Archive for category Elections

47-Day Countdown to 13GE – Royal Commission of Inquiry into the RM100 billion losses from financial scandals in the 22-year Mahathir premiership

Yesterday, the three-day-old business news portal KiniBiz carried the report “Syed Mokhtar eyes Malaysia Airlines” by Jose Barrock, reporting that Syed Mokhtar Albukhary is proposing to the federal government to take over national investment arm, Khazanah Nasional Berhad’s 69.3 per cent equity interest in Malaysia Airlines which includes as part of the deal a long-term fuel subsidy by the government for as many as 60 years.

Malaysians await the full disclosure of this latest development in the byzantine government-corporate nexus, with a “source close to Syed Mokhtar” denying that there is such a proposal to take over MAS with “two separate sources” confirming that such a deal is being contemplated.

This report has, however, brought to the fore as priority issues in the impending 13th General Elections public concerns about good governance in Malaysia whether about past financial scandals arising from privatisation as a whole and specifically about the ailing national airline; Syed Mokhtar’s far-flung business empire and his mega-debts creating genuine fears whether they will require a massive bailout using taxpayers’ money and the history of corruption, cronyism and abuses of power in the long list of bailouts of Umnoputras at the public expense in the past few decades.

The 13th General Elections is the most appropriate time to revisit these issues of public concern about accountability, transparency and good governance.
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48-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib is heading towards setting a third record as Malaysian Prime Minister in order to avoid a fourth record as the last UMNO/BN Prime Minister fulfilling the “RAHMAN” prophecy

The 12th Parliament is supposed to be dissolved today for the 13th General Elections to be held, with nomination on March 16 and Polling on March 30.

But February 22 has come and will go without any dissolution of Parliament, with the speculation on the critical dates of dissolution shifted to between March 15 – 21 with polling in the first or second week of April (with the bets on the second week so that many out-of-state Chinese voters would not cast their votes as they are not expected to return to their hometowns after returning in the first week for the annual Qing Ming festival or All Souls’ Day which falls on April 5).

I was first informed of the February 22 dissolution of Parliament on January 9 after a high-level meeting of the Prime Minister’s political strategists in Putrajaya on the same day, and in the ensuing five weeks, it became an increasingly speculated date to become the “hottest” date for dissolution for the 13GE.
But clearly with one blunder after another, Datuk Seri Najib Razak just lack the confidence to be ready for the 13th General Elections and to be able to pass the Mahathir test formulatedf by the former Prime Minister on January 31 this year.

It was at the 15th Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference that the former and longest-serving Prime Minister who has emerged to be the real power behind the UMNO throne publicly formulated the “Mahathir test” for Najib in the 13GE – that it is not good enough for Najib just to win and that he should step down and give way to Deputy UMNO President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as Prime Minister if UMNO/Barisan Nasional only scores a slim majority in the 13th GE, without regaining a comfortable two-thirds parliamentary majority for Barisan Nasional.

But until the Chinese New Year on February 10, with the multi-million ringgit Psy and Gangnam Style coup for Penang BN CNY on February 11, Najib was still supremely confident that he was ready for February 22 dissolution of Parliament.

This Psy and Gangnam coup however proved to be a dud and counter-productive, as the Psy Appearance in Penang was not only a failure, its adverse repercussions were nation-wide as illustrated by the lukewarm response Najib received when he tried to make history as the first Prime Minister to attend the Dong Zong Chinese New Year Open House six days after the Psy Effect. Read the rest of this entry »


Come Election Day

By Allan CF Goh

Come Election Day

If this election
Sees the racists’ foul return,
Blame ourselves for that,
For the nation’s tragic turn.
Let’s walk with heads high,
Clean up the nation’s fester;
Show the whole wide world,
Malaysians can do better!
Malaysia is us: Read the rest of this entry »

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Tanda Putera a double-edged sword

By Carrie Rina | 12:13PM Feb 21, 2013

FILM REVIEW Despite the cabinet deciding against airing the controversial Tanda Putera film until after the next general election, the leader of the same cabinet, Najib Abdul Razak, appears keen on showing it to selected segments of the Malaysian populace.

The reason is likely that the film is a double-edged sword, serving as an effective propaganda tool for one community – but which may well offend the other communities.

While both the Malays and Chinese are depicted in the film as turning on each other during the May 13 riots, the Chinese were often characterised as the aggressors.

The film opens with a group of Chinese, who appear to be Communist sympathisers, attacking a party worker, abd calling for the 1969 general election to be boycotted.

