziO and MCA?
If you lose Po Kuan, you lose my vote and many of my relatives and friends.
#338 by oknyua on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 9:09 pm
Subject: Foong Po Kuan,
I am not able to provide opinion of the final selection of candidates. Po Kuan has proven herself beyond doubt. If opinion is weighed on contribution, I am not qualified. Nevertheless, I am sure DAP leadership would decide based on the followings:
• Performances and contributions.
• Probability of winning
• The opinions of the voters
• Future of DAP
DAP may have worked out a combination of these to come out with the selection. But if she leaves politics there are answers that we to hear from the DAP leadership. In my ponion, this issue is more critical that focusing on the affairs of Sami Value or Abdullah Ahmad Badawi; this is DAP’s house. I hope something positive can be worked out soon.
#339 by dawsheng on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 9:27 pm
It is quite normal for a party to have problems with leaders as they grow, this is also expected because DAP has managed to recruit some of the best candidates available in the country, DAP is not short of capable leaders right? If not, my opinion is Poh Kuan’s decision not to contest is acceptable (DAP has to respect her decision anyway) as this open the way for better and more capable leader to lead Batu Gajah, this can be a good thing as well!
#340 by AhPek on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 9:31 pm
If Jeffrey’s information is indeed true that the Perak state DAP leadership has reneged on its earlier promise to let her stand in her Batu Gajah parlimentary seat so as to make way for Pantai Remis state assembly to contest there instead, it doesn’t rocket science to arrive at the conclusion that the PARTY is committing political suicide. This “Cili Paddy” (affectionately known by her many admirers) is not well known locally in BG but also throughout the nationShe is such a boost to the party that it seems to me just unthinkable to slight her like this.I would request none other that YB Kit to sought this out for this has certainly loomed into something very big and worst still on the eve of GE.KIT your infinite is urgently required!
#341 by sec on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 9:35 pm
I am very angry to say that the Perak top DAP leaders are bastard. Why you all dare not come to Taiping parliament seat and quarrel each ithers to have a Batu Gajah safe seat. Please solve the issue as quickly as possible!
#342 by AhPek on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 9:36 pm
Correction: ‘If Jeffrey’s information……………….., it doesn’t require rocket science………………………………..”.
This ‘Cili Paddy’ ………………….is not only well-known…………
KIT your infinite wisdom is urgently required to get this solved soonest possible!
#343 by js on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:00 pm
I really do not understand how Po Kuan’s case happened? Now is crutial time and yet this type of issue can happen.Very embarrassing! Po Kuan is so well known at BG and DAP should let her contest in the same place. Due to every seat count, DAP should not have made the such decision in Po Kuan.
#344 by Kota Melaka on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:03 pm
I’m also really piss off of the DAP Perak forcing Po Kuan to quit contesting in Batu Gajah. We, the supporters of DAP, sincerely
hope that DAP leadership will workout a solution the soonest possible to retain quality candidates, such as Po Kuan, in the coming election.
And to those shameless DAP Perak leaders, GET YOUR BUTT OUT of Batu Gajah!!
#345 by ChinNA on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:05 pm
DAP has landed a hard punch on DAP in Batu Gajah and Pasir Pinji. Even BN cannot punch half as hard.
It is OK, MCA has now been invited to party in BG and Pasir Pinji. They welcome the invitation. Why not include Menglembu in the party too? This way the fall of Ipoh would be more complete.
I give up.
#346 by Loh on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:26 pm
///If this be so why do Opposition parties participate in the General Election to give the Coalition in power the legitimacy of a General Election vindication of its so called “popularity†that it obviously does not deserve?///– Jeffrey
In the previous Thai constitution, candidates are not returned unopposed. Even if there is only one candidate standing in an consitutency, he will have to obtain 20% of the votes before he can be declared elected. TRT bought people to stand against their own candidates, and purchaed votes to win.
If the opposition parties boycott the coming election, BN can easily arrange their own people to stand as independent, and win all the seats. They will claim then that they have landslide victory, and mandate because of their ‘good administration. The opposition parties have no avenue to tell the ills of the country, and who would bother about the actual reasons why if they chose to boycott the election? The boycott would be forgotten within days.
The opposition parties have no choice but to fight the uphill battle. The BN is so horribly corrupted, the well educated Malays such as those in PAS will vote against them. If only the Chinese are willing to take some risk to effect change for the better, rather than only planning to migrate, and the Indians know that even roses are not appreciated and BN does not appreciate goodwill when they can bully with impunity, and seize the opportunity to vote out all the Chinese and Indian candidates in BN, especially MCA and MIC running dogs, we might see other Malay majority parties become the government.
The opposition parties have to fight an unequal battle, and making inroad in the coming election. To boycott is to commit suicide.
#347 by mendela on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:28 pm
Let’s sing it along again and again, all together!
We are all fighting a noble cause.
#348 by stk on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:31 pm
All the DAP big guns in Perak.Take it as a warning,you will definately loose more votes that you can ever imagine and even loose your pants.Get the shit out of Batu Gajah.
Leave Batu Gajah alone.
YB Fong please reconsider your decision.
You are one of the few capable DAP MPs around same league as YB Lim,YB Karpal,YB Teresa and a few more.
#349 by AhPek on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:35 pm
If electoral roll is tainted with phantom dead voters, postal votes are manipulated and electoral boundaries are delineated to tilt lopsidely towards BN’s way, then why not boycott GE and why participate in a game where the rules of engagement are stacked heavily against the opposition? Worse if you were to participate you would do great disservice to the cause of Democracy and also lending legitimacy to fraud?
So goes the lines of Jeffrey’s contention.I don’t see how one can find a hole to punch through. It is simply faultless reasoning cos it is founded on solid syllogistic arguments.
However the human cunning or what can also be termed ‘slyness’ can always come in to upset the apple-cart.Thus if all oppositions were to throw in the towel before the start of the race, BN can always think of a way to counter this by planting in their own paid opponents to line up at the starting point thus making their win legitimate as well!
#350 by waterfrontcoolie on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:38 pm
Glokaltower, let us solve our MALAYSIAN issues FIRST! Leave the China-Taiwan issue to their Gomen and ppl to resolve. reading what Jeffrey said, I am really worried for DAP!! If that someone is better than Ms Fong, how come he/she never try before? With the current euphoria, at least at the blog-site, does some DAP state leadership already thinking that the GE is for the taking?? Such’set-up’ will cause DAP many fence sitters! It would appear it isn’t national issues at stack but personal ambition!!
#351 by a-malaysian on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:47 pm
Please so your support for YB Fong and post at her blog to request her to withdraw her resignation and help DAP to win the seat.
We really need every single winnable seat.
50 years is ENOUGH
Vote For A Change
Vote For Any Opposition
Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.
#352 by lakshy on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 10:58 pm
YB Lim,
DAP could lose BG without YB Fong PK. Please get her to withdraw her decision if it is true she ahs decided not to contest there or anywhere else. DAP needs more credible and capable individuals like her.
Her departure will be DAP’s and the Rakyat’s loss.
#353 by lakshy on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 11:00 pm
and as ChinNA said, Pasir Pinji, Menglembu etc could all also fall to BN. This is indeed a sad state of affairs!
#354 by a-malaysian on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 11:12 pm
Fellow Malaysian
While we are anxious and fighting for DAP to win by posting comments, please do not forget to contribute to DAP Election Fund as this topic is about.
To racist islamic state umno cum gerakan Penang,
Why do you need reinventing. Reinventing is for losers only. You reinvent only when you fail in all your previous inventing.
What, we, Penangnites need is new invention of progress, equality which only DAP can provide. You have been given 50 years to invent but are still in the reinventing stage. Your record shows that you people are useless and cannot invent new things but keeps on reinventing all the old things which are not beneficial to the people of Penang.
Voters of Penang, vote for the oppositions to progress and not the racist islamic state umno who just want to keep on reinventing to no where.
50 years is ENOUGH
Vote For A Change
Vote For Any Opposition
Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.
#355 by sheriff singh on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 11:12 pm
Who the heck is Nga Kor Ming? Never heard of him. He should contest Telok Intan.
Oh, I forgot. The DAP has another problem there as well with another parachute candidate.
With candidates like these, how not to lose?
DAP is quickly turning into a Little Napoleon party. It will be the cause of its own defeat or lack of success.
#356 by mendela on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 11:16 pm
Dearest Po Kuan,
You must not quit so easily!
DAP needs you!
DAP is short of female candidates, you must fight on!
The whole Malaysia needs you!
If you really need to quit, I suggest you compete and win the seat first, quit only after Anwar becomes elligible again and force a by-election for Anwar to return to Parliament!
#357 by sheriff singh on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 11:23 pm
P/s Please change your funds appeal logo. As some people have commented, it looks like a naughty condom ad. or some kind of sex aid. It also looks like a dented rocket. No wonder you are having problems.
Can’t you do better?
#358 by sean on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 11:59 pm
I guess some of us here are getting a little bit emotional in the way we think pertaining to Batu Gajah’s candidate.Some even goes all the way to suggest that Dap will lose some votes from”me and relatives”.I of course strongly agree Poh Kuan is a damn good candidate and she served well and all of use should take our hats off for her courage. But correct me if i am wrong…..are we telling Batu Gajah’s voice should cease to be heard should we loses Poh Kuan?If we do support the opposition agenda for justice, equality, denying 2/3 blah blah blah…then we at least should not be bickering about “the sole candidate”.No one knew she were good then when she first got elected…people gave her a chance didn’t they…and if they did then why can’t people give a new opposition candidate a chance if it ever will be someone else beside her. If that is the case…….are we suppose to know that DAP and its fight for the nation and its people will cease when Uncle Lim call it a day ?Assuming if there was an internal squabbling………so what…let DAP solve it themself.We should not be adding anymore fire and be emotional.Because if we do..then the one to suffer more will be us and UMNO and BN will still be laughing and poking fun at all of us instead.Nation and political parties outlives most of us anyway.
#359 by Loh on Sunday, 17 February 2008 - 11:59 pm
///Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu has advised Indian voters not to let emotions rule when casting their votes on March 8 as they will end up regretting it. The MIC president said it was important for them to vote wisely for the sake of their children and the Indian community.///– 17/2/08, Star online.
Samy Vellu now agrees that Indians should feel angry against MIC, and BN in particular. The anger is legitimate because BN has marginalised Indians. BN claims that there were power sharing among the BN parties. For 28 years as minister, even if Samy saves all his salaries, he can’t have a thousandth of the wealth he has gathered. So he gathered riches through power sharing at the personal level with other thieves. So much of BN power sharing!
Whether one is angry or not, one should vote out the parties that bring on hardship to the people. It might be acceptable to face hardship if Malaysians are not blessed with natural resources, and had to accept the faith of our birth. But in Malaysia, had the government been in the hands who had the interest of the people at heart, we would have easily attained a per capita income of twice as high, though still half of Singapore which had no natural resources but good government, accepting that our government leaders are not as smart. But the government is led by people who are only interested to encrich their families, and also cronies who are needed to participate in money politics, and are too lazy to work for the good of the nation; and to be returned to power based on track records. So successive governments played racial politics, and the monorities are discriminated in scope expanding by the year. MIC and MCA leaders are wall flowers of BN, their presence in BN government was confidence boaster of UMNO in their racial discriminating policies. There will be no change to racist policies of UMNO when MCA and MIC are still part of BN. To vote for MCA and MIC in the coming election is to tell UMNO that the non-Malays has yet margin to be exploited before violence might erupt. When that happens, UMNO will certainly regret. But then UMNO was not willing to stop exploiting when there might still be rooms for exploitation. They know no fair play and righteouness. Yet they claimed to be religious. That could only be for political interest since they have to be Muslims to be classified as Malays. Yet Islam does not condone the strong bullying the weak, in number based on so-called parliamentary democracy. Are they Muslims, or was it the reason by a morden religious sect called Islam Hadhari is being promoted which allows institutionalised discrimination against the minorities.
Samy asked the poeple to vote wisely. He knows that Indians has a ligitimate reason to vote MIC out of government, or vote against BN candidates. He wanted to say that voting against BN is not wise, and tha Indian would regret. For the past 50 years Indians have been voting for BN. Do they regret their situation after 50 years BN rule?
Hindraf shows that Indians are regreting what they forfathers did in voting for BN. It is time to vote for change. Let MIC opportunitsts regret for joining BN.
#360 by Danniel on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:05 am
50 years is too long
50 years has past like a horrible nightmare under Barisan National
Let’s wake up from this long nightmare
So that another 50 years of hell will not come
Vote for a change
Vote for opposition
Publish a complete chronology and history of all Barisan National scandals and damages done by BN to the nation over the years under the leadership of Bodowi as well as those BN coconut leaders before him. List of facts and figures should be published before and during the election so that people can have a clear recap and recall of what dirty sins conducted by Barisan National all these years, with the hope that history will not repeat itself in the future.
#361 by doremi on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:11 am
While we are all sad about Miss Fong’s announcement, we should not simply blame it on the DAP or the Perak state leaders for “not allowing” her to contest in Batu Gajah. Read here: http://dapmalaysia.org/english/2008/feb08/bul/bul3438.htm
It is obvious that she herself admitted that the seat is offered to her. In fact, she made the announcement AFTER the seat was offered to her.
My first reaction after reading her statement is: why the timing? As an MP for 2 terms, she should aware how damaging such announcement is to the DAP. It would not be so bad if she just decline nomination and go away quietly. Is she really sincere in her appeal to the public to “support DAP to deny BN 2/3 majority”, when what she has done today may have totally wrecked the DAP’s chances in gaining more seats, which is what everyone is hoping will happen in order to teach BN a lesson.
I am truly sadden. Politics is not about individual. It is a group effort. Internal dispute is a fact of life, especially in politics and one just have to live with it. It should never be made used of to damage the whole common objective. However much I appreciate Miss Fong’s performance and charisma, I cannot help but say: by making today’s announcement, she has turned herself into a weapon again her very own party.
Sad sad sad.
#362 by tkong on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:20 am
I am equally disappointed with the latest development on YB Fong Po Kuan. I strongly urged LKS and LEG to settle the matter asap. Please get your house in order.
I couldn’t help but agree with doremi’s comment: YB Fong has turned herself into a weapon against her very own party. I sincerley hope YB Fong is following this blog and take the views expressed here.
#363 by dawsheng on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:30 am
Poh Kuan has finally come to think for herself, for she has been selfless in the past many years in servicing the rakyat under DAP. While she probably achieved some reputation as a caring and responsible MP, yet she did not achieved anything for herself or her family members, that is a price you pay for being in politics yet do not practice corruption, time wasted you aged and you found out you are poorer than before, all because you want to serve the rakyat. Poh Kuan cannot stay because if she stays she will have to continue to sacrifice, to be selfless, it is time she think for herself and her family. That’s why she decided not to contest again.
#364 by dawsheng on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:43 am
If this BN and candidates are fighting for seats I can understand because it is a goldmine if you get elected! But this is DAP, the opposition, I don’t think the monthly allowances will be enough even for the MP him or herself. So I hope some people here understand that as long as there are candidates who is willing to step up and take on the challenge, you should be glad, or else don’t have any opposition at all. Furthermore, it is the party that matters, and in this case it is the DAP. What can Poh Kuan do if she’s without any political party? Well, she can always join the NGO.
#365 by alancheah on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:49 am
I went to DAP HQ in PJ on Sunday afternoon and
bought many publicity matericals (Car stickers, flag, etc).
Please support DAP, guys and grils.
#366 by Bigfoot on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:50 am
I am very shocked having watched these videos of ordinary Malaysians dying while in police custody. Is this the government Malaysians have been voting for? It’s time to change this government and reform the police once and for all. This is simply unacceptable.
