Archive for category Elections

87-Day Countdown to 13GE – Persistently dishonest, unprofessional and lying BN mainstream media may prove to be the final undoing of Najib as Prime Minister and ousting of UMNO/BN from Putrajaya in 13GE

It is not only ironic but simply unbelievable that on the night of KL112, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak could host the Umno general assembly 2012 Media Appreciation Night and speak about the importance of the media to UMNO.

Rational and independent-minded Malaysians, including the four million middle-ground voters who will decide whether it is Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat which will form the federal government in Putrajaya in the 13th general elections, must be asking whether Najib is rooted firmly to the ground in reality or is living in a make-believe world of his own.

What Najib said about the media a few hours after the KL112, which marked an important turning point in a maturing democracy, is simply surreal.

How could Najib with a straight face urge the media to play the role of an intermediary that delivers the feelings and aspirations of the people to the government and which report the grievances and criticisms leveled at the government to enable improvements to be carried out when the Barisan Nasional mainstream media, whether print, radio, television or online, have been most guilty of the very opposite, completely unrepentant in fabricating and purveying lies after lies about the Pakatan Rakyat?

For weeks, the Barisan Nasional mainstream media had told a “Big Lie” about KL112 and they are still purveying the “Big Lie” after KL112, although the “Big Lie” had been completely pulverized and demolished as baseless and untrue! Read the rest of this entry »


This is it

— Christine SK Lai
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 13, 2013

JAN 13 — How do you describe the feeling of being part of a historic moment in time? You can’t, you just have to be there. You can ooh and ahh over all the Instantgram and Utube downloads, but nothing absolutely nothing beats being there in person, to be counted as one of the thousands upon thousands who turned up for KL 112 Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat rally.

By the time my gang of 3 not-so-young aunties alighted from the LRT station at Pasar Seni at about 11 plus, the streets were already packed with people of all races and ages clad mostly in yellow and green, with bright splashes of some in orange and red. To their credit, police personnel stood around unobstrusively though watchfully. Kudos also to the Unit Amal folks who managed crowd control as best they could. As we finished lunch, the crowd had swelled noticeably, all moving steadily towards Stadium Merdeka. Mercifully the sky was overcast with clouds, offering some welcome shade from the heat of the afternoon sun. It even drizzled a little but the heavens held up as people streamed into the open-air stadium.

I thought we were early but by the time we got in, the stands were already 3/4 full with a huge crowd gathered on the centre field itself. The whole thing was like some mammoth family carnival, with colourful teams waving flags, banners and placards; the atmosphere noisy with the loud intermittent blaring of vuvuzelas ….And the crowd simply grew and grew and grew. It was an amazing sight from where we were seated on the stands — a vast colourful ocean of people as far and beyond what the eye could see. Apparently there was another sea of people milling about outside the stadium grounds. Doesn’t matter what’s the final count — even that one picture on a main-line newspaper’s front-page said it all… Read the rest of this entry »


A rally for the mind and soul

by KSD
Jan 13, 2013

I want to be completely honest. I did not expect a large crowd at the Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (HKR).

I wasn’t pessimistic because I thought that sentiment had changed; my worries stemmed from the fact that the police and the government had surprising agreed to let the rally proceed without obstacles.

It is the nature of people to push back when pushed and I thought that without roadblocks, physical and psychological; without the presence of policemen in riot uniforms and tear gas canisters and without the threats of the goons from Perkasa, the people who want change would stay home.

And so, because I did not want the rally organisers to face the ignominy of an empty stadium, I went to the rally.

Before I tell you about my HKR experience, let me tell you who I am so that you can understand how I felt yesterday. Read the rest of this entry »


7,605 steps to freedom

— May Chee
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 13, 2013

JAN 13 — My husband wears a pedometer whenever he walks. It read 5500 when we left KLCC and 13105 when we stepped on the grass at the Stadium Merdeka. That meant he executed 7605 steps following the route taken by the Himpunan Kebankgitan Rakyat leaders leaving from KLCC.

As usual, we enjoyed the camaraderie prevalent in such rallies. People we met in the washroom in KLCC remembered us during the march to the stadium. They were from Terengganu, Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, etc, from every nook and cranny of Malaysia. Just fantastic! Though the crowd was made up mostly of our Malay brothers and sisters, I believe there was more than adequate representation from the whole of Malaysia.

