Archive for category Sarawak

Speaker bars ‘question’ on Taib-linked property

By Joseph Tawie
June 17, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: The Sarawak legislative assembly Speaker has rejected a request by a newly elected representative for details of a proposed development by Monarda Sdn Bhd, in the BDC Kuching district area.

Monarda is owned by Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s son and daughters.

Padungan assemblyman Wong King Wei said he received a letter from the Speaker’s office informing him that his written question on the matter, which was submitted for the next week assembly’s sitting, has been rejected. The assembly sits from June 20-23. Read the rest of this entry »


DAP and Dayak Think Tank

By: Dr. John Brian Anthony
16 June 2011 |

The idea of Dayak Think Tank is not new but the “will and positive” action by DAP to want to make it happen is new. No Dayak Based party in BN would want to form a Dayak Think Tank for fear of because accused of a narrow agenda for Dayak, basically they do not want be branded as Dayak Racialist party. Other then that, the BN component Dayak based parties shouted on top of their voice that they are championing Dayak interest. But the evidence of their effort to cahmpion Dayak interest is not there.

A Dayak Think Tank is therefor very important. Tan Sri William Mawan talked about such initiative in private. But without the proper ground work and finance and leadership effort how will that happen. it is left at empty talk and nothing more. Educated and society active Dayak took their journey to promote change. without proper platform they adopted PKR and hopefully they choose DAP too in time to come. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Selfish’ Dayak politicians stifling community’s growth

Joseph Tawie | June 15, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

A blogger has warned Dayaks that BN’s money politics will “devour the community” and eventually make them non-existent.

KUCHING: A well known native activist has slammed Dayak politicians in Sarawak, describing them as ‘shallow and selfish’ leaders who were willing to compromise the community’s culture and intergrity.

Blogger John Brian, who is also an academician, alleged that Dayak politicians were more interested in enriching themselves than looking out for the brethrens.

“Many Dayaks prefer to be BN candidates so that they not only can win easily, but can also enrich themselves faster.

“Helping the people who have elected them is not their agenda, as they are more concerned of enriching themselves. Read the rest of this entry »


Christian leader wants Putrajaya tested over Alkitab vows

The Malaysian Insider
Jun 15, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — The leader of the country’s evangelical churches has asked Christians to hold the government accountable to its promises during the recent Sarawak elections by importing more Malay bibles.

“Go and import more Bibles and see if the [Home Ministry] stops us. Print the Bibles and see if the [Home Ministry] harasses us again. Being polite and positive does not mean we are naive,” National Evangelical Christian Fellowship chairman Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng wrote in the umbrella body’s quarterly newsletter published this week.

The import of the Alkitab — as the Malay-language bible is called — is among a laundry list of Christian woes that have piled up over the years

“The government has said they want to work towards the religious aspirations of all. Find out what that means. Can our Bibles be declassified as they are now considered ‘prejudicial to the security of the country’? Be proactive. Saying ‘thank you’ does not mean we have accepted the 10-point resolution in totality,” wrote Rev Eu. Read the rest of this entry »


DAP’s ‘Dayak Brain Trust’ gets support

By Joseph Tawie
June 14, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

Sarawak DAP chief Wong Ho Leng believes it is time Dayak themselves ‘take the lead to shape their political future’.

KUCHING: The Sarawak Dayak community has thrown its support behind Lim Kit Siang’s proposal to form a “Dayak Brain Trust”.

Lim, who is DAP adviser and Ipoh Timur MP, had suggested the formation of the “Dayak Brain Trust” (DBT) during a workshop with party assemblyman in Sibu on Saturday.

The Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (Sadia), a very influential Iban organisation that has members throughout the state, has described the move as a “good idea”.
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Denied entry, Bersih chief sues Sarawak government

By Debra Chong
The Malaysian Insider
Jun 14, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, June 14 — Election watchdog chief Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan has filed a suit against the Sarawak government for barring her entry into the East Malaysian state two months ago, saying the move is against the Federal Constitution.

“Yes filed and leave application will be heard 13 July,” the Coalition for Fair and Free Elections (Bersih 2.0) chairman told The Malaysian Insider via a text message.

