Does UMNO endorse Nazri’s questioning of non-Malay and non-Muslim as Finance Minister, Attorney-General and Chief Justice?

UMNO Acting President Datuk Mohamad Hasan said that Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz’s on vernacular schools are merely his personal view and does not represent that of UMNO.

Is this acceptable when Nazri speaks in his capacity as Barisan Nasional Secretary-General.

Furthermore, does this mean that UMNO endorses Nazri’s questioning of non-Malay and non-Muslim as Finance Minister, Attorney-General and Chief Justice?

This appears to be the unavoidable conclusion from Mohamad Hasan’s silence on the matter, although it is clear that such a position would be going against the Malaysian Constitution and its nation-building principles.

(Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, 27th February 201)


Kenyataan Media oleh Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang di Kuala Lumpur pada Rabu, 27 Februari 2019:

Adakah UMNO menyokong tindakan Nazri mempersoalkan pelantikan Menteri Kewangan, Peguam Negara dan Ketua Hakim dari kalangan pemimpin bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam?

Pemangku Presiden UMNO Datuk Mohamad Hassan dilaporkan berkata kenyataan Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz berhubung sekolah vernakular adalah pendapat peribadinya dan tidak mewakili pendirian UMNO.

Wajarkah alasan ini diterima sedangkan Nazri mengeluarkan kenyataan itu atas kapasitinya selaku Setiausaha Agung Barisan Nasional.

Tambahan pula, adakah ini bermaksud UMNO menyokong tindakan Nazri mempersoalkan pelantikan Menteri Kewangan, Peguam Negara dan Ketua Hakim dari kalangan pemimpin bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam?

Ia adalah kesimpulan yang tidak dapat dielakkan daripada sikap berdiam diri Mohamad Hassan berhubung perkara itu, walaupun pendirian seumpama itu secara jelas bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Malaysia serta prinsip pembinaan negara.

  1. #1 by Bigjoe on Wednesday, 27 February 2019 - 8:35 pm

    UMNO real wrong is they distanced themselves from Nazri in the first place because Nazri really did speak what they are thinking of. That UMNO remained silent about non-Malay, non-Muslim Finance Minister, AG, CJ means they are ready to defend that view if they have to which means they know the view has a lot of problems in the first place but readying to go on offensive rather than discuss the problems of that view.

    UMNO simply has not learned and PAS is joining them, ready to be a worst iteration of what UMNO is.

    BUT its not so worrying as UKM graduates actually cannot tell they cannot attack what is not right with what is already known wrong. UKM students did precisely that when they not only did not demand answers from Najib for his wrongs but rather even contributed to Najib campaign to blur his wrong worst, they do not notice there is no substance his his blurring just media fluff.
    It speaks very badly for the nation, the so young and so invested are already so perverted in their ideals.

  2. #2 by good coolie on Wednesday, 6 March 2019 - 6:20 pm

    Nazri is being seditious. In the name of freedom of speech, however, let him have his way with his nonsense. May be he can become top Umnopas man.

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