Clearly, from the banter we had all along the way, was this clarion call for Change. Ubahlah, Kali inilah, Undur BN, Undur Isa Samad and all accompanying chants pointedly showed Malaysians need and yearn for Change. As Ambiga rightfully reiterated, “This is it”, Change must come now.

BN has been given the mandate for more than 55 years to govern the peninsula and almost 50 years, Sabah and Sarawak. The land flowing with milk and honey they promised has since been inhabited solely by themselves and their ilk, leaving many others living in subhuman conditions. This is unacceptable. We were a blessed nation with vast resources. There’s no reason why some of us are expected to be resigned to a fate so cruel and not one of our own making but that of our corrupted and greedy leaders.

The exploitation, oppression and political repression by our modern-day overseers, mouthing reforms just smack of plain hypocrisy on their part. They behave as if they are an alien authority, flogging the common rakyat for more and more. Their greed knows no bounds. Stupidity, too, if they think they can continue in their avaricious ways. Read the rest of this entry »


88-Day Countdown to 13GE – KL112 the major turning point for maturing democracy in Malaysia

The peaceful and successful holding of the Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat at Stadium Merdeka (KL112) yesterday is a major turning point for maturing democracy in Malaysia.

It achieved many historic firsts in Malaysia, including:

• The peaceful gathering of 100,000 patriotic and visionary Malaysians of all races, religions and region, regardless of age or gender, coming together in hope, goodwill and unity for a better Malaysia where there is freedom and justice for all Malaysians and future generations;

• No playing of the race or religious card, no race or religious baiting or incitement to provoke hatred and conflict in any of the speeches whether by Pakatan Rakyat leaders or civil society representatives;

• No dissemination of lies or falsehoods, as has become the wont and modus operandi of Barisan Nasional leaders and their propaganda organs in their attacks on the Pakatan Rakyat;

• 10-point call by Pakatan Rakyat and civil society for freedom, justice and sustainable development representing all races, religions and regions to build a united, harmonious, progressive and prosperous Malaysia;

• Pakatan Rakyat pledge with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim leading 100,000 Malaysians chanting “Merdeka” to continue the Merdeka legacy of Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman who shouted “Merdeka” seven times in Merdeka Stadium on August 31, 1957 – symbolising the new phase of the Merdeka struggle to free the country from local oppressive rule;

• At the end of KL112, never before in Malaysian history has the national anthem Negaraku been sung with such passion, hope and deep feelings by Malaysians of all races, religions and regions for democratic change to bring about a better Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »


Winning by popularity: Can Umno rely on the prime minister’s personal standing?

— Clive Kessler
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 13, 2013

JAN 13 — “BN needs to milk Najib’s popularity harder, say analysts” reads a recent headline (The Malaysian Insider, 12 January 2013).

Sorry, but this is just delusional.

A strategy that seeks to use Najib’s supposed popularity to save Umno/BN, to pull its chestnuts from the fire at the last moment, will fail miserably.

Umno has been around, and in charge (though in recent times unconvincingly), for over half a century.

Najib has been PM for less than five years.

So, with reason, he is less unpopular than his now increasingly unpopular party. Read the rest of this entry »


Letter to Hisham

— Gobind Singh Deo
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 12, 2013

JAN 12 — Tens of thousands of Malaysians gathered today at Stadium Merdeka. Contrary to what the Minister of Home Affairs would like to believe, there was no unrest, no chaos and no violence which would go down in history to yet again mark this day with the likes of earlier demonstrations in the city.

The police were not required to assemble in thousands in the city. They did not have to stand in line in the sun up against their own fellow Malaysians. The water cannons didn’t have to be used. Not only that, there were no arrests. There was no makeshift police station specifically set up to house the thousands of people arrested. There was no need for the police to send out teams of investigating officers who would need to work tirelessly taking down statements from all those arrested.

There was also no need for lawyers to be lined up outside these stations all night waiting for access to those detained. There was no need for the families of those detained to worry about their safety not knowing their whereabouts or what was to happen to them next.

There were no incidents in which anyone was injured. There was no overturning of cars, no scenes of persons being shot at by water canons or running in fear or being chased or beaten by the police.

