Himpunan ISA 1/8/09 – KL lockdown




  1. #1 by ekompute on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 2:24 pm

    Wow, can’t imagine those brave people who defy the government’s warning. Looks like the bubble has burst. No one respect the BN government anymore (even though Najib is trying to save the situation), and not even the threat of arrest can deter them anymore. The R-A-H-M-A-N Prophesy is right on course. Hoorahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

  2. #2 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 2:25 pm

    2.12pm: The police are in full gear at Istana Negara, not allowing anyone to approach the behind the palace.

    2.10pm: Mohd Khairul Azam Abd Aziz, who is legal advisor of the Malay NGOs Coalition, said that the pro-ISA groups have decided not to march Istana Negara but instead will try send a small delegate in vehicles to the palace to hand over a memorandum.

  3. #3 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 2:28 pm

    I have just send a fax to YDP Agong at 1.48 pm

    Dear Tuanku,
    Greetings from Sabah
    Ampun Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku,

    I would like to urge YDP Agong Tuanku to consider the immediate set up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the profligacy of national wealth and resources of RM30 trillions and more as illustrated and identified in my 30 Police Reports of 1,000 pages as per schedule attached.

    I lodged the latest 29th Police Report on 27th July 2009 on Bank Negara Malaysia and my outstanding Police Reports which I believe had been treated as No further action. (Police report Karamunsing/012023/09 as attached)

    Ampun Tuanku and Daulat Tuanku, Thank you for reading this letter. We need to act now.

    Yours patriotic and humble subject,

    Joshua Y. C. Kong

    pw:proach disrobed

  4. #4 by ekompute on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 2:40 pm

    Joshua says: “I have just send a fax to YDP Agong at 1.48 pm.”

    Not a good time to be Agong. Be Agong also pening. Don’t know which side to side: BN or the Truth.

  5. #5 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 2:50 pm

    Surprised YDP Agong had just visited the Labuan Island where I was born.

    Was the handover to Federal Govt legally done on Labuan?

    pw: payees fers

  6. #6 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 2:57 pm

    Why only LIVE report on GMI’s demo?

    What about the other one on proISA? Any Police action there?

    pw:melanie achieved

  7. #7 by ekompute on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 3:05 pm

    Joshua says: “What about the other one on proISA? Any Police action there?”

    Are you Malaysian?

    Anyway, according to Malaysiakini, the pro-ISA group (obviously sponsored by BN) have decided not to have a counter-demonstration as threatened but to send a small delegation to meet the Agong. Looks like Najib does things in a more presentable manner. That Sleeping Beauty before him would have given a police permit to the pro-ISA group, LOL.

  8. #8 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 3:08 pm

    With the endless string of tear gas and water canon, the people would be more endangered to contact A(H1N1) easier.

    so many may be dead soon and whither 1Malaysia.

    pw:blau Sept

  9. #9 by ekompute on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 3:12 pm

    1Malaysia? I see 2Malaysia at the moment… one group against ISA and the other group for ISA. I think we should send some of those pro-ISA buggers to Kamunting… then when they come out, we will really have 1Malaysia.

  10. #10 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 3:14 pm


    why so late to decide on the change? chicken out? no more support for BN = Be eNd of ISA

    pw:tangos I’ve

  11. #11 by ekompute on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 3:22 pm

    Joshua asked: “why so late to decide on the change? chicken out? no more support for BN = Be eNd of ISA”

    How would I know… I am not one of them. I merely read from Malaysiakini a while ago when I followed the link given by LKS and proceeded to the Malay section which is flee of charge.

  12. #12 by taiking on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 3:35 pm

    Joshua said:

    “Why only LIVE report on GMI’s demo?
    What about the other one on proISA? Any Police action there?”

    Answer: too few pro-isa people so better not give them any coverage.

  13. #13 by SpeakUp on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 3:40 pm

    Look at today’s event and learn:

    1. People are tired of the demos, no one is bothered anymore, reported to be a mere 10,000 – 20,000 paxs;
    2. The Agong will come out, decide based on his conscience to save the people;

    I was in town and it was peaceful enough. Why? Hardly any protesters are out.

    Time to just forget all this ok. Wasting time only. PR has to work with what they have and work towards GE13 and finsh the job off. Time to wake up and face reality!

  14. #14 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 3:44 pm

    20,000 in city centre, tear gas fired
    Aug 1, 09 11:01am

    MCPXLIVE REPORTS [Photo Gallery]


    3.30pm: Anwar Ibrahim is giving a speech to the crowd at PAS HQ.

