Archive for category General
Pengiraan Detik 88 Hari ke PRU13 – KL112 menjadi titik bagi demokrasi yang sedang matang di Malaysia
Keamanan dan kejayaan Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat di Stadium Merdeka (KL112) semalam menjadi titik bagi demokrasi yang sedang matang di Malaysia.
Perhimpunan itu mencipta pelbagai sejarah pertama kali di Malaysia, termasuklah:
- Perhimpunan aman 100,000 rakyat Malaysia yang patriotik dan berpandangan jauh daripada pelbagai kaum, agama dan tempat, tidak kira usia atau jantina, hadir bersama dengan harapan, perasaan muhibah dan perpaduan untuk Malaysia yang mana terdapat kebebasan dan keadilan untuk semua rakyat Malaysia dan generasi akan datang;
- Tiada langsung di dalam mana-mana ucapan baik daripada pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat atau wakil lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang memainkan isu kaum dan agama, mengapi-apikan hal kaum dan agama untuk memprovokasi kebenci dan konflik.
Politik pembohongan dan penipuan, termasuklah memainkan isu kaum dan agama untuk menakut-nakutkan, menimbulkan konflik serta memecahbelahkan rakyat Malaysia yang telah mencemar politik Malaysia sepanjang bertahun-tahun lamanya telah gagal menghalang momentum bagi perubahan yang aman dan demokratik seperti yang disimbolkan oleh KL112 yang aman dan berjaya.
Langkah seterusnya bagi mematangkan demokrasi di Malaysia adalah dengan menginstitusikan sistem dua perikatan dengan mewujudkan perubahan kuasa dan kerajaan dengan aman melalui peti undi. Read the rest of this entry »
Pengiraan Detik 93 Hari ke PRU13 – Najib sepatutnya membubarkan Parlimen pada 8 Mac sempena berakhirnya penggal 5 tahun Parlimen bukannya menggunakan Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia untuk menjamin 50 hari lagi sebagai PM yang tidak dipilih
Posted by Kit in Elections, General, Najib Razak, Parliament on Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia menyebut:
“55(3) Melainkan jika dibubarkan terlebih dahulu, Parlimen hendaklah terus berjalan selama lima tahun dari tarikh mesyuarat pertamanya dan selepas itu adalah terbubar.”
Parlimen ke-12 dipilih pada 8 Mac, 2008 – hari membuang undi untuk pilihan raya umum ke-12.
Mesyuarat pertama Parlimen yang terkini adalah pada 28 April, 2008. Di bawah perkara 55(3), melainkan Parlimen dibubarkan terlebih dahulu, Parlimen ke-12 akan terbubar dengan sendirinya pada 27 April, 2013.
Perdana Menteri ke-6 Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Razak adalah Perdana Menteri tanpa mandatnya sendiri yang paling lama memerintah – jauh lebih lama berbanding empat Perdana Menteri sebelumnya iaitu Tun Abdullah, Tun Mahathir, Tun Hussein and his father Tun Razak.
Beliau sepatutnya membubarkan Parlimen pada 8 Mac 2013 apabila berakhirnya penggal 5 tahun Parlimen dan bukannya menggunakan Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia untuk menjamin 50 hari lagi sebagai Perdana Menteri yang tidak dipilih. Read the rest of this entry »
Pengiraan Detik 99 Hari ke PRU13 – Jadikan rasuah salah satu isu penting pilihan raya buat pertama kalinya di dalam pilihan raya umum 13
Semalam, saya mencadangkan bahawa Pengiraan Detik100 Hari ke Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 bermula daripada hari pertama Tahun baru dan semua rakyat Malaysia mengambil bahagian dalam kiraan detik ke PRU13 kerana peristiwa itu mempunyai kepentingan dan kemungkinan bersejarah.
Pada Pengiraan Detik hari ke-99 ke Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13, saya menyeru kepada semua 13.1 juta pengundi untuk menjadikan rasuah salah satu isu penting pilihan raya 13 buat pertama kalinya dalam tempoh 53 tahun.