The victim was later revealed to be an Umno member, for news flash with the headline: ‘Umno party worker killed’ is shown.
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Stand Up, Be Counted

By Allan CF Goh

Stand Up, Be Counted

When those good men fail
to stand up against foulness,
they reduce themselves,
surrender their true greatness.

Let’s stand up against
the politics of evil,
that spawn policies,
in league with the foul devil.

Make Malaysia fair!
Free it from all corruptions;
let’s have a nation,
freed from racist erruptions.
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49-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib has presented me with a dilemma – is the Election Integrity Pledge worth signing when the Prime Minister can sign it with such aplomb, contempt and cynicism?

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, has presented me with a dilemma – is the Election Integrity Pledge proposed by Transparency International-Malaysia (TI-M) worth signing when Najib could sign it with such aplomb, contempt and cynicism after his four-year premiership witnessed corruption in Malaysia plunging to its worst depths in the nation’s 56-year history.

In Najib’s four years as Prime Minister, Malaysia’s Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) plunged to its lowest rankings in the past 18 years, i.e. No. 56 in 2009 and 2010, No. 60 in 2011 and No. 54 in 2012, as compared to Malaysia’s No. 23rd ranking in the first TI CPI in 1995, No. 37th placing in 2003 when Tun Dr. Mahathir stepped down as Prime Minister after 22 years of authoritarian and corrupt rule and No. 47 ranking in 2008 after five years of Tun Abdullah’s “Mr. Clean” premiership.

It is incontrovertible and undeniable that corruption under Najib’s four-year premiership is the worst under any Prime Minister in the nation’s 56-year history, as apart from being worse than the Mahathir and Abdullah eras, no one has ever suggested that corruption under the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein were ever more serious than under their successors.

What makes a meaningful signing of the TI-M’s Election Integrity Pledge even more questionable is the presence of the Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, who had put Malaysia on the international radar of anti-corruption campaigns after the allegations in the ground-breaking and explosive report by the Swiss-based NGO Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) last September which estimated the assets of Taib Mahmud’s family at US$21 billion (RM64 billion), with the wealth of Taib himself put at a whopping US$15 billion (RM46 billion) making him Malaysia’s richest man outstripping tycoon Robert Kuok who has US$12.5 billion. Read the rest of this entry »


Pengiraan Detik 52 Hari ke PRU13: PRU13 bukan saja pungutan suara terhadap empat tahun “tanpa transformasi” Najib tetapi juga 22 tahun dasar korup Mahathir

Adakah parlimen akan dibubarkan bulan untuk untuk membolehkan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 diadakan bulan depan?

Dijamin jawapannya tentu positif, bersiap untuk pembubaran parlimen paling lama ditangguhkan di dalam sejarah negara daripada seorang Perdana Menteri tidak diundi paling lama dan berkemungkinan menjadi pilihan raya umum paling kotor dan mahal Malaysia!

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, sedang pusing satu negara berkempen untuk jangka hayat politiknya, tetapi terdapat seorang insan di dalam UMNO/Barisan Nasional yang sedang mengatasi kempen Najib – dan beliau adalah mantan serta Perdana Menteri paling lama berkhidmat, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 amat penting dan kritikal buat Najib – tetapi lebih penting dan kritikal lagi buat Mahathir, memandangkan ia bukan saja pungutan suara terhadap empat tahun “tanpa transformasi” Najib tetapi juga 22 tahun dasar authoritarian dan korup Mahathir.

Sebenarnya, untuk Mahathir, masa depannya turut dipertaruhkan dalam PRU13 – memandangkan PRU13 akan menentukan sama ada beliau dapat terus menjadi dalang politik untuk politik UMNO/BN, yang kini secara sendirian membuat keputusan dalam UMNO/BN selepas beliau Berjaya memaksa perletakan jawatan Tun Abdullah sebagai Perdana Menteri sesudah “tsunami politik” pilihan raya umum 2008.

Kuasa dan pengaruh Mahathir kini lebih besar daripada Najib yang merupakan Perdana Menteri.

