I had said at a media conference in Ipoh this morning that the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar and Deputy Home Minister, Datuk Chor Chee Heung, should resign from their Cabinet positions for the three-month suspension of Harakah and Suara Keadilan as one of first decisions of Datuk Seri Najib Razak on being sworn in as the sixth Prime Minister yesterday was to immediately revoke their ban which had entered into its 11th day.
Now, I say that Hamid and Tan Sri Musa Hassan should be sacked as Home Minister and Inspector-General of Police respectively for failing within 24 hours of Najib’s premiership one of the three Najibian thematic slogans – “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”
It is most disgraceful and testimony of gross incompetence and ineptitude that although Najib announced in his maiden address to the nation over television last night that his government had decided “with immediate effect” the release of 13 detainees from ISA detention, none of the 13 could be released today and the earliest they could regain their freedom is tomorrow.
B. Buvaneswary, the wife of detained Hindraf leader Ganapathi Rao, travelled all the way from her home in Shah Alam to Kamunting with their two children, Janani 1 and Gowri 4, to be at the Kamunting Detention Centre at 7 am this morning for his release, only to be disappointed because the papers for the release of the 13 had not arrived at the centre.
Musa Hassan released a statement in Kuala Lumpur at midday that the 13 would only be allowed to leave the Kamunting Detention Centre tomorrow as the documentation process for their release had to be completed first!
Is this what Najib meant by “Performance Now” in his maiden address to the nation last night?
Were the IGP and the Home Minister kept completely in the dark about Najib’s announcement of the “immediate release” of the 13 ISA detainees, learning only about it when the new Prime Minister’s maiden address was telecast live last night?
If so, it reflects a shambolic government with no notion whatsoever about “People First” or “Performance Now”!
When Najib announced the “immediate release” of the 13 ISA detainees in his direct telecast at 8 pm last night, I had expected the two Hindraf leaders, Ganabairau and R. Kenghadharan, and the other 11 ISA detainees to be released last night itself – especially when Najib ended his maiden speech with the flourish of urging Malaysians to “rise up to the challenge of building 1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”
Obviously, Najib forgot to ask the Cabinet and the public service to equally “rise up” to the triple challenge of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”
When Najib said “with immediate effect”, could it be so elastic as to be stretched not only overnight, but to be over 24, 36 or even 48 hours?
Najib should learn from the lessons of his predecessor Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, whose “cemerlang, gemilang, terbilang” slogan swiftly became a national joke. But Najib’s substitute of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” is in danger of becoming a national joke within 24 hours – thanks to the Home Minister and the Inspector-General of Police!
Can Najib ensure that Ganabatirau, Kengaharan and the 11 others ISA detainees would be able to leave the Kamunting Detention Centre to breathe the air of freedom latest by 8 am tomorrow?
In fact, the government is guilty of unlawful detention of the 13 ISA detainees as they should be released “with immediate effect” by the time of Najib’s telecast at 8 p.m. last night.
Is the government going to pay the 13 ISA detainees compensation for illegal detention for 24, 36 or 48 hours to demonstrate the seriousness of Najib’s “Performance Now” slogan?
#1 by Tonberry on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 4:57 pm
Najib Altantuya will continue Pak Lah’s legacy of business of cheating. One of the readers from this blog, imranj78, was tricked by him within minutes…
#2 by kluangman on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 5:05 pm
Lim Kit Siang, cuba belajar jadi orang sabar dan bukannya jadi orang bodoh.
Cuba lihat kebaikan yang banyak dari melihat sedikit kelemahan dan kekurangan.
Jangan jadi ahli politik yang senior tetapi kurang beradab.
DAP tidak akan ke mana dulu, sekarang dan selamanya jika masih ada china tua yang bodoh seperti awak, DAP tidak ada nilai dan muflis politi tanpa Anwar.
#3 by frankyapp on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 5:06 pm
One malaysia,people first ,performance now,wow what a great thunderous sound of the 21st century for the raykat.Here’s my suggestions to NR to help him and team to succeed his dream.
{1} Equal right and opportunity to all raykat irrespective of race,culture and religion
(2) Equal right and opportunity for male and female.
(3)Provide reasonable costs of water, electricity and light to every malaysian both rural and urban.
(4) Provide roads to every kampong,village,pekan,small town or even remote kampong .
(5) Provide enough school and hospital including quality managing staffs and good service in every rural disricts,town or pekan ,even in the city..
(6) Provide reasonable good housing for all rural and suburban and city folks irrespective of race and religion for low and middle income malaysian.
(7) Provide facility and free medical and care centre for all senior malaysian citizens .
(8)Provide and ensure the cost of living in the country would not burden the low and middle income malaysian.
Well guys,the list goes on,but I leave some space for you guys ,ok.
Hopefully NR and team would read this message,live it up to his dream of one malaysia,people first and performance now.
#4 by All For The Road on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 5:12 pm
Why are the 13 ISA detainees not released yet? Did I hear it correctly with ‘immediate effect’?
Do they ever learn and understand? There’s still a lot of red tape around because of the so-called paper work. Alas!
#5 by taiking on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 5:13 pm
Ai yah city hall need 5 yrs to give planning permission and the land office 10-20 yrs to issue strata titles. What is one day late? One day only maa. They the detainees inside there for so long oredi hoh one day more ok what.
And oi cintanegara, zak, chengho and gang. See. Najib say one malaysia. Meaning we all same same. Chinese, Javanese, Archenese, Sumatran, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Thais, etc etc we all same same. That means we all confirmed pendatang. Now we all same same malaysians. That means no malay rights. No privilege. No NEP.
Hei najib bro dont forget to abolish malay reserved land and malay quota and special discount for malay buyers in new housing development. And UiTM. We all same same now. So our children all orso can apply to enter UiTM.
Look chengho, cintanegara, kasim and gang. Your own kind betraying you people. Do something leh.