    3.20pm Bandaraya LRT station located next to Sogo has been closed. Earlier the Masjid Jamek station was also closed.

    pw: legroom hoped-for

  15. #15 by OrangRojak on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 3:56 pm

    wake up and face reality
    Everywhere you would consider migrating to has protests on this scale and much, much larger. The places you fear Malaysia becoming more like do not have protests.

  16. #16 by SpeakUp on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 4:10 pm

    Orang Rojak … NO ONE is coming out to save the Rakyat who are pro-PR. We cannot go on like this. The number are dwindling. That is a fact.

    We cannot fight the police because in Malaysia the powers that be DO NOT care. They are unlike Romania during Nicolae Ceau?escu’s reign. Even the police there backed down. We are like Tiannamen Square, we are able to suppress/hurt/kill our own kind despite the protest being consciously correct.

    PAS was calling for a huge turn out, nothing happened. Why? DSAI wants to work like this because its very politically good for him. He can sensationalise it when people are gassed and shot at or when he is arrested. Its called POLITICAL MARTYRDOM.

  17. #17 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 4:49 pm

    Who order the tear gas and water canon in shopping centres?

    If the crowds are allowed to move on to the Palace peacefully as the roads are for people to walk, and after reaching the Palace, they just disperse then there is not really disturbance to the business centres. This hapened for Bersih and Hindraf.

    So why waste all the public fund in gas and water and all the Police Hours now in detaining a few hundred demonstrators subject to hours of statements taking?

  18. #18 by SpeakUp on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 4:52 pm

    Joshua … people cannot be allowed to do that. It will be a snub in the face of the powers that be. You MUST respect Big Brother. You must know who is in charge. Hence, the show of force.

  19. #19 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 5:07 pm

    What show of force?

    N for RAHMAN? last resort to an end.

    pw: H.Y martian

  20. #20 by SpeakUp on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 5:11 pm

    Joshua … they are scared to lose power. They are very scared. That is why they clam down hard.

  21. #21 by boh-liao on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 5:16 pm

    What, after all the road blocks, FRU, arrests, tear gas, & water cannons
    still 20,000 took part in the Pro-ISA rally
    1Malaysia, some1 is mad, real mad
    “We have a plan”
    No ISA, more ISA
    Weeding time, operasi lalang

  22. #22 by yhsiew on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 5:33 pm

    No one respect the BN government anymore – ekompute.

    Yeah, even Tun Dr. M. does not respect the BN government anymore. He told Umno members not to blindly support party leaders’ decisions………


  23. #23 by lew1328 on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 5:46 pm

    Wow… with 5000 polices escortrd with tanks & weapons, KL folks may feel ‘SAVE’ at least for today on first of August, 2009. What:s a day. Special thanks to our 1 Malaysia PM

  24. #24 by limkamput on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 5:58 pm

    //PAS was calling for a huge turn out, nothing happened. Why? DSAI wants to work like this because its very politically good for him. He can sensationalise it when people are gassed and shot at or when he is arrested. Its called POLITICAL MARTYRDOM.//mosterball

    If you have nothing to say, I suggest you just shut up. Even a fish will get out of trouble if it knows when to shut up. What do you expect PR to do? Why can’t PR be allowed to assemble and finish with what they want to do? Did PR want to burn tyres, cars or shops? Why the police must always react unnecessarily. I am sure there would not be any disruption today if the demonstrators are just allowed to assemble and disperse. So don’t talk monkey here.

  25. #25 by taiking on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 6:17 pm

    10,000-20,000 is not a small number. And in any case the umno controlled papers/media always report a smaller number of participants in such protests.

  26. #26 by siamo on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 6:40 pm

    By the way, anybody know if Gerakan joined the rallly?

    If not, these Gerakan people are the kiasu of the kiasus. They pretend not being able to submit the memorandum to the Agung and therefore decided not to take part int he rally? Great show by Gerakan. Pretend to be anti ISA and yet takut to offend BN/UMNO and found a great way to opt out. If they really opt, then we have Kiasu Koon.

    What has ability to submit the memorandum got to do with joining or not joining the rally?

  27. #27 by Jeffrey on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 6:43 pm

    ///If you have nothing to say, I suggest you just shut up/// – Lim Kam Put

    Don’t indulge in blog plagiarism. You are using what I said to and of you (in another earlier thread) on others.

  28. #28 by yhsiew on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 6:57 pm

    By the way, anybody know if Gerakan joined the rallly? – siamo.

    Big-brother said, “No rally, diam diam, be a good boy.” So Gerakan called off the rally!