Malaysia mempunyai enam Perdana Menteri sepanjang tempoh 56 tahun tetapi tidak ada sesiapa di dalam UMNO/BN berani untuk beritahu mana-mana Perdana Menteri supaya meletakkan jawatan sekiranya gagal memperoleh mandat yang lebih besar berbanding pilihan raya sebelumnya – seperti yang dilakukan secara terbuka oleh Mahathir di Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference ke-15 pada 31 Januari yang mana beliau mengatakan Najib sepatutnya memberi laluan kepada Timbalan Presiden UMNO Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sekiranya BN hanya memperoleh kemenangan tipis di dalam pilihan raya. Read the rest of this entry »

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The two faces of Malaysia

by Mariam Mokhtar
Feb 18, 2013

Like a coin, Malaysia has two sides; the tourist experiences a tropical idyll, a shopping paradise and gastronomic delights, but the man in the street sees the obverse.

azlanIn the markets, housewives moan about the increasing prices of everyday food items, but at any Malaysian Airlines check-in counter in London, New York, Dubai or Sydney, one can see Malaysian officials and their spouses deposit box after box of shopping. It is alleged that they seldom pay excess baggage charges.

To say that Malaysia is a nation in chaos is an understatement. Minister after minister shows levels of incompetency that any half-decent company would never permit. Who runs the country? Who is in charge? Is Malaysia like an air plane cruising on auto-pilot until it crashes when it runs out of fuel?

While ministers are busy playing politics, the country is going to ruin. In Sabah, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s ‘Project M’, made illegal immigrants instant citizens of Malaysia. Last week, more than 100 armed foreigners breezed in and occupied a village, without any resistance.

Elsewhere in Malaysia, people of distinction, whose only weapons are truth and the tenets of justice and democracy, are harassed and discouraged from entering Malaysia, or are deported. These people include a French lawyer acting on behalf of Suaram, a British lawyer acting on behalf of Hindraf, Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand and Australian Senator Nick Xenophon. Read the rest of this entry »


Selective facts in the media

— Aziff Azuddin
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 18, 2013

FEB 18 — It’s hard to know what’s the truth and what’s not these days. To say newspapers report far from the truth would be an exaggeration. What they report is the truth, if only a specific part of it. But then, that’s what newspapers are meant to do. They’re meant to cater to a specific audience that accepts and reads this sort of news, nodding their heads in agreement. Even in the United States, such media slanting exists; New York Times reports analytical news leaning towards the Democrats while Fox News is endlessly seen leaning away. Much can be said for the audience it caters to.

Malaysia’s media industry, however, has turned into a mess. It’s no secret that the mainstream media is owned largely by the establishment’s strings as try as they may, reports anti-sentiment or intended to shed a negative light are quickly quelled and do not see the light of day. The only final bastion of freedom the citizens of Malaysia has is the limitless fringes of the Internet and social media; and even that laws like section 114A are creeping to tighten its noose on the only freedom we have left.

The Malaysian establishment, it seems of late, has been rather fond of making a fool of itself on the public front. Psy’s RM2 million concert in Penang was no less controversial before the South Korean pop star’s performance and even during the event itself; the “Psy, Yes! BN, No!” debacle and Psy’s public refusal to toss yee sang went viral on the Internet. While the Internet community was abuzz with the news, what went reported on the mainstream media? Nothing. Only of how successful the concert was and how it was another establishment achievement in fulfilling their promise to the people. Read the rest of this entry »

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Stand up and be counted, Malaysians

— Lucius Goon
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 18, 2013

FEB 18 — Forget about Nick Xenophon, or any support from the United States, Australia, Human Rights Watch. Our neighbours and those that pretend to be in our neighbourhood (Australia) have their own calculations on who they would like to see govern Malaysia.

The needs or wants of Malaysians don’t factor in their calculations.

After all, wasn’t it Rudd the Dud who praised Malaysia as a robust democracy some time ago and now some columnist in the Australian calls Malaysia one of the top democracies in the region. (Aussies must be breathing some strange air.)

This election is about you and me. What aspirations do we have for Malaysia, the country where we and our children were born? It is about going to vote in numbers so that any attempt to subvert the electoral process will be defeated. Read the rest of this entry »


52-Day Countdown to 13GE: The 13 GE is not only referendum on Najib’s four-year “non-transformation” but also on Mahathir’s 22-year authoritarian and corrupt policies

Will Parliament be dissolved this month for the 13th General Elections next month?

The bet is that the answer will be in the positive, setting the stage for the longest-delayed dissolution of Parliament in the nation’s history by the longest unelected Prime Minister in what is likely to be the dirtiest and most expensive Malaysian general elections!

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, is out on the hustings throughout the country campaigning for his political life, but there is one person in UMNO/Barisan Nasional who is out-campaigning Najib – and he is former and longest-serving Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

The 13 General Elections is important and critical for Najib – but it is even more important and critical for Mahathir, as it is not only a referendum on Najib’s four-year “non-transformation” but also on Mahathir’s 22-year authoritarian and corrupt policies.

