Najib should get tough with racists like Mahathir and Utusan Malaysia seeking to destroy the message of peace and moderation with their ceaseless and reckless racist lies and falsehoods

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has urged the government to no longer be soft towards the opposition “who continue to insult the nation’s democratic system”, declaring “We need to be a bit tough, and not give them face”.

If the time has come for the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to be tough and to stop “giving face”, it is to racists like Mahathir and Utusan Malaysia who have been seeking to destroy the message of peace and moderation with their ceaseless and reckless racist lies and falsehoods.

New Straits Times today carried a page headline: “Najib tells tour bikers to relay moderation message”, where the Prime Minister expressed hope that the “1Malaysia World Endurance Ride 2013” high-powered motor-cycle tour team would spread the message of peace and moderation to the world on behalf of Malaysia.

The question that immediately begs answer is why for the past 40 days since the May 5 general elections results, Najib had allowed racists like Mahathir and Utusan Malaysia both immunity and impunity to escalate their racist campaign of lies and falsehoods to engender racial distrust, hatred and conflict, completely against Najib’s signature policy of 1Malaysia as well as over five decades of Malaysian nation-building?

I am utterly shocked that Mahathir, despite being Prime Minister for 22 years and whose political career was saved by the Chinese voters in the 1999 general elections, could be so reckless and irresponsible during and after the 13th general elections as to openly foment racial distrust, hatred and conflict, based on pure lies and falsehoods.

In the run-up to the 13GE, Mahathir spewed racist lies and falsehoods that I was contesting in Gelang Patah because I want

• the Chinese in Gelang Patah and Johor to “reject working together and sharing with the Malays”;

• the Chinese in Johor “to dislike and hate the Malays” to create “conflict and antagonism between the races”;

• create “an unhealthy racial confrontation” between the Malays and Chinese in Johor, which will be “disruptive and will not be conducive to the development of Malaysia”.

In a rabid and racist rant, the former Prime Minister wrote in his blog on “Gelang Patah”:

“An unhealthy racial confrontation would replace Sino-Malay cooperation which has made Malaysia stable and prosperous. That cooperation will end when Kit Siang wins Gelang Patah. Even if there will not be violent clashes as seen in many countries where people are divided by race or religion, but confrontation between the three major races in Malaysia will be disruptive and will not be conducive to the development of Malaysia.”

Is Mahathir remorseful that he had written such racist garbage in the run-up to the 13GE?

My more than 14,000-vote majority y in Gelang Patah, which would not be possible without the support of Malay voters in my constituency, and the inroads made by Pakatan Rakyat in the 13GE, were not a sign of racial confrontation among the Malays and Chinese but the very opposite – a hopeful sign for the future of Malaysia where all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region, had united to reject the politics of race, corruption and abuses of power of UMNO/BN and to support a new politics of a common Malaysian Dream rising above the politics of race to end corrupt and crony rule and the advent of clean, safe, green and good governance.

But not content with the rejection of their message of racist falsehoods, lies and hatred, Mahathir and Utusan Malaysia have returned to the irresponsible and reckless tactics of Chinese-bashing and racist provocations with a vengeance after the 13th General Elections.

In his recent blog on “Racial Polarisation”, Mahathir returned to more racist lies and falsehoods, even creating new ones like accusing DAP and me of “hatred of Malays”.

This must qualify as “the Lie of all Mahathir Lies”, which Mahathir never made even when he was Prime Minister for 22 years from 1981-2003.

Why have Mahathir to concoct “the Lie of all Mahathir Lies” after the 13GE?

Right from the very beginning of the DAP 47 years ago in 1966, DAP was founded as a political party for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region.

In fact, DAP is the first Pan-Malaysian political party, the first political party to operate in all states in Malaysia, whether Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak with membership comprising all Malaysians i.e. Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans.

From the first general election contested by DAP in 1969, DAP had fielded a multi-racial slate of candidates with the election of two Malay DAP State Assemblymen in 1969 itself.

The question of me, DAP or any DAP leader having “hatred for Malays”, or “hatred for Chinese”, “hatred for Indians”, “hatred for Kadazans” or “hatred for Dayaks”, is a most dangerous and contemptible lie, especially coming from one who had been Prime Minister for 22 years.

But this is a reflection of Mahathir’s increasing sense of desperation facing a diminishing market for his racist vituperations and fulminations.

If Mahathir is all the influential, I would not only have been defeated in Gelang Patah, he would have succeeded in tarring me as “No. 1 anti-Malay” in the country.

I was at first apprehensive as to what divisive and destructive effects Mahathir’s lies and racist vituperation could have on the Malays in Gelang Patah in particular and in Malaysia in general.

But I am glad and more hopeful about the future of Malaysia because I find that Mahathir’s racist lies and falsehoods have little market even among the Malays – and wherever I go after the 13thGeneral Elections, Malays regardless of background and age have come forward to congratulate me for my victory in Gelang Patah.

Clearly, the Malays are not only forsaking UMNO, they are forsaking Mahathir even more – showing that the former Prime Minister is facing the law of diminishing returns in his political influence.