Sabtu lepas, Bernama melaporkan hal berikut:
Semua calon Barisan Nasional (BN) yang bakal bertanding dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU Ke-13) bebas rasuah dan jenayah, kata Setiausaha Agung BN Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.
Beliau berkata bakal calon BN bagi kesemua 222 kerusi Parlimen dan 505 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) telah melalui proses saringan teliti termasuk Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan Jabatan Insolvensi untuk memastikan calon tersebut ‘bersih’ dan bebas masalah.
“Semua calon BN yang bakal bertanding telah melalui proses saringan yang teliti,” katanya.
Selain itu, Tengku Adnan yang juga Setiausaha Agung Umno berkata latar belakang bakal-bakal calon BN juga dikaji secara mendalam untuk memastikan mereka adalah pilihan rakyat.
“Kita mahu calon yang bakal bertanding itu adalah mereka yang dikehendaki rakyat, bukannya kehendak parti atau individu-individu dalam parti. Kita mahu calon yang rakyat fikirkan dia boleh mewakili rakyat,” katanya.
Mulakan kiraan 100 hari ke PRU13 hari ini – dan pastikan mandat yang jelas untuk Pakatan Rakyat menggantikan perikatan UMNO/BN di Putrajaya untuk membina negara yang bersatu, demokratik, adil, progresif dan makmur.
Setelah Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak berterusan menjadikan dirinya tumpuan negara dan antarabangsa selama hampir dua tahun kerana memainkan watak Hamlet yang sengsara dengan persoalan “To Be or Not To Be” (melakukannya ataupun tidak) dalam hal membubarkan Parlimen bagi mendapatkan mandat buat dirinya seraya menamatkan peranannya sebagai Perdana Menteri paling lama di Malaysia yang tidak dinaikkan melalui jalan pilihan raya, maka ungkapan “100 hari ke PRU13” telah menjadi sebut-sebutan dalam bulan terakhir 2012.
Mulakan kiraan rasmi 100 hari ke PRU13 hari ini, hari pertama 2013, dan biarkan semua rakyat Malaysia mengambil bahagian di dalam kiraan detik ke PRU13 kerana terdapatnya kemungkinan yang bersejarah di dalam peristiwa itu.
Walaupun jika Najib tidak mengadakan pilihan raya umum pada 20 April – hari ke-100 selepas hari ini – Parlimen akan terbubar dengan sendirinya pada 27 April 2013 kerana Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukan sedemikian melainkan dibubarkan dengan lebih awal, Parlimen akan terbubar lima tahun selepas tarikh mesyuarat pertama selepas sesebuah pilihan raya umum, misalnya 28 April 2008. Read the rest of this entry »
99-Day Countdown to 13GE – Make Corruption one of the top election issues for first time in 13GE
Yesterday, I suggested that the 100-Day Countdown to the 13th General Elections be computed from New Year’s Day and that all Malaysians take part in the daily countdown to the 13GE because of the historic significance and possibilities of this event.
On the 99-day Countdown to the 13th General Elections, I call on the 13.1 million electorate to make corruption one of the top election issues for the first time in 13 general elections in the past 53 years.
Last Saturday, Bernama carried the following report:
All BN candidates for the 13th general election have been found to be free of corruption and other crimes, BN secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said today.
He said the candidates for the 222 parliamentary and 505 state seats had undergone screening by the police, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Department of Insolvency to ensure that they were “clean” and did not have any problems. Read the rest of this entry »
Let the 100-day countdown to the 13GE start today
With the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak continuing to make himself a national and international spectacle for nearly two years playing the role of Hamlet agonising on “To Be or Not To Be” on dissolving Parliament to seek a mandate of his own and end his role as longest unelected Prime Minister in Malaysia, the phrase “100 days to the 13GE” has become the constant refrain of Malaysians in the last month of 2012.
