The Malaysian Insider
October 10, 2013
This is what’s…
• Despicable about Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and his ilk: They believe that the day after the Umno polls on October 19 they can wrap up their divisive talk and everything will be normal again in Malaysia.
It won’t.
These past weeks of cutting words and right wing rhetoric has set back race relations years, maybe even decades. The fighting words from Zahid and Datuk Seri Ali Rustam – one pitching Indians as criminals and Malays as victims and the other pigeonholing Chinese as power crazy – have reminded non-Malays that behind the cash handouts and 1,000-kilowatt smiles, an enemy looms.
A true test of a leader is his consistency and what he utters under pressure. Will he play to the gallery to score points? Will he sacrifice race relations to get voted into office? Will he speak with a forked tongue to win?
The trouble with the Umno politician today is that he stands for everything that is rotten about the state of the country. He is corrupt; he is a plunderer; he is vindictive; he has no understanding of the rule of law.
And he actually believes that hurt from a quiver full of verbal arrows fired at non-Malays can be forgotten.
• Untrue about what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today about worsening race relations in Malaysia being a threat to the foundation of this country. The former prime minister is declaring the cause of friction to be non-Malays not wanting to share wealth with Malays. That is a fairytale.
What is objectionable to many non-Malays is that the Bumiputera enrichment programme rolled out by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is nothing more than an elite enrichment programme, aimed primarily at keeping the crony capitalists and Umno warlords fed and contented.
The poor factory worker, the humble clerk, the school teacher are still going to be struggling to make ends meet while the Umno man is going to be flush with cash. Here is a prediction: the sales of Bentleys and apartments in London are going to be up soon. All the government affirmative programmes have benefited the Malay elite more than any other group in this country.
So, Dr Mahathir, save your half-baked analysis on what ails Malaysia for the coming Umno assembly. The culture of easy money and entitlement nurtured and promoted during the Mahathir years is today in full bloom. Take a bow for a job well done.
• Going to happen after the Umno election. Nothing.
Before the general election on May 5, the talk among diplomats and foreign investors was that Najib was waiting for his mandate from the Malaysian people to hit the ground running.
His aides and supporters promised that he would yank off the cloak of lethargy and lead the transformation of the country. Months later, this new version of the PM is still nowhere to be seen. He is more comfortable making pronouncements thousands of miles away from Kuala Lumpur, and is still in love with branding more than substance.
Now the word going around is that he will show his true colours after the party polls on October 19. Apparently, fortified with the mandate to lead Umno, he will set a centrist tone for his party and country with little fear for the right-wing bloc among the Malays.
Privately, he may well want to recalibrate Umno and Malaysia. But he does not have a reservoir of sane individuals in the party that he can tap on for this assignment.
Nor will he be prepared to scrap and fight with the likes of Ibrahim Ali and Dr Mahathir. So what you will get after the Umno polls is more of the same.
This is what’s… going to happen, sadly true, and despicable. – October 10, 2013.
#1 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 10 October 2013 - 8:40 pm
We are a country led by a party that are junkies of corruption and power abuse. The worst is that the leaders of the junkies are no powerful drug lord but rather pathetic pretenders in one way or other of the real original aging drug lord that still pulls the string while he executes his final diabolical plans to firmly seal his legacy.
The bottom line is that the Junkies has the run of the place. So long as the junkies get enough of their addiction, the place don’t get torned to pieces. But the addiction only gets bigger and sooner or later, it will run out. There already is not enough to go around which is why the madness gets worst every year. Sooner or later, it will run out and everything will be ripped apart
#2 by rjbeee on Thursday, 10 October 2013 - 9:07 pm
Looks like the various Tiga Line have work to do
#3 by rjbeee on Thursday, 10 October 2013 - 9:09 pm
Mamak tongkang is a rat, so hope some body gets him soonest
#4 by undertaker888 on Thursday, 10 October 2013 - 11:59 pm
i suggest the malays go and read the history of democratic republic of congo. learn from their history and decide whether umno is doing to them the way those warlords in drc are doing the same to congolese.