I agree with Mahathir that it is time that Najib and the government should stop give face to irresponsible and reckless racists like Mahathir and Utusan Malaysia who are seeking to destroy the message of peace and moderation with their incessant racist lies and falsehoods.

But is Najib capable of “walking the talk” of 1Malaysia and his preachings about the “Global Movement of Moderates” starting inside Malaysia?

  1. #1 by worldpress on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 2:37 pm

    They attack because they can not stand truth, fair and justice

  2. #2 by cemerlang on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 2:53 pm

    Nobody likes the truth especially the ugly truth because they cannot accept they are the cause of it. May be in their hearts, they know the truth. But to acknowledge it openly would mean they would lose everything; pride, status, ego, the list goes on, friends, business. So they would create something to say like they know yet they don’t know. It is not black as in black. Not white as in white. It is just greyish. Meaning you can be black. You can also be white.

  3. #3 by Bigjoe on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 2:58 pm

    No. Mahathir should be assigned special Minister in charge of gangs in Klang Valley and he and his children’s entire fortune confiscated if they can’t catch the crooks..

  4. #4 by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 3:19 pm

    Najib has to understand that Tun Mahathir should be stripped of his Tunship and sent to Kamunting for being seditious and inciting racism.In one bold stroke, Najib should rope in Mahathir, Ibrahim Ali, Zul Nordin and Utusan Editors.

    Anything less makes Najib a coward. No one can call himself PM of Malaysia who is not a PM for all Malaysians.

    • #5 by cemerlang on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 8:55 pm

      You must never touch certain people. Because you need them. No matter what they are. But you can screw some others.

  5. #6 by Loh on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 3:28 pm

    Sorry, unable to post in Blog in Chinese. Just like to share this.

    南洋商报报道:[大学教授:华人也有不会马来文 董总应停止过分要求;


    张国祥教授说世界上除了马来西亚没有其他国家允许华族能够继续以“华人”的方式生活。 他这话如果不是语病便是存心误导。就以英国为例,在伦敦你除了可以选吃任何民族的菜肴更可在街上听到路人用各种语言交谈,当然华语也包括了。世界上除了马来西亚好像没有其他国家干涉华族继续授其母语教育。因此没有其他国家阻止“华人”的方式生活。



    张国祥教授: [“但华人不会讲流利的马来语却没有被提起。华人不曾改善这种情况。这样是不好的,我觉得是时候把这件事认真提岀讨论,因我是想到华人生活在大马应当有怎样的目标。





    张国祥教授说:[ “目前的学校制度,已使各民族自孩童时期被分裂,因此,我们必须寻求问题的解决方案。我认为宏愿学校是最好的岀路。”]



  6. #7 by Loh on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 3:29 pm



    那是52年前的事。 不过可以想象的是当时华人社会对马华公会感到失望。华社当时的心情和现在华社对政府继续实行新经济政策的心情是一样的。他们心中希望,如有同样的选择他们当誓宁为玉碎不为瓦全。想华社自21(2)条文以后处处委屈求全怕巫统来真的把华小関了。

    当然21(2)条文是不能被接受的。华小在1961年以前已经成立。1961年后华社根本不能选择 修改了21(2)条文才来兴建华小。董总也不能冒险惹怒巫统把华小关了。这和董总不冒险让关中参加统考而损害60所独中是同一道理。






    批文的意义可重可轻。马来亚宪法中3(1)条文说回教是马来亚的“OFFICIAL”宗教。这不是当年巫统或马来皇室所要求的。这是五位马来亚宪法启稿人之一的巴基斯坦代表Hakim Abdul Hamid在宪法将完成时的即兴建议。他说别国如泰国有佛教,马来亚加个宗教也无害。原首相东姑拉曼说过马来亚是世俗国,马哈敌以3(1)条文说马来西亚是回教国。


  7. #8 by digard on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 3:57 pm

    Kit Siang, and with all respect, your assertion and your question can only be rhetoric.
    We all know all too well, that Najib is not the Najib he himself would like to be. He has Rosmah strangling him from left, and the DPM holding his right arm. And then, Najib is – sorry to say – a noodle. He has no guts. He doesn’t have the caliber, or better the level of courage for a statesman. He grew up as son of the PM and has learned nothing but bribing his way through; I pay you, you help me.
    So he has to follow Rosmah in order not to get slapped (again) in public; and he has to follow his deputy and bribe him into not mounting a challenge. Once Najib said what he would like to say, his right arm would be squeezed even harder. He counts himself lucky and is happy that the Old Man has endorsed him, Najib. That’s only because there is no credible alternative, and the Old Man knows exactly that. But Najib is no fighter, he has no pride. He is as always simply content to scrape through.

    What a miserable type for a PM; one could add, but that was not the question Kit Siang was asking.

  8. #9 by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 5:10 pm

    Hello Loh,
    This is an English blog-lah.

    Are you trying to convert me to Chinese or Mandarin? Just joking-lah brother.

