This morning I was in Kajang together with the PKR National Vice Chairman MP Nurul Izzah and the PAS election director MP Dr. Hatta Ramli to launch the DAP operations centre for the Kajang by-election on March 23.
It is imperative that Pakatan Rakyat and the component parties, whether PKR, PAS or DAP demonstrate an unprecedented unity, resolve and commitment to score a resounding and historic victory in Kajang by-election for two reasons:
· *Firstly, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is the Pakatan Rakyat candidate for the Kajang by-election, which must be fought as an important PR milestone to Putrajaya in the 14th General Elections which must be held by 2018 but which could be held in 2016 or 2017; and
· *Secondly, there is a serious UMNO/BN plot afoot to sabotage Anwar’s candidature for the Kajang by-election on March 11.
This is why I spoke up three days ago with the reminder that “A House divided cannot stand” and that Anwar’s real enemies in Kajang by-election are not independents, MCA or even UMNO, but PR/PKR internal feuds and infighting.
I am glad that my reminder has been taken in good spirits by all concerned.
I appreciate better than anyone else that infighting is normal part of political parties, but in the face of a major test for the entire cause in the service of the people and country, such internal feuds should be kept to a minimum or even put aside until after the major test is won and over.
The resounding and historic victory which PR and the component parties must aim for in the Kajang by-election must be the securing of an even bigger majority for Anwar than won by the PKR in the 2013 general elections, but this is going to be a tall order as the voter turn-out in the Kajang state assembly seat in the May 5, 2013 general elections was a historic high of 88 per cent, with the PKR candidate Lee Chin Cheh winning with a 6,824-vote majority.
This is the tall order and common challenge which PR and all the three component parties must rise to the occasion and accept without hesitation.
As far as the DAP is concerned, we are committed to getting every possible vote out in Kajang to vote for Anwar on March 23 – for the people of Kajang must speak up for the 30 million Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region that they are solidly behind Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat for change in Malaysia to ensure that there is peace, harmony, justice, freedom, good governance, progress and prosperity for every Malaysian!
(Speech at the DAP Appreciation Dinner for Veteran Penang DAP members of over 30 years held at Star View Restaurant, Penang on Sunday, 2nd February 2014 at 9 pm)
#1 by tak tahan on Monday, 3 March 2014 - 11:54 pm
Equality,lest corruption n the best social-economic management is the top priority,no less..
#2 by Noble House on Tuesday, 4 March 2014 - 6:01 am
The DPM promises an offensive BN in Kajang – “in a gentleman’s manner”. How ironic!
I remember reading somewhere that “Sanctity is being aware of how much we are conditioned by the ego.” Thought it was interesting enough to pass along.
#3 by boh-liao on Tuesday, 4 March 2014 - 8:43 am
Will AI, who is oredi an MP, b a better choice than d chow mai fan or char beehoon
But again, on nomination day, may turn out 2 b d ordinary fat HOUSEWIFE, supported by her favorite skinny world bedminton champion, standing against AI