My three questions (No.85 to No. 87 on the 29th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:
Question No. 1: Why is Ong continuing to evade the issue that up to now despite two weeks of parliamentary meeting, MPs have not received copies of the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) audit report and appendices on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?
Somehow Ong, who claims that he is the most “intellectual” MCA President in the history of MCA, just cannot understand this simple issue.
He forced the poor Port Klang Authority (PKA) Chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng to come out with a fierce statement attacking me for making statements which are “baseless” and “preposterous”, which completely avoided the issue (i) that MPs have after two weeks of Parliament not received or sighted the PwC report and appendices on the PKFZ; (ii) whether MPs will get the PwC report and appendices before Parliament adjourns on Thursday on 2nd July and (iii) if not, on what specific date MPs will get the PwC report and appendices on the PKFZ scandal.
Does Ong realise that the longer he drags out this issue, the more scandalous is his display of utter Ministerial impotence and ineptitude as he could not even do a most simple thing to get the PwC report and appendices tabled in Parliament to allow MPs to study them in trying to understand how the country is landed with the “mother of all scandals” – the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?
Ong has four days next week to redeem himself by getting the PwC report and appendices tabled in Parliament without any ado, so that MPs can begin to study them.
Something must be very wrong with Ong when he could not even table the PwC report and appendices on the PKFZ scandal after more than a month of its publication!
Question No. 2 – In a weekly parliamentary commentary in today’s Utusan Malaysia entitled “Tee Keat kena ‘serang’ di Parliamen”, Nizam Yatim among other things wrote: that Ong, “yang baru pulang dari menghadhiri Pertunjukan Udara Paris di Peranchis, dilihatnya seperti tidak membuat persediaan secukupnya untuk menjawab di Parlimen”.
Ong was clearly not prepared to answer all the pertinent questions about the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal when he returned from his junket at the Paris Air Show, which was why he made an eight-minute Ministerial “non-statement” which did not say anything which was not known to the observant Malaysian public.
Can Ong explain why he was so unprepared and unready to answer and “tell all” about the PKFZ scandal, as he had promised when he became Transport Minister after the last general elections 15 months ago?
Question No. 3: The Utusan Malaysia commentary ended as follows:
Dalam pada itu, Timbalan Menteri Kewangan, Datuk Dr. Awang Adek Hussin yang menggulung usul itu pada Khamis juga tidak terlepas daripada asakan Kit Siang yang memintanya memberi penjelasan sama ada Kabinet membincangkan atau tidak pengeluaran surat jaminan kepada projek PKFZ.
Tindakan Kit Siang itu, menyebabkan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia terpaksa campur tangan dan dengan nada suara yang tinggi menegaskan bahawa soalan itu tidak seharus ditanya kerana Timbalan Menteri tidak boleh menghadiri mesyuarat Kabinet.
Does Tee Keat agree with the Speaker that Deputy Ministers, when representing Ministers to speak and reply in Parliament, cannot be asked about what Ministers did or did not do in Cabinet?
Does this mean that henceforth Deputy Ministers should not be allowed to represent Ministers in Ministerial replies whether during question time or debates, so as not to provide an escape route for Ministers and the Government evade full parliamentary accountability?
Will Ong and the MCA Ministers, Deputy Ministers and MPs agree to an amendment to the parliamentary Standing Orders barring Deputy Ministers from replying on behalf of Ministers in Parliament, making it compulsory for every Ministerial reply to be given by the Minister concerned?
#1 by frankyapp on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 1:44 pm
I think morally is not right to make amendment to the parliamentary standing orders barring deputy minister to reply on behalf of ministers in parliament and making it compulsory for every ministerial reply to be given by the minister concerned.These ministers are elected YBs (except some backdoor ones),they are obligated to represent the rakyat who elected them to parliament.If they deliberately failed us most of the time by not attending parliament ,then we can sack them in the 13th GE.After all we the voters now have many choices. But YB Lim should you think and insist some of these ministers whose behaviour is liken a cow, and you need a rope to tie it around its neck to drag them to attend parliament,you may do so and I will give you my 100% support.
#2 by limkamput on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 1:57 pm
//Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia terpaksa campur tangan dan dengan nada suara yang tinggi menegaskan bahawa soalan itu tidak seharus ditanya kerana Timbalan Menteri tidak boleh menghadiri mesyuarat Kabinet.//
This is the problem with a half baked speaker who thinks he is smart.
