Is anger towards Hadi under Islam and any of the religions of the world permitted because he has been untruthful, insincere and dishonest in repeatedly violating PR Common Policy Framework and PR consensus operational principle?

(Scroll down for BM version of this statement / Terjemahan BM di bawah)

I am surprised and shocked that PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang has invoked religion to say that it is an obligation for Muslims to vent their anger at DAP for opposing the implementation of hudud in Kelantan.

This is a very dangerous, divisive and retrograde step which can only undermine the process of Malaysian nation-building to create an united and harmonious multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysian citizenry.

Is anger towards Hadi permitted not only under Islam but any of the religions in the world for being untruthful, insincere and dishonest in repeatedly violating Pakatan Rakyat Common Policy Framework and Pakatan Rakyat consensus operational principle – which is why the Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council is in a crisis and has not met for more than three months as Hadi had unilaterally and arbitrarily disregarded the decisions of the PR Leadership Council or overruled PAS leaders who had attended in his absence, arrogating to himself a veto power over the PR Leadership Council?

Hadi first acted with utter dishonesty and insincerity during the May 2013 General Elections when he authorized PAS candidature to contest in six state assembly seats in the country which were allotted to PKR, resulting in three-cornered fights and the loss of PR in these seats.

The second time was Hadi’s overruling of the Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council decision on August 17, 2014 which was attended by the top leaderships of DAP, PKR and PAS (although Hadi was absent) that the PKR President Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail be appointed as Selangor Mentri Besar.

The third time was Hadi’s breach of his personal commitment at the PR Leadership Council meeting of Feb. 8, 2015 that any amendment to the 1995 Kelantan Syariah Criminal Enactment and any private member’s bill motion in Parliament on hudud implementation would first be presented to the PR Leadership Council.

The fourth time was when the 2015 Kelantan Syariah Criminal Enactment was presented and passed by the Kelantan State Assembly on March 19, without reference to the PR Leadership Council, and the fifth time was when Hadi himself presented a private member’s bill motion in Parliament on hudud implementation in the March/April meeting of Parliament also without reference to the PR Leadership Council.

The sixth time was the re-presentation of Hadi’s private member’s bill motion to the May/June meeting of Parliament, again without reference to the PR Leadership Council.

I expect Hadi to be played out by the UMNO leadership again and his private member’s bill motion will suffer the same fate in the current parliamentary meeting as in the previous Parliament, where it would not be given priority to be debated and voted upon.

Is Hadi going to invoke the wrath of the Almighty against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the entire UMNO/Barisan Nasional national leadership for again playing him out on the private member’s bill motion in the current Parliament?

Pakatan Rakyat is facing a crisis of survival not because of hudud, but whether PAS under Hadi is prepared to keep to the solemn promise to be committed to the Pakatan Rakyat Common Policy Framework and the PR consensus operational principle which all the three component parties, DAP, PKR and PAS have sworn would bind them.

If the PR Common Policy Framework or PR consensus operational principle could be unilaterally destroyed by anyone of the three PR component parties, then the basis for the continuation of PR has ceased to exist.

The greatest challenge facing PR today is not hudud but whether this PR Common Policy Framework and PR consensus operational principle can be salvaged and restored, or whether PR has just become history!

Hadi is not being honest or truthful when he said that DAP had agreed to the implementation of hudud in Kelantan.

The Joint Statement of Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council of Sept. 28, 2011 on hudud had made it very clear that while the three PR parties of DAP, PKR and PAS had “agreed to disagree” as to what had happened in the past, referring specifically to the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Enactment 1993 and the Terengganu Syariah Criminal Enactment 2003 passed before the formation of Pakatan Rakyat, the three parties agreed that for the future, all policies involving PR and their implementation must have the agreement of all three parties.

Hadi knew the import of the PR Leadership Council Joint Statement on hudud on Sept. 28, 2011 which explained his speech in Hulu Terengganu in May 2012 as well as in various parts of the country before the 13th General Elections where he said that hudud was not a PAS and PR priority as it could only be implemented if adequate conditions were met.

If I am wrong that Hadi does not have the numbers in Parliament to pass the private members’ bill motion as he would be played out again by UMNO, then the very unity, survival and integrity of the Malaysian Federation would be at stake as the nation would be facing the greatest crisis since its formation in 1963, with Sarawak and Sabah feeling betrayed that the fundamental condition for their forming the Malaysian federation – that Malaysia will be a secular state – had been violated.


