An Eight-Year “Save PR” Roadmap by reaffirming PR Common Policy Framework which had won support of 52% of the electorate

(Scroll down for English text)

Pelan tindakan lapan tahun ‘Selamatkan Pakatan Rakyat’ dengan memperkukuh Dasar Bersama yang telah berjaya mendapat sokongan 52% daripada jumlah pengundi

Pakatan Rakyat sudah tidak ada masa. Dalam masa dua minggu lagi, Pakatan Rakyat mungkin sahaja tidak wujud lagi.

Ini suatu perkembangan politik yang sangat lucu.

Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN) sedang berada pada tahap paling lemah dalam sejarah, berpaut kepada kuasa sebagai kerajaan minoriti pertama dalam sejarah Malaysia.

Perdana Menteri yang juga Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Najib Razak telah terpaksa menjelajah ke seluruh negara untuk meraih sokongan orang ramai lantaran skandal kewangan dan pecah belah di dalam Umno yang semakin menjadi-jadi, serta demi melengahkan kempen dahagi yang sedang dikepalai oleh mantan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden Umno yang paling lama, untuk mendesak Perdana Menteri meletakkan jawatan. Sementara itu Ahli-ahli Parlimen BN dari Sabah dan Sarawak serta parti-parti komponen mereka (yang bertanggungjawab meletakkan Najib di kerusi Perdana Menteri) sedang memantau dengan sangat teliti sama ada Najib akan mengkhianati kontrak sosial dan Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 hanya demi memastikan survival politiknya sendiri.

Ini merupakan peluang terbesar buat Pakatan Rakyat, yang ditubuhkan tujuh tahun lalu selepas tsunami politik PRU tahun 2008 yang berjaya menafikan majoriti dua-pertiga gabungan Umno/BN di Parlimen, serta menyaksikan tertubuhnya lima kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor dan Kelantan.

Harapan dan jangkaan orang ramai untuk melihat perubahan Kerajaan Persekutuan dan juga seorang Perdana Menteri baru iaitu Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim selepas PRU ke-13 pada 5 Mei 2013 dikecewakan oleh sebuah sistem pilihanraya yang tidak demokratik, yang membolehkan Umno/BN merampas kemenangan daripada Pakatan Rakyat melalui bilangan majoriti kerusi Parlimen, walaupun mendapat undi minoriti dan terus berkuasa di Putrajaya.

Perubahan bersejarah Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia tertangguh daripada PRU13 ke PRU14, yang mesti berlangsung menjelang 2018.

Semua syarat bagi perubahan bersejarah ini sudah pun tersedia, cumanya pada ketika ini, Pakatan Rakyat sendiri berada di jurang kehancuran.

Hanya ada satu cara untuk menyelamatkan Pakatan Rakyat daripada hancur berkecai, lantaran ia merupakan manifestasi harapan terbaik rakyat Malaysia ke arah perubahan dan penambahbaikan kualiti hidup seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

Cara ini ialah dengan menjalankan suatu pelan tindakan lapan tahun bagi Pakatan Rakyat, dengan komitmen semula oleh ketiga-tiga parti DAP, PKR dan PAS untuk memperkukuh dua prinsip asas yang menjadi rahsia kejayaan Pakatan Rakyat sejak ia ditubuhkan – kepatuhan terhadap Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat yang telah menjadi batu asas prinsip-prinsip bersama ketiga-tiga parti gabungan, dan prinsip konsensus dalam Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat, sebagai badan pembuat dasar tertinggi.

Seandainya kita bersetia kepada kedua-dua prinsip asas ini, saya yakin bahawa Pakatan Rakyat akan semakin kuat demi merealisasikan impian rakyat Malaysia ke arah perubahan dan keagungan, dan membawa Pakatan Rakyat ke Putrajaya bagi membentuk sebuah kerajaan Malaysia yang baru pada PRU ke-14 nanti.