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFyDHZKrLBk
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU-Zxd8s_40
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNah2-3scZc
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNo2BvAcBfo
5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffdQS86XziE
6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sILpmw85UYw
#367 by dawsheng on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:58 am
So, today we learned a lesson, be it for the better or for the worst, man is always better than woman. We have Hitler but we also have Churchill but they only have Mother Teresa. :)
#368 by germ on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 2:38 am
Sigh,less than 24 hrs after reading the blog n now this FPK issue crops up. Imagine the field day the media is gonna have n the dumb smirks on the faces of those BN parasites.
No matter what her decision is (although I hope she comes back), we have gone through too much (something like 5O yrs?!)to let this drag us further into the stinking pile of poo we are already in.
I am irritated by what is happening within the party but let’s not give up during this crucial time.
#369 by sec on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 3:04 am
Po Kuan, you can teach the fellow a leson, but you should reconsider your decision because voters will think that you are the 2nd Tan Sri Lee Nam Thye who quit DAP at this crucial time.
Always remember the late P. Patto. Do not tainted your good name in the History of DAP
#370 by limkamput on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 3:09 am
Remember Chinese is a basket of carrots; everyone you pick up is a head. You see, in the final analysis, it is about getting elected to become MPs or ADUN. So everyone is struggling for a slot. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic I must say. So many of us here are trying so hard to galvanise support and to contribute money and all they care about is “who is supposed to go whereâ€. I blame this on everybody, including FPK. Can they not talk over and resolve this amicably? Ini kalut lah orang Melayu cakap. This is baloney.
#371 by ktteokt on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 6:41 am
I think this is another instant similar to what happened to LLT. She may have been made an irresistible offer by BN and before long, she would also become a Dato’ or Tan Sri.
#372 by smeagroo on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 7:04 am
FPK is no LLT and i doubt she wud hv been approached. If she ever does cross over to BN i think most of us will treat her as a traitor.
#373 by Jeffrey on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 8:07 am
Just because someone like FPK resigned, it does not imply that she is going to be like LLT. They are not same people. Neither do they share similar circumstances. Unless she really crosses over to BN later – and prove us wrong – we should not impute motives like this in the absence of supporting facts.
True, as what Lim Kam Put said, “in the final analysis, it is about getting elected to become MPs or ADUN. So everyone is struggling for a slot” – and whether UMNO or DAP, it is no different…..but here what is in issue is the quality of judgment and decision of DAP’s top leadership: what macro national politics are at play to want to parachute from out of the blue Pantai Remis state representative Nga Kor Ming to contest in Batu Gajah when Fong Poh Guan was the incumbent MP there and popular with the locals?????? The DAP wants to win Batu Gajah, don’t you so why not go for the sure than the unsure? Be careful of those amongst you (DAP) who lobby for their own safe seat – even against a popular DAP incumbent – for their self interest. For it may be asked are such parachuted characters thinking of your party’s interest or their own? If they’re thinking of the party’s interest why do they want to compete for another DAP’s stalwart’s safe and secure seat and worse entertained by your top leadership?
Let us see what happened before in the past. Wee Choo Keong (lawyer for Lingam’s brother in RC proceedings) was (then as DAP candidate) parachuted into the Bukit Bintang constitutency over somebody else, an old timer, DAP legal advisor, promised that constitutency (KC Cheah) but who was asked to go to Klang instead!
Now Wee Choo Keong had a fall out with YB LKS and left to form his own party the Malaysian Democratic Party (MDP).
Today when as Kit said, “traditional DAP stronghold for over three decades has become a “danger†seat through dirty electoral tricks with the influx of over 6,000 postal votes” your ex DAP “parachuted” Wee Cho Keong and his MDP had just released a statement that he was hopeful the DAP would not field a candidate and allow him to contest instead. “I believe they will give way for the sake of opposition unity. After all, we have a common ‘enemy’, the Barisan Nasional,” he said. “The MDP would like to see a one-on-one fight this year. We are, after all, contesting very few seats,” he said. Wee further said the MDP would also be contesting two other seats. “Of all the three, two will be in the Klang Valley while the third will be somewhere else”, he said. See following link to NST 16th Feb :
I am not surprised that MDP might join the fray in Bukit Bintang and force a 3 cornered fight in which with 6000 postal votes against the DAP, it would lose the stronghold.
Back to the point I was saying : you should be beware of those amongst you who for ambition would want to upset the applecart and lobby for safe seat even though already held and promised to another popular DAP incumbent. Why entertain their request to be parachuted when their lobbying smelled of a whiff of personal ambition than party’s or opposition’s interest?
In a parallel case of Bukit Bintang constitutency, the man parachuted had not only broken off ties with the DAP and formed his own parties but today is asking you to give your Bukit Bintang stronghold to him with an implicit message that he might even contest in 3 cornered fight if otherwise.
As I said when it comes down to these intra-party lobbying for seats, it all boils down to the issue of the quality of judgment and decision of DAP’s top leadership, whether it is wise and discerning not to alienate truly loyal people for your cause from those to whom personal ambitions are first priority.
#374 by g2geetoo on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 8:38 am
I don’t trust this guy Wee Choo Keong. He thinks he is bigger than the party (formerly as a DAP member). Party comes first, just like in any MNC.
I see him as someone working for the BN. He’s a devil in disguise!
That’s Wee Choo Keong! Look at his response the moment Foong PK speaks out. This guy is really an opportunist, just waiting to destroy DAP for his own vengeance.
Lawyer buruk!
#375 by Jeffrey on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 8:41 am
And now because of this failure to intercede and arbiter intra-party lobbying of seats in a wise and discerning maner, the BN is having a field day – propaganda wise – to capitalise on Fong Po Kuan’s departure. See The Star today front page – “Fong drops a bomb” with prominent byline – “I’ve had enough. The development of internal party events in Perak DAP over the last few years and currently has made it impossible for me to continue serving effectively….” On page N3, another oppoosition member MDP’s head Wee Choo Keong gave his take under “Beware the daggers in DAP”. Expressing no surprise, he said “This has been happening in the DAP for a long time where potential leaders are marginalised, if not killed off politically”. He identified those killed off as Dr Kua Kia Soong, Lee Ban Chen, and in Penang Gooi Hock Seng, Teoh Teik Huat and Goh Kheng Huat. “If Karpal Singh is not careful, he will be a victim too. He has to leave his stronghold of Bukit Glucor for Lim Guan Eng in the elections…” He further said, “it was known within the DAP that anyone regarded as a threat to Lim Kit Siang and his son Guan Eng would be removed”. He warned young leaders to be careful if they wished to survive in the DAP where “selfish and personal ambitions” were placed above principoles and ideals for the people….[Ref Pg N3 of The Star Monday 18th ]
On the very eve of general election, the DAP is now attacked not just by BN but by a fellow Oppositionist – MDP’s Wee – the very man that was parachuted in 1990s to contest the Bukit Bintang Constitutency over the head of loyalist, KC Cheah.
It is sad that BN is having field day in propaganda from Po Kuan’s resignation.
The DAP had a good run up to meet the challenges of the General Election – but now it looks as if it has screwed up, big time. Real sad about this.
#376 by chiakchua on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 9:08 am
Yes, we love FPK and hope she would reconsider to contest in BG on DAP ticket at least for the coming GE. If the case had been stir-up by DAP leadership in Perak (no clue on this), they owe the Malaysian a quick clarification and apology if it is true, and ought to be shot!
However, we love MALAYSIA more than any individual. We must march on, irrespective of FPK outcome. Our cause is for a FAIR, JUST AND EQUAL Malaysia, which had been robbed of justice, fairness and wealth by those corrupted, unscrupulous hypocrites.
#377 by Wisdom above on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 9:54 am
Miss Fong Po Kuan’s announcement, is Star’s free of charge for DAP campaign advertisement. Not easy to campaign on the ground. Go door to door.
Miss Fong Po Kuan has become more popular .
Pretend not to contest is good publicity.
Thanks to Star’s free publicity advertisement for her.
All TV 1, TV2, TV3 also give free coverage for her DAP campaign.
Very smart move by DAP to win big.
United Front ( DAP , PAS, PKR ) will win big.
Star & BN TVMedia will not give you free coverage at all.
#378 by cmbss on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 9:57 am
DAP must come out quick to explain this mess or else DAP sure to lose many fence sitters.
People will say DAP also no difference from BN or UMNO or MCA
#379 by dawsheng on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:07 am
“Remember Chinese is a basket of carrots; everyone you pick up is a head. You see, in the final analysis, it is about getting elected to become MPs or ADUN.”
Getting elected is just a step after, how you get elected is probably step taken earlier, but the very first step is making the decision to join a political party. When one decided to join the opposition like DAP, that person must be fully aware of the consequences, as that personal ambition to rise in the political arena comes with a heavy price, it is one place where personal ambitions can only be attained after years of personal sacrifices, and we can be quite sure that the satisfaction of this personal ambitions are not wealth accumulated after years in office, not in the DAP or the opposition. It will be quite different in BN though and we have many fine example over there why elected MP don’t quit and fight on to stay in office. It is time Poh Kuan join the NGO or she will be trash if she join BN.
#380 by malaysianboleh on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:13 am
Poh Kuan move is a show down . please explaint before is too late. Internal problem must also be transparent. Instill confidence in your supporter.I think is the Nga issue !
#381 by mwt on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:15 am
Her bad relationship with DAP Perak state leaders had finally erupted in the open when she preferred to throw in the towel to contest any seats in the coming 12 GE rather than to show her “fighting spirit†in another seat. The same can be said for the Bagan team where the incumbent Phee Boon Poh also threatened to do the same.
They can’t see the bigger picture and place the DAP party above self. With their experience, popularity and the winds of change blowing in DAP’s direction, they could have happily took on any seat and fight for another win. This is not the first time we have seen the DAP encountering such problems. People who are too egoistic, larger than life and without realizing it is the Party that have given them a life to be an MP. More details on
Video Fong Po Kuan Incumbent MP Batu Gajah quits Contesting GE 08; Lack Fighting Spirit; Good riddance for a non-team Player; When Going gets tough, she quits at
#382 by g2geetoo on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:31 am
Ronnie Liu is working his butts off and yet we see the link in YB Lim to Ronnie Liu is an outdated site. Show you care, YB Lim. Update your link!
Ronnie, don’t get overly excited with all you buntings, posters and sky ball……….looks YB Lim thinks otherwise.
Lim Guan Eng has a big ego problem like his dad! How often do we see both Lim Guan Eng and Ronnie Liu together? LGE, don’t let your ego run so fast until you cannot cash it!
#383 by Bobster on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:36 am
YES, let’s not lose focus! FPK can consider to be a VIP, but lets not get distracted. I would think if her conviction is to fight for the people and not for own herself, she should continue to lobby for DAP or if not PKR or even PAS. Ultimate goal is to form an alternative government to have a strong voice in the Parliament representing all races to have a check and balance in the policy making and the country administrative system.
Look at Japan, even if the PM quit over night, the administration of the country can still run by its own because the country is run by a group of people rather than individual. Everybody should be indispensable for a well established company or party. Same as DAP, when YB Kit retires one day the party should continue to stand strong for the people.
As rakyat we should not vote purely because of an individual or party or race or even religion. End of the day an individual or party or race or even religion can turn round and disappoint you due to some tidy mini issues. Vote of justice and fairness for ALL MALAYSIANS irrespective of individual or party or race or religion in accordance to Federal Constitution written by our beloved forefather. If everyone in DAP/PKR/PAS/BN can do that then we can call ourselves BANGSA MALAYSIA. As Raja Nasrin said, everyone should have place under the sun.
As Malaysiakini reported, 4 out of 5 Hindraf leaders were bought by … (probably to keep their mouth shut) anything can happen during this crucial moment. Not implying anything regarding current happening in DAP though. Dominic making some noise in PKR Kuching too, got no time to find out what happened there.
#384 by smeagroo on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:40 am
Anyone can enlighten me on this. A friend of mine who is in Hng KOng would like to voe. Can she do so via the embassy?
#385 by grace on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:42 am
I think Mr Lim should heed the opinion of the boggers who expressed their views very sincerely. We are the true sample of the population of BG.
If Fong has proven her worth, why change???
Just like a few of them, I was suppose to make my second small donation . I am holding it back out of frustration of the selfish attitude of people in Perak DAP!!!!
#386 by Jimm on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:42 am
Age does make oneself mature in some ways.
Often, we are hardheaded over issue hwen we were younger and will come to a more sensable thinking as we aged over the same issue again.
It’s always the looking back that will brought tears to us.
Here, politic world are a much rush into.
Sad, that’s the process that happens throughout mankind existence and it’s where the young ones will ‘push’ the old ones.
YB Fong, calm yourself in choosing to look at those that ‘betray’ you and learn from them. It’s GOD way to allow you to see clearly and stay on course with HIS objective.
#387 by AntiSUPP on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:58 am
PENANG: Do not compare Singapore’s economy with that of Malaysia’s.
It is like comparing “first-class grapes (Singapore) with first-class apples (Malaysia),†Prime Minster Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said when addressing the Chinese community at the Penang Chinese Town Hall (PCTH) dialogue session yesterday.
“We are a population of over 20 million and we rank eighth in the world in terms of our competitiveness.
“This is not the Government’s figure and I am not telling you lies. This statistic is from an international survey.
“If I quote statistics from our own surveys, you will not believe us. Everywhere I go, the business community tells me that Malaysia is doing very well. These people are smart. You cannot fool them because they are well-read,†he said, adding that the Government had no reason to lie.
“Please trust us – we are your government. If you look at the economy, we are doing well. That is a fact proven by figures. But people still claim otherwise because of increasing prices. This is a very simplistic way of analysing the economy.
“Nobody is happy to see prices rising but this is out of our control. The question is not how to bring down prices but how to help the rakyat cope.
“Every country in the world is faced with rising oil prices except maybe Brunei but you cannot compare. The RM40bil oil subsidy we give out can be used to build better schools, roads, hospitals and infrastructure but we don’t want to burden the people,†he said, adding that education and medical treatment was also heavily subsidised by the Government.
“We subsidise even water and electricity, yet people are angry when they hear the word ‘toll’. We try to subsidise as much as possible but we still need to impose toll charges because we need to build roads,†he said before thanking the Chinese community for contributing to the country’s economy.
“The private sector is dominated by the Chinese and I want to say a big ‘thank you’ to the community for creating so many job opportunities,†he said.
#388 by Bobster on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:59 am
The MAIN WORRY of BN is when ALL 3 MAIN RACES stand united and fight for a common goal under ONE ALTERNATIVE PARTY for justice and fairness for all. It will be their dooms day. That’s why there are still so many racial issues after 50 years into indipendent to keep the RAKYAT apart!
That’s why it is so important now for DAP/PKR/PAS to stay united. Any differences lets resolve after election. We only have 19 days to go.
Hope DAP and members can stay united and fight for a common goal no matter what happen now. We only have 19 days to go for your country/party whatever sake!
#389 by Wisdom above on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:03 am
Very Funny, many BN resigned , Govt Medias refused to report.
BN will lose all Parliamentary seats to ‘UNITED FRONT’ = DAP,PAS, PKR
#390 by AntiSUPP on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:05 am
Mullah lembik & pembohong,
Remember Malaysia & Singapore separated with 1:1 exchange rate and the latter was an underdog (an wasted island with no resources) and look where are they now.
Stop lying and wheezing and caniving around the fact that BN has screwed Malaysia to be a 1st world country. Its the corruptors, cronies & parasites that raped our beloved Malaysia.