  29. #29 by limkamput on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 7:41 pm

    //Don’t indulge in blog plagiarism. You are using what I said to and of you (in another earlier thread) on others.// Resident nincompoop

    my goodness, is that phrase patented? Plagiarism my ass. If there is any, most of you are learning and copying my ideas and rewriting it in other threads and forms. You fellows have to accept reality. When i write, others read and listen. Other nincompoops here are just filling up space.

  30. #30 by a2a on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 7:46 pm

    100 Salute to those courage Anti-ISA suppoters.

    Many Malaysians are quietly support behind you.

    You are truly Justice Upholders. Salute to you all.

  31. #31 by a2a on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 7:48 pm

    100 Salute to those couraged Anti-ISA suppoters.

    You made a historic event of Justice supporters today.

  32. #32 by Joshua on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 7:52 pm

    20,000 rally in city centre, tear gas fired
    Malaysiakini Team | Aug 1, 09 11:01am

    MCPX[Photo Gallery]

    7.20pm: City police chief Mohd Sabtu Osman said that a total of 438 people were arrested as of 6pm, of these, 37 were women and 38 juvenile.

    Most of them have been taken Cheras police district for questioning where lawyers have been barred from meeting them.

    Mohd Sabtu was also reported as saying that the police were investigating 11 individuals, including PKR chief Anwar Ibrahim, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, DAP leader Lim Kit Siang and GMI chairperson Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh.

  33. #33 by yhsiew on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 8:29 pm

    Protest at Malaysia security law


  34. #34 by a2a on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 8:44 pm

  35. #35 by raven77 on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 9:29 pm

    If change has to come by force if the ballot box is trampled…then civil disobedience would be more effective……but you need a leader who can strategise that…..Anwar would not be that leader……

  36. #36 by ekompute on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 9:59 pm

    YHSiew says: “Yeah, even Tun Dr. M. does not respect the BN government anymore. He told Umno members not to blindly support party leaders’ decisions………”

    Hahaha…. you even quote Tun Dr M? For me, I don’t care two hoots what he says nowadays. I used to respect him a lot but I just woke up to the ugliness I see in him after Syed Ahmad Idid appeared on NST a few years back (see the article I contributed to Malay Wikipedia at http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syed_Ahmad_Idid ) But he was a good actor… a very good one who make it good by becoming a multi-billionaire through pubic service. Yaaaaa, pubic service, not public service. You can’t make good money by doing public service…. but you can make a lot through pubic service. Ask those prostitutes and see.

    (P/S: Not that the Tun speaks all rubbish. Some of the things he says still makes a lot of sense. Not all, but some. But I am not listening because he himself don’t walk his talk. Look at his human rights records and his wealth. And if the whole truth is revealed, I think all of us will faint. Will you take a lesson on how to walk straight from a crab? )

  37. #37 by ekompute on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 10:13 pm

    YHSiew says: “Yeah, even Tun Dr. M. does not respect the BN government anymore. He told Umno members not to blindly support party leaders’ decisions………”

    Everyone can say that except Tun Dr. M. He is an UMNO man and he should support UMNO, not sabotage it. Imagine how he would feel if he is still the Prime Minister and if some UMNO men did that to him? He will call them traitors, right? Yeah, and the same must apply to him. To me, UMNO begin its inexorable slide downwards during the Mahathir era, not after it. The landslide victory for Abdullah Badawi is testimony to the Mahathir rot. What makes you think that Abdullah himself could garner a landslide victory when he has nothing to show at that stage…. nor even after he became Prime Minister. To me, pure and simple. The old UMNO died in 1988 and the slide began with UMNO Baru. And who was the father of UMNO Baru? Who else?

  38. #38 by Jaswant on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 10:51 pm

    This self-confessed nincompoop should just wash his mouth with soap. Wassamatter? Talking to yourself on your own blog is not enough to occupy your time?


  39. #39 by SpeakUp on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 11:47 pm

    This is boring. Milo Tin Kosong can only argue by belitting other, accusing others of multiple accounts and never being able to answer point for point. This is getting so tiring …

  40. #40 by assamlaksa on Saturday, 1 August 2009 - 11:54 pm

    what is the point of police having all the road blocks? they can’t stop people from gathering for the march. it only serve to inconvenient others.

  41. #41 by SpeakUp on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 12:06 am

    assamlaksa … laws need to be enforced. That is a fact, even when DSAI comes into power he will do the same.

    But the main issue is the police will not issue a permit for a gathering that raises issues which affect a nation. There is no leeway for what is universally acceptable.

