Archive for category Najib Razak

To Malaysia’s eternal shame, we are singled out and named in the new book “The Corruption Cure” as the nation which the United States government is combatting in the fight against global kleptocracy

It is to Malaysia’s eternal shame that we are singled out and named in the new book, “The Corruption Cure” by Robert Rotberg as the nation which the United States government is combatting in the fight against global kleptocracy.

This is to be found in Page 288 of the book, which reads:

“Under President Obama and his two attorneys general, the U.S. has intensified its attack on corporate, sovereign wealth fund, and individual corruption because it is wrong, but also because the Department of Justice believes that such corruption is a major cause of global instability, a severe hindrance to economic development everywhere, a major creator of poverty, and a critical abuse of national social contracts. Funds pilfered abroad – as in the Malaysian government sovereign wealth fund case, where more than $3 billion was misappropriated – also distorts real estate markets and the overall American economy (witness Miami and New York). For all those reasons and more, corruption is a ‘threat to American national security’”.

Reading this paragraph, I find it most ironical and indignant that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak could speak about Malaysia strengthening the American economy when he visited US President Donald Trump at the White House on Sept. 12.
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Will Najib give an assurance that the Malay Rulers’ statement of concern on national unity and harmony will not suffer the same fate as their previous statement two years ago on 1MDB scandal, which was virtually ignored and disregarded

Will the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, give an assurance that the Malay Ruler’s statement of concern on national unity and harmony two days ago on Oct. 10, 2017 will not suffer the same fate as their previous statement two years ago on the 1MDB scandal, which was virtually ignored and disregarded.

The only reference, and a most indirect one, made by the Prime Minister to the Malay Rulers’ statement of concern on the 1MDB scandal was some three months later in Najib’s 2016 New Year Message on 31st December 2015 where Najib told Malaysians that his RM50 billion 1MDB and RM2.6 billion donation twin mega scandals had been resolved and were no more issues.

Najib could not be more wrong, as the past 21 months have shown that the 1MDB and Najib’s RM2.6 billion donation twin mega scandals have continued to haunt and hound Malaysians from various corners of the world.

As result, Malaysia has won the dubious distinction of being known worldwide as a “global kleptodcracy”! Read the rest of this entry »

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There is a plot to get MACC to arrest and parade me in handcuffs in orange-coloured MACC lock-up uniform to counter kleptocratic allegations against Najib over 1MDB scandal

Today’s Barisan Nasional owned and controlled media are full of pictures and story of the Parti Warisan Sabah vice president Datuk Peter Anthony, in handcuffs and in orange-coloured MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) lock-up uniform being taken to the Kota Kinabalu courthouse to be remanded for five days for further MACC investigations in connection with the siphoning off of some RM7.5 billion to supply water, electricity and roads to the rural poor.

I do not know anything about the latest Sabah corruption case, but I know there is a conspiracy and plot to get the MACC to arrest me under the allegation that former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had given me a RM1 billion bribe and parade me in handcuffs in orange-coloured MACC lock-up uniform.

This, according to the UMNO/BN election strategists, would be the best way to counter the kleptocratic allegations against Najib over the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal which had turned Malaysia overnight into a global kleptocracy.

The top UMNO/BN election strategists had brain-stormed long and hard as to what is the most effective way to counter the main issue against Najib in the “do-or-die” 14th General Election – the kleptocratic allegations, not only in Malaysia but world-wide, against Najib because of the 1MDB scandal.

The most powerful and effective way to counter and destroy this attack on Najib over kleptocracy and 1MDB scandal would be for Najib to prove that he is clean, honest and trustworthy, that there is no 1MDB scandal and that the lies about the US Department of Justice (DOJ) allegations against him as a kleptocrat and “MO1” are just utter lies and falsehoods. Read the rest of this entry »


“H” is Najib’s propaganda “war general”

The Prime Minister’s press secretary, Tengku Sarifuddin Tengku Ahmad said there is nobody in the Prime Minister’s Office who fits the description of “H”, as the Prime Minister’s Office has no officer named as such, nor does such an officer work for the PM.

But Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Youth chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman rightly told Tengku Sarifuddin not to “play on technicalities”, as the man identified as “H” is a known right-hand man of the Prime Minister.

Syed Saddiq also asked “H”, whom he alleged was the mastermind of the attempts to “buy” him, to come forward and deny the accusations.
Syed Saddiq said: “I have never met ‘H’ in person, but I have met his middlemen. I have met different individuals (who acted as his representatives) during various meetings.”

Is there such a person “H” who is Najib’s right-hand man, who is one of the “movers and shakers” of the top UMNO/BN leadership although he holds no official government or party position? Read the rest of this entry »


Is Dzulkifli emulating Najib in refusing to have any media conference because he is afraid like the Prime Minister that his boasts and bombasts may be pricked by journalists’ sharp questioning?

Is the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad emulating the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in refusing to have any media conference because he is afraid like the Prime Minister that his boasts and bombasts may be pricked by journalists’ sharp questioning?

Najib achieved a few “firsts” in his visit to the White House and meeting with US President Donald Trump on Sept. 12 – one of which was to strenuously avoid the press and evade any media conference from the Washington White House Press Corps who might ask him embarrassing questions about Malaysia’s global kleptocracy, 1MDB scandal, “MO1” and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) largest kleptocratic litigation to forfeit US$1.7 billion 1MDB-linked assets in United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland.

Today is Dzulkifli’s first major address to an international conference, the 9th International Conference on Financial Crime and Terrorism Financing since his appointment as Chief Commissioner of MACC a year ago.

However, after his keynote address at the international conferenc, he did one thing which key-note speakers do not do – he declined to take questions from the media.

Why was it necessary for Dzulkifli to “play safe” by avoiding a media conference, if the MACC has nothing to hide in its campaign to fight corruption in Malaysia? Read the rest of this entry »


Call on the civil service chiefs to resist the political pressures by Prime Minister and the UMNO/BN leadership to co-opt civil service to campaign for UMNO/BN in the run-up to 14GE

I call on the civil service heads to resist political pressures by the Prime Minister and the UMNO/BN leadership to co-opt the civil service to campaign for UMNO/BN in the run-up to the 14th General Election.

The civil service must be mindful that it is non-partisan and serves the government of the day, whether UMNO/BN or Pakatan Harapan, to further the interests of the people and country.

The civil service owes loyalty to the people and nation and not to any political party or coalition, as civil servants are paid from the taxes levied on Malaysians and not from the pockets of the Prime Minister or party coffers of any coalition of parties.

The political pressures applied on top civil servants to co-opt the civil service to campaign for UMNO/BN in the run-up to the 14th General Election has already caused several top public servants to commit public bloopers and become the butt of public jokes or adverse comments.

A case in point is the shocking statement by the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Ali Hamsa, who said yesterday that there is no problem with the Federal Territories Minister, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, openly inviting teachers to join UMNO at a school function in Putrajaya, which turned into a mini-UMNO affair with students singing the UMNO party song and waving UMNO flags.

Would Ali say that teachers can join DAP and the other Pakatan Harapan component parties, and if not, can the 13th Chief Secretary point out where in the General Orders is it stated that teachers can join UMNO but not DAP and the other Pakatan Harapan component parties? Read the rest of this entry »


Malaysia: 1MDB casts a long shadow

by Eric Ellis
October 04, 2017

This is the third year of the drama: as the government desperately tries to untangle its controversial fund before elections are called, Malaysians are asking who’s really paying to clean up the mess.

It was a revealing time to be a banker in Malaysia.

During the last week of July, word went around Kuala Lumpur’s banking circles that there could be a big government mandate in the offing, a deal to raise around $600 million, there for the taking for anyone up for the business. A $600 million transaction might not be especially large, but a deal is a deal, and even better if it’s for a sovereign, no? After all, the pickings have been a little slimmer for KL bankers ever since Malaysia was engulfed by the 1MDB corruption scandal in 2015, a saga that has rocked the ringgit, threatened Malaysia’s credit standing and plunged the country into chronic political and economic turmoil. At the centre of the scandal is Malaysia’s prime minister, Najib Razak, who received hundreds of millions of dollars via 1MDB, and who claimed the money was a donation from Middle Eastern supporters.