#3 by limkamput on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 2:05 pm
Where is PKR and PAS on this issue? Why only DAP and Kit Siang only? This scandal must be pursued to its very end. Right now the game is to delay, confuse and counter attack.
All roads lead to Rome. OTK and LHB are mere eunuchs. Eunuchs want to play hard ball, sigh…..
#4 by House Victim on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 2:09 pm
1. From previous posting, it seems that MOT had claimed that the PWC report with Appendices were delivered to the Parliament subject to the Consent of the Speaker to pass out. So, had the Report been delivered? Or, had 300 been printed?
I would suggest to write to MOT collectively with CC to PM demanding for copies as well as answers to the Queries raised in Report.
2. It becomes necessary to ask PM if his appointment of OTK as Minister of MOT includes the sorting out of the Whole Picture of PKFZ to the Parliament (so as to the People of Malaysia)? And, what can be account for the performance of OTK for his last 15months in service?
3. As PM is the Head of the Cabinet, I believe same question 3 should be passed to PM. And, he should be at least a one to brush up his Minister and the Ministry.
#5 by ALLAN THAM on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 2:23 pm
PKI? What a bulshit! Was is that difficult to print 300 copies of report and get it delivered?
Well! we all know OTK can not decide on his own. He has to take instruction from U, that why he keep ding dong with the issue.
I beat the dust will settled down very much soon after more ding and dong. We people will never able to get to the bottle of it.
I have kept track on this PKFZ since Mr. Nades has exposure this hantu project. We can also look at how MACC react during PAC meeting? Never has hope any body will get prosecuted as what Mr. Nades want it to be be. This is a hope less land. It is long way to go and for those who has not registered as voters please do it now, if you get what I meant?
#6 by OngTuaKang on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 3:11 pm
Ministers are already appointed to their post through back door, meaning non ministerial material can become Minister under the patronage of one powerful man. By definition, the back door Ministers are not be the type of Ministers the majority endorsed through elections.
In the current ‘defective’ system, Ministers only need to dance to the tune of their bosses in Bee-N (read UNMO) to keep their appointments.
When the fish head is not setting a good example by walking the talk and attend the Parliament sessions to take questions, the rest will follow the pattern. High beam not right, low beam crooked.
#7 by robertlee on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 3:23 pm
I think ministers should be at forefront taking questions from members of parliament. Isn’t this what parliament is for? ie. backbenchers keeping the executive accountable for their actions/policies.
In countries like Australia, MPs from both sides take attendance at parliament seriously. Whenever parliament sits, you could see backbenchers firing questions at ministers and ministers willingly answering them. Spending several hours daily at parliament is part and parcel of all MPs including the ministers.
I enjoy watching Australian parliamentary debates, often involving Q&As between cabinet members and shadow cabinet members (there is shadow cabinet in Australia). May I add, the house speaker (although appointed by government side) is often objective and impartial in his dealings with all MPs. In return, all MPs often readily/respectfully adhere to the speaker’s rulings. You see real substance in the MPs’ Q&As. While emotions often come into play, one could see they debate/question/answer with real substance.
I think this is what first-class parliament is like. I believe we can do the same in Malaysia!
#8 by YK Leong on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 3:45 pm
Mark my words, Bong Kang will move over to Johore to stand in GE13. KIV the Bong Kang until GE13. Thrash Bong Kang in GE13.
#9 by monsterball on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 5:46 pm
4 more days for Ta Kut to come to parliament to answer the 4 questions.
I have a strange feeling he is planning to go on another Air show….but that will make BN loose more votes.
If he goes to parliament and give stupid answers ….that will loose more votes too.
If he remain absent….it will loose votes …….but lesser of the above two…..for silence is golden.
From my calculations…be absent is best loose the least votes.
Vote votes votes are what UMNO is after and the entire cabinet absent from Parliament is clear enough proof…UMNO knows where they stand in the 13th GE.
#10 by yhsiew on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 6:46 pm
…as he could not even do a most simple thing to get the PwC report and appendices tabled in Parliament to allow MPs to study them…….
OTK looks set to sweep the PKFZ scandal under the carpet; he is just waiting for the opportunity.
#11 by ekompute on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 7:09 pm
The PKFZ is just a small scandal. Letting the Half-Minister handle it is more than sufficient. If he had a free hand, he would probably send a clerk. Let’s not make a mountain out of a molehill. There are bigger volcanoes waiting to explode and that’s probably why he is so busy…. trying to cover them before they do explode.