(Teks Bahasa Malaysia)

Adakah kemarahan terhadap Hadi dibenarkan, bukan sahaja menurut agama Islam tetapi juga agama-agama lain di dunia, kerana beliau tidak berlaku jujur, tidak ikhlas dan khianat apabila terus menerus melanggar Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat serta prinsip konsensus Pakatan Rakyat?

Saya terkejut dan tidak sangka Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Hadi Awang sanggup menggunakan alasan agama untuk mengatakan bahwa adalah menjadi tanggungjawab umat Islam untuk menyatakan kemarahan terhadap DAP kerana membantah pelaksanaan hudud di Kelantan.

Ini sangat berbahaya, memecahbelah dan merupakan satu langkah ke belakang yang hanya akan melemahkan proses pembinaan negara bagi membentuk sebuah masyarakat yang bersatu dan harmonis, meski berbilang kaum, agama dan budaya.

Adakah kemarahan terhadap Hadi dibenarkan, bukan sahaja menurut agama Islam tetapi juga agama-agama lain di dunia, kerana tidak berlaku jujur, tidak ikhlas dan khianat apabila terus menerus melanggar Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat serta prinsip konsensus Pakatan Rakyat – yang menjadi sebab kenapa Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat berada dalam krisis dan tidak bermesyuarat lebih tiga bulan memandangkan Hadi secara unilateral dan sewenang-wenangnya mengabaikan keputusan Majlis Pimpinan, atau membatalkan pandangan pimpinan PAS yang hadir ke mesyuarat mewakili beliau, merebut kuasa veto ke atas Majlis Pimpinan?

Perbuatan tidak jujur Hadi berlaku buat kali pertama sewaktu Pilihanraya Umum Mei 2013 apabila beliau memberi kuasa kepada calon-calon PAS untuk bertanding di enam kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri yang telah diperuntukkan kepada PKR, mengakibatkan pertembungan tiga penjuru serta kekalahan bagi Pakatan Rakyat di kerusi-kerusi ini.

Kali kedua Hadi membatalkan keputusan Majlis Pimpinan ialah pada 17 Ogos 2014, yang dihadiri oleh pimpinan utama DAP, PKR dan PAS (walaupun Hadi tidak hadir) bahawa Presiden PKR Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail akan dilantik ke jawatan Menteri Besar Selangor.

Kali ketiga ialah apabila Hadi memungkiri komitmen beliau sendiri kepada Majlis Pimpinan dalam mesyuarat pada 8 Februari 2015, bahawa sebarang pindaan kepada Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Kelantan 1995 dan sebarang rang undang-undang persendirian di Parlimen berkenaan pelaksanaan hudud mestilah terlebih dahulu dibentangkan kepada Majlis Pimpinan.

Kali keempat pula ialah ketika Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Kelantan 2015 dibentang dan diluluskan oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan pada 19 Mac, tanpa merujuk kepada Majlis Pimpinan; dan kali kelima ialah apabila Hadi sendiri mengemukakan usul rang undang-undang persendirian di Parlimen berkenaan pelaksanaan hudud dalam sidang Mac/April, juga tanpa merujuk kepada Majlis Pimpinan.

Kali keenam pula ialah kemunculan semula rang undang-undang persendirian Hadi dalam sidang Parlimen Mei/Jun, sekali lagi tanpa merujuk kepada Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat.

Saya menjangka Hadi akan sekali lagi dipermainkan oleh kepimpinan Umno dan rang undang-undang persendiriannya akan berhadapan nasib yang sama dalam sidang kali ini sebagaimana nasibnya dalam sidang sebelum ini, apabila ia tidak diberi keutamaan untuk dibahas mahupun diundi.

Adakah Hadi akan membangkitkan kemurkaan Tuhan terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan seluruh kepimpinan Umno/BN kerana sekali lagi mempermainkan beliau dalam hal rang undang-undang persendiriannya di Parlimen?

Pakatan Rakyat berhadapan krisis bukan kerana hudud, tetapi kerana sama ada PAS pimpinan Hadi bersedia untuk berpegang kepada janji dan kekal komited kepada Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat serta prinsip konsensus yang telah dipersetujui oleh ketiga-tiga parti komponen DAP, PKR dan PAS.