There were no scenes of people, old or young, drenched with chemically laced water, with their eyes swollen, having difficulties breathing. There were no reported incidents of people dying on the streets.

All in all there are no news reports published to the rest of the world wherein we the people of Malaysia are depicted as criminals who run riot in our own country in need of attack from our own police. Read the rest of this entry »


Why are we here today?

― Ambiga Sreenevasan
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 12, 2013

JAN 12 ― My friends, why are we here today?

Why have we chosen to give up our Saturday to gather here? Together. Again.

The answer is, we love our country. We care about Malaysia. We care about Malaysians. Our children, our parents, their future, our future.

And more importantly we are here because we have hope. We think that a better Malaysia is within our grasp. We know it is. I know it is. And it is all because of you ― a rakyat that cares enough to do something about achieving a bright future for our country.

As far as Bersih 2.0 is concerned, we just want clean and fair elections. If there is to be change in the leadership, we want to do it through the ballot box. Our objectives are clear and clean and fair. Our message to all the political parties is: Respect our rights as citizens, honour our vote, and, give us clean and fair elections!

Yet I have unhappy news ― by all accounts, GE 13 will be far from clean and fair. I will not go into the details, many of you know them. The recent fiasco with the overseas voters is yet another example. The suggested process is not clean, not transparent and the conditions that have been imposed on overseas voters are not, in my view, constitutional. Read the rest of this entry »


Tweets on #KL112 #HKR

Tweets on 112 Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat at Stadium Merdeka

1. Najib, ensure peaceful rally to prove ‘best democracy’ – Lim Kit Siang (Mkini) 20m

2. Let all Msians be proud of today. We can differ but we respect each other’s right 2peacefully assemble n express our concerns #KL112 #HKR 11m

3. Day 4all Msians 2stand up 4democracy/justice. Everyone’s responsibility 2ensure #KL112 #HKR peaceful – PR, BN, police, civil society n all 6m

4. World watching. Ensure no provocations. Let #KL112 #HKR be harbinger Msia can aim 2b “world’s best democracy” w successful peaceful assembly 1m


89-Day Countdown to 13GE – Will Johore MB Ghani Othman be asked to retract his prediction that PR can win the 13GE with 5% to 10% majority or majority of 12-22 seats?

Last evening, Bank Islam Malaysia distanced itself from its chief economist’s prediction in a Singapore forum that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) can notch a slim win in the 13th General Election.

Bank Islam managing director Datuk Seri Zukri Samat said in statement that the bank was not a party to the Singapore Regional Outlook Forum on Thursday , and “not related or involved in anyway in the event” and that the views expressed by its chief economist Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin were “entirely his personal view and should not be linked or attributed to Bank Islam whatsoever”.

At the Singapore regional forum, Azrul had computed that Barisan Nasional was likely to win only between 97 and 107 of the 222 parliamentary seats – yielding for a Pakatan Rakyat federal government a parliamentary majority ranging from eight to 28 seats.

Never mind whether Azrul’s projection is an official or unofficial estimate of Bank Islam, the fact is that this is a projection which UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders have also arrived at based on their own feedbacks, calculations and computations – indication that the 13GE is going to be a very close affair as to whether it is Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional which is going to win the race to Putrajaya.

The Johore Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Osman gave almost the same scenario as Azrul when he spoke to Kulai Chinese organisations on Tuesday, conceding that Pakatan Rakyat could win Putrajaya in the 13GE, although he warned that the most the Pakatan Rakyat could win would be a slim majority of 5% to 10% of the parliamentary seats.

Pakatan Rakyat winning a slim 5% to 10% parliamentary majority would range from PR winning 117 seats to BN’s 105 seats with a 12-seat majority (i.e. 5.5% majority) to PR winning 122 seats to BN’s 100 seats with a majority of 22 seats (i.e. 10% majority). Read the rest of this entry »


90-Day Countdown to 13GE – Let Najib prove sincerity in wanting Malaysia to begin journey to be “world’s best democracy” by ensuring peaceful and historic holding of 112 Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat at Stadium Merdeka tomorrow

Yesterday evening, while on the way to Pontian to launch the DAP Tanjong Piai 13GE operations centre, I tweeted the following:

“PR to give full co-operation. Call on all Malaysians to make 112 historic day Police aim for ‘zero casualties’ at weekend rally Mkini”

This was after I read the report that the Police corporate communication chief, Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf had declared at a media briefing at Bukit Aman that despite casualties which happened during previous rallies and protests, the police aimed to have “zero casualties” at tomorrow’s rally.