#6 by jedyoong on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 5:48 pm
Najib appears to need more professional advice on proper procedures.
Remember his first “hypothetical” RM7bil budget?
I believe Syed Hamid and the IGP are right as Najib may have forgotten to issue instructions through proper channels before making the announcement.
There is a system and paper work to be done.
#7 by TTDI_KL on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 5:51 pm
Now you know the problem with us as a nation. If the number man in the country can not get an immediate response to his directive, may I know what hope can we have on other functionaries in the administration further down?
Talking about reform, may I know why a sitting PM must spend valuable two hours to accept a party application form from someone who has chosen to leave the party earlier? And may I know why the MP for Jerlun was also there? What standing has he got to see PM at will?
This is what baloney is all about!
#8 by gyp on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 6:07 pm
Don’t be stupid believe what the BN great liars saying.
They can release you today, and days after tomorrow they can lock you up again anytimes anywhere in Malaysia.
Play Malaysian like a stupid fools. Why not the ISA be abolished?
#9 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 6:13 pm
I do feel that you’re being a unreasonably impatient here. Again you are showing us your penchant of barking up the wrong tree. It is obvious that some paperwork needs to be done before such a release can be made. While I am sure the detainees don’t want to spend a single day longer in detention, still there are procedures to be followed.
Maybe you should add these few items as well to your long list of `1Malaysia’ concepts ….. abolish all vernacular schools, BM to be the language of all schools.. what say you? ok?
Don’t be a racist & chauvinist! Respect the country’s constitution!
#10 by Onlooker Politics on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 6:21 pm
“Lim Kit Siang, cuba belajar jadi orang sabar dan bukannya jadi orang bodoh.” (kluangman)
Sebenarnya, YB Lim bukanlah orang bodoh kerana YB Lim sudah sedar bahawa Boss baru awak adalah orang yang kurang pandai dan tidak tahu banyak mengenai bagaimana pegawai-pegawai Polis menjalankan tugas di Malaysia.
Maklumat yang diberikan oleh YB Lim dalam laman blog ini akan menjadi sesuatu kenangan yang baik untuk selalu mengingatkan Boss baru awak supaya beliau tidaklah ulangkan kesalahan buat kali lain kerana sudah membuat sesuatu keputusan tergesa-gesa atas pemindaan dasar kerajaan atau perubahan perintah kerajaan tanpa meminta nasihat terdahulu daripada pegawai tinggi kerajaan. Ini kerana terdapat ramai orang Napolean kecil atau Napolean besar di kalangan pegawai-pegawai kerajaan Malaysia. Pegawai-pegawai tinggi ini tidaklah suka mengikut perintah daripada orang atasan termasuk orang politik tinggi yang paling berkuasa seperti Perdana Menteri.
Kalau disuruh kerja lebih masa (Overtime) pada Hari Sabtu ataupun Hari Minggu, pegawai Napolean kecil atau pegawai Napolean besar mestilah dapat alasan baik untuk menangguhkan persiapan kerja hingga Hari Isnin. Alasan-alasan seperti “tukang taip tutup handphone dan tidak dapat dihubungi” ataupun “Server termati pada Hari Sabtu dan Hari Ahad dan komputer tidak boleh digunakan” adalah alasan yang biasa disebut. Moral kerja di pejabat kerajaan sudah lama terosak dan aku mengesyaki bahawa Dato Seri Najib sanggup buat apa-apa untuk membetulkan kerosakan moral kerja ini.
Janganlah awak hanya pandai mengecam Pak Lah sahaja kerana kelemahan Pak Lah sebagai pemimpin lemah dan tidak pandai mengecam Najib jika Najib sudah menunjukkan bahawa diri sendirinya juga adalah pemimpin yang lemah dan tidak dihormati oleh pegawai-pegawai tinggi kerana perintah pertamanya sebagai perintah daripada seseorang Perdana Menteri untuk melepaskan dengan serta-merta 13 orang tahanan bawah ISA sudah enggan dipatuhi secara bersungguh-sungguh oleh pegawai-pegawai tinggi yang menjaga Kem Tahanan Kamunting.
Janganlah awak suruh YB Lim belajar jadi orang sabar dalam kes seperti ini. Pak Lah sudah terkenal sebagai seseorang pemimpin yang bersabar tetapi kesabarannya selalu disalahfaham sebagai tanda kelemahan dan lambang tidak boleh memimpin. Kalau Najib nak jadi orang sabar, satu hari kelak beliau juga akan dikecam sebagai pemimpin lemah dan akan disingkirkan oleh segala Rakyat jelita juga.
#11 by Godfather on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 6:35 pm
Very predictable modus operandi of UMNO. First, you put some innocent people in jail. Then when you release them when you need a publicity boost, never mind that the detainees were never charged in the first place.
Next you say something about reviewing some legislation that the entire country wants to see repealed – but of course you can’t repeal it because it works to your advantage. Not from the view of justice, but from the view of political expediency.
Then you reduce prices of some goods or reduce taxes….but then the government no longer has any money, so this might be out of the question for the time being.
Look out for more populist moves….perhaps pictures of Rosie kissing newborn babies’ backsides….
The real test will be in the composition of the cabinet – whether it is the return of Mahathirism and more of the same “business-as-usual” attitude of a coalition that is already bankrupt of ideas for change.
Just follow Obama – Change We Can Believe In.
#12 by a g on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 6:35 pm
Your stance contradicts that of the slogan/concept/whatever of NR: “1 Malaysia, people first, performance now”. Yours is more in line with ” 1 Malay ja, my people first, performance later” kind of slogan/concept/whatever.
#13 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 6:42 pm
a g,
Refer to taiking’s post above. I am just pointing out to taiking that while he strongly espouses getting rid of the Bumiputera’s position as enshrined in the constitution, he seems to have conveniently forgot what he should have also included (on matters pertaining to other races) if he truly believed in what he was proposing.