Let the 100-day countdown to the 13GE start officially today, the first day of 2013, and let all Malaysians take part in the daily countdown to the 13GE because of the historic significance and possibilities of this event. Read the rest of this entry »
Hukuman penjara satu bulan terhadap mahasiswa yang menyertai “Occupy Dataran” Umar Mohd Azmi merupakan satu peringatan dasyat dan memeranjatkan sebelum PRU13 bahawa walaupun di bawah Najib sebagai PM, sistem keadilan jenayah masih teruk
Hukuman penjara satu bulan berserta dengan denda maksimum RM1,000 terhadap mahasiswa yang menyertai “Occupy Dataran” Umar Mohd Azmi telah menjadi peristiwa menggemparkan negara juga antarabangsa kerana benar-benar merupakan satu peringatan dasyat dan memeranjatkan sebelum Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 bahawa meskipun terdapat laungan slogan tentang program transformasi kerajaan, ekonomi, pendidikan, sosial dan politik, sistem keadilan jenayah di Malaysia masih teruk di bawah empat tahun pemerintahan Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Jika tidak kerana saya sekarang berada di Sydney sudah tentu saya akan melawat khemah protes yang didirikan aktivis mahasiswa di luar penjara Kajang untuk menzahirkan sokongan , simpati dan solidariti saya bersama Umar terhadap ketidakadilan hukuman berat yang dikenakan keatasnya kerana menghalang pegawai awam melaksanakan tugas.
Mengapa Umar dikenakan hukuman yang berat dengan denda maksimum RM1,000 berserta satu bulan penjara, sekiranya hukuman maksimum untuk kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 186 Kanun Keseksaan kerana menghalang kakitangan awam menjalankan tugas mereka adalah maksimum tiga bulan penjara atau denda maksimum RM1,000 atau kedua-duanya sekali? Read the rest of this entry »
I do not know whether to laugh or to cry – the standard of English in Malaysia has really fallen to disgraceful and abysmal low after four decades of Umno/BN rule.
I really do not know whether to laugh or to cry – the standard of English in Malaysia has really fallen to a disgraceful and abysmal low after four decades of Umno/BN rule.
Last week, Malaysia suffered national and international humiliation when the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study ( TIMSS) 2011 reports were released, as the nation’s ranking in eighth-grade Maths fell from 20th in 2007 to 26th in 2011 while its ranking in Science fell by an even greater margin, from 21st in 2007 to 32nd in 2011. Our average Maths score fell from 474 in 2007 to 440 and our average Science score fell by an even greater degree from 471 in 2007 to 426 in 2011, both far below the international average for both subjects in TIMSS 2011.
What is even worse, Malaysia also suffered the shame of being only one out of 6 countries out of 42 countries participating in the Maths study and 45 countries participating in the Science study to see falls in both our Maths and Science scores and ranking! Most of the other countries either improved their scores and rankings or stayed at their previous levels.
But the poor attainments of our students in maths and science when compared to international student achievements is not the only bane of the Malaysian education system.
Another equally critical area where the Malaysian education system has failed miserably is the English subject, which was poignantly illustrated in the past 24 hours, placing me in the position of not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. Read the rest of this entry »
Dua prasyarat untuk PR menewaskan Umno/BN dalam pertembungan merebut Putrajaya pada PRU13
Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang menyatakan dalam ucapan beliau ketika pembukaan Muktamar PAS ke-58 pagi ini bahawa PAS bersedia untuk mengambil alih kuasa persekutuan dengan teman-teman lain dalam Pakatan Rakyat.
Rakyat Malaysia kini dalam dilema pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13, untuk membuat keputusan sama ada Malaysia patut mempunyai sebuah permulaan baru dengan memilih Pakatan Rakyat sebagai kerajaan persekutuan yang baru di Putrajaya, atau sama ada rasuah, salahguna kuasa, ketidakadilan dan ketidaksamarataan Umno/Barisan Nasional perlu terus menggelapkan masa depan, harapan dan kehendak rakyat.
Terdapat dua prasyarat untuk Pakatan Rakyat menewaskan Umno/Barisan Nasional dalam pertembungan merebut Putrajaya pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.