Ramli stressed that security is the police’s utmost priority, that the police are serious about the security and safety of everyone and that this matter was also discussed at the meeting between the inspector-general of police and organisers few days ago.

At the meeting concerned last Tuesday, the IGP, Tan Sri Ismail Omar told Pakatan Rakyat leaders that he wants the Jan 12 rally to be “a historic moment where the police can learn from their past weaknesses” and gave a guarantee that the police will merely take on a facilitatory role during the planned rally at Stadium Merdeka.

It therefore came as a shock and surprise that later in the evening, there were reports that the police did an “about-turn” when the Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Mohamed Salleh issued a press release, wanting the Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat to be held in Stadium National Bukit Jalil instead of in Stadium Merdeka.

This was clearly the result of unacceptable political interference with the police by the political leadership, in view of the demands by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Datuk Ahmad Maslan, who is also UMNO Information Chief that the Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat should be held in Stadium National Bukit Jalil and not Stadium Merdeka.

I am glad that good sense has finally prevailed and that the rally tomorrow will be held at Stadium Merdeka as had been agreed with the police authorities. Read the rest of this entry »


In tea leaves, economist sees slender Pakatan win

The Malaysian Insider
Jan 11, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 11 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will notch a slim victory over the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) in Election 2013, according to calculations by Bank Islam Malaysia’s chief economist Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin.

In a report by The Straits Times of Singapore, Azrul’s computations found that BN was likely to win only between 97 and 107 of the 222 parliamentary seats — insufficient to reform the next administration.

But the result would also mean that PR will only gain a shaky hold over Parliament and far from the supermajority once enjoyed by its rival.

The outcome was considered the most probable during the banker’s presentation at the Regional Outlook Forum in Singapore yesterday, and took into account factors such as race and demographics. Read the rest of this entry »


91-Day Countdown to 13GE –BN leaders are suddenly describing Malaysia virtually as “heaven on earth” because UMNO/BN leaders conscious they can lose Putrajaya in 13GE, likely to be held by end of March

Suddenly, UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders are describing Malaysia virtually as “heaven on earth” despite the glaring failures of 1Malaysia Policy and various Transformation Programmes, because UMNO/BN leaders are very conscious that they can lose Putrajaya in the 13th General Elections which is very likely to be held by end of March.

Conveniently ignored are:

• the worst racial and religious polarisation in the nation’s history;

• the most irresponsible politics of hatred, conflict, lies and falsehoods perpetrated by the ruling coalition and its mainstream media (MSM) since Merdeka in 1957;

• the Transparency International Corruption Perception Indices which showed that corruption under the four-year Najib premiership was worse than under all the previous Prime Ministers;

• the latest Global Finance Integrity report which showed that on a per capita basis Malaysia is No. 1 in the world on illicit and corruption money outflow (whether in terms of black money siphoned out of the country for 2010 which is RM196.8 billion or for the past decade 2000 – 2010 which is RM871 billion); or

• the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2011 on the two critical subjects of mathematics and science which showed that Malaysia is providing an inferior education system whether compared to other countries or with our own past.

Even Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who distanced himself from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia policy declaring that he is “Malay first, Malaysian second”, is in the forefront singing praises for Malaysia – claiming that Malaysia has now become the “darling of investors” because of the various Transformation Programmes. Read the rest of this entry »


Deep despair in BN corridors

Toffee Rozario | January 10, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

For the Barisan Nasional government to fall, the majority of the Malays must vote the opposition and that is the definitive trend today.


The signs are there, it is just too many. The next general election is going to deal a huge blow to the Barisan Nasional government and it will be a blow that will take BN at least 20 years to recover.

The recent revelations, coming in spurts, are a typical Umno strategy, which Dr Mahathir Mohamad used so often and that explains the succession he has passed on.

Although I am convinced that former Inspector-General of Police Musa Hasan and carpet trader Deepak Jaikishan are telling us the truth, I doubt their sincerity.

I believe they are doing this because they were short-changed. They are revealing the truth in instalments in the hope that the big pay day will come.

