Archive for May 8th, 2018
After 53 years dedicated to a united, democratic, progressive and prosperous Malaysia, I ask Malaysians to sacrifice one, two or even three days to cast their vote to save Malaysia from Najib, kleptocracy and kakistocracy
I have dedicated 53 years of my life to a united, democratic, progressive and prosperous Malaysia.
All I ask how is that the 15 million voters in Malaysia sacrifice one, two or even three days to cast their vote in the 14th General Election on Wednesday, 9th May 2018 to save Malaysia from Najib, kleptocracy and kakistocracy.
One day of sacrifice is for Malaysians in the country, two days of sacrifice is for the 500,000 Malaysians working in Singapore who may have to take an extra day off to return home from the island republic to cast their vote. Three days of sacrifice is for Malaysians from farther overseas, whether the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada or United States, who may have to sacrifice three days to fly home to exercise their constitutional right to cast their vote.
“Kleptocracy” has been defined as “a government or state in which those in power exploit national resources and steal; rule by a thief or thieves”.
“Kakistocracy” has been defined as “a government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power”.
Najib’s live TV3 interview today is a shocking reminder to Malaysians that we are not only a global kleptocracry, Malaysia has also become a kakistocracy.
Otherwise, how could Najib in truth and honesty state that there are no Malays at Pakatan Harapan rallies, only DAP supporters? Read the rest of this entry »