Actually, for Mahathir, his future is also at stake in the 13GE – as it would determine whether he could continue to be the kingmaker of Umno/BN politics, as now single-handedly calling the shots in UMNO/BN after he successfully forced the retirement of Tun Abdullah as Prime Minister after the “political tsunami” of the 2008 general elections.

Mahathir’s power and influence now writ larger than that of Najib the Prime Minister.

Malaysia has had six Prime Ministers in the past 56 years but no one in UMNO/BN had dared to tell any incumbent Prime Minister that he would have to step down from office if he could not win with a stronger mandate than in the previous polls – as Mahathir has openly done at the 15th Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference on 31st January where he said that Najib should give way to Deputy Umno president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin if BN only scores a slim majority in the elections.
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Suaris Interview: The Future of Malays Part 4

by Bakri Musa

It is said that Malays are at a crossroad. This is particularly so with the upcoming General Election 13 where the choice is between feudalism and liberalism. To what extent do you agree with that viewpoint?

[The original in Malay appeared in on February 6, 2013.]

MBM: I agree that we Malays are at a critical juncture. Our choice is between continuing on the present path that has led us to where we are today, with our minds still trapped, or make a sharp turn towards liberating them. Remember that the path to the dumpsite is the one well-trodden.

I do not agree that the forthcoming election (GE 13) will be a choice between liberalism and feudalism, as I understand both terms. Instead it will be between a party that has grown old, tired, and bankrupt of ideas versus another that is young, vigorous, and full of fresh talent.

As an aside, “liberalism” to me means a system that treats every human as having certain inalienable rights or freedoms granted unto him (or her) by Almighty Allah, among them, the freedom of thought, to choose our leaders, own properties, and pursue happiness. Feudalism on the other hand was the social system prevailing in Medieval Europe where humans were either lords or peasants. Land, property and peasants belonged to the lords. Your fate and place in society was determined at birth and remained fixed throughout life. Meaning, born a peasant, and you would remain one until death.

Clearly from the perspective of respect for human lives and values, liberalism is closer to Islam than is feudalism. Read the rest of this entry »


Xenophobic Malaysia

— The Malaysian Insider
Feb 16, 2013

FEB 16 — According to Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, there is nothing political about denying entry to and expelling Australian Senator Nick Xenophon today.

That it was an immigration issue and done according to the law, he said.

But Immigration Director-General Datuk Alias Ahmad said Xenophon was barred entry under Section 8(3) of the Immigration Act as a “prohibited immigrant” because he called the Malaysian government “authoritarian” in handling the Bersih 3.0 rally for free and fair elections last April.

“He tarnished the image of the country,” Alias told The Malaysian Insider.

So, we stop people from entering the country because they say bad things about our government? That isn’t political? That is law? Read the rest of this entry »


54-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib should announce three ang pows at Dong Zong CNY Open House tomorrow: full recognition of UEC, approval for four Chinese Independent Secondary Schools and review of National Education Blueprint

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should announce three ang pows at the Dong Zong Chinese New Year Open House tomorrow, namely:

* Full government recognition of Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) as one of the academic qualifications for entry into national higher learning institutions, public services and teaching academies;

* Government approval for four Chinese independent secondary schools in Petaling Jaya, Puchong, Segamat and Johore Baru;

* Review of the National Education Blueprint to give full recognition of mother-tongue education in the mainstream of the national education system, including:

1. Increase in the number of Chinese and Tamil primary schools dependent on the needs of parents to send their children to Chinese and Tamil primary schools in order to ensure the right of students to receive mother-tongue education; and

2. Fair and just capital allocations for development expenditures of Chinese and Tamil primary schools and the provision of adequate trained teachers; and

3. Assist Malaysian independent Chinese secondary schools in financing, teacher-training, curricula design, amenities, etc and to allow them to relocate, set up branches and put up new premises.

DAP and Pakatan Rakyat are committed to the full recognition of UEC and if Najib fails to make such an announcement tomorrow, then it will be one of the priority policy announcements of a new Pakatan Rakyat government in Putrajaya after the 13GE. Read the rest of this entry »


Pengiraan Detik 55 Hari ke PRU13 – Najib perlu memperjelas sama ada beliau meninggalkan pentas di pesta Tahun Baru Cina BN Pulau Pinang kerana bimbangkan keselamatannya dan sama ada nyawa Psy turut terancam

Ini bukan jenaka atau gurauan. Orang Pulau Pinang dan rakyat Malaysia berhak mengetahui kebenaran, tiada yang tidak benar melainkan yang benar.