#12 by taiking on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 8:14 pm
Someone in umno and mca must go to jail for this scandal; and have all corruptly obtained money traced fully and confiscated completely. Nothing less will do. Press on LKS. The voters are behind you all the way.
#13 by lopez on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 9:19 pm
my cow also claims to be the smartest on the planet, the poor animal is still toiling the fields for me.
and who is takut toiling for?
#14 by monsterball on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 10:47 pm
takut is not toiling. He is covering up 4 holes dug up by LKS.
Holes dug up by LKS showing signs.. pots of gold hidden. He is covering up the holes ….and need a rest in Paris.
Now back…he is still waiting outside parliament…to see if he needs to run away or cover more holes.
That’s MCA biggest hole cover up man.
Minister of pot holes and longkangs?
Minister of Air Shows and Video taping?
But he has a big mouth and a stupid smile.
I think he is a minister of all trades…..master of nothing.
#15 by peter sng on Saturday, 27 June 2009 - 11:30 pm
So far so good Uncle Kit. Press on with this PKFZ issue like a bulldog who bites but will not let go.
You are the best person to speak on this issue but I would advise you to have backup[contigency plans] like having Tony Pua to be alway present when this PKFZ is been debated in Parliament.
#16 by TomThumb on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 12:42 am
it is time to end the theatrics. it is not like this ong is going to do anything. time to move on.
#17 by Loh on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 12:58 am
Sorry, off topic
///Umno will fight to the last drop of blood to protect Malay rights, the status of the Malay Rulers, Bahasa Melayu and Islam as these matters are enshrined in the Constitution.///–Muhyiddin, The Star, 27 June 2009
Whatever is provided in t he constitution can only be amended with two-third majority.
Is Muhyiddin saying that when there are two-third majority of the MPs who decide to amend the constitution, UMNO will fight it outside the parliamentary like arm insurgency?
UMNO might do a coup like in Perak where money is involved; corruption is bad, at least it shows that UMNO would abide by parliamentary civility. Was Muhyiddin signalling that it would go for a repeat of May 13, where blood ware spilt when MNO cannot stop constitutional amendment? If it is not riots that he was thinking about, why talk about human blood? Surely only parangs and guns could cause spilling of blood. Is he saying that UMNO only recognises parliamentary democracy when it suits them, and would go wild with brute force and killing when UMNO lose in general election?
The call for conditional arm rebellion against the incoming government is dangerous.
#18 by monsterball on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 1:45 am
Loh…What do we benefit by debating what Muhyiddin said.
UMNO cannot survive without race an religion issues.
Ignore it…and let them say what they like.
Bottom line is the the two third majority…they do not enjoy….but to vote them out and clean up so many things…schools…police…judicial…govt. officers…that are bias and not doing the right job.
Get the right people….and everything will come naturally.
Get yourself ready to vote..change of government….and do your part.
#19 by ekompute on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 3:15 am
Loh says: “Is he saying that UMNO only recognises parliamentary democracy when it suits them, and would go wild with brute force and killing when UMNO lose in general election?”
Well, we should know better. If you see Malaysian court decisions, you will be utterly confused. To me, it is evident that what is legal and what is not legal is not prescribed by the law. Legal is that which serves UMNO’s interest and illegal is what it does not.
As for brute force, you should read Wikipedia’s article on the May 13 Incident ( ), particularly the statement: “Based on newly declassified documents at the Public Records Office in London, the book alleged that contrary to the official account which had blamed the violence on opposition parties, the riot had been intentionally started by…. ”
It is sad that although Islam is declared the official religion, we are hardly practising Islam. I understand that when performing the Haj in Mecca, all Muslims are required to wear white so that all men are equal before the eyes of Allah. And here we are talking about special rights which is contrary to the essence of what the religion is all about. Well, Voltaire was right when he said, “”When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.”
#20 by ekompute on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 3:30 am
ERRATA: It is sad that although Islam is declared the official religion, we are hardly practising Islamic VALUES.
What is the point of building huge mosques that challenge the Taj Mahal if it is not effective in inculcating Islamic values?
#21 by monsterball on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 6:58 am
ekompute….Are you a Malaysian?
The special rights was agreed upon by all Malaysians…to help Malays for a limited period. cannot use that as a point against Islam in Malaysia.
