Three reasons why the voters of Semenyih should vote for the Pakatan Harapan candidate on March 2

There are three reasons why the voters of Semenyih should vote for the Pakatan Harapan candidate, Muhammad Aiman Zainali on Saturday, March 2, 2019.

Last night, a former UMNO Minister in a by-election ceramah questioned the appointment of non-Malays and non-Muslims as Finance Minister, Attorney-General, and Chief Justice.

This is extremism at its worst, against the very spirit of the Malaysian Constitution and the principle of Malaysian nation-building.

It is not that Malaysia did not have a non-Malay and a non-Muslim as Finance Minister, Attorney-General and Chief Justice in the past.

The MCA President Tun Tan Siew Sin was Finance Minister until 1974 and Lim Guan Eng is the first non-Malay and non-Muslim to become a Finance Minister in the past 44 years. In the early years of Malaysia, the posts of Attorney-General and Chief Justice was also held by a non-Malay and non-Muslim.

Is it wrong for a non-Malay and a non-Muslim to become a Finance Minister, Attorney-General or Chief Justice?

The Malaysian Constitution is very clear that these posts should be open to any Malaysian who is both qualified and competent to carry out the responsibility of the job.

The voters of Seminyih should use their vote in the by-election Saturday to demonstrate their disagreement and rejection of the extreme position of the former UMNO Minister who questioned the appointment of non-Malays and non-Muslims as Finance Minister, Attorney-General and Chief Justice.

Secondly, the former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, is trying to make a political comeback and as the Home Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin intimated, return as Prime Minister of Malaysia with his unashamed campaign of “Malu Apa Bossku”!

Many Malaysians are very disappointed that Najib, who had brought infamy and ignominy to Malaysia with his 1MDB as well as other 1MDB-liked corruption scandals in Felda, Felcra, MARA and Tabung Haji, turning Malaysia into an international butt of jokes as a global kleptocracy, is not paying for his corruption and crimes in Sungai Buloh Prison but is allowed to strut all over the country in his “Malu Apa Bossku” campaign.

However as a New Malaysia is committed to the restoration of the rule of law, Malaysians must learn to be patient to allow the legal process to take its course to bring the criminals and culprits to justice.

However, the March 2 by-election provides an excellent opportunity for the people of Semenyih to declare loud and clear they do nor want Najib to make a political comeback and least of all, return as Malaysian Prime Minister.

The third reason why the people of Semenyih should vote for Pakatan Harapan is to show their continued support for the Pakatan Harapan agenda for a New Malaysia, where the country transforms itself from a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity in the world; where there is restoration of democracy, rule of law, good governance; where Malaysia can become a world top-class nation in different fields of human endeavour be an international model of how we can leverage on the assets and best qualities of the diverse races, religions, languages and cultures that meet in confluence in Malaysia, turning them into an national strengths and assets instead of becoming weaknesses and liabilities.

Pakatan Harapan promised structural and institutional changes to bring about a New Malaysia, but it is not possible to undo the 60-year mess of government wrongs, deviations and abuses of power in 100 days, a year or two, or even in one electoral cycle.

We must develop the Big Picture vision and the long-term perspective that we must be committed to structural and institutional reforms but they must be sustainable with increasing support for all sectors of the Malaysian people, regardless of race, religion or region, so that these structural and institutional reforms can be an integral part of the nation-building process.

(Speech by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang at the Pakatan Harapan Semenyih by-election ceramah at Vista Valley, Semenyih on Sunday, 24th February 2019 at 8.30 pm)


Ucapan oleh Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang di Vista Valley, Semenyih pada hari Ahad, 24 Februari 2019:

Tiga sebab mengapa pengundi di Semenyih harus memilih calon Pakatan Harapan pada 2 Mac

Terdapat tiga sebab mengapa pengundi di Semenyih harus memilih calon Pakatan Harapan, Muhammad Aiman Zainali pada Sabtu, 2 Mac, 2019.

Bekas Menteri UMNO mempersoalkan pelantikan Menteri Kewangan, Peguam Negara dan Ketua Hakim dari kalangan pemimpin bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam dalam satu ceramah semalam.

Kenyataan tersebut jelas berbaur ekstrimis, bertentangan dengan semangat Perlembagaan Malaysia serta prinsip pembinaan negara.

Pelantikan Menteri Kewangan, Peguam Negara atau Ketua Hakim dari kalangan pemimpin bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam bukanlah perkara baharu di Malaysia.

Presiden MCA, Tun Tan Siew Sin pernah menjadi Menteri Kewangan sehingga tahun 1974. Lim Guan Eng adalah Menteri Kewangan dari kalangan pemimpin bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam pertama sejak 44 tahun lalu. Pada awal pembentukan Malaysia, jawatan Peguam Negara dan Ketua Hakim pernah disandang oleh orang bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam.

Adakah salah untuk seseorang yang bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam memegang jawatan Menteri Kewangan, Peguam Negara atau Ketua Hakim?

Perlembagaan Malaysia secara jelas menyatakan bahawa jawatan tersebut terbuka kepada semua rakyat Malaysia yang berkelayakan dan diyakini cekap untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab tersebut.

Pengundi Semenyih harus menggunakan undi yang ada pada mereka dalam pilihan raya kecil Sabtu ini bagi menyatakan penolakan terhadap pendirian ekstrim bekas Menteri UMNO yang mempersoalkan pelantikan Menteri Kewangan, Peguam Negara dan Ketua Hakim dari kalangan pemimpin bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam.

Kedua, bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, kini sedang cuba melakukan “comeback” politik dan – seperti dinyatakan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin – kembali menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia menerusi kempen “Malu Apa Bossku”!