Two years on, the $12 billion debt drama at the Malaysian sovereign fund continues to reverberate at home and echo in regulators’ offices around the world, with investigations under way in seven countries – but notably not Malaysia. Given the suspicions of money laundering and embezzlement, investigators, some wielding indictments, are demanding answers to tough questions about important people implicated in the case. Read the rest of this entry »


Challenge to Najib to deny that he had not created an instant billionaire (in Malaysian ringgit) by approving RM1.8 billion commissions to Leissner or 9% of the three 1MDB bonds totally US$6.5 billion in 2012/3 – which is several times the industry average for underwriting risky bonds

The international headlines about former Goldman Sachs banker Tim Leissner, who had been linked to the 1MDB scandal, barred from the US securities industry for failing to provide documents for 1MDB investigations, is the latest proof that despite Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s optimistic forecast in his 2016 New Year Message 21 months ago that the 1MDB scandal was no more and his Sept. 12 visit to the White House and meeting with US President Trump, the 1MDB scandal is not only very much alive, but has become more global in its tentacles and scope.

The US Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (Finra) said the indefinite ban on Leissner was issued on Sept 11 as he did not respond to requests for documents and other information on 1MDB investigations.

The US industry body was probing Leissner’s departure from Goldman Sachs in early 2016, in particular into a reference letter he allegedly wrote during his time with the firm.

Leissner, who was formerly Goldman Sachs’ Southeast Asia chairperson, was an adviser to 1MDB and had allegedly issued an unauthorised letter in June 2015 to a financial institution in Luxembourg, vouching for controversial entrepreneur Jho Low, a key figure in the scandal surrounding the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund.

Goldman Sachs suspended him, and he later quit the firm. Subsequently, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) issued a 10-year ban against him trading in the country, effective March 13, 2017.

Leissner was prime mover in Goldman Sachs’ effort in raising US$6.5 billion through the sale of three bonds in 2012 and 2013 for 1MDB, a deal where the firm made US$593 millionh (or RM1.8 billion) in commissions.

Malaysians are entitled to know who in 1MDB, the Finance Ministry and the Government of Malaysia was responsible for approving US$593 million (or some RM1.8 billion) profits to Leissner or 9% of the three 1MDB bonds totally US$6.5 billion in 2012/3 – which is several times the industry average for underwriting risky bonds.

I challenge Najib to deny that he had not created an instant American billionaire (in Malaysian ringgit) in the 1MDB scandal by approving RM1.8 billion commissions to Leissner or 9% of the three 1MDB bonds totally US$6.5 billion in 2012/3 – which is several times the industry average for underwriting risky bonds. Read the rest of this entry »

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Ex-Goldman Banker Leissner Barred From U.S. Securities Industry

By Michael J Moore
October 4, 2017

Tim Leissner, a senior Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker before leaving the firm in the wake of its work with Malaysia’s embattled investment fund, has been barred from the U.S. securities industry for failing to provide documents to a regulator.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority issued an indefinite bar on Sept. 11, saying Leissner didn’t submit to its requests during an investigation, according to his employment records on Finra’s website. Leissner accepted the findings, without admitting or denying them, according to the self-regulatory body.

Leissner, once Goldman Sachs’s Southeast Asia chairman, was an adviser to 1Malaysia Development Bhd., an investment fund set up in 2009 to help the nation build infrastructure. 1MDB ultimately became embroiled in allegations of financial irregularities that sparked probes in multiple countries. Leissner left Goldman last year after questions about the fund, his work on an Indonesian mining deal and a reference letter he allegedly wrote. Read the rest of this entry »

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A government which has lost the ability to differentiate between right and wrong has forfeited the right to be the government of Malaysia

A government which has lost the ability to differentiate between right and wrong has forfeited the right to be the government of Malaysia

A government which has lost the ability to differentiate between right and wrong has forfeited the right to be the government of Malaysia – and this is why the UMNO/BN coalition must be replaced by the Pakatan Harapan coalition before Malaysians suffer more shame, indignity, infamy and ignominy.

