Tweets on 112 Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat at Stadium Merdeka
HKR Stadium Merdeka historic success – 100k ppl all races religions gathered in peace goodwill hope 4change #KL112 Msian democracy matured
100,000 throng Stadium Merdeka for ‘Uprising’ rally – Mkini
Msians can hold their heads high that democracy is maturing #112KL held peacefully successfully. Further maturity is alternation of power
IGP/police deserve credit 4making #112KL “historic moment” n delivering “no casualties” pledge – major 1st step 2restore public confidence
Najib also deserves credit allowing #112KL 2b peacefully held despite opposition by hardliners in Umno/govt/police, who must be sidelined
Many historic firsts @ #112KL – no race/religious baiting/incitement/hatred in any of speeches in 3hr rally – let this be the model in 13GE
Can UMNO/BN emulate example set by PR in #112KL n henceforth end all politics of race/religious hatred/ conflict incitement
2nd historic first @ #112KL – speakers in 3hr rally did not tell lies or falsehoods. Can Umno/BN emulate PR in politics of truth/honesty?
3rd historic first #112KL – 10-pt pledge 4justice/freedom by PR representing all races religions regions, showing PR is more 1Msia than BN
After #112kL, PR supporters encouraged/elated while BN ppl discouraged/crestfallen.
Chances PR winning 13GE enhanced by #112KL – incentive 2all UBAH ppl 2ensure PR not only wins but with strong majority w at least 125 sears
#1 by Bigjoe on Saturday, 12 January 2013 - 7:54 pm
The crowd was more than a 100K but honestly dissapointed. Klang Valley alone has a population of 7.5m, there was many from out of town.. While many support the cause even if they did not show up, it still shows too much reserve – the kind of reserve that leads to apathy that got us into the mess we have in the first place.
Seriously – we need to learn there is nothing wrong with having a personality and public expression. Reserve is not a sign of better character as public expression is not a sign of flaws either..Its communication, its interaction, its society..
#2 by boh-liao on Saturday, 12 January 2013 - 8:39 pm
Now dat PR had a go at a humongous rally, AhCheatKor n Umno/BN also want another super big big rally 2 display their popularity n strength
Of cos, every1 who attends will get a big fat angpow or pow hijau
#3 by boh-liao on Saturday, 12 January 2013 - 8:55 pm
While rakyat demanding 4 CHANGE 2 improve things, d beast still moooed ‘Why do we need a change?’ & No need change lah – confirming its dumbness n inability 2 understand The only constant is CHANGE
#4 by waterfrontcoolie on Saturday, 12 January 2013 - 11:14 pm
This official change of the number of people attending this gathering is embarassing! Surely they have enough guys/dolls who can count properly! In reality, they are asked to downplay the number; so that the international news will bite their number. Indeed getting so many Malaysians to gather at their time and costs itself is an achievement! And BN has no choice but to start thinking of all the baggage they had created. Are the PM and Cousin going for broke against their internal enemies? By allowing PR to organize such a huge rally. Are they telling those who oppose them in UMNO that they are prepared to allow PR to form the next Gomen? If we can’t make it why should we give to you on a plate? Interesting happenings will happen!
#5 by yhsiew on Sunday, 13 January 2013 - 6:07 am
“Why do we need a change?” – boh-liao
It will be a nightmare if he becomes the next PM!
#6 by chengho on Sunday, 13 January 2013 - 6:08 am
more like 40k , check back spreadsheet tally
pow hijau and pas same color mah