#5 by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 5:10 am
“The trouble with the Umno politician today is that he stands for everything that is rotten about the state of the country. He is corrupt; he is a plunderer; he is vindictive; he has no understanding of the rule of law.”
And a horde of mindless idiots.
#6 by Noble House on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 5:56 am
This talk of the non-Malays not wanting to share wealth with Malays is one of those diatribes for which Mahathir was famous for against anyone who disagreed with his known racist policies.
His version of the “Kongsi” concept as that we know of, he only “kongsi-ed with his cronies.
#7 by Winston on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 7:30 am
All Malaysians must make it their life’s mission to kick UMNO/BN out of Putrajaya.
Nothing less will do!!!!
#8 by undertaker888 on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 7:39 am
When the mamak syaitan said the nons should share the wealth with the Malays, what does he mean? Ordinarily people like us give them half our pay? Sacrifice our bright children’s future so that those with C, D, E can enter university?
For once, this mamak and the forty thieves should pay back what they stole and enriched themselves. 7.2 million ringgit house of one of the minister’s son is an example. When they steal in the name of race and religion, the nons get the blame.
Everytime mamak blurts, maggots are in the vicinity. Even the Malay taxi driver knows this when we talk to them.
#9 by Winston on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 7:50 am
Someone should vet the “academic qualifications” of these so-called ministers that we are having, especially those with so-called doctorates.
Many of them are talking through the farting end of the bodies!!!
#10 by undertaker888 on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 7:56 am
John Kerry is in town. Why not invite him to attend the umno b party meeting? Let him hear from his own ears what those monkeys are chanting.
Deep contrast with the UN speech people heard from our great PM.
#11 by lee tai king (previously dagen) on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 9:01 am
“Last GE I gave u my nambekai.
But the very next day u throw it away.”
Right. Sing these lines to “last christmas” tune.
Sorry. Cant help it.
That is what umno is doing to the indians.
Yeah. Cheated them of their nambekais and their votes too.
And now rewarding them with (wot?) bullets (??!!).
#12 by yhsiew on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 9:50 am
Compromising unprincipled leaders cannot accomplish great things for the country.
#13 by Bigjoe on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 11:43 am
Hamidi is now take a small step back and arguing a broader perspective of being “tough on crime for humanitarian reason” rather than answer the tough question of his racist and public menace statement, showed all the critics have done so far is landed a blow that has slowed him only..
All the long critism and attack, hardly really matters given how high he is in UMNO polls. The problem is UMNO. It always was, it always will be until its taken out of power.
#14 by lee tai king (previously dagen) on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 1:50 pm
Umno is the epitome of all things wrong with this country.
#15 by sotong on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 4:34 pm
They are self serving politicians and, like bullies, they will dare you to stand your ground with threat and intimidation at all cost to the country…..these are very irresponsible people in position of power, trust and influence.
#16 by Bigjoe on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 6:55 pm
Unbelievable. UMNO “tough guy” of the moment is now LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH (“never said Tiga Line were ‘our people” AND THROWING DISTRACTING EXCUSES (“warning shot not SOP”)….
UMNO’s Rambo turns out to have skinny and shifty legs..It appears collectively people are really making a difference to the “bad boy” self-image/attitude of UMNO/BN..
#17 by tuahpekkong on Friday, 11 October 2013 - 11:17 pm
UMNO politicians like to accuse the DAP of being racist. In reality they are the mother of all racism. Dr M is a big hypocrite. How can we share our wealth with the Malays when we only have little? He should instead share his tremendous wealth with all Malaysians. It is shocking that he still unashamedly accused the none-Malays of not wanting to share wealth with the Malays.
#18 by tak tahan on Saturday, 12 October 2013 - 12:44 am
Hilup tesis loctor M,mati la malusia.Memang pun agaknya…siiiiiiigh
#19 by yhsiew on Saturday, 12 October 2013 - 8:33 am
///The former prime minister is declaring the cause of friction to be non-Malays not wanting to share wealth with Malays.///
Who pays the most tax – the Malays or the non-Malays? Hope Dr M can answer this question.