    BN feels its not for the people to protest, it shakes their iron grip. People cannot wake up to reality and take charge.

    I was watching Astro about a travel show of Taiwan. They have hip hoppers who hold street gatherings. The police cut them a deal. Police allow them to hold it each week in return they MUST hand out Anti Drink & Drive flyers. See how well it works?

  42. #42 by assamlaksa on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 12:46 am

    SpeakUp :
    assamlaksa … laws need to be enforced. That is a fact, even when DSAI comes into power he will do the same.

    I agree that the police need to enforce the law but the road block is ineffective. After all, those police & FRU stationed at strategic locations are the one doing the job not those at the road block. I was driving to Jalan Istana on Friday night and what the police did was closing one of the three lanes and just let the vehicles squeeze into the remaining 2 lanes. I don’t see any checking done, the traffic just slow down at the bottleneck causing the jam to pile up.

  43. #43 by Jeffrey on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 1:20 am

    ///.. most of you are learning and copying my ideas and rewriting it in other threads and forms. You fellows have to accept reality. When i write, others read and listen. Other nincompoops here are just filling up space…/// – Lim Kam Put

    An investment in illusion when the need for it is deep.

    /// Milo Tin Kosong can only argue by belitting other, accusing others of multiple accounts and never being able to answer point for point./// – SpeakUp.

    That would be to insult even a “Milo Tin Kosong”.

  44. #44 by ekompute on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 3:26 am

    SpeakUp says: “I was driving to Jalan Istana on Friday night and what the police did was closing one of the three lanes and just let the vehicles squeeze into the remaining 2 lanes. I don’t see any checking done, the traffic just slow down at the bottleneck causing the jam to pile up.”

    Well, what I guess they want to do is make people stay at home… create a traffic jam so that people will think twice before going out.

    I still remembered the unscrupulous Kulai police station located on the North-South trunk road that set up a police block every Saturday, creating jams of up to 2 hours just to pass through Kulai. And once PLUS was opened as an alternative route, they stop setting up those road blocks. What were they trying to do? Were they setting up the road block for any specific purpose? Of course, of course. They were trying to earn some side-income from those impatient drivers who cut queue along the road shoulders, that’s all. Does the Kulai police cares about creating inconvenience to the public?

    To me, police and robbers, they are the same… one has licence, the other don’t, but they rob you all the same. When I see a policeman these days, I just think, “ohh, a robber in uniform” and then try to avoid them, just as I would, a potential robber….. Gone are the days where we read in civics books about approaching policemen for help when you are in trouble.

  45. #45 by Jaswant on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 4:16 am

    ” …. most of you are learning and copying my ideas and rewriting it in other threads and forms. You fellows have to accept reality. When i write, others read and listen. Other nincompoops here are just filling up space.” limkamput

    Is that why nobody ever visited your blog, you bung hole! If nobody ever visited your blog, how could they steal your ideas. Furthermore, who would want to read, let alone steal anything from a self-confessed nincompoop?? Especially one suffering from paranoid schizophrenia??


  46. #46 by ekompute on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 5:19 am

    Let us not engage in internal squabbles and petty quarrels. This is what weakens a party and this will also weaken the respectability of this blog.

    Actually, all the ideas that we have today have been thought of by philosophers thousands of years ago. Democracy was invented by the Athenians, not by the United States. What is new? Nothing is new but a rehash of what has been said by many other philosophers since time immemorial.

    We don’t need egotists here. They want attention, so let’s just ignore them. This is the best insult we can ever give them, so let’s fall into their trap and be suck into useless arguments. Even if we win over them, it still means nothing because they truly are nothing worth winning over.

  47. #47 by ekompute on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 5:29 am

    Correction, although it is obvious from the context: This is the best insult we can ever give them, so let’s NOT fall into their trap and be suck into useless arguments. Hope it is not a Freudian slip, that’s all, LOL.

  48. #48 by Joshua on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 6:08 am

    Almost 600 arrested, including 44 juveniles
    Rahmah Ghazali | Aug 1, 09 8:56pm
    Almost 600 people were arrested as part of a massive police crackdown on an anti-Internal Security Act rally today in the city centre.

    Kuala Lumpur police chief Mohd Sabtu Osman told Malaysiakini that a total of 589 people were detained, of whom 40 were women.

    He also revealed 44 detainees were juveniles – those who are below the aged of 18. Twenty are still studying in secondary schools, while seven are university students.