Mengapa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Abdullah dan Menteri Kabinet meninggalkan pentas pada pesta Tahun Baru Cina Barisan Nasional pada hari Isnin selepas menunggu hampa di atas pentas selama lima minit untuk bintang K-pop Korea Psy menyertai mereka untuk upacara “menggaul yee sang”.

Najib perlu memperjelaskan sama ada beliau meninggalkan pentas di pesta Tahun Baru C ina BN Pulau Pinang kerana bimbangkan nyawanya dan sama ada nyawa Psy turut terancam.

Pada mulanya, Ketua Pemuda Gerakan Oh Tong Keong elok menyalahkan Menteri Pelancongan MCA, Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen menjadi punca kemelut yee sang, menyebabkan tercemar maruah negara apabila Perdana Menteri, mantan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kabinet dimalukan di hadapan umum dengan sia-sia menunggu selama lima minit untuk Psy menyertai mereka. Read the rest of this entry »

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55-Day Countdown to 13 GE – Najib should clarify whether he left the stage at Penang BN CNY bash for fear of his life and whether Psy’s life was also threatened

This is no joke or laughing matter. The people of Penang and Malaysia are entitled to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Why did the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah and Cabinet Ministers leave the stage at the Barisan Nasional Chinese New Year bash on Monday after waiting forlornly and in vain for over five minutes for Korean K-pop sensation Psy to join them for the “toss yee san” ceremony.

Najib should clarify whether he left the stage at the Penang BN CNY bash for fear of his life and whether Psy’s life was also threatened.

Initially, the Penang Gerakan Youth chief Oh Tong Keong had as good as blamed the MCA Tourism Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen for causing the yee san fiasco, resulting in shame and indignity to the nation when the Prime Minister, former Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers were publicly embarrassed waiting for five minutes in vain for Psy to join them. Read the rest of this entry »


Winners and losers in the Psy show

by Tan Zhong Yan
Feb 13, 2013

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and BN would surely have regretted inviting South Korean pop star Psy to the Penang state BN Chinese New Year open house.

The one-minute video which has gone viral in the cyberspace says it all – Yes for Psy! No for BN!



Well, Psy is clearly the winner. Getting millions of ringgit just to perform for 15 minutes is definitely worth it despite the fact that he had to fly from Brazil which took 20 hours.

The people

Those who went to the open house would surely enjoy themselves getting to see Psy performing his famous ‘Oppa Gangnam Style’ for free as it was sponsored by person(s) unknown.

Hopefully that is true. If not, the people will be the greatest losers if it was paid with tax payers’ money. Read the rest of this entry »


Pengiraan Detik 56 Hari ke PRU13 – Mengubah tiga peristiwa memalukan Najib yang ditimpakan ke atas dirinya sendiri sewaktu pesta RM3.5 juta Psy dan Gangnam Style menjadi rahmat buat Malaysia

Kemunculan Psy dan Gangnam Style pada pesta Tahun Baru Cina Barisan Nasional di Pulau Pinang sepatutnya menjadi hiburan dan rampasan kuasa politik di dalam sejarah negara sehingga membawa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, UMNO dan Barisan Nasional kepada kejayaan meyakinkan dalam Pilihan Raya Ke-13 dengan majoriti dua pertiga parlimen dan mendapatkan semula negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat termasuklah Pulau Pinang, telah bertukar menjadi kemusnahan besar politik dan perhubungan awam.

Tiga aib besar menimpa Najib dan perikatan UMNO/BN, tetapi lebih buruk lagi, ia turut memalukan negara. Tiga aib besar itu ialah:

