Archive for May 5th, 2008
RPK to be charged with sedition?
Posted by Kit in Court, Human Rights, IT on Monday, 5 May 2008
i have been informed that Raja Petra Kamaruddin has been ordered to surrender himself at the Jalan Duta magistrate’s court at 9.30 am tomorrow to be charged with sedition.
I have not been able to contact RPK to get confirmation.
Al-Fatihah and a letter to the Home Minister and all Parliamentarians
Posted by Kit in Azly Rahman, Crime on Monday, 5 May 2008
by Dr. Azly Rahman
Sad sad day.
Today is an extremely sad day for me. It concerns my beloved former English teacher, Puan Rahmah Sahamid. I had just read a Malaysia-Today entry on the passing of her beloved sister Habnah.
Let me reproduce a letter she wrote to Malaysia-Today and I am asking this issue which concerns perhaps millions of Malaysians as well to be brought to Parliament. I am asking both elected representatives from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat to deal with this in a bi-partisan manner.
Below is Puan Rahmah’s story and her urgent appeal, reproduced in full: Read the rest of this entry »
2007 Malaysian Population = 27.17 million
Posted by Kit in Parliament on Monday, 5 May 2008
Estimated Population in Malaysia for2007 – 27.17 million (93% citizens; 7% non-citizens)
Malaysian citizens comprise
Bumiputera – 66.4%
Chinese – 24.9%
Indians – 7.5%
Others – 1.3%
“All states register the same trend, i.e. bumiputera being the biggest group except for Penang with bumiputera and Chinese almost at par i.e. 44.2 per cent and 44.8 respectively .
Selangor registers the highest population, i.e. 4.96 million (18.3%) followed by Johore 3.24 million (11.9%) and Sabah 3.06 million (11.3%). States with less than one million population are Negri Sembilan (0.98 million), Malacca (0.74 million), Perlis (0.23 million) and Federal Territory Labuan (0.09 million).
(From Parliament Q & A)