    According to him, the arrests, which began as early as 7am today, were made under section 105 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) “to prevent illegal acts” from taking place.

    Most of them have been taken to Cheras police district for questioning.

    pw:reveler McKay

  49. #49 by frankyapp on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 6:32 am

    Wow 20 thousands or more proISA demonstrators from Umno/Bn,is this a patriotic act or just hypocricy ?. Turn the scenario around,this same very domonstractors would be shouting anit-ISA.Shame on you.

  50. #50 by techboy_88 on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 6:34 am

    i just surfed facebook this morning and some of my friends commented that they were annoyed by the anti-ISA & pro-ISA demonstration which caused a massive traffic jam in KL and disrupted their weekend activities.

  51. #51 by chengho on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 6:59 am

    mostly professional demonstrators Anwar VS Ibrahim
    UMNO vs PAS
    Anwar inculcate the culture of MOB rule just like the Roman before time….
    do not forget to check Swine Flu H1N1 among them

  52. #52 by yhsiew on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 8:00 am

    The police practiced double standards. They allowed a pro-ISA demonstrator to hand the petition to the King but disallowed the anti-ISA protesters to do so. This is typical of the BN government – the same law/rule applies to some but not others.

  53. #53 by yhsiew on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 8:15 am

    PAS should make use of the brutal scene of police beating PAS lawmaker Hatta Ramli, which was captured on camera during yesterday’s anti-Internal Security Act (ISA) rally, in the coming 8th by-election in Penang to garner votes.

    Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said there was no way the government was going to repeal the ISA, declaring that “as long as BN rules, the law stays.” PAS should also convey Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz’s message to the electorate of the by-election to warn them of BN injustice and oppression.

  54. #54 by k1980 on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 8:15 am

    So this is what 1malaysia is all about— you don’t agree with umno, you will get arrested

  55. #55 by ekompute on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 8:21 am

    YHSiew says: “The police practiced double standards. They allowed a pro-ISA demonstrator to hand the petition to the King but disallowed the anti-ISA protesters to do so.”

    I thought it is the palace officials who rejected the petition of the anti-ISA protesters because they had no appointment. Who knows? Maybe the pro-ISA demonstrators had one, or they could make one on the spot…. not surprising to me if this happens.

    We knowlaaaa, Malaysia, semua pun boleh kau tim if you got jalan. Even the law has to follow you. If no jalan, just shut up, uphold the Rukun Negara, and just mematuhi apa yang dikatakan undang-undang atau kelihatan seolah-olah undang-undang, hehehe.

  56. #56 by yhsiew on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 10:05 am

    KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 1 — Police have crushed an anti-ISA rally that turned the capital into a battlezone with tear gas and water cannon while ALLOWING a pro-ISA activist through to the Istana Negara………


  57. #57 by limkamput on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 11:05 am

    Jaswant :This self-confessed nincompoop should just wash his mouth with soap. Wassamatter? Talking to yourself on your own blog is not enough to occupy your time?

    Jaswantball, let’s face reality here. You secretly visit my blog to read everyday. I know that. Just get out from your chest, you will feel better.

    In any case who is going to believe what you say here? You are a chameleon who change handles like the way you change your underwear, if you wear one. Undergrad2@tomdumb@jaswant; I wonder what will be your next? Is it going to be mega nincompoop since you are so attracted by it? May be you would call yourself just-one-ball for this is who you are.

  58. #58 by k1980 on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 12:14 pm

    Naj’s True Colors (with apologies to Cyndi Lauper )

    You with the snake eyes
    Please be discouraged
    Oh I realize
    It’s easy to lose courage
    In a world full of people
    You can lose sight of it all
    And the darkness inside you
    Can make you feel so small

    But I see your true colors
    Shining through
    I see your true colors
    And that’s why I won’t vote for you
    Because you let them show
    Your true colors
    True colors are beautiful,
    Like a rainbow

  59. #59 by ekompute on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 1:07 pm

    Hi YHSiew, thanks to that reference to Malaysian Insider. It gives another take on the incident. I was reading Malaysiakini, “Gerakan gagal serah memo bantah ISA kepada Agong” at:


  60. #60 by SpeakUp on Sunday, 2 August 2009 - 3:40 pm

    ekompute & assamlaksa … you both got it 100% right. Why only deal with the protesters in one manner? Get the public to turn on them. How? Well, just set up road blocks that are there to create HUGE jams. I noticed it long ago … the police sit there and just chit chat la while one officer just waves cares by. Hahahahaaa … that is the tactic but you know what? Yesterday, many KL people were smart, they just stayed at home.

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