With the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak continuing to make himself a national and international spectacle for nearly two years playing the role of Hamlet agonising on “To Be or Not To Be” on dissolving Parliament to seek a mandate of his own and end his role as longest unelected Prime Minister in Malaysia, the phrase “100 days to the 13GE” has become the constant refrain of Malaysians in the last month of 2012.
Let the 100-day countdown to the 13GE start officially today, the first day of 2013, and let all Malaysians take part in the daily countdown to the 13GE because of the historic significance and possibilities of this event.
Even if Najib does not hold general elections by April 20 – the 100th day from today – Parliament will be automatically dissolved on 27th April 2013 as the Federal Constitution provides that unless earlier dissolved, Parliament will stand dissolved five years from the date of its first meeting after a general election, i.e. 28th April 2008.
I do not believe that Najib would want to out-Hamlet Hamlet and be so indecisive as to allow Parliament to stand automatically dissolved on 27th April 2013 for the 13th General Elections to be held.
In his New Year message, Najib called on Malaysians to give his ruling Barisan Nasional government a clear mandate as he promises to build the country to the best of his ability.
In his four years as Prime Minister, Najib has demonstrated that he is not master of his own fate and destiny, which is why his plethora of “transformation” programmes have been observed more by their breach than fulfilment – including his signature policy of 1Malaysia which to date has not received endorsement either by the Najib Cabinet or the UMNO and Barisan Nasional Supreme Councils.
Let the 100-day countdown to the 13GE start today – and let there be a clear mandate for Pakatan Rakyat to replace UMNO/BN coalition in Putrajaya to build an united, democratic, just, progressive and prosperous nation
MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek said at the New Year countdown in Johor Bartu that he would step down as MCA President and join DAP should the DAP win big in Johore and produce a Chinese Mentri Besar.
This is the dishonest politics of lies and falsehoods that Malaysia does not need in the 21st century and I will be the first to object to Chua Soi Lek joining the DAP.
Artikel ini juga boleh didapati dalam Bahasa Malaysia di: https://blog.limkitsiang.com/2013/01/07/mulakan-kiraan-100-hari-ke-pru13-hari-ini-dan-pastikan-mandat-yang-jelas-untuk-pakatan-rakyat-menggantikan-perikatan-umnobn-di-putrajaya-untuk-membina-negara-yang-bersatu-demokratik-adil/
#1 by yhsiew on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 - 4:44 pm
///I will be the first to object to Chua Soi Lek joining the DAP.///
Agreed. Liars should not be allowed to join DAP.
#2 by waterfrontcoolie on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 - 5:48 pm
He has nothing to offer except rhetoric; just shows that he is bankrupt of ideas except the only visible BN trademark: Easy money! They are all blinded by a scenario created by the half-indian who will use all his resources to ensure Anwar will not go to Putrajaya and the reason is clear. To see the best show of 2013, we must ensure Anwar becomes the next PM of Malaysia!!!!!!!!!!
#3 by boh-liao on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 - 6:09 pm
AhCheatKor still pulling out petals of a rose 1 by 1 in P’jaya on dis 1st day of Jan 13: “2 b”, “Not 2 b”, “2 b”, “Not 2 b”, “2 b”, “Not 2 b”, “2 b”, “Not 2 b”, “2 b”, “Not 2 b”, “2 b”, “Not 2 b”, ………
He hesitates 2 declare d GE13 date
His bomohs hv told him 2 declare it AFTER dishing out MORE $$ 2 some rakyat, fulfilling his “GUA kasih lu” corrupt practice n bribing voters 2 “Lu tolong gua”
Meanwhile, rakyat n voters should take heed of d following dat followed a similar advice fr d beast dat moooed: U hv been DECEIVED by d propaganda n promises of d federal government under UmnoB/BN leadership 4 >55 years, WAKE UP now n choose PR at GE13!
#4 by boh-liao on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 - 6:31 pm
Politicians MUST always hv d same principle n stand throughout their careers
Otherwise, their past will re-surface 2 haunt them
Newspapers under d command n yoke of UmnoB/BN r now really going 2 town (with daily quotations) on what AI used 2 blast away PAS n DAP when he was with Umno
So, actually, UmnoB/BN had oredi started actively campaigning 4 GE13 via daily negative character @ss@ssination
#5 by rahmanwang on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 - 6:50 pm
I agree with yhsiew. Not only liars are not allowed to join DAP, porn star are also banned from joining DAP.
#6 by chengho on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 - 8:29 pm
What will likely happen if the scenerio change , Pas joining coalition BN and Keadilan break up between the north and south .
#7 by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 - 8:42 pm
Maybe there will be no elections.
Maybe Najib might want to be Emperor 2013 in Malaysia.
#8 by Winston on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 - 9:48 pm
Porn stars joining DAP???????
Heaven forbids!
What a crazy idea?????????
It’s a good idea to start the countdown now.
What’s even better would be to have a count-down clock!!
Let the seconds tick away to show the time left for their demise.
And the start of a new dawn for all Malaysians.