#14 by a g on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 6:57 pm
You mean since there’s the special position that’s enshrined in the constitution, the “1 Malaysia” concept is basically an empty slogan?
#15 by ahluck on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 7:02 pm
najib punya cakap macam najis jugak tak serupa bikin. immediate release 13? what happening? just one day prime minister and he became the crime minister…yesterday today and tomorrow he be the same won’t change one. the king should look into it. why najib’s command not excuted. if cannot don’t say. if say do it. maybe the king also close eye and ears and mouth. iyya…..the botak and igp must be kicked for not following orders. thats why the saying goes…not polis diraja malaysia but polis raja di malaysia.
#16 by monsterball on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 7:25 pm
Yes imranj78…”One Malaysia” is an empty slogan……just as all the titles…Datuks..Tan Sri…..Tun…given to UMNO crooks…lumped up with great Malaysians…is telling Malaysians…the taxi drivers…farmers…teachers…low class dentist…few big mouth doctor
lawyers…. are all highly educated……damn smart…not equal to Malaysians.
UMNO and BN parties..all are racialist parties.
How can racialist can ever hope to be one with Malaysians..when they keep showing how great they are?
Yes..imranj78….it is low class political words uttered by Najib..with no meaning…..and stop being such a big balls carrier of UMNO.
#17 by taiking on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 7:48 pm
Godfather is most probably correct.
Suspended the two publications during badawi’s time to make it look like badawi’s the bad guy and when he became pm ordered the removal of the suspension to make him look like GOD.
Pre-primary tricks. Try something more sophisticated man!
One Malaysia to me means all the races in malaysia i.e. chinese, archenese, javanese, sumatran, thai, arab, indian, pakistani, iban, kadazan, etc etc are all the same. No NEP. No special rights or privilege for any race. If One Malaysia means anything else then it is meaningless umno trickery again. And based on gut feeling it will be nothing different from what we now have.
#18 by TTDI_KL on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 7:52 pm
That is why I have been saying Malaysians are gullible bodoh. Hindraf family members express gratefulness to PM for releasing their husbands and fathers. Hmmm, I don’t get it. I guess the detention works. After a while, you just want to forget everything and go home, am I right?
#19 by TTDI_KL on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 7:56 pm
Malaysians express thankfulness to things returning to them after they were unlawfully or “cavemanly” taken away from them. No wonder we get the government we deserve.
#20 by TTDI_KL on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:01 pm
Fellow Malaysians,
if you want to know whether 1Malaysia carries any specific meaning or intention;
if you want to know whether there are genuine reforms intention;
if you want to know whether UMNO can be trusted,
just watch all the political talk cock shows in TV1.
I rest my case.
#21 by taiking on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:05 pm
You seriously want to limit our younger generation to learning bahasa malaysia and using bahasa malaysia only?
Remember. You are here in this blogsite only because you can read and write english. Be practical like me. Propose something realistic and workable. And yes. Dont be a racist. I am not a racist like you. And my proposal is not racist for it does not favour any one race. Quite the contrary, my proposal is about removing race favouritism elements from our present system. Vernacular schools has no element of race favouritism like nep like uitm like bumi discounts like malay reserved land like bumi only glc contracts etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. Get it or not? Understand or not? Want me to repeat or not?
Oh its hard to deal with products of umno’s (-)meritocracy system.
#22 by gyp on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:06 pm
It is the dirty politician make Malaysian RACIST to protect their INTEREST of GREED.
#23 by Onlooker Politics on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:10 pm
“Hindraf family members express gratefulness to PM for releasing their husbands and fathers.” (TTDI_KL)
That kind of gratitude expression only shows that several Hindraf leaders who have a few kind-hearted and thankful members in their family were wrongfully detained by the UMNO tyrannic government for the past 17 months and these family members warmly welcome the decision of seeing their loved ones to be released unconditionally by the tyrannic government.
“I guess the detention works. After a while, you just want to forget everything and go home, am I right?” Such a comment may be a little bit of inhumane and inconsiderate. ISA detention camp is like a hell. Of course, it is much better for the detainees to be released from the solitary confinment than to die in the camp!
I have great compassion with the ISA detainees. I should say “thank God” for they are being released from the inhumane solitary confinement!
#24 by taiking on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:10 pm
Dear Najib, while you are still at it please consider this politically advantagous move. Return perak state government to pakatan. Thank you.
#25 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:11 pm
i think you probably have failed to realize
but imranj78 got his education at some
pasar malam located along the street
of jokers complex and najis street.
i cannot believe that onlooker politics is so patient
as to educate him. attempting to teach the unteachable
is a waste of time.
#26 by taiking on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:20 pm
You do have a point there.
But what I fear is imraj could well be a graduate.
#27 by TTDI_KL on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:25 pm
Onlooker politics, I think did not know my stand on Hindraf and their leaders. Those who know me long enough would know. What I am saying is this: Hindraf family members should hug their released loves and at the same time show the middle finger to those responsible for their detention, got it? You said “thank God” and i agree. I hope you know this group of cavemen are not God.
#28 by Onlooker Politics on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:28 pm
ISA detention camp is like a hell, I repeat! Anwar Ibrahim was politically doing a correct thing when he made a request for the draconian ISA to be abolished in his recent ceramah.
If Najib refuses to abolish the ISA, then the Rakyat of Malaysia shall go all out to defeat Najib in each and every contest in the by-elections! We should not continue to allow the ISA to be continually placed in the hand of a wrong person who would tend to abuse this draconian law in order to fulfill the malicious and selfish personal goals of maintaining the power grip for purpose of looting the national wealth.
Let’s say “NO” to ISA!
#29 by TTDI_KL on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:32 pm
imranj78 Says: “Respect the country’s constitution!”
I agree, but let’s go back to the original consitution, not the constitution as amended by your racist clanmen, ok? You represent UMNO mentality, and that is why UMNO will never change. Umno will be history and so will you.
