The 10,000-strong Malaysian police force, the Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak will not be able to hold their heads high in international community if Tan Sri Musa Hassan is renewed as Inspector-General of Police next month when under his three-year leadership as the country No. 1 Cop, only 1% of the people feel safe while 97% feel unsafe from the high crime rate.
This result of the latest opinion poll of public feedback about the crime situation in the country could be dismissed as anti-police propaganda if it had been conducted under the auspices of opposition political parties or NGOs concerned about crime.
But this is not an option open to the Prime Minister, Home Minister and the Malaysian police force for this is the result of a poll conducted itself by the Home Ministry official website,
Malaysia will become the laughing stock of the world, particularly the international policing community, if an IGP whose three years’ police leadership resulted in only 1% of respondents who felt safe while 97% felt unsafe because of the high crime rate in an official Home Ministry website could be rewarded with another extension of his renewal as IGP!
The sense of public safety of citizens, tourists and investors have deteriorated over the years according to official polls.
The Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission conducted a public opinion survey between 22nd November 2004 and 1 December 2004, and found that 89% of the 575 adult respondents from various parts of the country were “worried” to “extremely worried” about the occurrence of crime in their neighbourhood. Only 11% or a ratio of one in ten of the respondents were not worried. The level of worry was broadly similar across ethnic groups in urban areas from all 13 states and the Federal Territory.
The Commission published the details of the public opinion survey, viz:
Table – Ethnicity and Level of Worry
Ethnicity | Level of Worry | Total | |||
Worried to Extremely Worried | Not Worried to Not Very Worried | ||||
Number | % | Number | % | ||
Malay | 215 | 89.2 | 26 | 10.8 | 241 |
Chinese | 157 | 87.7 | 22 | 12.3 | 179 |
Indian | 70 | 92.1 | 5 | 7.9 | 76 |
Other Bumiputra | 25 | 86.2 | 4 | 13.8 | 29 |
Others | 19 | 86.4 | 3 | 13.6 | 22 |
TOTAL | 486 | 61 | 547 |
The Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission in its report of May 2005 observed:
“This very high level of worry is also a cause for deep concern, and should be addressed by PDRM.” (Ch. 3 Sec. 6.8 p. 62)
Instead of addressing and reducing the very high level of worry about public safety in his three years as IGP, Musa has achieved the opposite – cranking up the public worry about the lack of safety from crime and their fear of crime from 89% at the end of 2004 to the present 97%! In his three years as IGP, the crime situation has deteriorated from one in ten of the respondents who felt safe from crime to the dismal and scandalous one in 100 of the respondents who felt safe from crime!
The findings of the Home Ministry website opinion survey from 20th to 28th July 2009 are as follows:
20 Julai 2009 – 28 Julai 2009
Unless the Home Minister and the Prime Minister are to rubbish or discredit the findings of the Home Ministry official website opinion poll, how can they justify the renewal of Musa as IGP when:
97% or 9,729 out of 10,060 respondents felt unsafe because of the high crime rate, with only 1% or 89 respondents felt safe and 2% or 242 respondents in the “uncertain” category.
95% or 8,883 out of 9,319 respondents felt that the safety of the people was not guaranteed as compared to 3% or 248 respondents who felt it was still guaranteed, with 2% or 188 respondents in the “uncertain” category.
94% or 8,743 out of 9,261 respondents felt that government had not done its best to ensure that the safety of the people was at the best level with 2% or 185 respondents felt that the government had done its best, and 4% or 333 persons “uncertain”?
Any self-respecting and honourable IGP in these circumstances would have resigned or leave at the end of his tenure instead of lobbying for another term as IGP, blocking a new start for the police under a new IGP to revamp the entire police force to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police force capable of fulfilling the three core police functions to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights.
#1 by SpeakUp on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 12:39 pm
Mr LKS … no one really cares in the international scene. You said the same about PM with his issues. None cared. Malaysia is still having great relations with other countries. Maybe time for you to focus on more important things like HOUSE KEEPING, PR is messy la. How about forming a proper shadow cabinet too? Show the people how capable PR can be and that its worth voting for?
Mr LKS, time you wake up.
#2 by k1980 on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 1:01 pm
To the 97% respondents felt unsafe because of the high crime rate:
The IGP is staying on only because BN won the 12 GE. If you want him out, you know what to do with your vote in the 13 GE
#3 by frankyapp on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 1:39 pm
Well,NR is pretty smart to keep the IGP who has been absolutely protecting him.Frankly who wouldn’t. Like I said if it’s his prerogative rights,nothing much more can we do to stop him.Let the IGP’s records remain ,remind the voters about it,that’s all we can do now.Comes the 13th election,just wake up all the voters again and they would know what to do with NR/Umno/Bn.The result would be BN out,PR in.
#4 by blablowbla on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 1:57 pm
uncle kit,
it’s almost impossible to get a 100% loyalty lapdog IGP 4 AMNO,therefore,thy will not let go this ‘good’ dog!
the PDRM forces is 150,000,not 10,000!
the gomen always cheating the Rakyat,thy said gomen staff only 1.2 million,the folowing 3 departments already exceeding 1 million:
PDRM N Army(200K) : 350,000
MoHealth 300,000
MoEdu. 400.000
sub Tl 1,050,000
see,how much of votes thy cud secure by merely the gomen staff during election!