#9 by Bigjoe on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 - 10:17 pm
Somehow its very appropriate that admist the pleasantries of the year-end hollidays and new year celebration messages of Najib, its revealed backroom deal LTAT’s Boustead and Deepak that every Malaysian can instantly find disturbing..
The truth is the deal – done in haste, obvious with political muscle that obvious flouts procedures and possibly laws, tells how badly “THEY” want to hold on to power and keep the status quo.
The truth is the next 100 days will be about HOW BADLY DO PEOPLE WANT IT? Its already clear the PR want Putrajaya just as bad as those there already..BUT the people who support them, truth is UMNO/BN wants it more..
PR should start asking their supporters and listeners – do you want “IT” more than Najib/Rosmah, Mahathir and their followers? If they do, then whatever they have done, they need to double and triple it..
#10 by monsterball on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 4:17 am
Can’t wait for Najib to announce 13th GE date.
He must be thinking….how to avoid having it.
If not….why the long long delay till the last day?
I think he knows all his side shows…by him and his assistants….including Mahathir..did not impress voters.
Malaysians experiencing the longest wait for a GE..and it will be the longest day and night for the results too.
Not to have 13th GE with more side shows…deadly side shows…will be more dangerous to Najib.
Let the 13th GE begins…100 days from now…Que Sera Sera
#11 by Sallang on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 7:13 am
Agree with ENDANGERED HORNBILL, maybe there will be no elections.
This is Malaysia, there is always a first time. A precedent.
The big question is, ‘What can Pakatan do about it?’.
Refer to the constitution? Did they follow?
Some time ago, a commentator suggested to force an election.
#12 by lee tai king (previously dagen) on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 8:57 am
Oh yes do expect an exodus of mca members out of mca and into dap / pkr soon after GE13, if not earlier. And gerakan members too.
Of course we would want to be sure that rotten mca (and gerakan) apples do not end up in our midst. The prison is where they belong.
#13 by lee tai king (previously dagen) on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 9:03 am
One more thing.
I see a 1 in 10 chance of jibby the jib not calling election and letting parliament dissolve automatically by operation of law.
With the passing of every 10 days (counting from 1/1/13), the chance will increase by another “1”: i.e. by 11/1/13 the original 1 in 10 chance will turn into 2 in 10 chance.
#14 by cseng on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 10:50 am
Najib probably will stop the Parliament clock, so it does get to be resolved…. how clever!
Why Najib so kiasu ?
Last minutes GE, BN army has lost all ground of pride and confidence, how to fight la …. bro? No wonder CSL is going DAP, unfortunately rejected!.
#15 by cseng on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 10:56 am
They have delayed the Santa-Najib Brim 2.0 till feb… hence, probably March is the time. Lets wait for Tanda Putra to confirm….. See, we are too familiar with Umno.
Now left only March, April & May.. can we still wrong at these? maybe.
#16 by chengho on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 1:17 pm
Najib within the constitution period right ? Just like poker game eh , very smart high roller player .
#17 by cseng on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 2:23 pm
Agreed! Chengho.
Najib takes the whole governance like a poker game, you enjoy being chips, to be sacrificed to satisfy his desire, good for you, but we are not that cheap.
by the way, is chengho an eunuch?
#18 by Tantech on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 2:48 pm
Dear YB,
100 days from 1st Jan is April 10, and not what you said as April 20.
#19 by Kit on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 3:13 pm
You are right. Stand corrected. kit
#20 by lee tai king (previously dagen) on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 2:50 pm
Cintanegara gave us Prinsip2 Ekonomi Pokok Rambutan.
Now chengho gives us Keadah2 Kerajaan Poker-style.
Oh boy!!
#21 by lee tai king (previously dagen) on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 3:15 pm
Now I know how we all got the same distinct sinking feel.
#22 by TheWrathOfGrapes on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 4:44 pm
Yes, he can poke with a straight face. High roller indeed – if you lose you pay with your life. Ask Altantulya.
#23 by chengho on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 5:23 pm
Heard from some birds , PR not even ready with list of candidates
#24 by chengho on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 - 7:47 pm
Pakat Pakat must announce list of candidates now , don’t think they dare , shadow cabinet was promised 4 yrs ago till now , only promises
#25 by TheWrathOfGrapes on Thursday, 3 January 2013 - 11:36 am
The shadow cabinet was out years ago. Too bad you can’t see it – it is in the shadow.
#26 by Bunch of Suckers on Thursday, 3 January 2013 - 5:41 pm
Ha ha ha…
That CHANGE HOLE sucker has been busying with his “changing holes business”. Thus, he is out of touch. He works day and night without even have times to shower and sh*t himself. In his greed, he hopes that more UMNO B/ BN suckers in powers as to boost his profits with those suckers’ visits!
#27 by monsterball on Friday, 4 January 2013 - 4:53 am
hahahahhhaha… chengho asked for….gets it.
That will silence him for awhile.
#28 by monsterball on Sunday, 6 January 2013 - 11:28 am
He goes to every post to put out rubbish comments.
Here he kina kuat kuat….ran away to another post.