Archive for category Martin Jalleh


By Martin Jalleh


Champion Chameleon!

By Martin Jalleh


Male Chauvinist Minister

By Martin Jalleh


Umno’s Nation of Traitors

By Martin Jalleh


Apologise NST

By Martin Jalleh


In Solidarity with Suaram

By Martin Jalleh


Are these promises still being respected and honoured?

By Martin Jalleh


Sabahans be thankful (3)

By Martin Jalleh

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Sabahans be thankful (2)

By Martin Jalleh

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Sabahans be thankful!

By Martin Jalleh

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Najib’s Nervous and Nauseating

By Martin Jalleh



By Martin Jalleh

Umno supreme council member Nazri Abdul Aziz declares that Anwar Ibrahim’s efforts to entice Sabah BN leaders will not affect BN (Mkini, 12 Aug 2012).

He then adds: “If Anwar want to take those who will not be fielded by (BN), go ahead. Anwar is also a frog because he left Abim (a Muslim youth movement) for Umno and then to PKR.

“It is no surprise that he takes in his own kind. The frog will accept another frog.

“Anwar’s political journey has made him ‘Bapa segala katak (King of frogs)’

Fact No. 1: Abim is not a political party. Therefore there was no hopping involved. Furthermore Anwar was invited by Dr Mahathir to join Umno!

Fact No. 2: Anwar did not leave Umno, he was sacked by Dr M and the Umno Supreme Council.

Fact No. 3: He did not jump into PKR, he formed it!

Fact No. 4: Nazri’s political journey has made him an idiot!


Latest Crime Incident

By Martin Jalleh


Umno Hits Rock Bottom

By Martin Jalleh

Umno is bankrupt - it has hit rock-bottom!


As Empires Decline – to Umno

By Martin Jalleh

As empires decline, their leaders become increasingly incompetent - petulant, ignorant, gifted only with PR skills of posturing and spinning, and prone to the appointment of loyal idiots to important government positions.

Comedy thrives; indeed writers are hardly needed to invent outrageous events... Their civilian leaderships become increasingly crazed, corrupt, and incompetent...

Our era has become one of spectacular polarization, with folly multiplying on every hand. That is the way empires crumble: they are taken over by looter elites, who sooner or later collapse.

--Ernest Callenbach (April 3, 1929 - April 16, 2012) American writer and author of the classic environmental novel Ecotopia.

Dedicated to Umno as she celebrates her 66th Anniversary today.


Moooving Tales in Bolehland!

By Martin Jalleh

Q: What is the nation suffering from at this moment?
A: Cowburn Mooonoxide!

Q: What are the twists and spins given by the bosses of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal called?
A: Mooodifications!

Q: Who was the then Agriculture minister who dubiously awarded the project to the incompetent Shahrizats in 2006 and initially said he saw “nothing unusual or anything wrong” with the project and passed the buck to current minister Noh Omar to answer further questions?
A: DPM, Mooyiddin!

Q: The Shahrizats has no cattle-rearing experience whatsoever?
A: Yes, they were moo-clue-less!
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Bolehland’s Bunch of No-Nos

By Martin Jalleh
31 Oct. 2011

Najib has no balls
Muhyiddin has no brains
Hishammuddin has no integrity.

Rais Yatim has no sense
Zahid has no defence
Nazri has no consistency. Read the rest of this entry »


Politics is not dirty, Umno is!

By Martin Jalleh | 19 Oct. 2011

Darkness descends on Bolehland. Politicians in Umno stoop low, so very low, by resorting to gutter politics of the most disgusting kind never seen before.

The Umnoputras are desperate. They are very disturbed. Dr M has warned them that “…if the general election is held now, Umno may lose big…” mainly due to their own political dystrophy.

Their ground support is slowly disappearing. They may be dumped in the coming General Election and driven out of Putrajaya. They abandon all sense of human decency to remain entrenched.

They are led by a equally desperate president who had proudly declared In the UMNO Assembly last year that there will be “crushed bodies, lost lives and ethnic cleansing” if the status quo was not kept.
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Copycat judge in a copyright case!

By Martin Jalleh
14 Oct 2011

When the respected retired judge N H Chan called certain judges in the appellate courts “imposters”, “intellectual and legal frauds”, “incompetent”, “inane”, “ignoramuses”, “inconsistent” and even an “idiotic” bunch, little did he realise that he was being very mild.

Now it has come to the public’s notice that crouching amongst the growing company of judicial clowns and court jesters in the Palace of Justice is a copycat judge who allegedly plagiarised chunks of a judgment of another judge – in a copyright infringement case!

Former Law Minister Rais Yatim has confirmed that the government had known about the plagiarising judge, but Rais tries to take the rakyat for a ride by blaming it all on the then Chief Justice (CJ), and that it was left to the latter to investigate and to take appropriate action. Read the rest of this entry »


Chief Jester’s Circus and Charade Comes to a Close (Part 2)

by Martin Jalleh
14 Sept 2011

Zaki Azmi, the “Judiciary’s Renaissance man” has left behind a legacy of a judiciary scandalously compromised, shamelessly cowed and a slew of shocking contradictory and convoluted judgments. Below are some examples.

“Creatures of the Government”

In Dec. 2009, Abdul Aziz Bari, a constitutional law expert, declared that the judiciary has been reduced to one that “takes its cue from the government”.) But it has been the then CJ’s belief that since the 1988 judicial crisis “the confidence in the judiciary has improved a great deal” (The Nut Graph, 26.03.10)!

Zaki called those who criticized the judiciary for its lack of independence “a small group of vociferous people out there, who go onto the internet and blogs and Facebook and all that and make comments without knowing the proper background. Many are not even lawyers.”

A few months later lawyer Edmund Bon, who was then the chairman of the constitutional law committee of the Bar Council revealed that “the perception that the judiciary is executive-compliant still remains till today” (Free Malaysia Today, 17.08.10)!

According to former Federal Court judge Gopal Sri Ram: “… the judiciary has become so ‘executive-minded’ and that “the judges have become creatures of the government” (Malaysiakini, 16.09.10).

The NST quoted Zaki on 12 May this year that feedback from lawyers showed that they were happy with the integrity of the judiciary and had not heard anything negative since 2008. He added: “I am sure many, if not all, agree that the Malaysian judiciary is now free from any criticism or accusation of bias or partiality.”

Very apparently he had not listened to N H Chan who had often pointed out that the “Perak crisis has brought out a host of cases that showed that the judges gave the impression that they were one-sided. The perception of the people is that they sided with the BN government.” Read the rest of this entry »