#30 by lopez on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:34 pm
talk nonsense, trying to buy votes or what….then resume as usual
this trick used to often….so stop pretending to be the sheep and take off the sheep skin
some suckers will believe what an angel there is but just wishful thinking …..wait till the dust settles….you see the devil’s wrath
#31 by TTDI_KL on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:41 pm
We Malaysians always think there is a simple solution to a complex problem. Don’t be too sure if we have abolished ISA, all problems in the country will be resolved. Singapore too has ISA. Remember Anuar and Guan Eng went to jail not under ISA and because of that they were subsequently barred from politics for years. Do you guys genuinely believe that Anuar and Guan Eng were guilty under the respective laws? ISA is alright, it is the abuse of ISA. If the Government can abuse ISA, it can abuse anything under the sun.
#32 by ShiokGuy on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:41 pm
I think the BN government still think that the voter are born yesterday, or still the good old day where putting a carrot in front will get the vote, may be in Batang Ai because of lack of information.
We the voter are not a prostitute, even a prostitute will demand payment up front before any services.
Shiok Guy
#33 by vsp on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:44 pm
Where is your brain now?
Are you dead to reality? I think you are walking around like a zombie. Please don’t try to hookwink the people here on this blog. They are more intelligent than you think. They have seen it all before – Mahathir’s “Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah” sent the country to the dogs and Badawi’s “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” pushed the country into the longkang. Remember? Najib’s “1 Malaysia” will C4ed it.
Go back to the hole where you belong.
#34 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:51 pm
“One Malaysia to me means all the races in malaysia i.e. chinese, archenese, javanese, sumatran, thai, arab, indian, pakistani, iban, kadazan, etc etc are all the same. No NEP. No special rights or privilege for any race”
i think you forgot to mention about that idiotic
ketuana melayu rubbish.
the question that is literally begging to be asked
is this “can the malays do things the other races cannot?”
#35 by sheriff singh on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:52 pm
1Malaysia? Can’t he come up with something more original than to copy 1Utama?
What Najib’s new slogan really means is “Besok, Lusa, Mungkin”.
Don’t forget, he’s still stuck with the 50 over years’ legacies, the many little Napoleons and pencil pushers.
Do you all realise his first speech was essentially a rehash of Pak Lah’s “work with me” bull and as bulls go, they s..t. This guy has nothing original and will just float along. Mahathir and Rosmah will rule.
#36 by taiking on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:53 pm
Dear najib, your 1 malaysia slogan is laudable. But between you and me and the computer screen let me confide in you a secret view. Mahathir’s stand appears to be contradictory to your beautiful concept. So be very careful of him ok now that he is back in umno. Love taiking.
#37 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 8:55 pm
“Don’t forget, he’s still stuck with the 50 over years’ legacies, the many little Napoleons and pencil pushers.”
sherrif singh
#38 by sheriff singh on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:03 pm
Najib says he plan to visit Petaling Street, Brickfields, Kampong Baru and Chow Kit to show his commitment to include all races.
Yep. Them Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Indians, Pakistanis, Indonesians, Africans etc etc are looking forward to his visits.
#39 by a g on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:12 pm
But the release of some of the detainees, and the lifting of the ban, do serve some useful purposes for NR. First, it’s to paint a better image of himself (Wow! He’s kinder than what we’ve expected). Secondly, to try to win some Indian votes. Thirdly, by temporarily shifting our attention away from that Mongolian lady, it’s to unload the burden he has had to carry all this while..phew!
#40 by AhPek on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:15 pm
Respect the constitution says the great Imranj 78 but does he know how many times the constitution is amended? Go do a bit of research and tell us.You can then compare the number of times the American Constitution is amended over its 300 years history with the number of times Malaysian Constitution is amended over 50+ years of history.Shocking would be an understatement but then why that high number of times of amending over such a short period of time?It is quite obvious isn’t it?You call that respecting the constitution Imranj78?
#41 by Tonberry on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:16 pm
does he still have a brain? He has been showing severe sign of brain damage the moment Najib Altantuya inherited the throne. Mostly fart are coming out from his mouth..
#42 by pakualakurau on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:21 pm
Ini orang cina cakap “pegawai baru dilantik and 3 api”, ini bermakna “hangat hangat tahi ayam”. Apa yang dilakukannya sekarang cuba mengkaburi mata orang ramai.
Masa Abdullah pada tahun 2004 pun sama. Tetapi tengok apa terjadi kepadanya. Korapsi semakin lelusa.
PM baru ini akan kembali sepeti tun abdullah selepas 3 bulan, mungkin tak sampai 3 bulan. Sebab, umno ini terlalu ramai tunggu makan wang rakyat.
#43 by ctc537 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:22 pm
1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now
I doubt 1Malaysia can be achieved within the lifetime of PM Najib as long as we have this Bumi-Non-bumi divide among us. I suggest PM Najib do exactly the opposite of what TDM did during his reign. To achieve quality education, we have to adopt the Look-West or Look-South (Singpore) Policy instead of TDM’s Look-East Policy (to learn work ethics only). Yes, PM Najib, you’re right. Quality education is the all-important prerequisite if our Malaysia is to make a quantum leap in all fields. Don’t listen to TDM all the time. I personally feel that he is anti-Western and anti-Singapore, too.
#44 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:44 pm
vsp, Tonberry, computation, taiking,
I am here for proper debates. Your extreme name callings etc upon me is irrelevant and only reflects badly upon your own personality and yourself. Like I have said before, when people like you stoop to such lows, that normally means that you are incapable of proper and quality debates and are just trying to divert attention from your own incompetencies by attacking others with rubbish and utter gibberish. :)
a g
We will have to wait and see what exactly DS Najib means by 1Malaysia in the days and weeks to come. But 1Malaysia does not have to mean that all of us are the same like what taiking is trying to espouse. In my view, 1Malaysia could mean establishing a common bond and identity that would cut across all religions, race, culture etc. The US seems to have got this right. I also get the same sense when talking with my Brazilian and Venezuelan friends.