    Please provide a summary in translation, so we know yr talk-shop, can or not?

    • #10 by cemerlang on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 8:53 pm

      In this age of technology, you will understand a different language by simply converting with whatever latest technology you have. Or you can ask your BN supporter friend or foe to read it to you; that is if you can trust.

    • #11 by Loh on Saturday, 15 June 2013 - 12:31 pm

      I made more than 20 attempts to submit three messages to Kit’s blog in Chinese but failed as I could never get through its RECHAPTHA system. The RECHAPTHA is to make sure that only humans are posting messages. I remember the RECHAPTHA system was also introduced in this blog but later removed.

      I thought having spent time writing them some readers here might be interested. Posting it here also call attention to Kit’s administrator. I noticed that sometime the blog in Chinese had only one user, me only I think. The RECHAPTA in the blog in Chinese has no comment, now we know it is not possible to post comment there.

      A translation of those by machine may do better than a summary. Please do it and respond to the comments. Thanks.

      I must apologize to those who do not read Chinese, and to Sheriff Singh who proves that he knows Hindi (is it?).

  9. #12 by john on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 5:39 pm

    This Nation has been screwed upside-down, inside-out by ONE Mammak eversince then. This Mammak because of his self-inferority complex due to his mamak roots ever tried to be More-Melayu-ness than an actual Melayu. And, always being Racist but actual aim to distract / divert attention from ownself past wrongdoings, immense (filthy) richness and self-preservation now.
    Now we have a ‘PM’ (by cheating) still being tainted with Altantuya blood from the gruesome C4 murder case.
    So, this Nation has been screwed, led by these CROOKS,CHEATS from Bumno.
    (this is Mammak’s Leadershit by Example !).

  10. #13 by Bunch of Suckers on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 6:09 pm


    The sucker is pretty happy about those racist slurs spit out by those suckers!!!

  11. #14 by sheriff singh on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 6:13 pm

    নাজিব সত্যিই কোনো বল আছে. তাঁর কাছ থেকে খুব বেশী আশা করবেন না.

  12. #15 by tuahpekkong on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 6:29 pm

    Utusan Malaysia has been regularly stoking up racial sentiment over the past 30 years while Dr M is a born racist. However, he managed to suppress his racist inclination to the minimum when he was the PM of the country. It is very unusual for a person who is in his twilight years to behave in this manner. He must be fearful of something or his prejudice against the Chinese has overcome him. These two really make a “perfect team” 最佳拍档。

  13. #16 by buylower2003 on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 7:46 pm

    Can the Tail wag the Dog? Especially the Mad Hatter Dog? He’ll just turn a deaf ear :)))

  14. #17 by yhsiew on Friday, 14 June 2013 - 10:36 pm

    ///why for the past 40 days since the May 5 general elections results, Najib had allowed racists like Mahathir and Utusan Malaysia both immunity and impunity to escalate their racist campaign…///

    Mahathir is Umno’s big boss who is untouchable and unchallengeable. How can Najib ruffle his boss’ feathers?

  15. #18 by PoliticoKat on Saturday, 15 June 2013 - 7:21 am

    I think we should make it clear, Mahathir is NOT a RACIST. He is a POLITICIAN.

    The fact is, the Malays are unhappy, specifically the young adults. For the first time in a long time the Malays are unhappy.

    Scholarships are hard to find. The competition is now very still thanks to the large malay population. (Thank Mahathir’s at least 5 children program for that). Local jobs are hard to come by. This is true everywhere due to the global recession .

    Times are hard, made harder as our local graduates cannot compete on the international market. They are poorly educated. They don’t have a technical level command of either English, German or Mandarin.

    So like any government, BN wants to shift that anger away from themselves. So you have the usual straw man to point fingers at.

    “It is the chinese fault!. They are causing the trouble. Chinese hate Malays. Chinese are not patriots.”

    The usual….

    I think BN is just planning to sit tight and hope for the world economy to turn around. I doubt they have the ability or interest to do anything to fix Malaysia’s economy or her social problems.

    On other news Petronas is going to Canada to extract natural gas (LNG).

  16. #19 by Bigjoe on Saturday, 15 June 2013 - 10:29 am

    Lets try this,

    Firstly, I don’t need Najib or anyone in UMNO to go after racist and excuse makers like Mahathir..Secondly, relying on Najib to do anything courageous, is better to buy 4-D..

    Truth is, the perverse thing is that all we need Najib to do is NOT protect Mahathir and his kind, but rather protect our god given right to have OUR voices heard and the likes of Mahathir and his kind would be revealed to be what they truly are – NONSENSE and waste of our time, attention and should end up where all waste go instead of the OVER-ENTITLED PARASITE that they are.

    Like it or not, ordinary Malaysian, our parents and those before them, created this waste and smell that we have all over us because we/they lacked the courage and substance in history and these parasite took full advantage..

  17. #20 by good coolie on Saturday, 15 June 2013 - 11:14 pm

    As to Mahatir’s latest threat to be tough with the opposition, let the dear doctor know this: we cannot be blown away by a mere fart.

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