#5 by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 2:43 pm
Well, this IGP has the hide of a rhinoceros for his face if he doesn’t go now that his disapproval is 99%, the highest ever for any serving or retired civil servant.
Let the nation call for a referendum n prove that indeed this IGP has a disapproval rate of 99.99%, not merely 99%.
Then UMNO can decide if they can live with such a blasted handicap for next GE . Well, Najib, the balls are in your court now. Of course, the alternative is to have a police state and make MUSA a lifetime IGP.
#6 by ekompute on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 2:46 pm
“Police, Home Minister and Prime Minister will not be able to hold their heads high in international community if Musa Hassan is renewed as IGP when under his three-year leadership, only 1% of the people feel safe.”
Holding their heads high? Well, why would they care about holding their heads high as long as they can have the finest beef steak and abalone on their table everyday, LOL.
Mahathir is dirty rich and far far richer than almost any Chinese in Malaysia (except maybe the now-deceased Lim Goh Tong, Robert Kuok, and friend Vincent Tan) but he keeps barking that the Chinese owns most of the wealth in this country. So why is he helping Vincent Tan, even allegedly asking the judge to confer him an RM10 million compensation? Or am I mistaken? I told a Malay that Mahathir’s family is alleged to have a net worth of at least RM3 billion and he was shocked, he didn’t even believe that! And I had to direct him to
Has anyone heard Mahathir talking about setting up a Tun Mahathir Foundation or that he will give 90% of his wealth to charity when he passes over? I haven’t heard… I think he intends to bring them along with him, not knowing that Jesus had said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” And Jesus, according to Islam, is also a prophet of Allah.
#7 by nckeat88 on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 2:46 pm
LKS You must be senile or having AlZHEIMER dISEASE: Aren’t you forget our IGP just got one of the highest award in Singapore with his head high.
#8 by GreenBug on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 3:41 pm
Maybe the Home Ministry’s polls on security and now on ISA are grounds prepared for the IGP’s exit. Hope this is true. If it is I will be the first to scream YIPPEE!
#9 by AhPek on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 3:54 pm
LKS,tell us since when the BN government is ever worried about their image amongst international community.The government is only concerned if their self interest is not protected.They look for people who can best advance and safe-guard their interest.Right now Najib perhaps feels that Musa is the best person to do that.That’s what matters!Would anybody therefore be surprised if Musa is given another 2 year extension?
#10 by ekompute on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 5:16 pm
Ah Pek, read VSP’s comments at “Muhyiddin should stop gimmick of playing “bad cop” to Najib’s “good cop” making the most outrageous statements.”
That was a very superb piece of analysis. According to VSP, “…Musa Hassan has done many yeoman services for Najib and now it’s payback time. Remember Musa Hassan is privy to the many secrets of Najib and I think he is reminding Najib that he should enjoy another second term as the top man in the Police force, failing which, mysterious news about Najib will start coming out in the blogsphere and the gossip mills.”
Looks like Musa has Najib by his balls so “would anybody therefore be surprised if Musa is given another 2 years’ extension?”
#11 by ekompute on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 5:43 pm
You must be dreaming. Read VPS’s analysis in my above post.
#12 by siamo on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 6:22 pm
Look that way the investigation into the Teoh BH case, the IGP should be hiding his face. How can they miss the blood stains on the staircase? Or is it an attempt to cover up for their buddies at the MACC?
#13 by yhsiew on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 8:39 pm
Any self-respecting and honourable IGP in these circumstances would have resigned or leave at the end of his tenure instead of lobbying for another term as IGP…(Kit)
Only a thick-skinned IGP would not resign or pack up!
#14 by Jaswant on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 8:48 pm
The PM, AG, CJM and now IGP. Why stop there?
#15 by yhsiew on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 9:05 pm
You must be joking asking the IGP to resign.
Giving up his post means losing handsome perks, commissions, ‘extraneous income’ etc.
#16 by limkamput on Saturday, 8 August 2009 - 10:08 pm
NO body is stopping any where. It is called changing the government. And to change the government, it is a test of stamina. The sooner we know the difference between constitutional power and the politcal power to make changes, the better. Of course to some it is “ducklings hearing thunder”.
#17 by Jaswant on Sunday, 9 August 2009 - 12:31 am
NO body?? Like if you have nothing to say forever hold your piece??
#18 by Jaswant on Sunday, 9 August 2009 - 12:47 am
I suggest you don’t go around schools holding your piece. The IGP says he will come down very hard on pedophiles especially those recently retired from government service.
#19 by i_love_malaysia on Monday, 10 August 2009 - 10:49 am
BN govt likes to keep beyond incompetent govt servants so that no one is more than incompetent than their political master!!!
#20 by i_love_malaysia on Monday, 10 August 2009 - 2:03 pm
Hi Admin, please dont ask us to be decipher by giving us tough words to read!!!
[admin – its to protect this site from SPAM Bots]