Perkiatan Pakatan Rakyat yang terdiri daripada PAS, PKR dan DAP mestilah mampu meyakinkan rakyat Malaysia kepada dua perbezaan penting antara Pakatan Rakyat dengan perikatan Umno/Barisan Nasional. Read the rest of this entry »
Pemimpin-pemimpin PR sepatutnya memberikan sepenuh fokus kepada memenangi sokongan majoriti rakyat Malaysia terhadap Dasar Bersama PR
Dalam pusingan akhir menuju PRU13, pemimpin-pemimpin PR sepatutnya memberikan sepenuh fokus kepada memenangi sokongan majoriti rakyat Malaysia terhadap Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat dan tidak jatuh ke dalam perangkap ‘Pecah dan Perintah’ Umno/Barisan Nasional.
Biarlah kita dipandu oleh Kenyataan Bersama pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat sewaktu Pakatan Rakyat ditubuhkan pada 2008 yang menegaskan semula landasan perpaduan, komitmen dan persetujuan PR untuk melaksanakan sebuah agenda bagi membangunkan negara dan mewujudkan masyarakat yang makmur berdasarkan keadilan, kebebasan, demokrasi dan tadbir urus yang baik, tanpa mengira kaum, agama dan budaya.
Kenyataan Bersama pemimpin-pemimpin PR bertarikh 12 April 2008, yang terpahat padanya tandatangan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Ismail, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang dan saya sendiri, menyatakan:
“Dasar-dasar Pakatan adalah berpaksikan kepada perkara-perkara yang telah dipersetujui dan disepakati oleh semua pemimpin tiga parti iaitu, KeADILan, DAP dan PAS. Antaranya ialah membina negara ini atas landasan keadilan, membuka peluang untuk semua rakyat menikmati kemakmuran negara dengan memberi keutamaan kepada mereka yang miskin dan terpinggir.” Read the rest of this entry »
Happy Hari Raya Haji
Wishing Malaysian Muslims a happy and meaningful Hari Raya Haji!
Is DAP all that matters to MCA?
By Jimmy Wong | The Malaysian Insider
Oct 21 — Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek must be a short-sighted politician for saying that MCA is ready and united to battle DAP in the coming general elections.
Is that all this MCA president thinks about? Beating DAP, not representing all Malaysians in a government.
Is the MCA just focussing on the Chinese vote and not other voters, in its “Battle Without Fear” campaign to keep DAP from becoming part of any government?
What about other races? Actually, what happened to MCA’s soul-searching after the Chinese rejected it in the 2008 elections? Have they forgotten that they wanted to be more inclusive, more Malaysian?
If this is how low MCA has sunk, from a party that protected Chinese interests but also represented Malayans wanting independence, then the party should just close shop. Read the rest of this entry »
The Dayak tea party
Posted by Kit in Dayak, General, June Rubis, Sarawak on Monday, 10 September 2012
by June Rubis
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 10, 2012
SEPT 10 ― It must have been a beautiful day for an outdoor tea party in West Kalimantan. It is the early 1980s when Borneo’s forests are still comparatively lush although the forests would have to struggle to survive an onslaught of slash-&-burn for commercial rubber plantations and wide-scale logging.
In the meantime, all is serene along the banks of the Kapuas River where the Javanese and Sumatran wives of managers of a rubber plantation wait for their guests to arrive.
The guests were the wives of local Dayak tribesmen, who upon arrival, gathered up all the food, and left, leaving their shocked hostesses in their wake.
The managers dismissed this as part of the “strange and difficult culture” of the Dayaks, while ignoring the fact that this behaviour was aberrant in Dayak culture and thus was a political statement of conflicting economic and political interests.
The Dayaks of the area were facing the loss of their forests and subsequently source of food, due to the appropriation of traditional lands for the rubber plantation. There were reports that the Dayaks were unhappy with the compensation received.
An eye for an eye, albeit a small victory of appropriating the plantation’s food, in protest of unfair appropriation of their native lands, one might say. Read the rest of this entry »
Egypt: The 12 million losers!