Stop whining and lying through your pantang dicabar mouth.
Look at your NEP policy, where has it brought us to? Backwards!!!
Vote for DAP!!!
#391 by AntiSUPP on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:10 am
I thought i post this article here before the The Star editorial are pressured to remove it. ;-)
Expectations of young voters
This general election will hinge on three important themes that are linked to the growing influence of young and demanding Malaysians.
MALAYSIA’S 12th general election will not be a cliff-hanger. This is not an epochal contest.
Still, the Barisan Nasional’s extraordinary majority (won in 2004) will be reduced. And, as befits an electoral contest led by the mild-mannered Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the issues will also be similarly low-key and understated though that doesn’t mean they aren’t important for Malaysia’s future.
Nonetheless, by March 9, as the Prime Minister surveys the results, his own position within Umno (especially if he wins back Kelantan) will be strengthened in anticipation of the long-awaited party polls at the end of the year.
To my mind, there are three important themes which have to be addressed in the upcoming polls; firstly, generational change; secondly, the demands arising from these changes and the pressures they’ll place on our political class; and finally, the Dr Mahathir Dilemma (which actually has nothing to do with the man himself).
Firstly – generational change; according to United Nations statistics, 53% of Malaysians are under 24. At the same time government figures reveal that only 4.3% of Malaysians are over 65.
These figures should remind us that the Cabinet in particular must reflect and acknowledge the demographic reality of the nation.
Furthermore, with the global economy moving as quickly as it does, we need a continuous infusion of new ideas and initiatives because the policies that succeeded in the 1980s and 1990s may not work for us any longer.
Having said this I recognise that there is a need to balance youth with age and wisdom. However, there are far too many Cabinet ministers who have failed to adapt to the changing demands of our society.
Still, credit must be given to Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik and Datuk Seri Effendi Norwawi for having the good sense to leave the political stage of their own accord. These two gentlemen understand that a Cabinet post is not a long-term sinecure. Indeed some Cabinet figures have become electoral liabilities – so much so that their continued retention may well undermine the Barisan’s chances of going forward.
Secondly – young Malaysians of all races are far more demanding. In the past they would have been satisfied “swallowing†the government line. Nowadays, they want their rights and they want to be “served†by public servants. We don’t want to be grovelling in front of the men and women whose salaries we are all paying through our taxes: it is both demeaning and wrong.
Young Malaysians also want to hear the whole story when it comes to election time. They want the Opposition to be given a fair chance to present their views and programmes so that they in turn can make up their own minds.
Young Malaysians are no longer satisfied being told that the Opposition will “destroy†the nation. Frankly, the scare-mongering will not work. Instead, we need to be persuaded and “won overâ€.
What does this mean for the next generation of Barisan leaders? Well, the Barisan (and more importantly Umno) needs leaders who have passion, intelligence and empathy. We don’t need low-grade dropouts grubbing around for government contracts. We need young men and women who can explain national policies, do the work on the ground and “win†over the public of all races – that’s why I stress “empathyâ€.
Sadly, I’m not convinced that many of these emerging figures understand the challenges ahead. This is going to be a problem because young Malaysians view politicians like “service providers†– basically past success is no guarantee of future performance and changing “service providers†is no big deal.
Thirdly – the “Dr Mahathir Dilemmaâ€. Over the past four years Malaysians have shown themselves to be increasingly confused and contradictory when it comes to the type of leadership they’ve expected of Abdullah.
Initially, most of us were relieved to see the end of Dr Mahathir’s tenure.
His high-octane and micro-managing style had exasperated and exhausted most of the population. In 2004, we all wanted a more relaxed, consensual approach to governance.
However, in the intervening years, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Malaysians (and especially the non-Malays) no longer want Abdullah to be so “laissez faireâ€. Nowadays we expect him to intervene (and firmly) against the hotheads within his own party and certain commercial interests perceived to be greedy.
Moreover we need him to correct and discipline the countless “little Napoleons†in the civil service.
Notwithstanding the “economic corridorsâ€, we want to feel that Abdullah has an overall strategy for the country economically and politically – a strategy that he will drive and implement personally.
Besides, we need him to be a constant presence: vigilant, tough and uncompromising as he enforces standards of business efficacy, equal treatment, tolerance and decency.
In short we want him to speak out in the interests of the nation as a whole, balancing out the undeniable power of private business, political parties and the predominantly Malay civil service.
The 2008 polls should mark the end of “Abdullah Badawi the nice guyâ€.
#392 by jus legitimum on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:14 am
I share the same opinion with most of you about FPK’s sudden and unexpected move.In my opinion,she should have indicated her intention not to contest when parliament was dissolved or earlier.Her announcement about her desire to quit on 17-2-08 has stirred negative speculation including becoming another LLT.I agreed.She should work in a team and please folks do not blame the Perak DAP or the leaders.Do not forget that FPK is married and her husband and family are in Muar,Johore.Probably that might have prompted her to quit contesting in BG.Very true.In politics,no one is indispensable.The party and its mission and aspirations are more importants than individuals.No matter how popular and important the individual was.In fact,the public should discern the important role played by the opposition including DAP that is to at least topple the 2/3 BN majority,to provide powerful check n balance in Parliament and State Assemblies and also to destroy the UMO arrogance caused by the 50 year long uninterrupted rule.Wake up all voters who want a fair and progressive Malaysia.
#393 by jus legitimum on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:24 am
Singapore devoid of natural resources can continue to give handout to all her citizens.Yesterday her Minister of Finance(a non Chinese) declared that the Singapore Government will distribute handout amounting to 4.1 billion ringgit to her people.Just ponder,can we do that?
#394 by Wisdom above on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:26 am
Pretend not to contest is good publicity.
Thanks to NSTP’s free,Star’s free publicity advertisement for DAP,PAS,PKR (UNITED FRONT)
All TV 1, TV2, TV3 also give free coverage for DAP, PAS, PKR campaign.
Very smart move by DAP to win big.
United Front by ( DAP , PAS, PKR ) will win big.
Star & BN TVMedia will not give you free coverage at all.
#395 by limkamput on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:31 am
NO need to praise FPK too much. She is responsible too for the present problem. She thinks she is bigger than party now, being popular with the people in general. Tell me who is she if she was not given the opportunity to stand in a DAP stronghold during the last two general elections. Tell me why FPK put in her letter of resignation: “my decision is final”. It is so bloody arrogant because it does not provide avenue for compromise, negotiation and work out. PK, I think your decision is not yours alone if you know what I mean. You are a sitting MP. You have a greater responsibility than those that affect you, your friends and family. It affects all of us, ok. You may be a two term MP, but I think there are still many things you need to learn, my friend.
Of course many others too within the Perak DAP have also harboured unrealistic ambition to stand in the coming election. They think it is a sure bet given that the government is less popular now. The selfish intent is so apparent.
As I said earlier in this blog (I can’t remember where I put it), the quality and integrity of potential candidates are so important. Otherwise, no matter how hard we work, there is nothing to prevent some of them from crossing over to BN after the election. Please DAP. Please don’t just put up any donkey; chose a thorough breed, not a dark horse even.
#396 by Bobster on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:42 am
Just to clear the air, am not a member of DAP nor PKR nor PAS nor BN so speaking on behalf of non of them.
I vote for NO particular party but according to Federal Constitution. If the ruling party cannot uphold the FC and ensure clean and fair election for all, of course vote will goes to ANY opposition in my area as long as they are the strongest. Hope PPP (* excl. Kayvas) and Hindaff can form another opposition or join PKR/DAP/PAS so opposition representatives will be seen to be more balance consist of all races.
#397 by Wisdom above on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:58 am
United Front ( DAP, PAS, PKR ) got a lot of free advertisements from STAR, NSTP, for free.
Medias TVs also give free coverage to United Front ( DAP, PAS, PKR ).
You ask them for coverage, they would not report.
” Pretend to resign ‘, they all fight to report.
United Front ( DAP, PAS, PKR ) will win big this time.
#398 by mycroft on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:23 pm
Fong Po Kuan issue, somewhat of a surprise, but shouldn’t pose too much problems.
Also, firmly believe that Wisdom above is a mole, with his backhanded statements. Do note that there is no United Front between PAS and DAP. I think people should make it clear that a vote for DAP is not a vote for PAS. But a vote for DAP, PAS or PKR is definitely a vote against the BN.
#399 by smeagroo on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 12:55 pm
AAB says we are “First Class Apples”. Rotten apples?
#400 by melurian on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 1:29 pm
remind me kerk vs betty saga, where at kota melaka dap from betty clan did not campaign for kerk. very very ugly and disgusting of this infighting. this ppl seem don aware that they all work under dap banner, they should give support whoever nominated for the contest – like a company bidding for a project becoz of infighting the project is given to rival company.
compare that mr phee and karpal, i din see phee active in the parlimen (probably overshadow). and at the same time, karpal is old and disabled, maybe he should give way to young turk for the battle…..
#401 by melurian on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 1:36 pm
lagi arrogant: I strongly recommend that Sdr Thomas Su Keong Siong to be the ideal candidate for this seat, due to his dedication, being action oriented and sincerity …… bla bla …… the Party decides to field Sdr Thomas as a candidate of Batu Gajah Parliamentary seat, I will personally assist him in the election campaign.
so if it’s not thomas, she will not lend a help, does she really mean this ? does she want the partly to split into camps ?? sounds like an order instead of recommendation! perhaps it will be better if: “i will support and assist whoever party nominates which it feels best suitable for BP, but I would personally recommend for thomas su since my observation is that he is the most dedicated ….”
#402 by shaolin on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 1:37 pm
Batu Gajah Parliament seat is a save place for DAP’s
Fong Po Kuan. If DAP wants to put her somewhere,
make very sure she can win again(win BG and the new
area) otherwise do not change candidate or DAP may
loose 2 seats instead!!
YB Fong is a good MP. If you loose her as she quits,
then we DAP supporters will quit you too!!
When you try to change good candidate, pls consult
first before you take drastic change for the worse!!
Think very carefully of DAP’s strategic plan and con-
sultation team or think tank!!
If you cannot see the danger of loosing both seats
by changing YB Fong, you better resign from the team!!
#403 by k1980 on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 1:39 pm
He actually means to say we are “First Class Buffoons†for allowing BN to lead us by the nose for more than 50 years. He and his fellow cheapskates are laughing themselves hoarse at the sick sods such as Lee Lam Thye who vote them to power election after election
#404 by sani on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 1:39 pm
I think the YB Fong case is BN propaganda machinery working overtime, thanks to our main stream media.
As in any political party, jostling for position is normal. I.E. Obama vs Clinton (that’s call “party electionâ€), our 2 BN Ministers in Perlis fighting the CM (that’s labelled as “in the hands of the PMâ€), MIC leaders not offering themselves as candidate (that’s written as “reinventingâ€), PPP fighting everyone else (that’s said as “negotiationâ€). But when it is from the opposition, FRONT PAGE = BOMB SHELL=PARTY IN DISARRAY etcs etcs.
YB Fong certainly had won the trust + heart of many. If she can be persuaded to run again fine. If not we should respect her decision. Mind you, it is not EAZY BEING AN OPPOSITION MP IN MALAYSIA.
MPs from DAP had crossed over many times, some capable, some opportunist. But for all this while, the party had stood by those who were sideline + bullied. The party’s history is more solid than any personality. I’ll back the party at this crucial moment, and hopefully any dispute will be overcome in the interest of the party + country.
I had make my trip to DAP HQ in PJ to make my contribution. Had also volunteered my self to Damansara Utama, Kajang, Kepong + HQ to be an election worker……have you?
#405 by jbhlee on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 1:45 pm
Shaolin…..you sound very emotional. How do you know she was not offered the Batu gajah seat? You spoke to FPK? She said she received the offer email from Guan Eng a day ago offering her the BG seat. Why should DAP supporters quit supporting DAP? Isn’t our enemy from the BN? Even if we put a dog under the rocket symbol, I will still vote for the dog!
#406 by verbal-lash on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 2:14 pm
I don’t think we should be shaken in our resolve to have a change in Government despite FPK’s resignation. True, her absence would be a loss to a certain extent, but we must not be fazed with all the publicity given by the mainstream media on her leaving. If we are affected in our votes for DAP, then we are playing into BN and their media vehicles’ hands. There are also resignations within UMNO and the BN engine, only that they are not reported or played up the way FPK’s did. They are trying to shake our confidence in wanting a change.
Come on…stay focused and vote BN out. Just be reminded of 14 Feb, HINDRAF’S ROSE CAMPAIGN DAY, and the way the police brutally treated the peaceful demonstrators and CHILDREN(!!) Do we want this to continue just because FPK has resigned? We are all here to deny the 2/3rd majority to BN this coming election, and let’s stick to this resolve.
#407 by Bobster on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 2:53 pm
Just found out this article though it was dated 6 Feb 2008.
i. The People Voice
ii. The People Declaration
Didnt know singing same song with RPK. If RPK form a multiracial party, I and my family members will vote for him. Forget all other race based/personal based/religious based parties. We are now in 21st Century, a borderless society,a globalised world. Who are Malays, Chineses, Indians etc arent all Malaysians? Why FPK one individual making so much or appear to make so much impact in DAP? Hello wake up Chinese Malaysians especially. Are you there? Even if DAP becomes the strongest opposition tomorrow and win the election so what, still have to work hand in hand with other races and parties. If not, this will be my last vote to this party just to make it clear! No way this country can stay united if race based policies continues.
#408 by jus legitimum on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 3:05 pm
Do not be affected by FPK.Beware of 5th columns among our midst.Read their comments and you know they are all out to undermine DAP.Single them out and counter their hidden agenda.Donate to DAP , support and vote DAP for a better Malaysia.
#409 by js on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 3:09 pm
I think FPK is inmatured. She should not have to call for media conference to announce his withdrawal in contesting the seat. If there is conflict within the Perak DAP leader, then she also should not do that to the party especially in this critical time.
No matter how, DAP must spend a little time to get her back for the candidate of BG.Hope to hear good news soon. God blessed.
#410 by max2811 on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 3:13 pm
Just came back from work. Still no news from Mr. Lim about Po Kuan’s resignation. There were comments for and against. As for me, DAP can kiss my butt. You are no different from BN.You have been bullshitting me about transparency, corruption and integrity. What the heck is DAP Perak doing?
Do you think Po Kuan would have resigned if she has not been pushed to the wall? Don’t tell me this is a political strategy. This is just a case of a lady being bullied by some men.
Her hp was off when I tried to call her this morning. She must have been really pissed off. She was from ACS Ipoh, my school(30+ years back). She comes from Menglembu. Nga is from Sitiawan. What is he trying to do? Why Mr. Lim did step in earlier?
I will stop commenting in this blog from this moment as a sign of protest. My wife and in-laws stay and vote in BGajah. I can convince them to vote oterwise. Don’t make me lose my new found trust in DAP.
I have commented about getting better qualified candidates to contest. Not crooks.
#411 by max2811 on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 3:14 pm
Why Mr. Lim did not step in earlier?(correction)
#412 by KLIM on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 3:17 pm
Although the topic here is on the DAP Election Fund, if you keep fighting among yourselves, there is no point to collect money for this coming election. As a long-time DAP supporter, I read with total disgust on the ongoing spat between Karpal Singh and Lim Hock Seng with respect to the Bagan parliamentary seat in Penang.
If you don’t mind me saying, I feel that it is time for Karpal Singh to withdraw himself from being nominated as a candidate for this year’s general election as it is also not easy for someone on a wheelchair to serve the public efficiently (please bear in mind that I am not against handicapped people). Trying to ‘snatch†the Bagan seat from a four term MP is not correct. Bagan might even fall to the BN’s hands.