I never said that we should limit our younger generation to learning BM only right? Again, please don’t put words into my mouth! Understand or do you need to spell it out to you word by word? I said that BM as our national language should be the common language that binds us together. I strongly believe English should continue to be stressed upon, plus not forgetting that those who wish to pursue learning other languages such as Mandarin and Tamil should also be allowed to do so. Vernacular is not racist but it prevents us from forming a common identity. Even DAP’s famous Malaysian Malaysia concept will never be a reality if all our children go to different schools!
A constitution of the country is a product of the majority of the people’s wishes. When the constitution was amended, it was amended by a group of parliamentarians who were put there again by the majority of the people. As such these amendments are valid and legal even if they are changed many times if there is a need for it. It is fine if you disagree with the constitution. Vote for someone who can gain 2/3rds majority in the parliament and they can amend the constitution as per the wishes of the people who put them there in the first place. This is what democracy is all about!
#45 by monsterball on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:50 pm
“One Malaysia”….Only UMNO weird guys know what that means.
#46 by vsp on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:51 pm
Just a naughty thought: Could it be that the great mentor is holding the much talked-about photo that is hanging around Najib’s neck?
#47 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 9:52 pm
you sound stupid. you probably look stupid.
you probably are stupid.
you are a deceitful person.
you will deceive yourself into hell.
#48 by Tonberry on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:01 pm
yesterday, you were talking about “majority” in the GE 12th. And now, you’re contradicting yourself here. With so many people in this blog finding your comments dont even worth a rubbish, and you are accusing others of treating you unfairly..
Perhaps you should have a re-look at your own comments like – which part of constitution, where is the proof.. etc. Most of your comments are damn stupid and only kids will argue/debate like your style.
In Malay term, there is a word called degil. It is for those who refused to accept others’ opinions, but only of his own.
#49 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:02 pm
`imranj78 you sound stupid. you probably look stupid. you probably are stupid. you are a deceitful person. you will deceive yourself into hell.’ (computation)
I am not going to reply to your last post and stoop so low as what you (and some of your other `friends’ have done :) You are not worth my time unless you start speaking with some intelligence like maybe trying to debate what I have put forward as a possible concept of 1Malaysia?
#50 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:05 pm
i fail to see what the hooha is over
BM. BM may jolly well be the national language
but do you see any reason why BM should be
the language that binds malaysians together??
pathetic. by the way do you know that
outside of malaysia and indonesia nobody gives
a damn about the malay language?
i think you are probably aware that some
umno person couldn’t speak english
and got himself into trouble
with australian customs… wow
so much for ketuanan melayu and BM(whatever it may be)
#51 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:07 pm
“I am not going to reply to your last post and stoop so low as what you (and some of your other `friends’ have done You are not worth my time unless you start speaking with some intelligence like maybe trying to debate what I have put forward as a possible concept of 1Malaysia?”
see what i mean? you did in fact reply to my last post.
but in it you said you were not going to reply to it.
another example of your sheer stupidity.
#52 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:08 pm
your stupidity has been providing me
with a lot of laughs since last night.
i enjoy seeing you dig yourself stupidly
into a hole. a shit hole.
#53 by monsterball on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:12 pm
Computation….”One Malaysia”….only smart imranj78 understands.
He put out so many shit messages….trying to replace Limkamput.
#54 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:17 pm
Imranj78, yesterday, you were talking about “majority” in the GE 12th. And now, you’re contradicting yourself here (Tonberry)
Care to tell me specifically how my earlier posts contradict with my statement on the GE12? I am open to admit mistakes but you need to show me where and what it is first!
#55 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:24 pm
When i mean reply to your last posts, I mean I am not going to reply to your name calling and insults with further name callings/insults! Expand your mind a bit please.
Why use BM as the language that binds us together? BM and other languages similar to it have been the language of the region for hundreds of years and is the first language for the majority of Malaysians. So isn’t it natural that it be made the country’s national language? This of course should not be at the expense of learning other languages If not what language do you propose to be used as the country’s primary communication tool?
#56 by wvee on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:25 pm
Stupid imranj78 asking for a debate,
A few responded to his deceiving posts;
Yet stupid imranj78 talking nonsence,
The more he farts the worse it gets.
How the shit you would have been a Malaysian,
For you don’t even understand Malaysia history;
Pretending like commanding good English,
Infact, you can’t even differentiate ‘too’ and ‘to’.
Forget about your misuse of ‘then’ and ‘than’,
You are simply an idiot of your kind;
This will be the first and last post of mine,
Coz even your name is not worth for us to pronounce!
#57 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:36 pm
you see if you mean to say something then
say it correctly. think through carefully what you mean
to say and then say it. you are not a child so
i assume you are able to do it.
again i fail to understand our sentence
“So isn’t it natural that it be made the country’s national
nobody is disputing that BM is the country’s national language.
what i am disputing is whether or not BM should be used
(as you call it) “the language that binds malaysians together”.
why should it? the chinese and indians certainl don’t use
it as their first language.
furthermore you claim that “BM and languages similiar
to it have used in the region for hundreds of years”
the questions are , what region are you talking about?
in singapore which certainly is part of the region
teochew , hokkien , cantonese, english, tamil
were all used predominantly there. so what region
are you talking about?
have the ibans and dayaks been using BM???
is that their original language??
now the language i proposed be used
as the country’s primary communication tool be
english. why? because it is a neutral language
to all the races. two the world uses english
mostly to communicate. (and to reduce the chances
of one of the umno goons from embarrasing the country)
in short basically all the reasons why LKY choose
to push for english as the working language can be applied here.
now you answer my questions. and tell me what is so natural
about using BM as the country’s working language amongst
my other questions in this post.
