Archive for December 18th, 2017

No anger or outrage but only pity and contempt that the MCA leader has sunk so low as to spread the atrocious lies of UMNO and PAS leaders that I want to be Prime Minister

I should feel angry or outraged but I have only pity and contempt for the MCA President, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai that he has sunk so low as to spread the atrocious lies of UMNO and PAS leaders that I want to be Prime Minister.

Even a person of minimum political sense would know that this canard has been used by UMNO leaders for quite some time to scare and railroad the Malay electorate to vote for UMNO in the next general election, as the centerpiece of their campaign of lies, fake news and false information that if UMNO is defeated in the next general election, the Malays and Islam would perish in Malaysia.

There is no need for me to repeat what I had said before that in my 52 years in politics, the thought of becoming Prime Minister has never entered my mind.

Let me reiterate my three basic political positions:
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