However…UMNO broke the promise and use it to play politics…to fish for more votes.
That Islamic value became dirty and valueless…right now.
Naturally…when a party play race and religion politics…they can all go to Mecca to ask Allah to forgive them…and see what’s the results in 13th GE.
Yes….Malaysia is welknown to be the most hypocritical Muslim country in the world….all due to UMNO…and not that we do not have great Muslims in our country.
UMNO buggers are having great inferiority complexes…and need huge monuments and buildings to protect them.
That’s not enough!!
They need false titles and plenty of millions to show off and talk big.
Take all that away from them….you will see the real people governing Malaysia…..a bunch of goons.
And you are right…money is the root of all evils in countries governed by the devils.
#22 by frankyapp on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 7:02 am
Loh,fighting to the last drop of blood to protect malay right etc a kind of trick (rhetoric) used by Umno to maintain malays support.Do you remember Sadam Hussien who said the same expression on the eve of the american attack.He ended up hidding in a deep hole all alone fearing for his death. TDM most famous expression I can recall is ” sink or swim with Berjaya “,but when Berjaya lost in the GE (Sabah state) he jumped ship and save only himself. These two examples showed that Umno is arrogrance and coward and cannot be trusted by non muslim but also by malays.Umno leaders are pretty good in manipulating Islam to scare and cow its own members and its own community to remain loyal in order to hold on to power.It just show how greedy these guys are.For more than half a century Umno has been squeezing the cow(Malaysia) and if we the voters do not stop it,the cow will soon be dehydrated.
#23 by rabbit on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 10:20 am
OTK dunno how to face the questions, so Deputy PM come n help. well is another BARBIE doll from PM, what he know in this issue? yeah he know where to buy PHd. hahaha 17 years in BNM also buy lor. the BN tot they send another orang besar can press BRO LKS down, wait long long lah. now they are playing ah pong, the chinese pancake at street, this cover put on nextwok, n to next wok again. see how they play lah. show time bn.
#24 by ekompute on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 1:48 pm
Monsterball says: ‘The special rights was agreed upon by all Malaysians…to help Malays for a limited period.”
You are right… for a limited period and I have nothing against that. In fact, I think it is good. Wikipedia says in its article, Social Contract (Malaysia) : “The Reid Commission which prepared the framework for the Constitution stated in its report that Article 153, the backbone of the social contract, would be temporary only, and recommended that it be reviewed 15 years after independence. The Commission also said that the article and its provisions would only be necessary to avoid sudden unfair disadvantage to the Malays in competing with other members of Malaysian society, and that the privileges accorded the Malays by the article should be gradually reduced and eventually eliminated. Due to the May 13 Incident, after which a state of emergency was declared, however, 1972, the year that Article 153 was due to be reviewed, passed without incident.”
So you see, there was no review in 1972, even though emergency rule ended when Tun Razak succeeded Tunku Abdul Rahman as the Prime Minister of Malaysia on September 1970. Next, we have the NEP that was supposed to run for another 20 years and then what happened? We have the National Economic Policy which is just another NEP. And just before the March 2008 election debacle, did you not hear the cries for Ketuanan Melayu? But what is Ketuanan Melayu if it is not merely a justification for the perpetual continuance of special privileges. This is what I mean by special privileges. Actually, I should have said Ketuanan Melayu to avoid misunderstanding (to me, it is one and the same thing). Is Ketuanan Melayu an Islamic value?
What is your definition of temporary, by the way, after a 15 year period becomes a 51 year period?
#25 by limkamput on Sunday, 28 June 2009 - 2:30 pm
Dumb says, //it is time to end the theatrics. it is not like this ong is going to do anything. time to move on//.
See the dumb in action. To him, let’s move on to the next sh!t, never the sh!t which was highlighted remained unresolved. Can’t blame the dumb: A dumb has to say and do dumb things.
#26 by monsterball on Monday, 29 June 2009 - 7:37 am
That’s exactly why we should vote them out..ekompute.
#27 by monsterball on Monday, 29 June 2009 - 7:46 am
hahahahaha…Limkamput…what do you expect a MCA Dumb ass to say?
Famous…”lets move on”…la….when he is cornered.
He was taught by his masters to talk this way…then come back..forget everything and start all over again.
I think each time he opens his mouth….MCA looses votes.
He is a killer of his own party…….hahahahahaha