#58 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:38 pm
whilst you are about it
do you care to share you views on
“ketuanan melayu” ?
do you agree with that view?
do you agree with that concept???
is it even a concept?
#59 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:45 pm
you say that
“BM and languages similiar
to it have used in the region for hundreds of years”
lets assume you mean the hundreds of years to be
two to three hundred years. so basicall we are talking
about the 1700’s onwards. now
think carefully about whether or not
the colonials were around having a good time.
were they using BM? to communicate with the
malays yes. with the others?
#60 by a g on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:48 pm
Dear imranj78,
refer to your reply to computation:”…what I have put forward as a possible concept of 1Malaysia..”.
You mean you are also not sure what is that “1Malaysia” thing all about?
That’s why many here have surmised that it could mean nothing but an empty slogan.
Does “Bersih, Cekap, Amanah” mean anything to you?
Does ” Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” mean anything to you?
#61 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:51 pm
by the way. what do you understand by the
word “immediately”
suppose someone says i will release my prisoners
(suppose its your nephew) “immediately”
and then later you make a trip tp where he is
held and find out that actually he hasn’t been released
how do you think you will feel??
do you think perhaps the person who
used the word “immediately” doesn’t know what
the word means? don’t you think it is natural he/she
learns how to use words correctly?
would you think the person should actually mean what
he says and be honest and truthful? what are your
views on the latest “immediate” release which
actually hasn’t turned out to be so immediate afterall?
suppose its you that got locked up. can you be considered
to be impatient if you were to complain that
you were not released immediately when someone said
you would be?
you ask lots of questions. now i ask you mine.
you answer.
#62 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 10:52 pm
BM might not be the first language for maybe 20 – 30% of our population, but almost 100% of Malaysians speak BM competently; from our corporate and government leaders, all the way to the makciks, aunties etc in the villages. This is a different case for English. Now don’t get me wrong, it is very important that we also master English. Its not about choosing a `neutral’ language; its about choosing a language that is common across a majority of our population.
When I mean region, I am primarily talking about Peninsular Malaysia and also Sabah, Sarawak. Singapore is a different case. It is natural that they choose English as their main language as that is the most widely spoken language there.
#63 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:00 pm
why is it not about using a neutral language?
why is it about choosing a language common
across the population?
you want a language that binds people together.
should it not be neutral? is it not natural that it
be neutral? in fact is it not critical that it be neutral?
another question. what would you view be if the malays
in singapore had to use chinese as the working
language over there?
#64 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:01 pm
further more you havent answered as to
whether the indigenous people in
sabah and sarawak use BM as their language.
#65 by vsp on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:02 pm
This is the “1 Malaysia” that imranj is envisioning and advocating:
1. Najib is the great maharaja of Bolehland. Every one will have to kowtow before him – no exception, even the agong has to eat humble pie.
2. Najib is the omnipotent god of this Bolehland. He is above all the laws of this country and whatever crime that he commits is not considered a crime, why? because he can personally interceded with Allah.
3. He is the ultimate iman of this country. He is Allah’s keeper and he can ban anyone from using the name of Allah and in the process any attributes of Allah, so that you cannot beseech for justice, truth, love and fairness in any court in Bolehland. These become just commodities that he can dispense out of his whim and fancy with a price.
4. Status quo is the name of the game. Only UMNOputras (the castrated crazy Malays and the Mamak-Arab-Indo-China fake Malays) have complete privileges and say over the fates of the Malays, Chinese, Indians and Sabah and Sarawak’s originals. Whatever rubbish that is being uttered in UMNO’s general assembly will become the norms and practices of Bolehland.
5. The PDRM will be the official goons and protectors of the privileged Ketuanan Melayu class and the Mat-rempits will be the spoilt holy terrors.
6. The Attorney General and the MCCA will be the running dogs that will be let loose on any dissidents.
7. The Speaker of the Dewan Raayat and the backbencers’ court jesters will rule the roost over the proceedings in Parliament.
8. Bolehland will be overwhelmed with multi-billion projects that are mainly been dreamt, proposed and implemented by cronies and warlords from the BN coalition. Everything in Bolehland will have its price.
So there you are imranj, say that you disagree with the realities.
#66 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:04 pm
you still haven’t given your views about “ketuanan melayu”
but you happily ask for peoples views
on one malaysia…
why not you ask them about one utama?
#67 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:05 pm
The principle of ketuanan melayu does not resonant with me. I am not even sure what it means to be honest with you.
When the colonists were here, I am sure they initially had translators to bridge the language gap between them and the locals. Over time more locals could speak English and some of the colonists also learnt to speak Malay hence the language barrier became less of an issue but I am sure it never went away. This is my hypothesis of course. Someone with more detailed history of knowledge could maybe correct me if I am wrong.
What does immediately mean? Well to be technically correct, immediately means that it should happen at the same second you speak about it! But practically, unless you have planned for it way up front, immediately would normally mean the time when you start to take action to make it happen. In the case of the ISA detainees, the latter applies as Najib of course could not bypass Pak Lah as the PM prior to yesterday. Hence the ball only stared rolling when Najib became PM and unfortunately there was too much red tape until the detainees can be released.
#68 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:07 pm
suppose i say fine you want a one school system.
then everyone goes to chinese style schools.
what would you say to that.
i say this. chinese style schools produce more
capable students. they learn english, math science
well. hell they can even learn BM there.
the chinese schools produce better results.
furthermore i say national schools don’t perform as well.
they don’t produce the best. malaysia must have the
best so all go to chinese style schools. scrap the national
what do you say to that?