Di saat dan ketika ini lah kebijaksanaan dan wawasan Almarhum Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat benar-benar dirindukan.

Tidak ada walau sekelumit sangsi bahawa sekiranya bekas Mursyidul-Am PAS yang juga mantan Menteri Besar Kelantan itu masih hidup, beliau tidak akan membenarkan Pakatan Rakyat berhadapan sebuah krisis antara hidup dan mati. Ini kerana beliau akan memastikan PAS terus yakin dan percaya kepada kedua-dua warga Islam dan bukan-Islam di Malaysia dengan agenda ‘PAS for all’ dan menolak sebarang usaha baru untuk menubuhkan Kerajaan Perpaduan antara PAS dan Umno.

Bekas pimpinan PAS telah secara terbuka telah menegaskan bahawa idea kerajaan UG ini telah mendapat restu Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Hadi Awang tetapi terhalang akibat tentangan keras Nik Aziz.

Para penyokong konsep UG ini telah mengambil peluang di atas kematian Nik Aziz, yakin bahawa mereka akan berjaya mencapai sesuatu daripada konspirasi politik tujuh tahun mereka, memandangkan komplot ini bermula sebaik sahaja selesai PRU ke-12 pada tahun 2008.

Komplot UG Umno sejak awal lagi telah melibatkan pimpinan Umno peringkat tertinggi – seperti Presiden Umno yang juga Perdana Menteri sekarang – dan mesyuarat peringkat tinggi turut diadakan dalam masa beberapa bulan selepas PRU ke-12 namun mereka nampaknya gagal.

Para konspirator UG mendapati bahwa halangan yang ada agak susah untuk ditembusi, terutamanya pada bantahan tegas dan berprinsip mantan Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

Pimpinan PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat serta para penyokongnya pasti tidak akan melupakan kritikan pedas Nik Aziz pada bulan Jun 2009 apabila Mursyidul-Am itu secara terbuka memberitahu Timbalan Presiden PAS Nasharuddin Mat Isa untuk meninggalkan PAS dan menyertai Umno sekiranya beliau terus berdegil dengan agenda UG.

Ini sebabnya kenapa kita terkejut baru-baru ini apabila Hadi mendakwa bahawa cadangan kerajaan UG, ketika ia mula timbul selepas PRU tahun 2008, telah mendapat persetujuan Nik Aziz dan Anwar Ibrahim, serta dimaklumkan kepada DAP.

DAP tidak pernah dimaklumkan oleh Hadi tentang idea UG tersebut.

Presiden PKR Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dan juga Setiausaha Agungnya Rafizi Ramli telah menafikan bahawa Anwar ada bersetuju dengan konsep UG.

Nik Aziz tidak mungkin telah bersetuju dengan konsep UG; jika tidak beliau pastinya tidak akan menegur Nasharuddin secara terbuka pada Jun 2009 dan menyuruhnya meletakkan jawatan sebagai Timbalan Presiden PAS dan juga Ahli Parlimen Bachok serta menyuruhnya menyertai Umno sekiranya beliau berdegil juga dengan agenda UG.

Malah sebenarnya amat tidak masuk akal bagi mana-mana parti Pakatan Rakyat untuk bersetuju dengan konsep UG kerana ia didasarkan konsep Kerajaan Perpaduan antara parti-parti politik Melayu, sedangkan Pakatan Rakyat memperjuangkan nasib semua rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira kaum, agama atau daerah.

Pakatan Rakyat pastinya sedang amat merindukan Nik Aziz.

Pertama sekali, di atas bantahan tegasnya terhadap idea UG yang menjadi penyebab konsep tersebut gagal ketika beliau masih hidup.

Kedua, Nik Aziz mampu melihat gambaran yang lebih besar terhadap keperluan untuk menyokong pelan tindakan lapan tahun Pakatan Rakyat bagi memastikan survival dan kejayaan Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU ke-14.