Ramai di kalangan rakyat Malaysia kecewa apabila Najib – yang telah banyak membawa keburukan kepada Malaysia ekoran skandal berkaitan 1MDB serta skandal-skandal lain yang melibatkan Felda, Felcra, MARA dan Tabung Haji, malah menyebabkan Malaysia dijadikan bahan jenaka dunia dengan gelaran kleptokrasi global – masih tidak dihukum di penjara Sungai Buloh atas jenayah dan amalan rasuahnya, tetapi sebaliknya dibiarkan bebas mendabik dada mengusung kempen “Malu Apa Bossku” di seluruh negara.

Walaupun Malaysia Baharu komited kepada agenda mengembalikan kedaulatan undang-undang, rakyat Malaysia harus bersabar dan memberi ruang kepada proses perundangan berjalan supaya penjenayah dan pihak yang bertanggungjawab ke atas skandal-skandal terbabit dapat dibawa ke muka pengadilan.

Pun begitu, PRK pada 2 Mac nanti memberikan peluang keemasan kepada pengundi di Semenyih untuk menolak secara lantang dan jelas sama langkah “comeback” politik yang dibawa Najib untuk menobatkan dirinya sekali lagi sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

Sebab ketiga mengapa pengundi Semenyih harus memilih Pakatan Harapan adalah untuk menjadikan ia sebagai satu manifestasi sokongan berterusan terhadap agenda Pakatan Harapan untuk membina Malaysia Baharu, di mana negara kita menjelma daripada kleptokrasi global kepada negara yang berintegriti di mata dunia; di mana semangat demokrasi, kedaulatan undang-undang, tadbir urus baik dikembalikan; di mana Malaysia boleh menjadi sebuah negara bertaraf dunia dalam pelbagai bidang usaha manusia, sama ada menjadi contoh kepada dunia dengan memanfaatkan aset dan kualiti pertembungan pelbagai kaum, agama, bahasa dan budaya di Malaysia, dan melihat ia sebagai kekuatan serta aset negara, dan bukan sebaliknya.

Pakatan Harapan berjanji untuk membuat perubahan dalam struktur dan institusi bagi mewujudkan sebuah Malaysia Baharu, namun tidak mudah untuk memperbetulkan segala masalah yang terjadi selama 60 tahun dalam tempoh masa 100 hari, satu atau dua tahun, apatah lagi dalam satu kitaran pilihan raya.

Kita harus membentuk visi Gambaran Besar dan kekal komited kepada perspektif jangka masa panjang terhadap agenda pembaharuan struktur dan institusi, namun ia harus bergerak seiring dengan peningkatan sokongan kepada setiap rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira kaum, agama atau kawasan, supaya pembaharuan struktur dan instittusi ini boleh menjadi sebahagian penting daripada proses pembinaan negara.

  1. #1 by Bigjoe on Monday, 25 February 2019 - 6:35 pm

    The biggest reason why voters must reject UMNO/BN-PAS is because what they offer is EXTREME PARTISANSHIP. Malaysian voters MUST draw and uncompromising line on somethings – such as corruption, racial religo extremism and that is what UMNO-PAS is refusing to draw the line, they are bluring it – supposedly for “practical politics”.

    How do voters think we got Najib-Rosmah and the abusive kleptocratic regime? Because a few decades ago, voters was convinced when they said “what is wrong with a little bit of corruption??”. and now they are saying “what is wrong with a little of extreme racism and religo-hate??”.

    There is no reason why Najib should NOT be grilled by every Malaysian on his scandals everywhere and he goes instead of being an object of curiosity of his thick skin. Najib is guilty, we have enough facts to make the right political choice even if courts have not punished him. It is the duty of all citizen, regardless of his politics, to be uncompromising on the principle.

    Similarly, it is the duty of of every voters to recognize that what Hadi’s PAS is proposing is racial-religo hegemony no matter how they deny it because their hard-core supporters are blind faithed. There is no accepting “a little racial-religo hegemony”.. Its just not a line anyone who profess moderation can let blur even a little.

  2. #2 by good coolie on Monday, 25 February 2019 - 11:25 pm

    The person who was chosen A.G. is a competent legal officer and can be relied on to do his duty without fear or favour. The Finance Ministry, likewise, is under a person who has proven himself to be adept at managing money in the State of Pulau Pinang. Richard Malanjun was the most senior Fed. Court judge, and of impeccable credentials. The climate of fear, corruption and greed prevailing at the top level of political leadership necessitated the present appointments. Recall that the former A.G. (Ghani) was at the very least a coward. And the former Finance Minister (Najib) was, at the very least, a fool!

    Dr. Mahatir has to be commended for his boldness and steadfastness in the appointment of ministers of all races across the Federation. Critics who dwell on narrow racist/religious prejudices are treading on seditious grounds.

    I must add that Najib himself has never been a racist. This is to his credit. Syabas!

  3. #3 by Bigjoe on Tuesday, 26 February 2019 - 8:01 am

    This extreme partisanship is basically UMNO STILL HAVE NOT LEARNED THEIR LESSON. Its not surprising because it appears Mahathir himself have not fully learned his lesson. BUT what makes it important we reject extreme partisanship that ignores truths and facts is that PAS in union with UMNO has a worst iteration of UMNO disease or racial, religo hegemony include corruption that will only eventually also get worst.

    On top of it all, a PAS-UMNO union is even MORE incompetent and inefficent as they have to divide their largesse among their constituent. The voice of reason and real performance is lost in their political union. PAS simply is NOT competent enough to even be a govt and will have disproportionate say in their new govt. The waste and eventually corruption while initially controlled will eventually get even worst as in Iran.

  4. #4 by Sallang on Monday, 4 March 2019 - 9:11 am

    In GE 14, we voted for PH against BN.
    Now whenever there is a By_election, we vote for personality with quality.
    So PH did not win?

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