Sarawak and Sabah are allowed to deny entry even to Malaysians under the agreement to form Malaysia in 1963 with Malaya and Singapore, but must give a reason in doing so. Read the rest of this entry »


Set up Opposition-headed Committee of Inquiry into Taib Mahmud’s “grand corruption” allegations

In Sibu yesterday, I had suggested that Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud should go on a leave of absence until the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has cleared him of grave “grand corruption” allegations as otherwise it would a shame to Sarawak and Malaysia to have a state Chief Minister actively under MACC investigations following international pressures.

Will Taib go voluntarily on a fairly extended “leave of absence” until he is cleared of “grand corruption” allegations not only inside the country but internationally to the extent that it has become a diplomatic scandal with the Swiss Federation President Micheline Calmy-Rey forwarding information about Taib’s assets in Switzerland to its regulatory body Finma (the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) for investigation? Read the rest of this entry »


Kit Siang says Taib should take leave while under probe

By Melissa Chi
Jun 11, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 11 – Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud should go on leave until the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) complete their probe into allegations of his corrupt practices, Lim Kit Siang said today.

The pro-government New Straits Times have highlighted the probe, which began after Taib won the Sarawak polls in April. The long-serving chief minister has resisted Putrajaya’s call to step down sooner than later, prompting a media campaign on his alleged graft offences.

“Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has confirmed that it is currently investigating Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud over allegation of timber corruption. Read the rest of this entry »


Taib Mahmud should go on leave until MACC has cleared him of grave “grand corruption” allegations

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has confirmed that it is currently investigating Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud over allegation of timber corruption.

Its chief commissioner, Abu Kassim Mohamed said two days ago that the commission was in the process of gathering more information regarding the matter.

Is “gathering more information” tantamount to a corruption investigation under the MACC Act 2009 or is it an activity which can be outsourced to any research organisation? Read the rest of this entry »

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DAP Dayak Brain Trust to advise DAP Sarawak and DAP Malaysia to end Dayak marginalisation

I just returned from a visit to Beijing and Xi’an. Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi province and home to the Terracotta Army, has a history of more than 3,100 years.

It was the seat of power of 13 dynasties in China, most notably Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang.

One thought struck me when visiting the historic sites in Xi’an – that in Malaysia, the time has come for dynastic change after 54 years of Umno-hegemonised Barisan Nasional to equal-power-sharing Pakatan Rakyat in the next 13th general election. Read the rest of this entry »


The clueless person’s guide to Sarawak

By Erna Mahyuni
March 30, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

MARCH 30 — Hello, West Malaysians! Most of you have not visited the lovely state of Sarawak though you at least know that it’s not in the peninsula.

If you don’t know that, I am afraid there is no help for you so stop reading.

For the rest of you, you first need to know the following fact. Remember it. Commit it to memory.

Kota Kinabalu is not in Sarawak. No. It is the capital of Sabah so please get your geography straight. There is no faster way to alienate an East Malaysian than by mixing up Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. Kota Kinabalu is in Sabah; Kuching is in Sarawak.

If you still find that hard to remember, imagine a big smiling fat cat in the chief minister’s office when you think of Sarawak. Geography teachers, feel free to thank me.

On to other essential facts for you West Malaysians to know so the natives will dislike you less. Read the rest of this entry »


Damn dirty Dayaks

By June Rubis | June 02, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

I once asked my father, “Tell me something interesting about our family.”

Obligingly, he told a tale of our great-great-great-great grandfather and uncles who decided one day that they would stop paying hefty taxes to the Sultan of Brunei.

The burden of the increasing taxes was taking its toll and the villagers were left wondering whether the next harvest would be enough to feed their families, and pay off a faraway Sultan whom none of them had ever met.
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Intel report sees strife in BN, Pakatan

Jun 1, 11

Specialist publisher Economist Intelligence Unit has warned that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak may face political revolt within Umno and from coalition parties in Sabah and Sarawak, should he fail to secure a clear victory in the next general election.

Divisions among the three Pakatan Rakyat component parties are also likely to widen if PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is jailed for sodomy, the publisher said in the June report for Malaysia.

It predicted that Malaysia’s political stability will come under moderate threat in the next five years due to internal strife within the two main political alliances. Read the rest of this entry »


SUPP makes a 360 degree turn

Joseph Tawie | May 28, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

After thumbing its nose at the Taib government, party makes an about turn and decides it needs its two candidates in the state cabinet

KUCHING: The Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) has made a 360 degree turn. Last month, after its poor election showing, it said it wanted nothing to do with Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud’s government.