#69 by TTDI_KL on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:15 pm
A constitution of the country is a product of the majority of the people’s wishes. When the constitution was amended, it was amended by a group of parliamentarians who were put there again by the majority of the people. imranj78
If constitution can be amended at will and with the slightest excuses, may I know then why we have a constitution? You talk about majority rules but you must know the difference between rule of law and rule by law. There are enduring principles like fairness and justice, the equal right of minorities and freedom of religions and association that everybody, including the majority, must respect. The reality is UMNO mentality like you never believe in fair play and earning your own upkeep. You people just love to colonise, lord over, exploit and subjugate others, never mind your own work ethics, culture and values may not be in sync with others. You can argue whatever you want about the lesser rights of migrant races. But may know how you fellows are treating those natives in Sabah and Sarawak. Do they not have more rights than you? I want you to answer me who is administrating, controlling and managing the states of Sarawak and Sabah? I think it is not wrong for many here to brand you as racist, bigot, supremacist, and colonialist.
#70 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:16 pm
what the singaporeans choose as their working language is up to them.. whether it be english or chinese. whats wrong with malays speaking chinese? i am starting to think that you have something about using malay as the main language in Malaysia.
For Sabahans and Sarawakians, I believe the main language would be different depending on who specifically you are talking about but the languages all have some commonality with BM, similar with BM having commonalities with Bahasa Indonesia.
whats the point of using a language that is neutral but not well understood by the majority of the population? it makes sense to use a language that is common to people. You seem to have something chauvinistic against using BM?
wow you really have a wild imagination. You really did well in twisting and spinning my post to come up with `my’ supposedly 1Malaysia ideals. As a matter of fact, the list that you made up are all way off.
#71 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:16 pm
you still haven’t answered as to why BM is natural.
more critcally you haven’t answered as to why a neutral
language to to “bind” people is not critical.
you haven’t answered still whether the indigenous
people in sabah and sarwak use BM as their language.
my question about the colonials is meant to remind you
of the huge population of different races
in malaya at that time. BM was not used predominantly
except by the malays.
your answer about “immediately” is less than
satisfactory. it appears you are presuming
that the current pm could not order
the release to coincide with his statement.
further more you seem to be claiming
indirectly that abdullah wanted to block
the release. i think that is strange.
do you not find that strange?
#72 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:19 pm
“what the singaporeans choose as their working language is up to them.. whether it be english or chinese. whats wrong with malays speaking chinese? i am starting to think that you have something about using malay as the main language in Malaysia.”
you see you still haven’t answered about why you say
neutrality is not important.
and please as you say keep an open mind. i am merely
asking for YOUR views about the situation in singapore.
it may or may not be directly relevant. you still haven’t
shown a case for why BM should be used as the binding language
for malaysia.
you haven’t answered my question on the chinese style schools/
do you dispute that malaysia should have the best?
#73 by upholdjustice on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:23 pm
In Chedet blog,I reprimanded Mamakthir for being ignorant for so many years before introducing teaching Science and Math in English.
Surprisingly,he replied to me by saying there was always a group of narrow-minded people like you who forced him to wait.
After Independence ,former Malaysian Prime Ministers(excluding Tunku) were stupid enough to introduce Malay language as a formal language just to satisfy a group of Malay extremists .
As a consequence,so many graduates here become unemployed due to poor English proficiency.This is so embarrassing given Malaysia was a former British colony but did not know how to take advantage of it.
It is high time we reverted to English medium national school.
#74 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:23 pm
“whats the point of using a language that is neutral but not well
understood by the majority of the population? it makes sense to
use a language that is common to people. You seem to have
something chauvinistic against using BM? ”
you see you want a language that “binds”.
how do you know that something that is understood by the
majority “binds”? why should it? why does it?
does it really??
#75 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:26 pm
“You seem to have
something chauvinistic against using BM? ”
please let me exhort you by the way to keep
an open mind. does an objection or indeed
what appears to be objections imply, mean
or suggest that i am chauvinistic against using BM?
please grow up. do not label me as chauvanistic
just because you are asked questions.
please by the way be more open minded
#76 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:27 pm
you still haven’t answered a whole lot of
my other questions.
#77 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:27 pm
I agree that whatever changes to the constitution must be for the betterment of the country and should not cause the country to go backwards. I can’t say I agree to many of the amendments done so far myself but I was focusing more on the legality of such amendments and the fact that they were done by parliamentarians who were representing the rakyat who voted for them.
#78 by gyp on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:41 pm
Why cant the Malay understand that the Special Malay Positon in the Constitution is in temporary terms to help the Malay grow not in permanent basic.
Original it is supposed to review after 15 years recommend but lastly all Malayan parties agreed to review this temporary Special Malay position from times to times (anytimes) should caused a review by the Agong and cabinet not years or 15 years.
Please read and study the consitution clearly and properly.
#79 by imranj78 on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:42 pm
I have already answered all your questions but for your sake, let me repost them again in a simpler format that will be more understandable for you:
1. `you still haven’t answered as to why BM is natural.
more critcally you haven’t answered as to why a neutral
language to to “bind” people is not critical.’
Ans: whats the point of using a language that is neutral but not well understood by the majority of the population? it makes sense to use a language that is common (& understandable) to (the majority) of the people. (which in our case is BM). Note that I am not saying neutrality is not important nor important, I am just saying that neutrality is irrelevant if that neutral language is not well understood by the majority of the people.
2. `you haven’t answered still whether the indigenous
people in sabah and sarwak use BM as their language.’
Ans: For Sabahans and Sarawakians, I believe the main language would be different depending on who specifically you are talking about but the languages all have some commonality with BM, similar with BM having commonalities with Bahasa Indonesia. (i.e. agreed that not everyone uses BM as their main language but again a majority is competent in BM, more so due to the close similarity between BM and the local languages in Sabah/Sarawak)
3. `how do you know that something that is understood by the
majority “binds”? why should it? why does it? does it really??’
Ans: Language alone cannot bind if there are no common values among the people; but it facilitates. To be able to facilitate such process, the language must be understood by the majority of the people. How can a language not well understood by the majority of the people facilitate such binding?
4. `you haven’t answered my question on the chinese style schools. do you dispute that malaysia should have the best?
