Archive for September 5th, 2012
Malaysia Day, RCIII, Oil Royalty – BN’s half-hearted promises

5/9/2012: Lim Kit Siang and Wilfred Bumburing at the Keningau “Batu Sumpah” site – a reminder of the unfulfilled promise of honoring the 20 Points
Tweets @limkitsiang:
Sep 05, 11:55am
Sabah DAP’s “Janji Ditepati” Public Hearing in Tenom starts with Janji Diketepikan when police banned use of speaker system. Who is afraid?
Sep 05, 12:00pm
Najib said Umno/BN govt want 2make Msians “happy” but by forcing police 2disallow use of speaker system Umno/BN have made Tenom ppl unhappy
Sep 05, 12:10pm
Despite unreasonable undemocratic block @ Umno/BN behest, SabahDAP’s “Janji Ditepatikan” PublicHearing b4 capacity crowd Tenom great success
Sep 05, 12:19pm
Informed Tenom Public Hearing of my 1st twt 2Najib n my 5pt Open Cyber Msg 2four Sabah Ministers 2raise issue of RCIIISabah @ 2day’s Cabinet
Sep 05, 4:15pm
Full house @ Sabah DAP “Janji Ditepati” Public Hearing in Keningau. Sp guest speaker Wilfred Bumburing Tuaran MP who explained Y he quit BN
Sep 05, 4:32pm
B4 public hearing, I again visited Keningau “Batu Sumpah” with JimmyWong EdwinBosi Wilfred Bumburing MonggohOrow on religion land customs
Sep 05, 4:56pm
Gave 3 instances DAP PR have forced Umno/BN 2follow though half-hearted: 1) make 16/9 national public holiday although only since 2010 (1)
Sep 05, 5:01pm
2) RCIII Sabah though TOR unsatisfactory. No sign political will 2resolve issue “once n 4 all” with RCIII still in sleepmode after 7mths (2)
Sep 05, 5:07pm
3) Raise 5% oil royalty to 20%. Until lately Sabah CM opposed saying illogical 2increase royalty but now cos of PR pressure has changed tune (3)
RCI on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah – another example of yet another broken promise by the BN?
Posted by Kit in Najib Razak, Sabah on Wednesday, 5 September 2012
DAP Sabah kicked off a series of Janji Ditepati public hearings starting in Kota Kinabalu on Monday to seek feedback from the people of Sabah and see if the promises made by the BN during its 49 year rule have indeed been fulfilled or if the government’s Merdeka slogan is yet another in a long series of broken promises by the BN to the people of Sabah.
The last time a series of such public hearings were held was in 1962 when the Commission of Enquiry for North Borneo and Sarawak (better known as the Cobbold Commission) sought public feedback in Sabah and Sarawak for a period of 2 ½ months. Indeed, the Cobbold Commission, which was appointed in January 1962, took five months to complete and was submitted to the British on the 21st of June 1962. The final report was released on the 1st of August, 1962. The Commission was chaired by the former Governor of the Bank of England, Lord Cameron Cobbold, with a four member Commission namely Wong Pow Nee, Chief Minister of Penang, Mohammed Ghazali Shafie, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaya, Anthony Abell, former Governor of Sarawak and David Watherston, former Chief Secretary of Malaya.
In contrast, it took Najib 6 months to announce the members of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah and to come up with the Terms of Reference. And even the Terms of Reference may have been delayed further if not for the departure of two prominent BN Members of Parliament from Sabah. Three weeks later, concerned Sabahans are still waiting for any signs of life that the RCI has started work. Read the rest of this entry »
LKS sends 1st tweet to Najib and Open Cyber Message to Sabah Ministers
Posted by Kit in Najib Razak, Sabah on Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Tweets @limkitsiang:
Sep 05, 7:43am
@NajibRazak 1st time twt PM 4Cabinet agenda 2day include Y RCIII Sabah x started work 7mths after Cabinet decision – mana “Janji Ditepati”?
Sep 05, 8:03am
Open Cyber Msg 2SabahMinisters -PTI top issue @ DAPSabah “Janji Ditepati” PublicHearings in KK Ranau Donggongon.Do raise in Cabinet 2day (1)
Sep 05, 8:08am
Esp Y instrument of apptmt x yet issued 2RCI members 3weeks after PM’s announcement; whether/when RCIII Sabah will hold public hearings (2)
Sep 05, 8:16am
Y RCIII Sabah still in sleepmode 7months after Cabinet decision 2set it up when Cobbold Commission 1962 completed its work in 5mths? (3)
Sep 05, 8:21am
Urge Sabah Ministers Bernard Maximus Shafie Anifah 2raise RCIII Sabah issue in Cabinet 2day – followup 2my 1st twt 2PM on same issue. (4)
Sep 05, 8:25am
Sabah Ministers shd make post-Cabinet stmts 2day 2answer many questions on RCIII Sabah. Also Sabah Ministers shd all have twitter a/cs (5)
Read the rest of this entry »