If Karpal really loves DAP, pleas e let the incumbent MP contest. Karpal should instead go round Malaysia and canvass votes for other DAP candidates OR try to win back Jelutong for DAP. If Karpal is not ‘harimau’ enough to contest Jelutong, pl eas e bring Fong Po Kuan to Penang as Penangites will surely welcome her with open arms. Do not spoil DAP chances in this election by fighting among yourselves. Money won’t help you win votes but a UNITED FRONT will !!!!
#413 by Wisdom above on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 3:18 pm
….Come on…stay focused and vote BN out. Just be reminded of 14 Feb, HINDRAF’S ROSE CAMPAIGN DAY, and the way the police brutally treated the peaceful demonstrators and CHILDREN(!!) Do we want this to continue just because FPK has resigned? We are all here to deny the 2/3rd majority to BN this coming election, and let’s stick to this resolve….
Very matured & Good point highlighted. Syabas !.
Stay focus.
United Front ( DAP, PAS, PKR ) got a lot of free advertisements from STAR, NSTP, for free.
United Front ( DAP, PAS, PKR ) will win big this time.
#414 by gofortruth on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 3:33 pm
Yes, we have no time to lose, lets try our best to reach the last Malaysian to vote for a stronger check & balance in the country by voting Opposition.
NEP only benefits BN big guns & their cronies. I pity all my Malay friends they are now being classified as social parasites in the eyes of the world. In fact Malays are just as talented as any body else. Thay can hold by themselves without the NEP. It is the poor & needy irrespective of race & religions that need help.
BN is playing race politics relying on NEP to continue to ensnare all our Malay friends. At the same time they get the Chinese & Indians running dogs to short change the Chinese for votes.
Look,when the Chinese had 40% population then in the 60’s, they negotiated with MCA (representing the Chinese community).
Now the Chinese population drops to 25%, MCA is behaving like a beggar, they just allocate some bits & pieces to you, usually just before GE like holding you at ransom.
Listen here all Chinese, when our Chinese population falls to 8% like the Indians today, they will bulldoze us just like they are doing today to the Indians. It will be our turn to face the tear gas & Chemical water & ISA. MCA leardes & their offsprings like Chew Mei Fun can always go back to their new homes in Autralia & Europe but for the rest of us, it will be too late.
All Malaysian Malays, Chinese & Indians must wake up & be counted for a change. The time is NOW!
Malaysia belongs to the people, not BN!
Together lets Just Change It!
#415 by Evenmind on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 4:04 pm
Reminder (Tell your friends and relatives ) : Its not worth for the ruling party ( BN = Brainless Nationalists ) as they do not even acknowledge our existence in Malaysia , they call us Non bumis ,thats means we do not belong to the soil and we are aliens.
Therefore it defies the logic if some of our friends out there would want to vote for them., i rather vote a dead person than to vote the Bangsat Nasional . If i am an alien, then they are blood sucking leeches , If not becos of us aliens this country would have gone to the dogs a long time ago, so my friends let us bring the change NOW, Vote the S U C K E R S OUT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#416 by Evenmind on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 4:06 pm
correction : Its not worth voting for the ruling……..
#417 by helpless on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 4:14 pm
Any couple always have same opinion ?
It sis perfectly normal for one to have different in opinion and sometime not able to get together
FOr GE campaign, benefit up to 3 month bonus shall be given to non officer civil servant according to merit shall opposition won the election. The amount is still below the corruption go to PM and other BN ministers.
Advantages of income distribution:
1. Directly benefit the hard core bumiputra who are working hard.
2. Take away benefit to the corrupted BN minister irrespective of which component parties.
Failing which :
1. Civil servant continue to support BN ‘ the government’ and enjoy only 1% of the NEP benefit & 99% of NEP goes to few Ministers.
2. Continue to see few minister to buy mansion at oversea, keeping Billion at oversea account, buying private jet.
3. Continue to blame price increase in toll, petrol, electricity, water and other basic needs.
Isn’t the former is better!
#418 by Wisdom above on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 4:20 pm
United Front ( DAP, PAS, PKR ) call all of us as ‘Malaysians’.
‘Malaysian Love Malaysian’.
BN Govt call me 2nd class, 3rd class, 4th class citizen, etc…
BN Govt , ” ….. Just be reminded of 16 Feb, HINDRAF’S ROSE CAMPAIGN DAY, and the way the police brutally treated the peaceful demonstrators and CHILDREN(!!)…” …’ BN Govt cannot talk at all with poor rakyat anymore …… ‘
BN Govt refused to ” Repent & Forgive his adversaries “.
United Front ( DAP, PAS, PKR ) will win big this time.
#419 by helpless on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 4:21 pm
Isn’t the former better for all of us ?
#420 by Evenmind on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 5:20 pm
The Malays should also know that NEP is a ploy for the people in power(UMNO elites, some MIC and MCA too,albeit on a smaller scale )to make mega bucks , that’s why I called them blood sucking Leeches, the indians have already found out long time ago that thier father of all leeches is Samy ( Maika shares ),but still remained in power becos he also had the tacit support of the giant leeches, becos together they continued sucking more mega bucks, all this while playing racial politics., i hope our citizens are smart now , malay , chinese, indians should all work together to get rid of all the vermins.,
Only then real poverty can be eradicated, help rendered to whatever race ,colour or creed., in the true malaysian spirit. Vote for the change. the time is NOW.
#421 by AntiSUPP on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 5:39 pm
AAB make the following statement to win over the Penangites as reported in The Star.
“I cannot lie because God is all-knowing,†he said, adding that he had friends from all communities.
W T F! Don’t he knows that its blasphemy & sacrilege to misuse God’s name??? (in many other forms which are not copyrighted by Syariah & Government)
I won’t dissolve the Parliament tomorrow….. 12 hours later, I have dissolved it….. Heehee, I was just kidding (liar liar)
#422 by melurian on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 5:59 pm
to have lim sr and jr to relinquinsh his positions to ppl like tan sri lee , wee, etc, you might not know one day it would emulate gerakan and ppp to join bn. gerakan and ppp used to be strong oppos and able to deny 2/3 in 1969 election. if not lim around in dap, I CAN SAY THAT DAP WOULD MERGE WITH BN just like the 2 former oppos. and be rich like lim keng yaik (or pathetic like kayveas). And yet there are ppl say lim is building dynasty and lack of leadership. lack of leadership – probably, coz lim is not cunning enuf to play dirty.
#423 by boh-liao on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 6:00 pm
BN politicians and their gang of cheats and thieves are like serial rapists – eternally raping the country of the bulk of the riches to enrich themselves.
Unfortunately the bulk of Malaysian voters, though victims of multiple rapes and sexual abuse, are like nymphomaniacs who demand more and who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and keep voting BN back to power during each GE, even with 2/3 majority.
What can we say?
#424 by smeagroo on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 6:08 pm
I understand ur frustration in rgds to FPK case. DAP is not the only party with internal squabbles. Are we voters gonna miss the bigger picture and agenda if we let ourselves be swayed by this matter?
#425 by melurian on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 6:13 pm
for good sake, FPK probably wants a good normal live instead of spending pathetic years in parliament berating with nobody is listening. look at kerk, once he’s out of dap and complaining dap in-fighting, we got okt and pak lah visiting him after he recovered. imagine if he’s still in DAP, would he get this courteous treatment from them. probably his sons will automatically listed for scholarship. cannot blame FPK for better future ahead especially after marriage! i’m not against her withdrawal from the race, but instead of dropping bombshell, why not announcing it in advance! it reminded me how you insinuating to pull-out from the race last GE 2004 and later decided against it. anyway, all her best in her future endeavors.
#426 by TrueMalaysian8888 on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 6:24 pm
When will DAP follow the steps taken by MCA leader where the head of party will only stay for max 3 term so that all new capable candidates can contribute?
WargaMalaysia, we have and did formed a true malaysian society during the 60s whereby each race lives peacefully among themselves until the former leaders damaged the link by politisize and racialnalize
every issues from economic share, education and such.
If all of us have followed the steps taken by TAR, we will have a better future.
The former leaders had done a right move by encouraging malays to have more childrens so that the percentage of population of malay is increasing, but what is the point?. I foresee that the next generation of Malays will be the one who suffer the most as the govt can’t feed them for long, we will be net import for crude oil not long from now.where will the govt find money to feed you all. How would govt pay 20% saving rate to every bumi who have an account in post office?
#427 by babique on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 8:01 pm
Sigh! Whatever happened to the internal squabbles of DAP? First in Penang and now in Perak. Where next? If this continues, people like me will give up hope in the party? Looks like the leadership of PKR and PAS are more matured. For goodness sake, don’t let the Press have a field day reporting the internal fights of the DAP in the next 19 days?
#428 by Loyal Malaysian on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 8:20 pm
Yes, I have wanted to make a contribution but I have now decided against it seeing how the incumbent Batu Gajah MP was ‘retired’ from politics.
#429 by smeagroo on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 8:45 pm
Loyal Msian
To me that’s utter crap! So end of the day you are more than willing for BN to win 2/3 majority and screw us all (and you and your family again)?
All I can say is keep your pitance and hope for the best!
#430 by alvinkhng on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 9:00 pm
Yes, my transaction has just been confirmed as promised via my credit card.
whatever turbulence arising, am sure you will push on and endeavour your very best.
We need citizens like you
you have made me feel proud.
keep going Uncle Kit
there are trainloads like me supporting you despite the hurdles and mountainous pitfalls
#431 by alantb on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 9:06 pm
hi all! wanna check where is my voting place and found out this
supposely Y.B. Teressa Kok Suh Sin is at DAP. But why the email and the services center are all under UMNO?? Is this a fraud?? They (UMNO) want to confuse us that Y.B. Teressa Kok Suh Sin is under UMNO or BN??
#432 by smeagroo on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 9:22 pm
Whether or not internal squabbles happens in DAP or other oppositions or not, the MSM will be reporting lies and blow things out of proportions anyway.
#433 by grace on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 9:38 pm
After reading LKS attempt to ask FPK to contest, I am convince that LIM and son are sincere in wanting Fong to contest. It was due to other reasons best known to her that she resign.
As Such I am making my second donation via credit card!
#434 by alvinkhng on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:19 pm
Uncle Kit,
Dont loose sight of the Big Picture,
We need you to stay focus on your election objectives
Let the party be above all else
Many like me are indeed counting on you and your team to make the difference in this election
You need to conserve every gram of energy and use this efficiently in the light of your limited resource in this battle for your rakyat who are supporting you.
I do hope all of us are giving you the motivation and support and not distract you away on domestic issues.
#435 by alvinkhng on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:28 pm
I believe enough has been said on FPK
The doors has been kept open for her
and i just hope she has political maturity to reconsider her ‘final decision’
and if she has indeed made up her mind
let’s all move on and set our minds on what is lying ahead of us
Note that even TDM was fired and later ended up as PM.
I just hope to see that FPK could reflect on her decision after having ‘resigned’ and put aside whatever differences she might have.
#436 by mendela on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:38 pm
On Saturday nite when I drove by Taman Sinar near Segambut, I saw a volunteer and 2 young friends (around 12 years old kids) were working hard to erect DAP’s Rocket flyers onto posts and between trees.
I felt so move on such beautiful scene and I almost got tears on my eyes!
I stopped my car at road side and help them to get the job done.
#437 by tswern on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 10:50 pm
Uncle Kit,
I think you might need to personally speak to YB FPK in a face-to-face meeting to persuade her to reconsider.
Aside from that, where could we get the Rocket Kid soft-toy? Couldn’t wait to get my hands on one!
Btw, do take care of your health. Try to delegate as much as possible.
#438 by zioburosky13 on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:00 pm
Settle the FBJ problem NOW. Internal fighting before the real war is a joke and making your supporters and those who care worry.
I fear if the next GE, BN still holds the upperhand, this country is going to another downhill for the next few years.
#439 by mendela on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:12 pm
There are just too little reliable election news from mainstream media.
Malaysiakini is good but the subscribtion fee is very high for common people.
I strongly urge the management team of Malaysiakini to consider free viewing for the public until GE is over, i.e. from now until GE day, March 8th.
Doing so will further boost Malaysiakini’s reputation as the top alternative source of news for Malaysia.
Pls let the public to have a chance to read unbiased news free of charge.
#440 by melurian on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:27 pm
“Yes, I have wanted to make a contribution but I have now decided against it seeing how the incumbent Batu Gajah MP was ‘retired’ from politics.”
yes yes, i cannot agree more! we should all rally to vote OUT dap since they always like to in-fighting, lasttime in kota melaka to disgrace kerk, and now fong (later maybe ronnie?)! we should all vote mca, mca is best since mca don have infighting and ingrate like dap !!! why the hell vote dap for being so selfish! after ge 2008 over, we chant hidup barisan, hidup pak lah, naik petrol, naik tol coz dap ingrate and start saving money and apply for green card to migrate elsewhere for greener pasture! and let dap rot in malaysia for good…….
#441 by ktteokt on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:33 pm
Melurian, you are very wrong! There is even more fighting amongst members in MCA, don’t you remember the duel between Ong Tee Keat and the other members at the party’s premises some years back? They are VIOLENT!!!!
#442 by melurian on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:44 pm
There is even more fighting amongst members in MCA
but some ppl think dap members all must be saint, and since dap infighting “hurt” pokuan, dap should be condemned liao. so, ppl, please vote mca and boycott dap since they are ingrate. don contribute any money, let them die a natural death!!! vote mca, and then migrate – that’s the best!
#443 by malaysiatoday.com on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:46 pm
Still cannot find how to donate money via maybank2u. I am very lazy to send check by post.
Learn from Malaysiakini on how to collect fees, otherwise let forget my donation.
#444 by mycroft on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:48 pm
Goodness gracious me! The comments of some people on this blog are really amazing. So Fong Po Kuan has decided not to put herself up as a candidate. Disappointing? Yes. Surprising? Indeed. An unmitigated disaster? Oh come off it.
It is quite bemusing to see how emotional some people are getting over this issue. She has decided, rightly or wrongly, not to contest. It is not as if she has come up and started shouting for people to vote for the BN. To even imply that she might be helping them or that she should leave the DAP is quite uncalled for. It is definitely an unfair attack on someone who has for two terms given her best to her constituency, who was literally brought up within the party, and who has even married into it.
But on the other extreme, there are people who are saying that they will not vote for the DAP if Fong Po Kuan is not a candidate. That thought is sadly immature. Will you cut off your nose to spite your face? Give the BN a free ride because you are upset over this issue? The DAP is bigger than Fong Po Kuan, it is bigger than anyone in it… Bigger even, I dare say it, than Lim Kit Siang himself.
Because at the end of the day, the DAP does not just stand for opposing the BN. It does not stand for just being an opposition for opposition’s sake. The DAP is not the personalities in it, but the principles of the party.
Some time ago, I used to be more active in these things. I believe that YB Lim Kit Siang might remember my callsign from the old Bungaraya days. And during that time, I had the pleasure of meeting some DAP leaders. Some of them are no longer active in politics. I daresay that they seemed fine people to me. But just because I might find them fine people does not mean I will abandon the party. Internal party problems are common in any political organisation. But like I said above, it is the principles not the personalities that matter.
This election will be the first time I am voting, having missed the last one as I was overseas at the time. I know which party I’d be voting for. I live in a DAP constituency, and I know the MP. But I will not be voting just on that reason alone. Even if tomorrow, that particular DAP stalwart may quit, I will still vote for the DAP. I remember my parents telling me when I was younger that they always voted for the DAP candidate, eventhough it felt as though he was ignoring the constituency? Why do they keep on voting for him then? Because they are not voting for the person, they are voting for the party.