Tiada sesiapa yang sangsi bahawa Nik Aziz sendiri mahu melihat pelaksanaan segera undang-undang hudud, namun beliau cukup realisitik untuk menyedari bahawa hudud bukanlah sebahagian daripada Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat dan sebarang desakan tanpa konsensus untuk melaksanakannya akan mengakibatkan Pakatan Rakyat berpecah.

Nik Aziz pastinya memahami hujah-hujah bahawa pelaksanaan hudud bukanlah isu utama berbanding memastikan survival dan kejayaan Pakatan Rakyat, menewaskan Umno/BN serta menawan Kerajaan Persekutuan Putrajaya dalam PRU ke-14 bagi melaksanakan dasar-dasar yang akan memulihkan kebebasan, keadilan, maruah rakyat dan urustadbir yang baik di Malaysia.

Nik Aziz telah memberi sokongan hebat ke arah pembentukan dan pengukuhan Pakatan Rakyat, walaupun hudud bukanlah sebahagian daripada Dasar Bersama.

Ini sebabnya kenapa saya tidak percaya hujah bahawa tidak melaksanakan hudud adalah bertentangan dengan prinsip Islam, kerana ini bermakna Nik Aziz dan semua pimpinan serta ahli PAS telah mengkhianati prinsip Islam selama enam tahun sejak PRU ke-12 hingga ke-13 apabila isu pelaksanaan hudud tidak dikemukakan sebagai prinsip teras Pakatan Rakyat pada PRU ke-13.

Cadangan pelan tindakan lapan tahun komitmen oleh ketiga-tiga parti komponen Pakatan Rakyat untuk terus menjunjung dua prinsip asas iaitu Dasar Bersama dan mekanisme konsensus ialah supaya Pakatan Rakyat kembali ke asasnya, dan mengenepikan apa sahaja perbezaan sepanjang lapan tahun akan datang, sepertimana yang telah dilakukan sepanjang enam tahun pertama dahulu.

Bilangan lapan tahun ini adalah berasaskan tempoh tiga tahun menuju PRU ke-14 mulai sekarang, dan lima tahun pasca PRU ke-14; memandangkan Pakatan Rakyat mesti menyatakan komitmen kepada rakyat Malaysia berkaitan dasar-dasar yang ingin dilaksanakan sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat mendapatkan kuasa di Putrajaya selepas PRU ke-14.

Amat malang sekali saya tidak berkesempatan berbincang dengan Nik Aziz tentang cadangan pelan tindakan lapan tahun ini demi menyelamatkan Pakatan Rakyat .

Saya bagaimanapun yakin bahawa Nik Aziz, sebagai arkitek Pakatan Rakyat, yang sokongan kuatnya menjadi antara faktor kejayaan besar Pakatan Rakyat pada pilihanraya 2008 dan 2013, akan memberi sokongan penuh kepada pelan tindakan ini, walaupun beliau mungkin mempunyai sedikit keberatan tentang syarat supaya parti-parti komponen mengenepikan perbezaan dasar dan isu yang tidak disepakati dalam Dasar Bersama sehingga selepas 2023.

Soalnya sekarang ialah sama ada parti-parti komponen Pakatan Rakyat boleh bersetuju untuk menyelamatkan Pakatan Rakyat dengan pelan tindakan lapan tahun ini.

(Kenyataan media di Kuala Lumpur pada hari Ahad 24 Mei 2015)


(English text)

Time is running out for Pakatan Rakyat.

In two weeks’ time, Pakatan Rakyat may cease to exist.

This is a most ludicrous political development.

UMNO and Barisan Nasional (BN) are at their weakest in history, holding to power in Putrajaya as the first minority government in Malaysian history.