Sekiranya Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat serta prinsip konsensus boleh dimusnahkan oleh mana-mana satu daripada tiga parti komponen Pakatan, maka asas untuk meneruskan Pakatan Rakyat sudah tidak lagi wujud.

Cabaran terbesar yang dihadapi Pakatan Rakyat hari ini bukanlah hudud tetapi sama ada Dasar Bersama dan prinsip konsensus ini boleh diselamatkan dan dipulihkan, atau Pakatan Rakyat hanya akan tinggal sejarah!

Hadi tidak jujur apabila menyatakan bahawa DAP telah bersetuju dengan pelaksanaan hudud di Kelantan.

Kenyataan bersama Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat pada 28 September 2011 berkenaan hudud dengan jelas bahawa sementera ketiga-tiga parti DAP, PKR dan PAS telah ‘bersetuju untuk tidak bersetuju’ dengan apa yang telah terjadi pada masa dahulu, merujuk secara spesifik kepada Enakmen Jenayah Syariah kelantan 1993 dan Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Terengganu 2003 yang diluluskan sebelum pembentukan Pakatan Rakyat, ketiga-tiga parti bersetuju bahawa pada masa akan datang, semua dasar dan pelaksanaan yang melibatkan Pakatan Rakyat mestilah mendapatkan persetujuan ketiga-tiga parti,

Hadi menyedari kepentingan kenyataan bersama Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat berkenaan hudud pada 28 September 2011 yang menjelaskan ucapannya di Hulu Terengganu pada bulan Mei 2012, serta di beberapa tempat lagi sebelum PRU ke-13 di mana beliau menyebut bahawa hudud bukan keutamaan PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat, kerana ia hanya boleh dilaksanakan sekiranya syarat-syarat tertentu dipatuhi.

Sekiranya saya salah dan Hadi tidak mempunyai angka sokongan yang cukup di Parlimen untuk meluluskan rang undang-undang persendirian kerana dipermainkan Umno, maka perpaduan, survival dan integriti Persekutuan Malaysia menanggung risiko apabila negara berhadapan krisis terbesar sejak ia ditubuhkan pada 1963, dengan Sarawak dan Sabah kedua-dua rasa dikhianati apabila syarat asas pembentukan Persekutuan Malaysia – bahawa ia menjadi sebuah negara sekular – dicabuli.

(Kenyataan media di Parlimen pada hari Selasa 19 Mei 2015)

  1. #1 by homeblogger on Tuesday, 19 May 2015 - 7:55 pm

    Looks like a stalemate. Worse, this Hadi fella is childish enough to goad PAS and Muslims to go extreme. First he says it’s all right to be angry with DAP. Next, go violent? Jihad? Then not only DAP but all non’s? Uncle Kit… please consider placing candidates in ALL constituencies for GE14. Not to do so will be disaster. After PR wins, PAS WILL betray the rakyat that voted for PR.

  2. #2 by MathiasVPetrus on Tuesday, 19 May 2015 - 8:43 pm

    If PAS decided to re-elect these people who have gone against PR manifesto & repeatedly went against agreement reached in PR leadership council, it will be clear PAS majority is against PR manifesto & cannot work with PR.

    PR then, cannot have PAS in the coalition anymore. You simply cannot partner with untrustworthy & undependable organization.

    If DAP & PKR still want to keep PAS in PR in spite of this scenario, then it means DAP & PKR are compromising PR manifesto which is supported by majority of rakyat for political expediency.

    If that is the case, me & my friends will definitely not vote for DAP or PKR.

  3. #3 by Sallang on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 - 2:14 am

    Agree with ‘homeblogger’, Hadi’s actions cannot be forgiven.
    PAS will lose many seats in GE14, because of hudud.
    Hadi has fallen into UMNO’s trap.

  4. #4 by Noble House on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 - 3:52 am

    I support secular state – not a religious one! But I support people having private religion including disagreeable views on different issues. If Hadi spent less time bitching about the afterlife, he would possibly enjoy living in the present more.

    The mistake will always repeat itself, unless he see himself as the problem — not others.

  5. #5 by boh-liao on Saturday, 23 May 2015 - 9:42 am

    Hadi is certainly a big agent or member of UmnoB
    LKS has been sleeping with an enemy of PR n DAP

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