What happened at SK Putrajya Presint 14(1) today is the latest proof that the UMNO/BN Federal Government has become a morally bankrupt coalition, which has lost the ability to differentiate between right and wrong or good and bad, capable of doing things which Bapa Malaysia and the other four former Prime Ministers would never have approved or authorized.

An important line had been crossed when hundreds of pupils and teachers SK Putrajaya Presint 14 (1) were required to participate in a “class decoration and performance” competition with the theme “Umno and Independence”, where Umno flags were draped all over the primary school’s compound and the pupils brandished Umno flags and crooned the party’s anthem.

At one point, a banner with the words “Hidup Umno, Hidup Melayu. Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya” (Long Live Umno, Long Live Malays. Before, Now and Forever) appeared on stage. Read the rest of this entry »


Salleh and Abdul Rahman are stooges because they are not only Najib’s court jesters, they also fit the other meaning of ‘stooge’ in blindly defending Najib’s lies and falsehoods

The Minister for Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak asked if standing up for one’s party to defend it against lies, slander and other attacks makes one a stooge. The answer is “NO’.

Such a question indicate two maladies: Firstly, Salleh’s poor grasp of thinking and logic, for I had never said or implied such a thing.

Secondly, his poor grasp of English, which seems to be an affliction reaching the highest levels of the UMNO/BN Cabinet and leadership.

Salleh never realized that when I said “Sabah has produced to UMNO stooges”, I was referring in the context like the “The Three Stooges”, where Salleh and the Director of BN Strategic Communications and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan played the role of Najib’s court jesters, becoming the laughing stock of the country.

On reflection, I agree that both Salleh and Abdul Rahman Dahlan also qualify for the second meaning of “stooge”, an unthinking underling who will do anything to please his master. Read the rest of this entry »

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Challenge to MACC chief, Dzulkifli to declare whether he dare to recommend that Najib is not a suitable candidate for the next general election because of involvement in the 1MDB scandal?

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has said that Barisan Nasional has submitted part of its 14th general election (GE14) list of candidates to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for screening.

Is Najib on this list of BN candidates for the 14GE submitted to the MACC for “screening”?

Even more important, dare the MACC Chief Commissioner, Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad recommend that Najib is not a suitable candidate for Barisan Nasional in the forthcoming general election because of his involvement in the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal?

Let Dzulkifli declare whether he dares to recommend Najib is not suitable as a BN candidate for the 14GE as Najib had single-handedly turned Malaysia into a global kleptocracy, something which the five previous Prime Ministers Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein, Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah, had never done in over half a century of premiership?
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A recent upsurge of race and religious issues over beer, shorts, launderette and Christianisation to compensate for the disastrous flops over Najib’s meeting with Trump and RCI on forex losses to target Mahathir and Anwar

There has been an upsurge of race and religious issues over beer, shorts, launderette and so-called Christianisation to compensate for the propaganda setbacks suffered by UMNO/BN over the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s meeting with US President Trump and the failure of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to target former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The Cabinet should take heed of the call by the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) Chairman Tan Sri Razali Ismail – whose distinguished diplomatic service included a year as President of the United Nations General Assembly – that Putrajaya should “take stock of the drift towards religious extremism”.

The prospect of creeping Talibanisation is the concern of all moderate and patriotic Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, culture or region, who love Malaysia and want the country to be an oasis of peace and harmony in a very troubled world and be an example to the world of how a plural society formed out of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures could unite to build a harmonious, tolerant, moderate and modern nation which is just, democratic, progressive and prosperous. Read the rest of this entry »

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Three FAQs on 1MDB scandal on whether Najib received RM2.6 billion donation from Saudi royalty and returned RM2.1 billion, whether the RM144 million pink diamond necklace for “wife of MO1” came from stolen 1MDB funds all answered in US DOJ kleptocratic suits

Tonight a historic political night for Pahang with the launch of Pahang Pakatan Harapan.