That’s when they will decide whether to keep quiet or spill more. But when and if that big “pay day” comes, then I believe they will wait for yet another bigger pay day; after all, isn’t the current “strategy” just pay, pay and pay?

I doubt Deepak’s claims that he will tell all. He is waiting for the big payouts and he wants it as soon as possible.

He knows as much as Najib Tun Razak, Rosmah Mansor and Mahathir that the end is near and that the BN government is going to be dumped.

In fact, they all know that and are trying their level best to intimidate the people. But this time it will not work. Read the rest of this entry »


92-Day Countdown to 13GE – Malaysia as “safest country in Southeast Asia” meaningless when Malaysians live in fear everyday of worsening crime

This is what a top Barisan Nasional mainstream media (BN MSM) editorial officer blogged yesterday:

“Why are these criminals still going about their merry way robbing and hurting people at traffic lights, at their homes and everywhere?

“Why are they still so bold?


“I’ll be honest — I am living in fear. My family is living in fear. And we are not the only ones.

“Not only residents of housing estates fear of being attacked anytime, anyday.

“People…people driving in their cars..people walking…

“You fear when you arrive at the gate of your home — if anyone has been following you or lying in wait.

“You are just so fearful. Read the rest of this entry »


Pengiraan Detik 93 Hari ke PRU13 – Najib sepatutnya membubarkan Parlimen pada 8 Mac sempena berakhirnya penggal 5 tahun Parlimen bukannya menggunakan Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia untuk menjamin 50 hari lagi sebagai PM yang tidak dipilih

Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia menyebut:

“55(3) Melainkan jika dibubarkan terlebih dahulu, Parlimen hendaklah terus berjalan selama lima tahun dari tarikh mesyuarat pertamanya dan selepas itu adalah terbubar.”

Parlimen ke-12 dipilih pada 8 Mac, 2008 – hari membuang undi untuk pilihan raya umum ke-12.

Mesyuarat pertama Parlimen yang terkini adalah pada 28 April, 2008. Di bawah perkara 55(3), melainkan Parlimen dibubarkan terlebih dahulu, Parlimen ke-12 akan terbubar dengan sendirinya pada 27 April, 2013.

Perdana Menteri ke-6 Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Razak adalah Perdana Menteri tanpa mandatnya sendiri yang paling lama memerintah – jauh lebih lama berbanding empat Perdana Menteri sebelumnya iaitu Tun Abdullah, Tun Mahathir, Tun Hussein and his father Tun Razak.

Beliau sepatutnya membubarkan Parlimen pada 8 Mac 2013 apabila berakhirnya penggal 5 tahun Parlimen dan bukannya menggunakan Perkara 55(3) Perlembagaan Malaysia untuk menjamin 50 hari lagi sebagai Perdana Menteri yang tidak dipilih. Read the rest of this entry »

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93-Day Countdown to 13GE – Najib should dissolve Parliament by 8th March on expiry of 5-year tenure of Parliament instead of resorting to Article 55(3)of Constitution to secure another 50 days as unelected PM

Article 55(3) of the Malaysian Constitution states:

“55(3) Parliament unless sooner dissolved shall continue for five years from the date of its first meeting and shall then stand dissolved”.

The 12th Parliament was elected on March 8, 2008 – the polling day for the 12th general elections.

The first meeting of the present Parliament was on April 28, 2008. Under Article 55(3), unless Parliament is sooner dissolved, the 12th Parliament shall stand automatically dissolved on April 27, 2013.

The sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is the nation’s longest unelected Prime Minister without a mandate of his own – longer than his four predecessors Tun Abdullah, Tun Mahathir, Tun Hussein and his father Tun Razak.

He should dissolve Parliament by 8th March 2013 on expiry of the five-year tenure of Parliament instead of resorting to the Constitutional device in Article 55(3) to secure another 50 days in office as unelected Prime Minister. Read the rest of this entry »


Pengiraan Detik 94 Hari ke PRU13 – Untuk menguji keyakinan UMNO bahawa tsunami 2008 telah dihentikan Najib perlu mengisytiharkan bahawa UMNO/BN akan menerima keputusan pengundi dalam PRU13 termasuklah pertukaran kerajaan di Putrajaya

Baru-baru ini pemimpin UMNO kelihatan penuh yakin, sekurang-kurangnya pada umum, berkenaan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.