  • Video satu minit “Tiga Ya untuk Psy dan Tiga Tidak untuk BN” yang pantas tersebar selepas kemeriahan di Sekolah Han Chiang ditonton hampir setengah juta di You Tube dari banyak laman sejak Isnin.
  • Video lima minit “Psy tiada, Najib/BN merah muka ketika acara menggaul yee sang”, video kedua tentang kemunculan Psy di pesta Tahun Baru Cina BN di Pulau Pinang yang pantas tersebar, memaparkan Perdana Menteri, Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Abdullah dan Menteri Kabinet menunggu bintang Korea itu selama lima minit untuk menyertai mereka dan tersipu-sipu meninggalkan pentas tanpa menggaul yee sang apabila Psy menolak. Ini merupakan kejadian yang merosakkan maruah negara dan memalukan semua rakyat Malaysia tidak kira PR atau BN – yang mana Perdana Menteri dan mantan Perdana Menteri terpaksa mengorbankan maruah negara demi kehangatan K-pop Korea.
  • Psy menolak untuk mempersembahkan “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style”. Najib telah mengumumkan di atas pentas selepas kerosakkan “3 Ya untuk Psy dan 3 Tidak untuk BN” berkenaan “persembahan menarik” Psy, mengisytiharkan “(Psy) is ready for us and he will show you the proper Gangnam Style…and I am told he has a surprise for you – the Gangnam 1Malaysia Style” Tetapi Psy tidak mempersembahkan kejutan “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style” menghancurkan harapan Najib dan peluang pemimpin BN seperti Menteri Pelancongan Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen untuk menari “Gangnam 1Malaysia Style” dengan bintang pop Korea Selatan itu di Pulau Pinang.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Pengiran Detik 57 Hari ke PRU13 – dua pengajran buat Najib daripada sandiwara RM3.5 juta perembahan Gangnam Style Psy Pulau Pinang

Saya akui bahawa saya masih belum menonton iklan Tahun Baru Cina Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak berlakon sebagai pemain gendang tarian singa walaupun ikan itu sudah disiarkan selama lima hari.

Hanya selepas membaca artikel Kee Thuan Chye di Malaysiakini bertajuk “The PM is Demeaning Himself” barulah saya mencarinya di YouTube untuk meihat sendiri sama ada komen Kee itu mempunyai asasnya, dan saya harus katakan Kee tepat pada sasaran.

Saya menyemak kesahihan kritikan tentang tulisan salah perkataan Cina “吉” (sebagaimana Najib telah menggunakan Ah Jib Gor sebagai nama Cinanya) dengan garisan horizontal di atas lebih pendek berbanding yang di bawah yang membawa makna kecelakaan untuk Ah Jib Gor.

Kee betul.

Jelas tiada strategis politik dan perhubungan awam terbaik berkhidmat untuk Najib, walaupun duit merupakan masalah paling kecil untuk UMNO/Barisan Nasional, melihat kepada duit yang ditaburkan Najib dan UMNO/Barisan Nasional mengalir seperti air di seluruh negara sepanjang bulan-bulan lalu, termasuklah jutaan ringit untuk mengnjurkan pesta Gangnam Style Psy di Pulau Pinang pada hari kedua Tahun Baru Cina.

Tetapi jelas duit tidak dapat membeli segalanya. Read the rest of this entry »

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Pengiraan Detik 59 Hari ke PRU13 – Sepuluh ribu bendera 1Malaysia pada majlis Gangnam Style Psy di Pulau Pinang hanya menonjolkan kegagalan program transformasi 1Malaysia Najib

Warga Pulau Pinang bangun pada Tahun Baru Cina pada hari Ahad, 10 Febuari 2013 dengan sepuluh ribu bendera 1Malaysia membarisi jalan yang akan digunakan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam lawatan dua hari beliau ke Pulau Pinang dari lapangan terbang ke Kolej Han Chiang yang akan menampilkan bintang pop Korea Selatan Psy kepada Georgetown dan kawasan sekitar Komtar.

Akan tetapi bolehkan bintang K-pop Korea Selatan memberikan kehidupan, nyawa dan roh kepada dasar 1Malaysia Najib dengan 10,000 bendera 1Malaysia yang dipacak dengan sombongnya, tidak mengikut peraturan dan berbahaya di sepanjang jalanraya utama Pulau Pinang – menampakkan sifat tidak peduli terhadap kebajikan, keselamatan dan undang-undang negeri serta menonjolkan kegagalan program transformasi 1Malaysia Najib?

Amat menyedihkan selepas empat tahun sebagai Perdana Menteri, hanya satu daripada 68 Menteri dan Timbalan Menteri yang berani secara terbuka menentang arus perdana UMNO/Barisan Nasional dan secara terbuka mengumumkan dirinya rakyat Malaysia dulu dan Melayu kemudian.

Apakah ada Menteri UMNO kedua yang berani mencontohi apa yang Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz telah lakukan pada September 2010 mengisytiharkan dirinya rakyat Malaysia dulu dan Melayu kemudian, seiring dengan dasar 1Malaysia berbeza dengan pengisytiharan terbuka Najib? Read the rest of this entry »

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