And I believe in the Democratic Action Party, as I am sure many of us here believe in it. I believe in it not because I am an oppositionist, but because I believe in its creed. I believe in social democracy, I believe in cultural democracy, I believe in a non-racial nation. And most of all I believe in a Malaysian Malaysia. I believe that our nation can only truly thrive in we stop thinking of ourselves as Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Muruts, Dayaks, Ibans, Eurasians, and so forth, first and regard ourselves as Malaysians first and foremost.
So to all of you who are angry at the DAP over this issue, what good will your spite do? Do you refuse to vote because Fong Po Kuan is not contesting? Do you refuse to vote because another candidate is not contesting? Ask yourself this, is this what they would want? Having read Fong Po Kuan’s statement, it is obvious that she is asking for people to keep on supporting the DAP. You might say that it is your way of protesting her treatment. And you do it how? By blatantly ignoring her request to support the DAP? I don’t find that in anyway respectful.
If Fong Po Kuan does not change her mind from this time to nomination day, it will mean that the DAP has lost a fine young MP. And I will not deny it, it is a loss. But so too have been the loss of other leaders. The Rocket though will keep on flying high.
#445 by malaysiatoday.com on Monday, 18 February 2008 - 11:52 pm
Why DAP cannot work out with Malaysiakini to use their online payment services to collect donations? Multichannel payment gateways are provided instead of using just credit card.
I will not use my credit card again in internet except with paypal after my card info was leaked by a third-party card processing center in USA.
#446 by melurian on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 12:09 am
Having read Fong Po Kuan’s statement, it is obvious that she is asking for people to keep on supporting the DAP. You might say that it is your way of protesting her treatment. And you do it how? By blatantly ignoring her request to support the DAP? I don’t find that in anyway respectful.
her request to support the DAP is without substance. why does she wrote she will lend support only if thomas su is nominated for batu gajah! does she want to repeat the scenario in kota melaka when kerk vs wong ( i still remember how this wong inept handling the kapal karam in mersing case). if she genuine, she shouldn’t write this way and will continue to lend support whoever nominated to replace her. so what if she get send to johor or elsewhere. didn’t lim contest unpopular place like tanjung in 1995 to oust chong eu, and bukit bendera where he lost instead retaining comfortable tanjung. is all political strategy. with popularity, she might even wrestled other constituency from mca, just like how she perform in BG in her first contest. what’s wrong with this ?? it’s like a company bidding for a project, some colleague memang sux, but is this reason to resign and handover the project to other company???? why these politician never learn that this is a “very” crucial moment, it’s time to stand behind the party for party cause…..
#447 by splim on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 12:16 am
Totally agree with what Mycroft said. Please move one people and stop wasting your time posting more comments about this. Whatever the outcome i.e. whether she will changed her mind or not, we have a battle ahead of us. Please don’t let this divert our attention from our real enemy.
#448 by wargamalaysia on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 12:48 am
Sorry to disrupt everybody pre-election excitement. Anyone wanna discuss about general issue can join me.
I’ve been reading countless articles about people, politics,freedom, racial & religious issues, etc for the past weeks as well as joining few blogs discussing various issues especially on this coming election. Going thru political parties website, I noticed that most of them have “VERY PROMISING” objectives and policies.
UMNO,MCA,MIC,PAS,PKR,DAP,PPP,SUPP,LDP,… (plus how many more R’s and P’s) will talk about equality, freedom, democracy and so forth. Somehow lately the BN interpretations of these objectives and policies are generally not being accepted ‘online’ (dunno whether it will be reflected in the election results..). Each opposition party also carry almost similar objectives and policies subject to their interpretations as well. Whether these interpretations will be generally accepted by the majority population yet to be tested.
If not, then all of us (non-political-interest citizens) will again rally with HINDRAF, BERSIH, etc to fight for another interpretation of justice, freedom, democracy, bla..ba..bla…(probably with newly registered parties).
Honestly for me, all political parties are the same but the leadership will make the difference. I am a malay muslim. I’ll vote for the opposition even if DAP contest in my area coz’ I just wanna get rid of BN. My wife’s support more towards BN. But it doesn’t mean that I’ll support every DAP’s interpretations. I’m not going to mention it here (might spoil the election mood – smile!)…(continue)
#449 by mycroft on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 12:49 am
melurian, I agree with what you wrote regarding strategy. And yes, it is vital that some big guns be used to try and wrest marginal seats for the party. However, my point was not based on what she wrote to Lim Guan Eng regarding Thomas Su, but in her press conference where she said,
” Finally, I wish to call on Malaysian voters to deny the Barisan Nasional its two-thirds majority so as to bring about a better Malaysia. Vote DAP!”
#450 by HJ Angus on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 12:59 am
I would like to add my 2 cents worth.
In any political party, discipline among the members is very important especially in a party that is fighting the all-powerful BN machinery.
The party is always more important than the individual and no leader is indispensable.
In this case, perhaps it is the wrong strategy for the Perak DAP to want to shift the incumbent to a more marginal seat that she may feel vulnerable; after putting in 2 terms as an MP.
Perak DAP should try and build on its strengths and not risk a good MP when she has not really built up a strong following in other constituencies.
Did they ask her to build up a base in other areas before the decision?
Let others contest and I am sure the voters will be wise enough to support the opposition this time round.
#451 by Rakyat Teraniaya on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 1:26 am
Saya nekad/janji akan buat sumbangan saya ke pusat pusat HQ PKR, DAP dan PAS (sama rata) bagi menampung sedikit sedikit kos pilihanraya ini pada masa terdekat ini. Sumbangan saya tidaklah besar tetapi setakat saya mampu. Ke pejabat Calon Adun dan Parlimen saya (Adun-DAP dan Parlimen-PKR) saya juga akan membuat sumbangan setakat saya mampu juga. Almaklumlah saya bukanlah seorang ahli BN yang berprojek sana sini, hanyalah pekerja makan gaji bulanan.
Akan tetapi saya harap sumbangan ikhlas saya ini akan menolong usaha Barisan Alternatif yang saya kasihi ke arah kemenangan menyeluruh di pilihanraya umum ke 12 ini.
Mari kita sama sama menyumbang sedikit sebanyak yang kami mampu bagi memberi nafas kuat kepada jentera pilihanraya BARISAN ALTERNATIF!
#452 by BlackEye on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 2:11 am
“Ini kalut lah orang Melayu cakap. This is baloney.” limkamput
This doesn’t sound like a Chinese trying to write in Malay!! More like a Malay pretending to be a Chinese who cannot speak and write in Malay!
I think it is time to stop the masquerade. It’s OK if you’re a Malay and a DAP supporter. There is no reason to feel guilty about it! We welcome you with open arms and will not think the less of you! One Malay supporter for the DAP is one Malay less for UMNO. Reason to rejoice. Nothing to be ashamed of.
#453 by Richard Teo on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 2:54 am
I totally agree with Limkamput. The selection of quality candidates is of paramount importance.Just because a DAP member serve faithfully for umpteenth years for the party does not mean they will have to be selected to be a candidate for election.We need quality candidates who can articulate important issues in Parliament and the state legislature.Not every Tom Dick and Harry member can do that.If a member who serve the party feels that he is entitle to be a candidate by virtue of his length of service, he should not be a DAP member in the first place because it is for a selfish reason.Singapore is where it is because it has head hunt the cream from the country.DAP has to do just that. We can no longer be satisfied by putting a salesman or a fishmonger to be candidate because he has been a long serving party member.Qualified and professionals have ethics which ordinary members dont have. look at what happen in Temiang and Bahau after the candidate won on a DAP ticket. They just left DAP and went to MCA because they were paid and rewarded handsomely.We dont need those kind of candidates and DAP would be better without them.
#454 by peace on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 4:54 am
In life, we are remembered for what we’ve done. But as we close our eyes, we are often reminded of the things that we could have done.
I feel sorry for the sudden turn of events in your party YB, but do not let this dampen the spirit and the supporters who are still going to vote for you coming this 12th GE.
There’s still much left to be done, with or without FPK.
#455 by laifoong on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 5:59 am
“We need quality candidates who can articulate important issues in Parliament and the state legislature.” Richard Teo
are you saying….poh kuan who has devoted so much of her time ….in the service of her party… is not all that?? she’s not here …to defend herself. if she’s all that what you say she is…yb kit would not be full of praise her….
“We can no longer be satisfied by putting a salesman or a fishmonger to be candidate because he has been a long serving party member.” Richard Teo
we can’t all be leaders….you’re insulting the working men and women who make up the rank n file of the party…without their support where would the leaders be…? what good r leaders without followers…..that’s stupid! what’s wrong with being a car salesman or a fishmonger??
seniority and loyalty count….when it comes to selection of candidates…they must be considered along with other qualities…not everyone can be candidates…you may be a doctor, architect, engineer…who has just joined dap…surely yb kit and partly elders are not going to choose you based on that…
“They just left DAP and went to MCA because they were paid..” richard teo
are you suggesting …. professionals and the highly educated…..do not leave the party when they r promised money, contracts and positions??
poh kuan is not here to defend herself against all the accusations and allegations you’re making against her here…
#456 by tourman53 on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 6:49 am
1. Barisan lost 2/3 majority once, in 1969. Only briefly.
2. Since 1957, it has amended the constitution 690 times to propagate its
power. By comparison, USA which is more 200 years old has only amended
constitution 27 times; Singapore as little as only 4 times.
3. Barisan’s ability to amend the constitution as it likes (and make
and unfair constitutional changes) must be stopped now.Here’s the
from the 2004 election:
1. UMNO received 35.9% of the popular votes but has 110 parliamentary
or 50% of all parliamentary seats.
2. In total, Barisan received 63.8% of the popular votes but has 199
parliamentary seats or 91% of all parliamentary seats.
3. The opposition received 36.2% of the popular votes but has only 20
parliamentary seats or 9% of all parliamentary seats.
4. Why? Because of gerrymandering, or unfair election rules. The election
rules are stacked against the opposition. No matter what happens, the
opposition will never, I repeat, will never be able to win the next
Here’s the decision-making power process within our present cabinet.
1. UMNO not only controls the parliament via Barisan, it has allocated
itself 24 cabinet positions or 71% of all cabinet positions.
2. MCA has 5 cabinet positions or 15% of the cabinet positions.
3.. MIC has 1 cabinet position or 3 % of the cabinet positions.
4. Gerakan has 1 cabinet position or 3% of the cabinet positions.
5. Other component parties hold 3 cabinet positions or 8% of the cabinet
6. The opposition with 36.2% of all the popular votes is not given a
cabinet position.
One should take note that although UMNO controls 50% of all parliamentary
seats, it controls 71% of all the decision making processes within the
4. Many marginalization issues or unfair election practices are the
of legislations passed by Barisan (lead by UMNO) unchecked in a dominant
Barisan parliament. Under the Barisan Party whip system, the majority
component party within Barisan will dictate the rules of the
game. Other Barisan component parties like MCA, Gerakan or MIC cannot
against what UMNO decides in whatever it likes, even if they wanted to.
5. Best part is this: even if the opposition won all the seats it
contested, no single opposition party can form the next government.
Why? Gerrymandering (of the present election borders) has ensured that
if Barisan were to win 50% of the popular votes in the upcoming election,
it will still control 2/3 of parliament. As an example, in 2004 Barisan
took 64% of the popular votes but ended up controlling 91% of parliament.
It is easy to see why if they win only 50% of the popular votes in the
election they will once again be able to dictate absolute power in the
And Zam the Ram, Minister of Information has to gall to protest to
AlJazeera TV that Malaysia is democratic because it has elections!
What cheek!!! Are these fair elections? Is this truly democracy??
Is it truly Malaysia Boleh? More like Malaysia Malu!
Do your maths … and do your part…
( from Email)
Please forward this email to all your friends.
Thank You
#457 by malaysianboleh on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 7:49 am
One world.One opposite.One Government.One voice. One Warm Heart from you. One Vote that count. Your Vote. ….. If you “One” transparency, if you want a better One World to live on… Vote the One and ONLY” DAP”
#458 by melurian on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 8:59 am
i dont like word “Barisan Alternatif” – they should change to nicer name. alternatif is abit like outcast.
#459 by helpless on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 9:04 am
Even everyone who want to vote out the BN coalition might faced the biggest challenge of the poster vote, civil servant who are afraid of being scrutinise by corrupted BN government
There must be a propaganda to improve the welware of the civil servant and remove the fear of being punished by every corrupted candidates.
Just ask the simple civil servant whether there are satisfy with the increase in price of toll, petrol and goods whereas BN is privately selling petrol to outsider?
Just ask the simple civilian as how much the revenue for Petronas and where is the money go to? It is enough to give few months bonus to civil servant.
#460 by megaman on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 9:50 am
Hi Uncle Kit,
I am very worried with the internal bickerings within DAP with the comings of the election.
This is not good for the opposition.
Please walk the talk as well and control the party members lest they ruin this golden chance.
#461 by undergrad2 on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 9:56 am
Re: Po Kuan
“Tell me why FPK put in her letter of resignation: “my decision is finalâ€. It is so bloody arrogant because it does not provide avenue for compromise, negotiation and work out. PK, I think your decision is not yours alone if you know what I mean. You are a sitting MP. You have a greater responsibility than those that affect you, your friends and family. You may be a two term MP, but I think there are still many things you need to learn, my friend.†limkamput
I do not think this is the way to show a party stalwart our appreciation for the years of service to the Party. She has shown leadership, courage and selfless dedication and loyalty – more than many would or could dream of doing. She has the confidence of the DAP leadership including that of YB Kit.
Whatever is troubling her, finally the choice is hers to make. You should not disparage her for her choice. Who are you to judge her?
There are 230 postings and expressions of support for her on her blog, and climbing : http://pokuan.blogsome.com/
Of the many expressions of support for her, there is one that strikes me –
“You may not have noticed but you gave hope to others where they have no hope and dreams to many who may not have dreamed.
I believe you are where you are because you have an ideal and passion for the weak and downtrodden. Now more than ever, people that have no voice desperately seek those that have them in mind, heart and soul to speak for them and bring about differences. “
#462 by oknyua on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:23 am
Subject: Internal bickerings
All political parties have bickerings, which intensify before nominations.. ALL PARTIES.
Before we say anymore and make decisions, think this way:
1. The central issue if DAP. Think DAP and what it stands for. Think DAP and what it had done and can do.
2. Other issues, Po Kuan, etc, etc, they are peripherals. They are important but not the main issue.
If you think other parties has no bickerings, you are wrong. Some bickerings led to murder. We haven’t reached that state, we are still all right, but it depends on individuals here and in DAP. Are are willing to emphasize the central issue (which is DAP), or are we going to highlight the peripherals?
Right now, what’s the news from Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, Alor Star, Trengganu..etc etc. Those are important to encourage each other. Give more to the DAP election fund. Shout it here, even if you had given a ringgit. It encourages everybody.
#463 by oknyua on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:25 am
Correction: 1. The central issue is DAP. (not “if”) Thank you.
#464 by I Malaysian on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:29 am
I would like to share one of my view our readers, commentators and particularly the leaders of DAP.
It is pretty amazing to realize the sharpness and energy level of our respected and tireless leader, YB Lim Kit Siang. Comparing his level of commitment to be engaged with rakyat, I do not see many within opposition leaders match him to his quality. Despite his super busy schedule, his time management to blog and be engaged with people is really applaudable. I think there is a lesson to be learnt from Mr.Lim. I checked blogs of other DAP leaders and realize some of them do not even update regularly. I hope our leaders follow the footstep of LKS to demonstrate good leadership system.