The Central Working Committee (CWC), at a meeting last month, decided not to recommend any of SUPP’s elected representative to serve in the cabinet of Taib Mahmud after the party’s dismal showing in the election.

That decision nearly tore the party apart. But at today’s CWC meeting, it unanimously agreed that Wong Soon Koh and Lee Kim Shin should represent the party and the Chinese community in the new cabinet of Abdul Taib Mahmud. Read the rest of this entry »


Tweetup at Kota Kinabalu and Kuching

@limkitsiang tweetup details:-

  • Saturday, 28 May 2011, 10am; Kota Kinabalu
    Shangri La Hotel (conference room), Bandaran Jaya

  • Monday, 30 May 2011, 7pm; Kuching
    Lot 97, 1st & 2nd Floors,
    Lorong 5a, Jalan Datuk Abang Abdul Rahim,
    93450 Kuching, Sarawak.

All are welcome.


DAP-SNAP merger on the cards

By Clara Chooi | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — Despite strong opposition from PKR, a DAP-SNAP merger in Sarawak appears to be on the cards.

Sarawak DAP chief Wong Ho Leng told reporters today that the party held discussions last Thursday with SNAP’s merger committee, which was recently formed to study the proposal.
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Cops release Bidayuh villagers suspected of arson

By Keruah Usit | May 18, 11

Five Bidayuh defenders of Native Customary Rights (NCR) to land were released today after being initially suspected of committing arson at a logging camp in Tebedu, Sarawak.

The camp is owned by Alliance Bahagia, a logging contractor employed by the state-run Sarawak Foundation.

Papai Anak Atin, Barak Anak Kolol and Mani Anak Marin of Kampung Temang Mura, Karia Anak Daruh of Kampung Patah and Peter Anak Laiong of Kampung Mawang were arrested in Tebedu last Friday and taken to Kuching, around 90 minutes’ drive away.
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Snap forms committee to study merger with DAP

By Ang Ngan Toh
May 15, 11 | Malaysiakini

Sarawak National Party (Snap) has formed a four-member committee to head preliminary discussions with the DAP on the merger proposal.

Announcing this today, Snap secretary-general Stanley Jugol said the party wants to know “what the DAP actually wants” in black and white.

“The party’s central executive committee will discuss the report to be submitted by the committee later,” he told Malaysiakini when contacted today.

The CEC would then make a decision after studying the report, he added.

The committee, formed by the CEC at its meeting yesterday, is headed by the party’s vice-presidents Augustine Liom and vice-president Johnny Wong, with CEC member Johari Bujang and Youth chief Dayrell Walter Entrie as members. Read the rest of this entry »

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Swiss President Orders an Investigation into Taib’s Assets! – Exclusive

Sarawak Report | May 12th, 2011

In a fullsome letter to the Swiss-based NGO, the Bruno Manser Foundation, the President of the Swiss Federation Micheline Calmy-Rey has revealed that she has forwarded information about Taib Mahmud’s assets in Switzerland to the regulatory body FINMA (the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) for investigation.

Calmy-Rey (pictured left at the Davos World Economic Forum, which is hosted annually in Switzerland) is the country’s Head of State.

The letter, sent on April 8th, is revealingly entitled: “Freezing of possible assets of Abdul Taib Mahmud, head of government of the Malaysian state of Sarawak, in Switzerland”.

In the letter the Swiss President makes clear that the country’s authorities take extremely seriously the concerns that have been raised internationally about Taib’s profiteering from timber corruption and are unhappy that such assets may have been invested in Switzerland.
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The rise of pop-litical culture

By Zairil Khir Johari | May 12, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

Midway through the Sarawak campaign I received a text message from an unfamiliar number. The sender turned out to be a woman in Kuching, wanting to know when my next layover at the state capital would be.

Feeling perplexed, I glanced at my campaign itinerary. Some days I didn’t even know where I was. Spaced out as I was by the constant travelling, I was even more bemused by the rest of her message.

She went on to explain that her teenage daughter had a collection of five Ubah (the DAP hornbill mascot) plush toys, four of them bearing autographs of various party leaders and ceramah speakers. One of them, still in its original plastic wrapping, had been especially reserved for my John Hancock. Hence, she wanted to know if Kuching would be part of my tour.
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