Encore Melaka Theatre with its 2,000-seat revolving auditorium a marvel in South-East Asia and must be experienced by every Malaysian and global citizen

I am very impressed by Encore Melaka Theatre, with its 2,000-seat revolving auditorium, which is a marvel in South-East Asia and must be experienced by every Malaysian and global citizen.

I had not expected to be immersively assaulted by the sights, sounds, lights and colours of the Encore Melaka Theatre, and although the story-line can be improved further, it is an experience not to be missed.

Designed by China’s state-owned Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, the state-of-the art theatre will seat more than 2,000 people on a one-of-a-kind 360-degree rotating platform.

It is located at the city’s waterfront and the 70-minutes long mega show reminiscing life stories of the locals with state-of-the-art production sets.

The audience will experience 360-degree rotating audience platform fronting a 240-meter long stage, multi-lifting platforms and a 3D mapping projection that creates virtual reality that travels through time. Encore Melaka is a multi-venue performing arts centre in Melaka City, Malaysia – a cutting-edge technology and innovative practices n theatre production.

It highlights what I proposed yesterday at the launching of the Chinese translation of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s 1996 book on “The Asian Renaissance” of a seven-nation committee to make China’s proposal at the 78th UN General Assembly on June 7, 2024 to designate June 10 as the International Day for Dialogue among Civilisations meaningful and great namely China, India, United States, Iran, Egypt, Turkey and Malaysia.

The inclusion of Malaysia is because Malaysia is the meeting point of various civilisations, in particular Islam, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, Taoism and Sikhism, a fact highlighted by the Encore Melaka show just now.

This is the occasion were Melaka and Malaysia can show the way into the future for the world.

I will suggest that Anwar Ibrahim and every Cabinet Minister should sense the assault of the sights, sounds, lights and colours of Encore Melaka,for they represent the diversity and inclusiveness of Malacca and Malaysia, by visiting Encore Melaka.

It will help them understand why this is the time of Civilisational Dialogue, so that we can escape the Thucydides Trap and there will be no World War Three between the United Staes and China but civilisational co-operation, understanding and hopefully fusion among civilisations.

I said yesterday that the 21st Century is the Asian century and all earthlings need a global mindset thinking beyond individuals, nations or even blocs of nations.

(Comments by DAP Veteran Lim Kit Siang after visiting the Encore Melaka Theatre’s Impression Series on Monday, 29th rJuly 2024 at 5.30 pm)

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