#465 by I Malaysian on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:34 am
SORRY! I meant ” I would like to share one of my view with our leaders……”.
#466 by oknyua on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:36 am
laifoong, yeah you are right.
#467 by pulau_sibu on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:36 am
I think FPK is a smart lady. She selected to stay aside at the peak of her political career. Not when she is thrown out one day and ending up with a bloody political life like most old guys that simply showed you you are no longer wanted and get away. She always remains as “wanted”!
#468 by Bobster on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:57 am
Rakyat Teraniaya,
Bagus sekali bang! Sokong mana-mana pihak pembangkang yang kuat ditempat saudara selagi bukan BN. Harap ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia dapat memahami hakikat bahawa polisi-polisi BN yang bersifat cronism, nepotism dan perkauman telah menyebabkan ramai yang tertindas, rakyat dipecah-belahkan mengikut kaum. Peluang-peluang pelajaran dipolitikan oleh pihak tertentu dengan propaganda (eg. Akujanji dll) dan percubaan ‘brain wash’ generasi muda kita untuk terus menyokang BN membabi buta supaya ketua-ketua kerajaan (UMNO/MCA/MIC) dapat terus merompak sumber kekayaan Negara.
Sudah lah BN, sudah 50 tahun perompakan berlaku di Malaysia. Sudah tiba masa Rakyat bangun mempertahankan kewibaan Negara untuk generasi akan datang. Undur Pengkianat-pengkianat Negara ie UMNO/MCA/MIC. Berjuang PKR/DAP/PAS untuk kebaikan seluruh Rakyat jelata. Malaysia bukan tempat untuk perkianat-perkianat terus merompak dan menindas! Cukup lah 50 tahun. Bila mau berhenti?! Tak kenyang lagi ke?
Lebih baik menyumbang kepada PKR/DAP/PAS kalau pun RM1 (kepada yang tidak berkemampuan) daripada menerima RM200 dan terus mengundi BN membabi buta. Adakah masa depan generasi depan cuma bernilai RM200? BN akan terus menghabiskan beratus juta ringgit kalau tidak kat billion duit rakyat semperna pilihanraya Ke-12.
Dari mana datangnya duit-duit ni? Tepuk dada tanya selera; antara anda dengan Tuhan.
Tuhan bless you & your family bang!
#469 by JJJ on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:57 am
I hope LKS will respond to this in view recent Fong’s pull out from Batu Gajah. I am from Penang state and i have also concerns on the way DAP field its candidate. Are you guys still thinking that people are choosing the logo instead of the person during the election? It may be true during my parent’s time but it is not now. We are well informed and know who do we want rather than the logo. Take for example Karpal replacing Hock Seng in Bagan and asking HS to go over to Sg Puyu, Phee to Bagan Jermal and finally Fong to another place, what is the point? I really hope you answer that. i am sure with the recent internal bickering, DAP may lost a few points in the support. Fong is a good leader and if she is resigning b’coz of internal issues, it will be used by BN as weapon for damaging DAP image. For me, it is done the effect already and i am questioning myself as well. To me, one have to ensure the backyard is clean before you start bickering on others. I am not attacking you or DAP but i think there is a need to explain. i have been converted by my friends to support Opposition from non-active person and i am saddened with the recent turmoil in DAP internally. I am sure i am not alone.
#470 by AhPek on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 12:10 pm
Tourman53 has given us a fantastic piece of analysis on the outcome of the 2004 GE demonstrating beyond a shadow of doubt how damaging this thing called ‘gerrymandering’ has wrought on the results.It has a power, if I may liken it,to a ‘twister’ , a cyclone that is.Imagine UMNO with only 35.9% of popular votes can obtain 110 parlimentary seats which is good enough to form a government with a simple majority (total parlimentary seats=219 in 2004 GE).No wonder not so long ago we find the Malacca chief minister experiencing a ‘high’ bollocking Indians (pppmembers) for
having the cheek toask for more seats with Kayveas sitting there quiet as a church mouse. And he is right!
The chief architect of gerrymandering is themamak who in his 22 years as the PM has destroyed all vestiges of the democratic traditions inherited from the British first by gagging the press then proceeding to make both the Judiciary and the Legislature subservient to the Executive and all institutions necessary in the working of a democracy have been rendered more or less dysfunctional!
Such is his legacy and it is the sin he will carry with him to meet his maker.And this Bodohwi finding himself firmly enscounced in the driver seat even has better ideas in capitalising on the tools he inherited.
#471 by jus legitimum on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 1:07 pm
Ah Pek you are right.When the late great paramount leader of China,Deng Xiao Peng passed way,millions of Chinese wept,wailed and cried upon his demise.But that old man who ruled us for 22 years will face just the opposite.A lot of people will jump for joy and celebrate when that fellow meets his Allah.
#472 by AhPek on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 1:15 pm
UMNO with 35.9% of popular votes get 110 parlimentary seats that will allow them to form a government without having to join up with other ethnic-based parties.
Compare this with the oppostions which has obtained 36.2% of popular votes (which is better than UMNO) that is only good enough to garner only 20 parlimentary seats (look at this huge discrepancy, 110 seats for UMNO vs 20 for opposition even though they have more popular votes!!!).
This gerrymandering is one part of the picture.They are :-
(a) financial resources whish opposition cannot match up to to finance an election campaign.They can eg buy food and makan for helpers putting up posters,do things illegal like distributing cash to buy votes.
(b)they make use of their powers to give grants,tol to farmers and make promises like giving land to build a church and even cash to a Chinese Independent School.This vote buying is an offence which they can flaunt blatantly.
(c) the Election Commission which is openingly doing the bidding of UMNO such as the recent 6000 postal votes going to the Bukit Bintang Constituency.They can transfer for example sizable number of Gopeng electorates to Ipoh Timor and together with postal votes, the EC has transferred 8000 voters from elsewhere into Ipoh Timor in an attempt to oust Kit should Kit still choose to stand there.Besides this the EC can also manipulate with phantom votes they make use of past registered voters who are already dead)
(d) the media, radio and television are used for their campaigning.Opposition has nothing much in terms of propagating
their campaign maybe perhaps YB KIT’s blog plus other opposition blogs.
With such obstacle stacked against the oppositions, the battle ahead is really that of David vs Goliath.
The picture painted here dismal though it is, is in fact the true picture confronting the oppositions.But we got to have hope and the fire in the belly must be kept burning. This is what being alive is all about.
So don’t this thing (Cilipadi not standing for election) get in the way for we must be able to see the larger picture ie we must reduce the tremendous amount of power given to BN in 2004 GE,to perhaps less than two thirds majority.To do that oppositions must get 75 parlimentary seats (this time parlimentary seats=222).
To help DAP, one can contribute as much as one can,influence your colleagues and friends to do likewise,volunteer to work for DAP during this period in whatever manner like sticking up posters, offering your car to increase their transportation pool and so on.
#473 by Richard Teo on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 1:24 pm
Laifoong, just to answer your question.Of course I think we should not expect those long serving members to be rewarded as a candidate just because of their long serving tenure.We need quality candidates to articulate issues in Parliament and the state legislature. Can a salesman or a fishmonger do that.?Long serving members can contribute to the party but should not expect to be given a chance to contest as a candidate.Just look at Singapore as an example. they have alot of ordinary members in PAP, but do you see any of them appointed as M.P or subsequently as Minister.?Its only when we imput quality candidates can we expect quality output.Put in rubbish input and you get rubbish output. DAP is doing the right thing now by getting people like Tony Pua and Jeff Ooi as candidate. Can you see why? They are not senior members of DAP but yet get selected.You see what I mean?
#474 by helpless on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 1:40 pm
Anyone can list down those corruption cases highlighted by opposition parties for the purpose to enlighten those BN supporter?
Imagine how rampant the corruption will be if no opposition voice from the past ?
Luckily the advancement in internet news that give us the alternate source information.
I guess a special tailor blog shall be make easy accessible to all Malaysian who could not see the truth.
#475 by basis on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 2:08 pm
Hi Guy
I got a idea for election, Why not using SMS message as election campaign medium , cheap ,fast and can be personal by area message. At least enough to attract people to nearest talk center..
2) Mass Email also can be used for this reason , is low cost and it can reach alot of people quickly
#476 by dawsheng on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 2:25 pm
We need quality candidates to articulate issues in Parliament and the state legislature. Can a salesman or a fishmonger do that.?
I seriously don’t know but I am quite sure quality candidates who can articulate issues in parliament may not be a good car salesman, but definitely failed as a fishmonger. Can an Imam be a Prime Minister?
#477 by I Malaysian on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 2:28 pm
Though I’m not so involved in the debate on who is who and who is better than the other or what is so great about Po Kuan, I would like stress, looking at the timing it is very important for leaders, candidates and supporters to refrain from criticizing or judging one another. This will only bring hatred, misunderstanding, animosity and above all opportunities to BN.
The DAP leadership has once again called on Po Kuan to reconsider her decision. I don’t have any doubt on the call by DAP leadership supported by grassroots was made in good faith. We leave that as it is and let Po Kuan to make the decision now. Should she after all this plight maintains her adamance to refuse nomination she has to be left alone. But with a caution, this time she must not claim that the leadership had denied her candidacy in Batu Gajah thus putting DAP leadership in bad light.
Hence, the BN nor others would be left with issues to harp on.
Let Us Move On, Use our energy and resources to improve our chances to win General Election
#478 by dawsheng on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 2:36 pm
“When the late great paramount leader of China,Deng Xiao Peng passed way,millions of Chinese wept,wailed and cried upon his demise.But that old man who ruled us for 22 years will face just the opposite.A lot of people will jump for joy and celebrate when that fellow meets his Allah.”
He will be given a state funeral and the Imam will declares one week of mourning. On national television, you will see the camera focus on sobbing UMNO members saying how he has sacrificed for the sake of the nation, the Imam lost a brother, most of them has lost their fathers, the old man will be elevated from a Tun to a saint. One week later, a lot of people will jump for joy and celebrates, guess who?
#479 by helpless on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 3:05 pm
Corrputed Zam has just misused the people’s fund for election campaign.
#480 by a-malaysian on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 3:28 pm
It is sad indeed, YB Fong Statement:
Dear friends, I am sorry.
I am unable to answer all your calls, reply your messages, emails and comments. I do appreciate your views, criticisms, supports and encouragement. It was a tough decision. I am unable to reconsider my decision of not to contest in this coming 12th General Election. I do hope you all will try to understand.
Let us now move ahead and play our respective roles to bring a better Malaysia for all Malaysians and show the people’s power to Barisan Nasional.
You can read at her blog here
So fellow Malaysian, we have to move on and fight the racist umno.
50 years is ENOUGH
Vote For A Change
Vote For Any Opposition
Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.
#481 by Jong on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 4:12 pm
I had been reading most of your comments about Fong Po Kuan and so far had refrained from doing so.
I agree with “I Malaysian” who asked:
“What is so great about Fong Po Kuan?” Nothing so great, no one is indispensible and she is no different!
Whilst I appreciate her 2-term contribution as MP to the people of Batu Gajah and Perak and respect her right and decision to quit, I find the timing of her ‘opting out’ most insensitive, with total disregard to party DAP, knowing fully well those BN/UMNO monkeys like Najib Tun Razak would be taking advantage of her actions to ridicule and run DAP down.
And was that Press Conference called necessary? No, I don’t think that was a sound choice. It only help create misunderstanding and fuel hatred towards the DAP and its Leadership. For whatever reasons Fong Po Kuan has, I think she should do have done so in a more appropriate manner expected of a “leader” (as she called herself at the PC) and be honest about it.
I am most disappointed in her and her actions.
#482 by Jong on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 4:19 pm
sorry, correct my sentence
“… and so far had refrained from commenting.”
#483 by jus legitimum on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 5:20 pm
In the 1999 GE,MCA and Gerakan made use of islamic state issue to
trounce DAP and eventually DAP lost many seats.This coming GE,MCA and Gerakan should slap their elephant skinned faces for they have long acceded and accepted BN’s islamic state and widespread islamisation policy.DAP this coming election should use the same issue to win votes from people who always vouch for a secular Malaysia.
#484 by Evenmind on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 5:35 pm
Pakistan opposition has won majority of the seats inthe Elections just over yesterday., perhaps the oppssition wave will also sweep Malaysia., don;t forget to vote any opposition party in Malaysia., every vote count , ) DON’T EVER VOTE THE BANGSAT NASIONAL (BN) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THEY caused so much injustice to the malaysians, those leeches , until today are still sucking the blood of every hard working malysian by using NEP as an excuse. They are also murderers, Altantuya is cursing them from above, DPM my azz, he’s a bloody pervert. enjoy first, then exterminate, and he think all Malaysians are dumb.
#485 by Jong on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 5:47 pm
Comeon, I think the moderater is over-doing it.
I posted a comment since 4.15 pm and it’s still … ‘awaiting moderation’! Not that I use foul language! This is frustrating and discouraging us from posting our comments! Still having your coffee-break ?
#486 by sani on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 6:03 pm
YB Fong
Firstly, i must congratulate you on all the scacificies you endured for the Rakyat + Country, during your 2 term as an MP. Being a non BN MP, is a thankless task.
Being having been a party worker both here in Beautiful Malaysia + another country, i understand “The run” up to election is never really a pleasant time. But you are not any ordinary people, You are infact an Icon to many young Malaysian. People like you give the Rakyats hope. Infact many odinary Malaysian remain in the country, rather than living illigally else where, because of people like you.
True, the oppostion is not only about 1 personality, but that ONE can make the difference between good + better.
Whether it is internal politics or politics in general, i believe it is the conviction of Social Democracy that led you to politics in the 1st place. You had shown Social Democracy can better the welfare of the people + i assure you, it will prevail in the end.
Internally or externally “No one can walk all over you, until you lay down + let them to.” Think it over, it will be good if you campaign actively for the DAP + better if you can stand again.
Regardless, i as a Malaysian again salute you, for 2 good terms + hope a better future for our kids, with you as an Social Democrat MP.
#487 by malaysiatoday.com on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 6:03 pm
JJJ Says:
Today at 11: 57.16 (5 hours ago)
I hope LKS will respond to this in view recent Fong’s pull out from Batu Gajah. I am from Penang state and i have also concerns on the way DAP field its candidate. Are you guys still thinking that people are choosing the logo instead of the person during the election? It may be true during my parent’s time but it is not now.
correct correct correct. Only monkeys will vote a monkey carries rocket.
Why opposition cannot be serious challenger to BN for past 50 years?
One main reason is no many candidates from opposition wanted to sacrifile their time to build up grass-roots base in a constituency.
Worst thing is top leadership simply come in to swap candidates under the noble name of new strategy.
I will not vote Karpal Singh and his four siblings in any constituencies. He lost in Jelutong and ran away to other “safe seat” to continue his legacy. Now he is looking for another safer seat in Penang.
#488 by beankadok on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 6:37 pm
Spit it out Fong Po Kuan and stop creating suspicion and animosity!
#489 by Malaysian citizen on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 6:40 pm
I have just bank-in Rm 188 today , I have also invited relative to donate.
I hope more people will stand-up for their own rights as a Malaysian citizen , especially those that are being treated as 2nd class citizens.
#490 by melovepng on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 6:49 pm
On Fong Po Kuan’s case, whatever reason it is, you should not give up. Dont let personal ego overtake the bigger picture. Everyone has to sacrifice. Uncle Kit has been sacrificing even before you were born…probably. So do not need to whine.
I thought my humble RM280 today into Public Bank 306 382 8309 will help DAP in this long but arduous march towards a better Malaysia!!!