Ketua Penerangan UMNO, Datuk Ahmad Maslan contohnya telah mengisytiharkan bahawa Perdana Menteri Seri Najib Razak telah menghentikan “tsunami politik” 2008 dengan pelbagai ikrar dan program transformasi sejak April 2009.

Beliau berkata: “pada 2008 kita khuatir ada tsunami politik, tetapi 2013 saya yakin ia sudah lama berhenti.”

Ahmad jugalah yang tahun lepas meluahkan keyakinan bahawa Barisan Nasional akan mendapatkan semula 20 kerusi perlimen yang dipegang Pakatan Rakyat untuk memperoleh majoriti dua pertiga parlimen dalam PRU13 – mengekalkan 140 kerusi parlimen yang dimenangi dan merampas lime daripada 23 kerusi yang dipegang PAS, lima daripada 29 yang dipegang DAP dan 10 daripada 31 kerusi PKR.

Persoalan yang terlintas di fikiran adalah mengapa Najib berterusan berbolak-balik tentang tarikh pilihan raya umum ke-13 sekiranya kepimpinan UMNO begitu yakin telah menghentikan tsunami 2008 dan mampu mendapatkan semula majoriti dua pertiga parlimen – selain itu memenangi kembali semua lima negeri yang tewas kepada Pakatan Rakyat dalam pilihan raya umum 2008? Read the rest of this entry »


94-Day Countdown to 13GE – Test of UMNO confidence that 2008 tsunami has been halted is for Najib to declare that UMNO/BN would accept verdict of voters in 13GE including change of government in Putrajaya

Recently, UMNO leaders are exuding supreme confidence, at least to the public, about the 13th General Elections.

UMNO information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan for instance has declared that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has halted the “political tsunami” of 2008 with his various transformation pledges and programmes since April 2009.

He said: “In 2008, we were worried of the ‘political tsunami’ but in 2013, I am confident it has ended.”

It was also Ahmad who last month expressed confidence that the Barisan Nasional would wrest back 20 parliamentary seats held by Pakatan Rakyat to secure two-thirds parliamentary majority in the 13GE – retaining the 140 parliamentary seats it won and capture five of the 23 seats held by PAS, five of 29 held by DAP and 10 of the 31 PKR seats.

The question that immediately comes to mind is why Najib keeps vacillating about the 13th general elections date if the UMNO leadership is so supremely confident about halting the political tsunami of 2008 and regain its two-thirds parliamentary majority – not to mention winning back all the five states lost to Pakatan Rakyat in the 2008 general elections? Read the rest of this entry »


Pengiraan Detik 95 Hari ke PRU13 – Sekiranya Deepak membuat cuma 10% dakwaan terhadap pemimpin DAP/PR sepertimana yang dia lakukan terhadap Najib dan pemimpin UMNO/BN, dia mungkin kini sedang muncul dalam semua media perdana BN sejak enam minggu lalu dan bukannya digelapkan terus.

Sepanjang tiga hari lalu merupakan hari-hari yang sukar buat pemimpin, ahli dan penyokong DAP di dalam 47 tahun sejarah parti, kerana DAP telah memenuhi muka depan media perdana Barisan Nasional sejak dua hari lalu dan memenuhi semua siaran yang dikawal Barisan Nasional.

Berikut adalah tajuk berita muka depan yang lantang di dalam media perdana BN sejak dua hari lalu:

DAP silap kira undi? – Pengarah pilihan raya parti itu letak jawatan (Utusan Malaysia 5.1.13)

Drama DAP – Lagi persoal isu silap kira undi (Mingguan Malaysia 5.1.13)

DAP election FIASCO – Error raises doubts about party’s ability to rule country (New Straits Times 5.1.13)

‘Embarrassing glitch’ – (New Sunday Times 6.1.13)

Sandiwara DAP pujuk Melayu – Ambil masa tiga minggua akui kesilapan pemilihan CEC (Berita Harian 5.1.13)

Tindakan DAP ‘luar biasa’ – Pinda keputusan pemilihan janggal, timbul banyak persoalan: Muhyiddin (Berita Harian t6.1.13)

It doesn’t add up (Star 5.1.13)

Read the rest of this entry »