We have with us tonight the Pahang Pakatan Harapan Chairman and PKR Pahang Chairman, Datuk Fauzi Abdul Rahman (MP for Indera Makhota); DAP Pahang Chairman and Pahang Assemblyman for Tanah Rata, Leong Ngah Ngah and DAP Pahang Vice Chairman Tengku Zulpuri Shah b Raja Puji (State Assemblyman for Mentakab); Amanah Pahang Chairman Dr. Hamzah Jaafar and Amanah Pahang Deputy Chairman and Pahang State Assemblyman for Kuala Semantan Syed Hamid Syed Mohamed; Pribumi Bersatu Pahang Chairman, Datuk Salim Salleh as well as the national representatives of the four Pakatan Harapan component parties – Mohamad Sabu, Amanah President; Sdr. William Leong, PKR MP for Selayang and Akramshah Sanusi Junid, Pribumi Bersatu Central Commttee member.

The gathering of the national and state leaders of the four component parties of Pakatan Harapan to launch the Pahang PH wants to send out a clear message to the voters of Pahang – that Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region, are on to move to reclaim their democratic right to save Malaysia from kleptocracy and fulfill our Merdeka and Malaysia Dream for Malaysia to be a world-class example of “unity in diversity” where diverse races, religions, languages and cultures can come together to build a democratic, just, progressive and prosperous nation.

There is a great difference between the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan coalitions.

The BN coalition leaders talk in forked tongues – UMNO leaders playing the race and religious cards among the Malays, inciting fears among the Malay voters with lies that DAP and I are anti-Malay and anti-Islam, that Tun Mahathir, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim , Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Mohamad Sabu are all my stooges and can only say and do what I told them to do; but MCA and Gerakan leaders among the Chinese voters try to scare them with a different story, that I am a puppet of Tun Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim.

But we in Pakatan Harapan, whether DAP, PKR, Amanah or PBBM, say the same thing whether to Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans or Ibans – that the time has come for Malaysians regardless of race, religion, region or even politics to unite and as summed up in tonight’s theme, “Sayangi Malaysia, Hapuskan Kleptocrasi”. Read the rest of this entry »


Najib has recently developed very Trumpish habit with a special appetite for chest-thumping about the greatness of his premiership but why has he studiously avoided the subjects of Malaysia turning overnight into a global kleptocracy and the creeping Talibanisation in the country?

Najib has recently developed very Trumpish habit with a special appetite for chest-thumping about the greatness of his premiership but why has he studiously avoided the subjects of Malaysia turning overnight into a global kleptocracy and the creeping Talibanisation in the country?

Recently, since his return from his visit to the White House and meeting with US President Trump, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has developed very Trumpish habit with a special appetite for chest-thumping about the greatness of his premiership, but why has he studiously avoided the subjects of Malaysia turning overnight into a global kleptocracy and the creeping Talibanisation in the country?

Examples of such Najib’s “Trumpish” chest-thumping, which started with his return from his White House visit ten days ago, are: Read the rest of this entry »

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How long will Najib and his administration perpetrate the charade that there is no 1MDB scandal although it continues to make waves and hog international headlines and turned Malaysia overnight into a global kleptocracy?

How long will the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his administration perpetrate the charade that there is no 1MDB scandal although it continues to make waves and hog international headlines, the subject of the largest kleptocratic litigation and investigation by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and turned Malaysia overnight into a global kleptocracy?

So long as Malaysia plays the modern-day role of “The Emperor with no clothes” in the international arena, pretending that there is no 1MDB scandal within the four walls of Malaysia although in foreign financial centres, former bankers are convicted and imprisoned and banks and financial houses and banks are penalized and even closed down for involvement in the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal, so long will the 1MDB scandal hamper and impede the healthy political, economic, moral, nation-building and democratic development of the country.

It will even affect Malaysia’s foreign relations as witnessed by Najib’s recent disastrous visit to the White House and meeting with President Trump, the conspicuous absence of a press conference by Najib with the White House press corps and Najib’s equally conspicuous absence from the United Nations General Assembly opening session although he was in Washington a few days earlier. Read the rest of this entry »


Is the Prime Minister’s Office going to issue another “transcript” of what Najib said at the White House in his meeting with President Trump to prove that he had been “misconstrued”?