The Prime Minister and UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is forced to go on a nation-wide roadshow to drum up public support because of unprecedented financial scandals and mounting divisions inside UMNO and to forestall a mutiny campaign led by longest-serving former Prime Minister and UMNO President demanding the Prime Minister’s resignation, while the Sabah and Sarawak BN MPs and component parties (responsible for Najib being installed as Prime Minister in the first place) are hawkishly vigilant as to whether Najib would violate the “social contract” and the 1963 Malaysia Agreement just to ensure his own political survival.

This is the greatest opportunity for Pakatan Rakyat, formed seven years ago after the political tsunami of the 2008 general election, which smashed the hitherto unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority of the UMNO/BN coalition and saw the establishment of five Pakatan Rakyat state governments of Penang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan.

The hopes and expectations for change of Federal government and a new Prime Minister in the person of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in the 13th General Elections on May 5, 2013 were frustrated by an undemocratic electoral system which allowed the UMNO/BN coalition to snatch victory from Pakatan Rakyat through a majority of parliamentary seats despite a minority of the votes and to continue as the Putrajaya government.

The historic change of Federal Government in Malaysia has been postponed from the 13th General Election to the 14th General Elections, which must be held by 2018.

All the conditions for such a historic change are in place, except that at this moment, Pakatan Rakyat itself on the brink of disintegration.

There is only one way to save PR from disintegration as it embodies the best hopes of Malaysians for change and improvement of the quality of life of all Malaysians.

This is the adoption of an eight-year Pakatan Rakyat Roadmap with a re-commitment by all the three component parties of DAP, PKR and PAS to reaffirm the two fundamental principles which had been the secrets of the PR success since its establishment – strict adherence to the PR Common Policy Framework which had formed the bedrock common principles of the three component parties in the coalition, and the operational principle of consensus regarding the Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council as the highest policy-making body for PR.

If we stay loyal to these two fundamental principles, I am confident that PR will be able to grow from strength to strength to fulfill the hopes of generations of Malaysians for change and Malaysia’s rendezvous with greatness, and take PR to Putrajaya to form the new Malaysian government in the 14th General Elections.

This the time when wisdom and vision of the late Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat is sorely missed.

There is no doubt that if the former PAS Mursyidul Am and former Kelantan Mentri Besar is alive today, he would not have allowed Pakatan Rakyat to face a life-and-death crisis, for he would have ensured that PAS continue to keep faith with both the Muslims and non-Muslims in Malaysia with the party’s “PAS for All” agenda and spurned renewed efforts at forming UG (Unity Government) between PAS and UMNO.

Former PAS leaders have gone on public record to assert that the UG government idea had the blessings of the PAS President, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang but was blocked by the obstinate opposition of Nik Aziz.

The promoters of the “UG” concept have taken full advantage of the passing of Nik Aziz confident that they will be able to achieve a breakthrough for their seven-year-old political conspiracy, as this plot was first hatched immediately after the 12th General Elections in 2008.

The UMNO “UG” plot had right from the beginning involved the highest UMNO levels – like the present and former UMNO Presidents and Prime Ministers – and a very high-level meeting was held in the first few months after the 12th General Elections but the plotters came away empty-handed.

The “UG” plotters found the obstacles quite impregnable, especially in the steely, principled and consistent opposition of the late Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

PAS and Pakatan Rakyat leaders and members will not forget the public castigation by Nik Aziz in June 2009 when the PAS spiritual leader openly told the then PAS deputy president, Nasharuddin Mat Isa, to quit PAS and join UMNO if he persisted with the UG agenda.

This was why it came as a total shock when Hadi recently claimed that the proposal of the UG Government, when it first surfaced after the 2008 General Election, had the approval of Nik Aziz and Anwar Ibrahim, as well as the knowledge of DAP.

DAP was never informed by Hadi of the UG idea.

PKR President Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and PKR Secretary-General Rafizi Ramli have denied that Anwar had ever agreed to the UG concept.

Nik Aziz could not possibly have agreed to the UG concept or he would not have publicly reprimanded Nasharuddin in June 2009 and told him to quit as PAS Deputy President and Bachok MP and join UMNO if he persisted with the UG agenda.