#491 by js on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 6:55 pm
I totally agreed with Malaysia today:
I will not vote Karpal Singh and his four siblings in any constituencies. He lost in Jelutong and ran away to other “safe seat†to continue his legacy. Now he is looking for another safer seat in Penang.
It is very very unfair to place him at the safe seat in Bagan. I believe he will be kicked out if he contested in Bukit Gelugor again this time.
#492 by beankadok on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 6:57 pm
Interesting news, our true Malaysian heroes, Loh Mui Fah and Loh Gwo Burne have joined PKR !
Change is NOW!
#493 by malaysiatoday.com on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 7:27 pm
js Says:
Today at 18: 55.33 (24 minutes ago)
I totally agreed with Malaysia today:
I will not vote Karpal Singh and his four siblings in any constituencies. He lost in Jelutong and ran away to other “safe seat†to continue his legacy. Now he is looking for another safer seat in Penang.
It is very very unfair to place him at the safe seat in Bagan. I believe he will be kicked out if he contested in Bukit Gelugor again this time
Personally I am not comfortable to see father and son gang in any party.
Karpal Singh should retire from politics for his old age and health problem. Let fearless younger generation to fight with BN in the parliament.
#494 by chiakchua on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 7:32 pm
” i dont like word “Barisan Alternatif†– they should change to nicer name. alternatif is abit like outcast.” By melurian 19-2-2008 08:59
#495 by laifoong on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 7:40 pm
i think u r just jealous of poh kuan. she deserves better….u r a pin head and she a member of parliament….n as a politician she is in the thick of it and u r on the sideline….for those bent on criticizing poh kuan…be fair she’s not here to defend herself!
#496 by malaysiatoday.com on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 8:02 pm
Everyone can smell her timing is designed to hurt someone in Perak DAP (or even YB Lim). Unfortunately her decision hurts more Malaysians who wish to see a weaken BN.
Let’s respect her decision to call it a day. Personal attack remarks against her will give more ammunition to BN
#497 by catharsis on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 9:14 pm
To Poh Kuan:
A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense. It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way…………at this 11th hour shouldn’t THE CAUSE BE ABOVE SELF
Sorry mate you have lost the plot. However much you portray yourself as a tough sheila you have cracked under pressure.
There is certainly no place for atuism in this battle of wits and brawn
#498 by devilmaster on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 9:50 pm
OMG! You guys are still talking about FPK case. Let it rest.
Our main objective is much more larger than this tiny FPK case. Now, go to the Hindraf website(link below) and watch the videos to re-energise your fighting spirit.
#499 by malaysiatoday.com on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 10:36 pm
This website is endorsed by Hindraf? I doubt NO.
#500 by Jong on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 10:52 pm
“Jealous”? Laifoong, after reading your comment unduly ‘attacking’ me, I don’t think I need to waste my time responding but just for courtesy sake, I will ask you to once more read my comment. If you still don’t understand me, ask limkamput or darkhorse. They have good English, able to explain.
Thank you.
#501 by limkamput on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:20 pm
….for those bent on criticizing poh kuan…be fair she’s not here to defend herself!..laifoong
She can always come here to defend herself. Nobody is stopping her. She is still responsible for what is happening in DAP now, no matter how we look at it.
By the way, are you not hospitalised yet? How come fasting has no effect on you? You bs or not.
#502 by Itshowtime on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:29 pm
I have a dream .to see all chinese,malay and indians would join PKR and make it a barisan rakyat as opposed to what it is now and chase BN out of govt.The country needs a party that will appeal to all malaysians alike.Will that day ever become a reality.
#503 by limkamput on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:33 pm
I think the more DAP leadership appeal to FPK to reconsider, the worse the effect is going to be on DAP, unless of course she changes her mind at the last minute. I think for the sake of the party and the coming election, just let her go. It is enough. Tun Mahathir left and in 2004 BN won big. So who actually is indispensable? NO ONE!
laifoong is not teachable. So don’t waste my time. Since darkhorse is your good friend, he may be able to invest some time. But I don’t think there will be much effect for reason I can’t say here. The moderator may not be happy.
#504 by mr7077 on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 - 11:45 pm
200 donated…!! I will vote 4 the ROCKET!…IF no ROCKET….KEADILAN…..if no KEADILAN….then PAS…if no PAS then….UNDI ROSAK!!!!!itu dacing sudah tak boleh PAKAI!!!!
#505 by Jong on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:03 am
Limkamput, everyone here are my friends, we must always agree to disagree without malice. When one is unable to decipher what is written, just ask. There’s nothing to be ashamed of; no one is going to call you a dumb if you don’t open your mouth, right?
Yes, I agree DAP should not waste more time attending to her antics. They should instead stay focused on the GE, don’t let Fong Po Kuan derail the whole team!
#506 by Jong on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:05 am
I like your style, good for you! :D
#507 by Short-sleeve on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:13 am
For those who are bickering here,
Folks, please get your priorities right. Are you lot really serious in wanting to deny BN that 2/3 majority? or you just simply wanna come here and call each other names silly in cyberspace?
If you are really serious and want a better and free Malaysia, lets do some real growing up cos’ bashing each other here in cyberspace is taking us nowhere.
The choice is yours.
#508 by chuchueey on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:39 am
The country’s next angkasawan is in the making. Its BN and we will send it into political orbit. For sure we will.
Lets donate generously towards our future.
#509 by mycroft on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 1:48 am
Ladies and gentlemen! Roll up! Roll up! And let’s play Whack the Mole. Or should that be Whack The Moles? Lots of them darn critters around, especially when it be them election time nearing.
Moles be funny creatures, indeed they are. And the cyber-mole is the funniest of them all. They do not show their true colours but rather do things on the sly and spread doubt and confusion.
Back underground you little moles! We know your tricks and won’t fall for them. Down down little negative men and women. The tide is on its way, and you will not stop it.
#510 by I Malaysian on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 2:02 am
I just viewed the Malaysiakini video clip on “another 300mil for chinese.” What a massive sum to fish the votes of Chinese. Although for a minute I feared on this “Generosity” of BN, I come to see this as another hard evidence on the need for strong opposition in Malaysia. With a two third majority and all the support in place BN is so fearful of BA and started to flood millions for development. So could one imagine how much benefits could we Malaysians reap by having a strong opposition which could deny BN’s majority?
#511 by Wisdom above on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 3:22 am
Please lend me your ears.
Please do not call yourselves “Malaysian opposition parties”.
It has negative connotation.
Use the term ” Barisan Rakyat ” instead as suggested by Haris Ibrahim / SV Singam under heading posting “DAP PAS PKR PSM MDP PASOK …. = BARISAN RAKYAT “.
‘…Why should we not embrace all these parties as our ‘ Barisan Rakyat ‘ by which we begin to bring about the change that we want in our country?…’
In 2004, I was confused by ‘ BA ‘ slogan.
I thought it stand for ‘British Airway’ .
I was wanting to vote for a ‘New Front’ which can form a New Government.
Alternative Front is very confusing to me .
It confused the common people.
When you come with ‘ Barisan Rakyat ‘.
Bingo! It is so easy to understand.
My lawyer friend understood it as ” People Front ” immediately.
Barisan Rakyat ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.
Syabas to your effort to coin a clear decisive slogan .
” Barisan Rakyat ” speak volume by itself.
It connotes ‘ Unity ‘ in ” One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “.
#512 by I Malaysian on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 8:49 am
Wisdom, I am full agreeable to your point. Barisan Rakyat sounds much better than Barisan. Haris is correct.
#513 by melurian on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 8:53 am
we can’t all be leaders….you’re insulting the working men and women who make up the rank n file of the party…without their support where would the leaders be…? what good r leaders without followers…..that’s stupid! what’s wrong with being a car salesman or a fishmonger??
we put an imam besar who failed his statistic as PM, finance and internal security minister, and what’s the result ? we put minister with cina studies as transport minister and what’s the result. we’re in 21st century where everybody has opportunity for high learning education, though education might not be a good yard stick, but it’s certainly a good measurement on quality, expertise, knowledge, dicipline, and perseverance. Or else why we need education, throw away money ??? (reminds some minister said so wat’s the good skor As in spm!!!)
#514 by ktteokt on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 9:24 am
Takazawa, in order to secure the position of the grasshoppers, shouldn’t the government “protect” the givers, the ants? If all the ants migrate or stop working, that will mean the end to the grasshoppers too! The government is so brainless that it cannot see this point, stressing importance only on the survival of the grasshoppers without considering the “source” of food on which they feed! If the “host” is wiped out, how can the “parasites” survive!!!!!
#515 by boh-liao on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 9:43 am
In Australia, they did it!
In Taiwan, they also did it!
In Pakistan, they just did it!
Just do it, Malaysians!
Time to boot out the self-enriching, incompetent, and anti-national BN politicians!
Time for change!
#516 by Wisdom above on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 10:06 am
Stay focus.
Please do not call yourselves “Malaysian opposition partiesâ€.
It has negative connotation.
Use the term †Barisan Rakyat †instead.
†Barisan Rakyat †speak volume by itself.
In Australia, they did it!
In Taiwan, they also did it!
In Pakistan, they just did it!
SYABAS to Barisan Rakyat..
Just do it, Malaysians!
Time to boot out the self-enriching, incompetent, and anti-national BN politicians!
Time for change!
#517 by Short-sleeve on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 10:28 am
RM300million for the chinese community. Thank you very much BN.
…. but I will still vote for Opposition :)
#518 by mycroft on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 10:31 am
Barisan Rakyat, my foot!
#519 by Wisdom above on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 10:41 am
Stay focus.
“Our understanding is to ensure one-on-one fights and deny Barisan a two-thirds majority,â€
Barisan Rakyat ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.
Now finally we have ‘ Unity ‘ , †One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “.
Syabas to Barisan Rakyat.
#520 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 11:09 am
Happy birthday, Uncle Kit!
#521 by qiqi on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 11:10 am
If the normal division and separation of Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers that were believed to protect democracy failed,
If the police, government and judge fail to uphold the democracy of the country…
You can still do so with your vote of change :)
I believe we have the power, the right and the duty to uphold and defend what is best for the country.
Go DAP! Go Opposition!
#522 by limkamput on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 11:59 am
mycroft Says: Today at 10: 31.00 (1 hour ago)
Barisan Rakyat, my foot!
Why, you have a foot problem? Amputate it.
#523 by malaysianboleh on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:01 pm
#524 by sec on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:07 pm
YB Lim,
Happy Birthday to you.
FPK case close- minor disturb
#525 by Haris on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:09 pm
Uncle Kit, have you considered using twitter.com to sort of micro blog the elections. You can send updates to it via web, sms, or instant messaging, and people who follow you can get your messages the same way to. It’d be a great way to reach people and it seems that some US Presidential candidates are using it as well. Go check it out at http://twitter.com
#526 by limkamput on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:12 pm
RM300million for the chinese community. short sleeve
Yes, if they can give RM300 million now, I am sure they can give RM3 billion when the number of opposition member double or triple in Parliament and Dewan Undangan Negeri. After all, the total Federal Budget per year is more than RM140 billion. RM3 billion is still less than one percent. It is time to redeem that is ours and due to us. They have enjoyed it for too long already. It is time for change; kick everyone of them out, everyone, including the presidents, deputy presidents, vice president. Listen to the song “wind of change†by the Scorpions which I got some where from this blog and I reproduce for your listening pleasure.
Listen to this, the wind of change has reached Malaysia:
#527 by limkamput on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:15 pm
sorry, RM 3 billion is still less than three percent.
#528 by mycroft on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 12:49 pm
Ahh haha.. very funny. What is your next trick going to be limkaput? Juggling? Honestly, I find this whole Barisan Rakyat concept to be completely unpalatable. I certainly am not in the mood to go around hugging PAS or PKR and definitely not the MDP. Straight fights? Sure.. Go for it. I am all for one on ones as they will not split up the votes. But a coalition? Forget about it.
#529 by I Malaysian on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 1:22 pm
To all supporters out there,
A friend of mine just SMS me, providing a link address to a video clip on Makkal Sakti. An amazing one reflecting true plights of Indian in Malaysia. Please forward to all Indian friends for better understanding. they are all together 3 parts.
Please visit: http://www.video.google.com (type in the search box- Makkal Sakti GE 2008 ) True Indians will cry….
#530 by jennifer cheong on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 2:13 pm
Happy Birthday to our beloved leader Lim Kit Siang ! May God bless you and DAP !
#531 by g2geetoo on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 2:39 pm
Get Viets, dogs missing.
Get Bangla, girls missing.
Get Indon, money missing.
Get Chinese, husband missing.
Get Malay advisor, Mongol missing.
Get Malaysia judges, truth missing,
Get Toyol, temples missing.
Get Lingam, memory missing.
Get Samy, saham missing.
Get Ali Rusty, pigs mssing.
Get Ali Kazam, info missing.
Get Khairy, samseng missing.
Get Hisham, keris missing.
Get Ah Lek, viagra missing.
Get Ka Ting, do nothing.
Get BadAwi, he’ll be sleeping….zzzzzzz
Undi Dacing, dapat cacing!!!
#532 by teekp9239 on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 3:10 pm
By hook or by crook , there must be some opposition voices in the parliment, just like any other businesses , there must be competitors for the benefits of consumers.
Hard core opposition parties supporter for human right , equal right, corruption free right, religion free right, education right………………
#533 by teekp9239 on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 3:13 pm
Goodies just before election, please ..lah…, we are not beggars , we are malaysian, please treat us like a Malaysian….
#534 by jus legitimum on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 4:06 pm
Saudara LKS,
Happy Birthday To You.May God always bless you good health and endless energy.
#535 by helpless on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 4:34 pm
Thank you Rakyat Teraniaya for the clarification.
It is shocking to know this. My guess is no many Malaysians know this.
I can’t believe it. There must be way to stop this or otherwise our donation to DAP could be wasted by at least 50%.
Yesterday at 09: 54.24
To helpless, with regards to postal votes as told to me by my brother, he was in the army, postal votes are a bigger sheet of paper with the voters name, rank and other particulars. The lower ranking soldier would have to “vote†in front of his commanding officer. So naturally, the CO would have standing instructions that the soldier “should†only “vote†BN.This is done at their respective camps without any third party to witness. That’s why they can almost guarantee each postal vote is a vote for BN. If I am wrong on the process,well I a sorry but that’s what I heard of postal votes and each time they(EC) tally a slim win for the Opposition, suddenly a sealed box arrives and eventually our Opposition candidate loses by a few hundred or even less than a hundred votes due to the postal votes. That is why it is imperative this time round for a total swift of support of the voters to the Opposition. This way even their postal votes threat can work! Let’s all come together and vote for the Opposition!
#536 by AntiSUPP on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 4:38 pm
Link to Malaysia Kini to “petition” Same Venu to eat his shit in his own stinky mouth. The Hindu community, we are with you.
Vote for DAP
#537 by HJ Angus on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 4:47 pm
Why should witnesses be barred from the postal voting process and why should the commanding officer witness the selection of the candidate?
The country is not at war and military camps are not top security areas. The EC should be sued for such a flawed procedure.
#538 by Thomas Lee on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 6:01 pm
Happy Birthday, Kit!
May God bless you with wisdom in all things, good health, long life and happiness.
#539 by iweepformalaysia on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 7:02 pm
Happy birthday Uncle Kit!! Please do not overwork yourself.
#540 by I Malaysian on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 8:21 pm
The EC chairman’s position is to ensure BN wins majority. In that context he will do whatever he can and cannot to regardless of what people think, say or do. Even if someone spit at his face he would say thank you as long he could get a cross for BN.
These are the hypocrites who talk religion but actually worse than what Tok Guru named!