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said yesterday that his comment to the United States President Donald Trump on wanting to help strengthen the US economy had been “misconstrued” to “confuse the rakyat”.

Najib clarified: “I said that I was there to strengthen the economy which did not mean that we will contribute to the US economy without receiving anything from its economy.

“I meant that we were not there to ask for alms but that we were there as a successful country which has the potential to be a significant global player.”

This caused me to go back to the transcript of the exchange between Najib and Trump at the beginning of Najib’s visit to the White House on Sept. 12.

According to the transcript, this is what Najid said: Read the rest of this entry »


Malaysia police say beer festival axed due to security fears

United States
Sept 21, 2017

An annual beer festival in Kuala Lumpur has been axed due to information that militants were planning to sabotage the event, police said Thursday.

The Kuala Lumpur City Hall on Monday banned the “Better Beer Festival,” scheduled for Oct. 6-7 in a shopping mall, without giving any reasons. It followed protests from an Islamist party that called it a vice festival that could lead to criminal acts, rape and free sex.

The festival, which features craft beers from 43 breweries worldwide, has been held in Malaysia annually since 2012. The cancellation has angered many Malaysians, who slammed it as a sign of growing Islamization in the country.

National police chief Mohamad Fuzi Harun said police have information that unidentified militants were planning to sabotage the event because it was deemed to be against their struggle. He said that several other parties, which he didn’t name, were also planning to create chaos at the festival.

“To avoid any incident beyond our control, police have to be proactive by objecting to the organizing of the festival in order to ensure public safety and security,” he said in a brief statement. Read the rest of this entry »


Najib failed to project a “Malaysia First” image, instead he seemed to have knuckled down under to Trump’s “American First” doctrine, even proposing three “value propositions” to strengthen the American economy when he visited White House!

We can disagree, dislike or even disparage US President Donald Trump, and the latest abuse levelled against Trump is by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who blasted Trump as “mentally deranged” for threatening his country, but the fact is that however cocky, arrogant or even high-and-mighty Trump might be, he exuded an aura and persona which emphasizes “America First” image – despite the disastrous trajectory he had set for America in the next few years.

This is immediately grasped by anyone who watches the 5-minute 58-second video on the initial Trump-Najib exchange when Najib visited the White House and met Trump on Sept. 12.

What about Najib?

All I want to say is that Najib failed to project a “Malaysia First” image, instead he seemed to have knuckled down to Trump’s “America First” doctrine, even proposing three “value propositions” to strengthen the American economy!

I believe that the people in Johore, as in Malaysia, are waiting impatiently for the coming 14th General Election for two reasons:

Firstly, for Johor to be the frontline state to bring about the greatest change in Malaysia’s political landscape in 60 years by ensuring a change of government both at the Federal level in Putrajaya and in Johore State; and

Secondly, for Johoreans, regardless of race, religion, region or even politics, to unite as Malaysian patriots together with Malaysians all over the country to save Malaysia from being a global kleptocracy, and to reset nation building directions and policies so that we can become a successful, harmonious, progressive and prosperous plural nation as was our initial Merdeka Dream. Read the rest of this entry »


Better use of the RM60 billion to help Malaysians, like the closure of KRIMs, economic woes of 100,000 Felda settlers and the 700,000 PTPTN defaulters than the Quixotic objective to “strengthen the American economy”

Recently, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, went to the White House to meet with President Trump to help strengthen the United Sates economy, which is a ridiculous idea when we take into account that the American economy has a GDP close to US$19 trillion while the Malaysian GDP has not even reached US$300 billion!

It is the United States which should help strengthen the Malaysian economy, and not the other way round.

There is better use of the RM60 billion to help Malaysians, like the closure of KRIMS throughout the country, the 100,000 Felda settlers who have an economic crisis in their hands, or the 700,000 PTPTN defaulters instead of being used for the Quixotic objective to “strengthen the American economy”.

It is a sign of the failure of Najib’s economics and his policies that the Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) are being closed down all over the country, starting in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Kelantan and Sarawak. Read the rest of this entry »