Zan Azlee
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 15, 2013
FEB 15 — Sometimes, people get their feet stuck deep in their mouths that it is impossible to pull them back out. Sad for them, but good for me, since I get something to write about.
The first case I would like to discuss is one that I’m sure everyone reading this column would be very familiar with — Sharifah Zohra Jabeen.
Here is a woman who is obviously not very smart trying to make it look and sound like she’s smart. Look what happened now. She’s gone into hiding out of embarrassment.
And she still hasn’t responded to my challenge in a previous article to debate her on a topic of her choice. I guess she’s scared that she’ll get her other foot stuck in her mouth too.
The second case is something that happened very recently, and that is, the response that Penang BN chief Teng Chang Yeow gave regarding K-pop artist Psy.
Again, most people would be familiar with the recent performance that the Gangnam-style Psy gave in Penang during Chinese New Year.
Yes, it’s true that the crowd yelled “Yes!” when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak asked them if they were ready for Psy.
And yes, it is true that the crowd yelled “No!” when he asked them if they were ready for BN (although I can’t confirm how many did).
Then there are the rumours that said Psy declined to come out to “low sang” with the prime minister because he was just there to perform.
This would be pretty embarrassing for Najib if it were true. But it remained as a rumour, so many didn’t give much thought about it. They just focused on the “No!” story.
But, of course, Teng had to show us his yoga prowess and prove that he is flexible enough to bend his body so his foot could enter his mouth.
Here’s what he did — Teng told the media that Psy’s life was in danger as there was an attempt on his life. Hence, they had to secure the area and that was the reason he didn’t come out.
Excuse me, but… hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
And then there is something former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday which also caught my attention.
He said that young people are too obsessed with change and that they believe that a change in government would change their lives for the better.
Dr Mahathir went on to say that before, when there was not much development in the country, people would appreciate even the slightest transformation.
But now, the youth in Malaysia, who were born after so much development such as in education and job opportunities have been achieved, don’t appreciate this.
He said that the youth were too caught up with the issue of freedom and felt that there was not enough of it in the country regarding many matters.
Wait a minute. It may be true that the youth today did not experience growing up in a country that was not as developed and prosperous as today.
And that is exactly why the youth are not demanding for a change in the issues that existed before their time. They want a change based on what they are experiencing.
If (and this is a big if) matters such as education and employment opportunities are not major issues today, why would the youth ask for a change there?
The issue of the day is mainly freedom (and this is just one of many major issues), and hence, they are demanding a change there.
People want change when things aren’t in good shape. They want to change in order to improve. And so, of course, they will harp on the issues that need improvement.
They have seen a government that has been in power their entire lives in Malaysia. Come to think of it, no one has ever seen a different government.
There have been so many things that have needed changing and have been ignored, so many demands and wants that have fallen on deaf and self-serving ears.
So can you blame the youth to think that a change can only happen if there was a change in government? I definitely can’t.
And if people like these continue to put their feet in their mouths, it just provides more reason for the youth in the country (or anyone, for that matter) to want a change.
#1 by SENGLANG on Friday, 15 February 2013 - 12:49 pm
BN leaders can’t think rationally by now. They will come out with many-many ridiculous excuses. It was a real pity but it is all their making. They are living in the stone ages by refusing to accept the reality of today on line media influences. They still believe in using the conventional media to manipulate as the olden days that worked but not now. By the time the 8pm national news come on tv, all are history and it has been up loaded on you tube and other means of this internet age.
You have to accept that you can’t fool the people any more by manipulating the news.
After more than 48 hours now come the news that Psy was under threat to save their embarrassing “lo-shang” face. The story will die by then if not with this another publicity fault.
Any way if Psy was make know n LoShang was in the agenda, I believe he will be happy enough to join in as this will top up another million in his pocket. This time by tossing his hand instead his legs. By his mega star status any one believe he will do anything extra other than what has been agreed on before he come to the stage?
So the story of ad ad hoc “Ke Pop” suggestion by a minister to ask Psy come on stage for the Lo-Shang is more credible to believe in rather than his life is under threat. Do you agree with that. since the lo-shang was not in the agenda sure this mega star will not perform what has not been on the terms that been agreed upon. Those BN minister think they have the money to ask other do what and when ever they are fancy.
That is BN arrogance, and it will not change
#2 by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on Friday, 15 February 2013 - 2:32 pm
As far as I can see:
BN has got its feet (plural) in their mouths.
And bottoms (a**se) in their brains.
With such local talent, why look abroad through Talent Corp!
#3 by rockdaboat on Friday, 15 February 2013 - 11:01 pm
“Here’s what he did — Teng told the media that Psy’s life was in danger as there was an attempt on his life. Hence, they had to secure the area and that was the reason he didn’t come out.”
Ha ha ha ha ha, what a bull.
#4 by boh-liao on Saturday, 16 February 2013 - 1:40 am
Well, UmnoB/BN so arrogant, so used 2 thinking dat they could USE $$$$ 2 BUY everything, even devils 2 do dirty jobs 4 them
So SHOCKED d crowd, their own BN supporters, said NO! NO! NO! 2 NR, n Psy NO give face 2 NR n UmnoB/BN, now they came out with all sorts of ridiculous n stupid reasons.
#5 by john on Saturday, 16 February 2013 - 10:20 am
The important question next is ” HOW TO ENSURE FAIR PLAY OR PREVENT CHEATING COMES G13 ! ”
Ultimately, it will come down to this “CHEATING” TO REMAIN IN POWER for them and they would very happy to keep all at bay on this matter till G13, and by that time is “game over ” and EC will oblidge all to look into this, that, and all comes to naught – business as usual for them. ALL TO HOLAN BEING HOODWINK AGAIN ! SINCE MMK regime days.