#541 by pilihanrayaexpert on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 9:15 pm
I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#542 by A_Malaysian on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 9:17 pm
YB Kit,
Happy Birthday. May you be WELL and HAPPY for many many years to come. Stay Strong and Healthy. All MARGINALISED and TRULY PATRIOTIC MALAYSIANS need you.
I have followed your blog for a while and currently in UK. I will be back and give two votes from me and my wife on 8 March, 2008 to DAP/PKR/PAS.
Just contributed our share via Maybank2U Ref:1233827514
Good Luck and my Hope to BR to form a New Government in GE12.
#543 by pilihanrayaexpert on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 9:19 pm
#544 by Itshowtime on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 10:00 pm
when will the candidates be announced.is it true karpal singh and his two sons will be contesting in the coming election.The sikh community is a very small one and most of them openly support BN.If it is true is it right to field three sikh when they are such a small community.What is the possibilty of giving it to hindraf ppl.Can we count on DAP to field active hindraf members instead…..cheers
#545 by mycroft on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 10:11 pm
Itshowtime is probably a: very stupid b: extremely idiotic or c: a halfwit. Obviously, he or she just sees things as race and race and race. Exactly why we need to support the DAP. Not so we can divide ourselves as Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Muruts, Bidayuhs, Ibans, Dayaks. So that we can identify ourselves as Malaysians.
#546 by chiakchua on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 10:46 pm
Another RM300 million for Chinese school? Big credit must be given to the Barisan Rakyat. Surely it is the pressure on the running dogs of UMNO in the coming election that their Taiko have to vomit out impromptu fund to save them.
Believe the non-Malays are smarter now; they will take whatever is given (which are actually arrears) but would still vote for Barisan Rakyat comes 13th. March! What they want to see is the government should systemise the building of SRJK wherever is needed or qualified.
#547 by cemerlang on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 10:55 pm
Happy Birthday, Mr Lim Kit Siang.
Do you all know that the nation’s wealth is under Barisan Nasional ?
#548 by mycroft on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 10:55 pm
If they vote for the opposition.. Please no Barisan Rakyat stuff. If they do that on 13th March, then I for one will be seriously worried about their intelligence. :p
#549 by Wisdom above on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 11:00 pm
…Food for Thoughts…
Let ‘Barisan Rakyat’ take on BN this time
R Rama Chandran | Feb 20, 08 3:38pm
The time has now come for race-based political parties to shed racial and religious labels from their objectives. Instead, they must stand for egalitarian concepts, sound economic principles,….
#550 by cheng on soo on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 11:24 pm
vote for Barisan Rakyat comes 13th. March! WHY 13th March, should be 8 March!
#551 by Itshowtime on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 11:31 pm
Hi mycroft the question was directed to LKS and not you.please keep your thoughts to yourself.I didnt ask for your comments.Its LKS who makes the decision to field the candidates and i ask him.
#552 by mycroft on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 11:39 pm
Well, first of all, I think when you make a comment on a public blog everyone has the right to to give their comments about it. Unless you think that this is just a private conversation between you and Lim Kit Siang.
Number two – your bringing race into the equation is highly offensive. To suggest that the DAP should not field Karpal Singh because he is a Sikh and the Sikhs are a minority is argubaly one of the stupidest statements I’ve ever come across.
Number three – Lim Kit Siang does not make the decision to field the candidates, although he is part of the committee that decides on them, and he does have an influential voice in it.
Number four – You are still an idiot.
#553 by 3rd Generation DAP on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 11:50 pm
YB Lim,
My grandpa and my dad (both no longer here) and my family would want to thank you for the years of sacrifices to be the torn in the flesh of the government who are constantly raping and abusing the wealth of our motherland. The corruption from the lowest government servant to the top brass MPs. We will to encourage you that my family and I will continue to give you and the DAP our vote.
Please email me your itenary. I wanted to listen to your ceramahs. I was at Kg Tawas but had not had the opportunity to listen to your ceramahs.
We are much saddened by Po Kuan withdrawal from Batu Gajah. We could not understand why but if this is her wish, we will respect her stance. We could only pray that Batu Gajah will continue to stay with DAP. Folks from Batu Gajah, we all have to move on for the sake of the bigger picture!
#554 by KanNinNeh on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 11:50 pm
Happy Birthday Uncle Kit, just received a SMS as follows :-
“Dear M’sian Indian n Chinese,
There r the reasons why v shd NEVER vote for the corrupted BN :-
99% of Petronas station owned by Malays,
100% Petronas Project Contractors are Malays,
95% intake for army, nurses n police are Malays,
98% Govt Servants in Putrajaya are Malays,
95% Govt Contracts are given to Malays,
100% Govt Universities Vice Chancellors are Malays,
100% students sent to Japan n Korea under “Look East Policy” are Malays,
3 million Indonesian became Malaysian Citizen with Bumi Status,
600,000 Chinese n Indian Malaysian with Red IC denied citizenship,
0% churches/temples built in housing estates,
96.5% Govt Budget for Malay Schools n 144 Indian Primary Schools closed down since 1968 – 2000.
Think deeply !”
#555 by mycroft on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 12:11 am
And in spite of everything, according to them the Malays are still lagging behind! I am not disputing that. But if it were so, let us think and ask “why”? Why is it that after close to 40 years of the NEP – a policy which was supposed to have ended years ago, the Malays haven’t achieved that 30% yet? Or at lest, the BN claims that they haven’t.
End of the day, it all boils down to one thing. The BN has failed. The NEP is a failed policy and there is no logical reason why it should still be around. The BN is like a drug – it promises you a short-term high but gives you a long-term hell.
#556 by showsomemercy on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 12:31 am
The main reason most people vote for government because of “FEAR” . The government has done well by inflicting that quality into the rakyat. Actually, the government should “FEAR” the rakyat and not we fear them. One thing is for sure, they cant wait to increase the petrol price already.
I can guarantee you 1000% if the government win this election few months later petrol increase!!! They cant wait no more to suck all of us dry. At times it is so funny why people will still vote for them.
Don’t tell me by giving away some freebies before election can make you vote for them? Some sweets can make people happy?
I for once hoping they will give me those freebies! :)
Anyway, vote for a change. I can think clearly, so can all of you. And i am still not even 30 years old!
50 years is ENOUGH
Vote For A Change
Vote For Any Opposition
Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.
#557 by dawsheng on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 12:35 am
Change the target of denying BN 2/3 majority to a new government!
#558 by dawsheng on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 12:36 am
Why deny them 2/3 majority when you can be the majority.
#559 by dawsheng on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 12:39 am
The rakyat want goodies, give it to them, give more than what BN has promised the rakyat. There shouldn’t be a problem.
#560 by dawsheng on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 12:45 am
Chinese has a saying that goes “Borrow a corpse to resurrect the soul”. Let me tell you BN is a master at that, go study Abdullah’s economic corridors and you’ll now what is it all about.
#561 by showsomemercy on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 1:08 am
What i mean by goodies are small “ang pows”. Not those big mega changes. :)
#562 by jus legitimum on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 1:09 am
True.Our hearts really ache and boil after 50 years we are still being treated second class citizen.We are still being discriminated under the NEP.The BN idiots aided by the spineless and eunuch MCA etc continue to play ‘giving goodies and sweets tricks at every GE.They think the Chinese and Indians are forever fools and bodoh.Ya,you give we take.But we will vote for a big change.Hopefully DAP + PKR + PAS will be the majority this time as ‘dawsheng’ suggested.
#563 by dawsheng on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 1:18 am
If the oppositions are contesting in every state and parliamentary seats in the country, it will be a joke if they can only deny BN 2/3 majority.
#564 by pilihanrayaexpert on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 1:28 am
ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
#565 by showsomemercy on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 1:52 am
anybody can make a short conclusion on the Chinese article posted by pilihanrayaexpert. Thanks! =
#566 by pilihanrayaexpert on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 1:59 am
recommend you study mandarin, friend
it’s such a fantastic language
#567 by DarkHorse on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 2:03 am
Ask limkamput! He can translate it and “make a short conclusion” for those of us who cannot read Mandarin. He attended a Chinese school at Kg. Attap which according to him, makes him a Chinese.
#568 by I Malaysian on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 2:06 am
A secret meeting at Putrajaya held recently, found out that Malays will not be voting for Indians be them from BN or BA.
Please visit :http://hard-t.blogspot.com/2008/02/malay-say-no-to-indian-candidates_20.html for details. Looks like more headache is awaiting.
#569 by pilihanrayaexpert on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 2:08 am
oh oh oh !!
so you mean limkaput is not a chinese but understand mandarin . ok ok ok
he maybe can make a short conclusion about the article but you guys ( for those who cannot read mandarin ) can’t really understand the ” feelings ” of the article
sorry :-))))
ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
#570 by DarkHorse on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 2:15 am
Nothing is OK when it comes to limkamput. You see, he is the blog’s resident gatekeeper. You are not allowed to pass the gates without giving him due respects – but like I said on the other thread, I hope you’re not homophobic like I am.
#571 by smeagroo on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 4:47 am
RM300mil for chinese school to buy ur heart is chicken feed to the corrupted govt. After they back in power, increase petrol 50sen, they save more money n subsidy (maybe abt RM8bil), rm300mil is really supsupsui. still got balance RM7bil+ to share ard the corrupted. Yea and we can continue with our demos until kingdom come. I m not taking my chances with the devil.
#572 by A_Malaysian on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 5:55 am
Read this from RPK Blog
TIME FOR CHANGE by Afif Rais, a 1st time voter.
#573 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 8:10 am
This election really is about broken promises and really the only decision people have to make up is that will Badawi keep its promises from 4 years ago. The answer is no and its really simple.
In order for Badawi to keep his promise, he need to have MORE control over UMNO than Dr. Mahathir ever did. Dr. M tried at the end of his tenure to push some reform but he was trapped by his own agenda and ideas.
The same is even more true of Badawi. There is no way he will be able consolidate his power enough to push through meaningful reforms. He backed off on police reform because police unhappiness would have cost heavily politically. He backed off on corruption because of the same thing. He backed off on education because the “Little Napoleans and Ulamas” would have cost him. He is scared stiff of judicial reform because it would wrecked UMNO.
But what makes all this thing impossible is because other than consolidating his power, he has to accomodate his SIL rise in power. It is clear by now that he see or was convinced that his SIL power as a guarantee of his programs eventually. He is just wrong.
The idea ‘when I get to power then I change things’ is as old and have been wrong for centuries. Since time immemorial, people who hunger for power have taken this line and failed. Its no different today than it has ever been. Even as recent as George Bush and Bill Clinton, it had not happen for them either. And famous SIL is a perpetuation of this wrong.
Famous SIL is wrong simply because his arrogance in looking down on his own people. The same mistake the Chinese made in 1969. The same mistake Tunku made about Dr. M. What he is wrong most is about the potential leadership of Malay politics. There are many brighter and more capable minds out there than he. Sooner or later, someone will find a way to consolidate ground support and take him on and he will fail. Anwar may not be the answer to Malay opposition but the fact the older guy is more skillful than the young one is prove that famous SIL is not destined to be the best. There will be someone who can be as well-trained but as naturally gifted as Anwar. And its the struggle by those who are better than him that will mean that Badawi’s and SIL reform agenda will fail.
So really, if you are happy with the status quo, and some people can be, fine vote BN but if you want promises fufilled, then it makes no sense to vote BN.
#574 by dawsheng on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 8:15 am
There’s a saying that goes “Winning isn’t everything but wanting to win is”. The opposition don’t want to win the election, they just don’t want to lose as badly the last time. I don’t think the rakyat want that.
#575 by k1980 on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 8:26 am
It’s time to save the taxpayers’ money and end the Altantuya circus, too
#576 by dawsheng on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 9:17 am
Just what do the rakyat want and why they vote at all? William Bennett Munro (1875-1957) , a Canadian social scientist and eugenicist said this about voting “People vote their resentment, not their appreciation. The Average man does not vote anything, but against something.”
It is also said that you can’t expect to win unless you know why you lose, and that’s is precisely what I think the oppositions do not know, why people vote against them. Is it all because the propaganda of BN machinery, or is it because they don’t want to vote for a loser?
What we need is a capable new government waiting in line, not a stronger opposition.
#577 by oknyua on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 9:25 am
• Talked to the barber, please vote Rocket or Black Eye.
• Disturbed my mechanic; vote Rocket or Black Eye.
• Called my newspaper vendor; don’t vote for BN. The answer was affirmative because he is an Indian.
• Met a few friends while jogging. Yes, it’s Rocket or Black Eye all the way. Met green Moon members advertising Anwar’s Ceramah in Shah Alam (Sect 27) on 22nd.
My contacts are mostly businessmen and o..o..o.. MCA members. They don’t like AAB, but then what is the option left? That is their opinion. It’s the devil or the deep, deep blue sea (and its better the devil they know.) But now it’s not the time to express opinion or debate in cyberspace. It’s time to work. As they say, “how do you eat an elephant?†The answer is “a bit at a time.†Hopefully posters here do their bit. Enough of talking. Thank you.
#578 by Candima Yu on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 9:30 am
To Darkhorse & Pilihanrayaexpert, and such similar commenters,
If you do not have something sensible or constructive to write about, please GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS SITE. We do not want you to clutter up the space and waste the time of genuine commenters who want to contribute. From the way you have gone about your comments on this site, you sound like children and should be kept out of this site. YB Lim’s site is only meant for concerned citizens who want to be kept informed and also to assist him in his work and not meant to indulge you in frivolous and personal comments.
Remember, STAY OUT of this site.
#579 by Itshowtime on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 9:39 am
Hi mycroft i have told you very politly that the question is directed to LKS.If you want to make personal remark over questions i perceived as legitimate i rather you say it on my face in person.I do not want to mess up LKS site. Just know that Indians are not the only supportors of Hindraf.The indians have long been short changed because they are not properly represented in parliment and state where it matters.How can that be racist esp coming from one who abhore the word barisan rakyat.
#580 by dawsheng on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 9:39 am
The only problem or the biggest obstacle to form any meaningful coalition within the opposition is PAS, Anwar should know this very well. PAS who face the possibility of being destroyed this election has been quick to endorse the people’s declaration, but that is still not enough as any association with PAS will gives MCA and Gerakan the bullets to shoot DAP down. Anwar and Husam must sit down and talk, the only one condition PAS need to meet is drop the word Islamic from its party name since it has endorsed the people’s declaration. It bounds to happen sooner or later, why not now?
#581 by I Malaysian on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 9:40 am
I read with interest the exchange of words between Itshowtime and Mycroft. Though I don’t agree with the harsh style of mycroft, I agree with his points. In a country where we Malaysians hailing from different background but fighting for common interest, it’s important that we reject any attempt to make race as criteria for election candidacy. I don’t mind even 90% of the candidates are Malays as in Singapore with Chinese so long they are responsible and willing to discharge their duties fairly without bias.
I think Karpal has helped more Chinese and Malays than his own. Think about it. So, Itshowtime lets be more open.
#582 by smeagroo on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 9:42 am
Why worry over a party name when you have wolves and numbskulls even in a party call UMNO?
#583 by k1980 on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 9:42 am
Some voters can cast their votes TWICE!!! Can Pak Kibaki Lah please explain?
#584 by dawsheng on Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 9:52 am
You see, PAS is still dreaming about their Islamic state, the war of who being more Islamic has been won by UMNO they day Mahathir declared Malaysia as an Islamic state. When PAS saw the “Masjid Kristal” (I still wonder why they make the masjid looks like an entertainment complex with all the effect lights) then only they realized they have been trounced by UMNO, PAS lost and UMNO won the Islamic war. There’s only one Islamic party now and that is UMNO!