It is in fact inconceivable for any PR party to agree to UG concept as it is predicated on a UG government of Malay political parties when PR is dedicated to the cause of all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region.

PR will miss Nik Aziz greatly.

Firstly, for his staunch opposition to UG idea and why the concept failed during his lifetime.

Secondly, Nik Aziz was able the see the Big Picture on the need to endorse the eight-year PR Roadmap to ensure the survival, success and victory of PR in the 14th General Election.

Nobody doubts that Nik Aziz would himself want to see the immediate implementation of hudud, but he is realistic enough to know that it was not part of the PR Common Policy Framework and that any insistence without arriving at a PR consensus to implement it would lead to the disintegration of PR.

Nik Aziz would have understood the arguments that the implementation of hudud is not a top priority issue as compared to ensuring the survival and success of PR, the defeat of Umno/BN and in capturing Putrajaya Federal Government in the 14th GE to immediately implement policies which will restore freedom, justice, human dignity and good governance in Malaysia.

Nik Aziz had given great support to the formation and sustenance of PR, although hudud is not part of the PR Common Policy Framework.

This is why I cannot buy the argument that it will be going against Islamic principles if hudud is not implemented, for it would mean that Nik Aziz and all Pas leaders and members had betrayed Islamic principles for six years from the 12th to 13th General Elections when the issue of the implementation of hudud was not presented as one of the core principles of PR in the 13th General Elections.

My proposal of an eight-year commitment by the three PR component parties to continue to uphold the two fundamental principles of PR common policy framework and the operational consensus mechanism is for PR to “return to basics”, and to put aside whatever differences we have for the next eight years, as we had done in the first six years.

The eight years is derived from three years to the 14GE from now and the five years after the 14GE, as PR must make a commitment to Malaysians as to the policies we are committed to implement if PR achieves power in Putrajaya after the 14GE.

It is most unfortunate that I do not have the opportunity to discuss with Nik Aziz my proposal of an Eight-Year Roadmap for PR to save PR.

I have no doubt however that Nik Aziz, as an architect of PR and whose unswerving support was one of the major factors for PR’s stunning success in the 2008 and 2013 general elections, would have given his full backing to the Eight-Year PR Roadmap, even if he had some initial reservations about political parties putting aside policy differences and issues not agreed in the PR Common Policy Framework until after 2023.

The question is whether PR component parties could reach an agreement to save PR with a Eight-Year PR Roadmap.

  1. #1 by boh-liao on Sunday, 24 May 2015 - 6:20 pm

    Accept it lor, GONE, GONE a few months ago
    Rakyat n voters kena fooled once, cukup lar

  2. #2 by Noble House on Monday, 25 May 2015 - 2:04 am

    How are you to convince someone who has renounced the use of reason? Flogging a dead horse is not going to get you anywhere. Like Najib, Hadi has got to go in order for the country to move forward. PAS is better off if left to the progressive democrats if they are serious enough about wanting a better Malaysia for all.

  3. #3 by boh-liao on Monday, 25 May 2015 - 11:58 pm

  4. #4 by Bigjoe on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 - 9:27 am

    Rafizi Ramli said it best that the overwhelmingly the rakyat in every corner of the country wants Pakatan to hold together and agree that the most important agenda is the replacement of the Federal Govt by Pakatan..What stands in the way are the leaders of political parties which testify to the dysfunctionalities of our political parties, because of arrogance of their self-importance and self-rigteousness – the very same disease of UMNO/BN which they are of course in their very own league and class of their own.. Nevertheless, the disease exists in PR leaders, has become a Malaysian political leader atypical

  5. #5 by Sallang on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 - 1:12 pm

    Those who voted for change will be very sad that their flame of hope is diminished with the PR breaking-up.
    So, its for DAP and PKR to convince the hopeful rakyat to give yourselves another chance with PAS,without Hadi.

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