Posted by Kit in Elections, General, Middle East/Africa on Wednesday, 27 June 2012
By Ali Ibrahim
Al Arabiya News
27 June 2012
Simply following the comments of activists and observers on social networking websites during the press conference held by the head of Egypt’s electoral commission, Farouk Sultan, who was forced by law to issue a lengthy legal preamble before the election result was announced, was fun in itself. These activists, in their nervous state, posted various comments claiming that Sultan’s narrative or use of certain words meant that Shafiq would be declared the winner, only to return later to post other comments claiming that the indications now suggested that Mursi would be declared victorious! Some comments accused the head of the electoral commission of being sadistic, because he did not immediately announce the election result but instead left everyone on the edge of their seats as he reviewed the work of the electoral commission and the difficult conditions it operated under.
Despite a flood of conspiracy theories, claims of voter fraud, and talk about secret understandings being reached behind closed doors, no one was sure of the name of the winning candidate until Farouk Sultan announced that Mohammed Mursi had won ahead of Ahmed Shafiq. Hence a new chapter in post-25 January Egypt has begun, and the challenges of this stage are no less difficult than the previous transitional period, which lasted for around 16 months and was full of turmoil.
There was a winner and a loser, each with a large support base who voted for them, and neither can cancel the other out. The end result was decided by a difference of less than 3 percent, or about 900 thousand votes out of a total of roughly 26 million according to the commission’s figures, including more than 800 thousand invalid votes. In the end, everyone must accept the outcome of the ballot box even if the difference is so small. Read the rest of this entry »
Hari ini dalam sejarah Umno
— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
May 11, 2012
11 MEI — Hari ini, pada tahun 1946, Umno ditubuhkan dengan presiden pertamanya Datuk Onn Jaafar untuk menyatukan semua persatuan-persatuan dan pertubuhan yang mempunyai matlamat yang satu, iaitu untuk mencapai matlamat yang satu, iaitu untuk menyambung usaha-usaha pejuang kemerdekaan sebelumnya. Parti Umno wujud diatas penyatuan pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang bercambah semasa itu dan penubuhan Umno ini merupakan lonjakkan kepada kekuatan rakyat Malaya khususnya orang Melayu untuk membuat persediaan bagi mencapai kemerdekaan negara dari pentadbiran penjajahan Inggeris.
Di rengkaskan sejarah, Umno wujud diatas kesedaran yang negara tidak lagi dapat menahan keinginan untuk menerima penjajahan Inggeris dan kesedaran untuk bersatu ini dirasakan lebih mendesak apabila Inggeris cuba untuk mewujudkan negara “unitary” di Semenanjung Malaya ini dan di tadbir oleh Malayan Union (MU) dengan pusat pentadbirannya di Kuala Lumpur.
Dengan penubuhan Umno itu, maka cita-cita Inggeris untuk menjadikan negara ini sebagai negara “unitary” telah dapat dipatahkan dan digantikan dengan sebuah negara Persekutuan dengan Perjanjian Persekutuan pada 2hb Februari 1948 yang lalu. Maka penubuhan negara Persekutuan ini adalah hasil dari kerja keras dan perjuangan Umno bersama dengan Raja-Raja Melayu yang telah berunding tidak berhenti-henti dengan pihak British sehingga wujudnya sebuah negara Persekutuan.
Maka negeri-negeri yang masing-masing mempunyai pentadbiran mereka sendiri dibawah naungan Raja-Raja mereka telah bersatu dibawah satu negara Persekutuan yang dinamakan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Kesemua negeri-negeri Bersekutu dan tidak Bersekutu telah bersatu dibawah satu Persekutuan dan negeri-negri ini di sertai sekali oleh dua buah negeri Straits Settlement, Melaka dan P. Pinang, untuk bersama dalam negara Persekutuan yang baru diwujudkan itu. Read the rest of this entry »
Ugliest day in media history of Malaysia
— Lim Mun Fah
The Malaysian Insider
May 04, 2012
MAY 4 — The United Nations General Assembly declared May 3 as World Press Freedom Day in 1991 to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press and remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right of freedom of expression.
On this day over the past 19 years, the world’s members of the media had reaffirmed the basic principles of the freedom of the press, expressed their determination in defending the freedom of the press, and even paid the highest respect and remembrance to those who have lost their lives in harness.
In Malaysia, we must use the opportunity to reflect and repeatedly ask ourselves: do we enjoy the freedom of press?
Unfortunately, pressmen were violently treated during the recent Bersih 3.0 rally. Some of them were assaulted and injured, some of them had their cameras snatched and some of them had their photos deleted. That day is undoubtedly the darkest and ugliest day in the media history of Malaysia! Read the rest of this entry »
Media law amended amid opposition uproar for its repeal
By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 20, 2012
KUALA LUMPUR, April 20 — Parliament approved in a harried fashion early this morning a critical legislative amendment governing media freedom, agreeing to strip Putrajaya of its absolute powers over publishing licences and scrapping the need for annual renewal of the permits.
The Printing Presses and Publications (Amendment) Bill 2012 was approved by the Lower House at 2.15am even after federal opposition lawmakers raged against the inconvenient hour and short time given to debate the law.
Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timor), who took the floor first to open the policy stage debate, thundered to the Dewan Rakyat that the amendments were merely “baby steps” towards greater media freedom.
The septuagenarian, speaking off-the-cuff with his hands locked behind his back, was in top form as he kicked off his speech by accusing the Barisan Nasional (BN) government of being insincere in its promises to reform crucial policies.
“The Bill, that it has to be debated in such a short time, shows that the government is not interested in political transformation. And it was done without consultation… all this talk of transformation is just political mimicry,” he said.
The experienced Lim, who has seen through the harsher days of Malaysia’s restrictive media laws, said that the PPPA amendments fell short of Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s pledges for media freedom.
“The PPPA in its entirety should be repealed! Abolish PPPA! And newspapers should be free to publish without a need for government permit. Read the rest of this entry »
Suhakam joins call for review of ISA replacement law
Posted by Kit in General, Human Rights, ISA on Monday, 16 April 2012
By Anisah Shukry
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 16, 2012
KUALA LUMPUR, April 16 — The newly-proposed security law to replace the Internal Security Act (ISA) must be reviewed to ensure it is in line with human rights principles, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) said today.
Suhakam highlighted that the Bill did not provide for judicial oversight in the extension of the detention period for up to 28 days, and expressed concerns over how it gave police the power to deny detainees immediate access to legal representation.
It added that the power to intercept communications under Clause 4(6) should be exercised through a court order rather than by the police, as it could “infringe personal liberty and the right to privacy”.
“The provisions in the Bill as well as the amendments to the other relevant laws must strike a balance between national security and fundamental liberties and human rights,” Suhakam Chairman Tan Sri Hasmy Agam said in a statement today.
“The Commission looks forward to further and continuing engagements with the government agencies… to ensure that obsolete and irrelevant laws are abolished and replaced by laws that are consistent with universally accepted human rights principles,” he added. Read the rest of this entry »
The foreigners can go fly kites
— Syed Feisol
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 12, 2012
APRIL 12 – We are on our own. This is what Malaysians who want to save this country from the corrupt regime of the Barisan Nasional have to realise.
Not too long ago, former Aussie PM Kevin Rudd praised Malaysia as a robust democracy. Can you imagine calling Malaysia a robust democracy? But the people in Canberra will do anything for business or some strategic interests, including sacrificing so-called sacred principles of democracy.
Today, the British PM lauded Najib Razak for the cosmetic surgery on the ISA, he probably wants Malaysia to go ahead and purchase the Typhoon jets.
This is my message to Opposition politicians, non-governmental organisation and Malaysians for change: screw the foreigners. Read the rest of this entry »
Najib’s apology for BN’s mistakes – a test of Najib’s authority and leadership as Prime Minister and UMNO President
Posted by Kit in General, Muhyiddin Yassin, Najib Razak, UMNO on Monday, 5 March 2012
“Najib apologies for BN’s past mistakes” (3/3/12)
“PM”s apology shows humility, says Muhyiddin” (4/3/12)
“Umno info chief: BN needs mandate to fix its mistakes” (4/3/12)
These three Malaysiakini headlines in 24 hours raise a thousand questions – whether the Prime Minister is genuine and sincere in extending an apology for Barisan Nasional’s past mistakes, what exactly are the mistakes Najib is apologising for but most poignant of all, Najib’s authority and leadership as Prime Minister and UMNO President. Read the rest of this entry »