Ans: I don’t dispute that Malaysia should have the best. Thats not the question here. The question is about formation of a binding Malaysian identify among the population of our country. And for as long as our children go to different schools, such a common identity will be difficult to be achieved.
#80 by Godfather on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:55 pm
“….while he strongly espouses getting rid of the Bumiputera’s position as enshrined in the constitution, he seems to have conveniently forgot what he should have also included (on matters pertaining to other races) if he truly believed in what he was proposing.” imranj78
Why do you guys want to engage a typical UMNOputra mindset ? “oh, you want us to adopt a meritocratic system, but you people of other races must give something back.” “oh, the system may be flawed, but for us to correct the flaw, you the innocent must pay for something.” “We must be given something in order to correct a wrong.”
This is so typical of a feudal mindset, and I suggest that you guys just stop engaging this Mahathirite.
#81 by computation on Saturday, 4 April 2009 - 11:57 pm
i refer to your points made in (1)
above. you again fail to answer as to why
a language that is used by the majority binds people.
you keep repeating that the majority use BM
and understand BM but thats all you do.
point (3) you are right that language alone cannot
bind. the point is why BM then if it is not neutral.
you want something to bind. make it neutral.
BM is currentl understood by the majority but thats
not to say people cannot and adopt a neutral language
in the future right?
you do not dispute that malaysia should have the best.
do you agree then that the national school system be
scrapped and everyone goes to chinese style schools?
i am not disputing that shaping a common identity is
difficult if children go to different school systems.
all children go to chinse style schools. you get the best
and you get one school system. would it not work?
#82 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:01 am
i meant to say
BM is currently understood by the majority but thats
not to say people cannot learn and adopt a neutral language
in the future right?
i suggest neutrality is very important. surely you can hardly hope
to convice others to come together if you are not neutral.
an abscence of neutrality must imply biasness.
and that can hardly be expected to bind peeople
#83 by Godfather on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:03 am
It would work, but then Bolehland will have to be renamed Cinakuiland.
#84 by imranj78 on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:04 am
Its not about giving something back as you try to put it. It is about being consistent. I thought we all want to create a true Malaysian identity right? Where everyone is the same and equal and share the same values and outlook? Then having a common education system for all makes absolute sense!
#85 by TTDI_KL on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:08 am
To cut the long story short, the lack of unity in this country is NOT due to different languages or cultures. Each time a disunity issue emerge, the vernacular schools would be the natural target. This is obviously the working of bigots and racists who simply cannot stand the sight of other languages, religions and cultures other than their own.
The government must honestly and sincerely embrace multiracialism. The era of lip service aiming at truncating the clamour for change and inclusiveness is over. HEAR ME PROPERLY: Racial unity and integration can not be promoted by asking people to give up their identities for some illusionary notion of commonality. National unity and integration is brought about by genuine desire of individuals to sacrifice a little of themselves in exchange for the greater common good that they can see happening in the society and country they live in. Do you see this happening in Malaysia?
#86 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:11 am
prior to BM becoming the
national language
what was the language people used
to communicate with each other at that time.
prior to and after the war when the british
were around?
what is you estimate of national cohesion
then and now after BM became the national
language. what are you conclusions?
#87 by imranj78 on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:17 am
In my view, I’ve already answered your questions pretty clear. If you still don’t get it, its either we’re misunderstanding each other or you’re just reading but not understanding my posts which is unfortunate. I’m afraid I have much better things to do then repeating answers which I have already given. I suggest you just re read my posts and if you still don’t get it; just forget it lah.
why do you say chinese style schools are the best? care to elaborate? use chinese schools for everyone? lets be practical; you know as well as i do that is not going to happen. There is so much opposition even when we want to teach Maths & Science in English. So your proposal which is even wilder is too out of this world. Lets be practical shall we.
I am starting to believe that you have something against BM. So whatever I say, no matter how practical and logical will not satisfy you.
#88 by dawsheng on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:19 am
” It is about being consistent.” – imraj78
How is consistent and having common education system for all makes absolute sense? Shouldn’t it be the best education for all, even that it can’t be consistent, the reason is very simple, some people are clever, some people are stupid, and some people think they are clever but actually they are stupid.
#89 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:21 am
i further claim
the countries that are going to shape the
coming world will be china and india.
i further say the us will be around for a whole lot
i further claim malaysia doesn’t have the wherewithal
to go it alone. it needs to have people
conversant in chinese, tamil and english
of its survival to trade and compete with the
above mentioned countries. i further claim
given the dismal way the country is being run
the country will soon face severe economic
troubles. tensions will rise in this country
if it is poor. claim that no amount
of BM will help the country stay united if it is poor
and unable to compete successfully. i say there will be chaos.
i further claim that to ease
the possible troubles everybody should start learning
tamil and chinese and english now. given that the majority
of people cannot learn more than two or three languages
equally well i say spend less time on learning BM
because ultimately learning it isn’t going to help the
what do you say?
#90 by HJ Angus on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:21 am
I think it is a good move by the new PM even though there is a technical delay.
Government cannot operate with mere announcements.
The more correct procedure for him was to announce an immediate review of all ISA cases and a special committee including opposition MPs to change the ISA laws.
That special committee could have worked out some issues and perhaps within 2 to 3 weeks, he could have issued the order to release all ISA detainees except those that really are a danger to peace in the nation.
The changes to the ISA would be debated in the next P session as urgent business.
#91 by a g on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:25 am
imranj78 talks quite a lot. But he may know what he is talking about, e.g. when he talks about, let me rephrase, “going to the same type of schools in order to ‘achieve a common identity'”, what “common identity”? What I know is, after I go to school with my classmates for 6-12 years, 40 of us have 40 different identities! And in accordance with today’s educational theories, churning out students of a “common identity” like what a factory is churning out products, is the greatest nightmare for a good educational system.
#92 by dawsheng on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:26 am
I promise you, things can only get worst under Najib.
#93 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:26 am
why do you say chinese style schools are the best? care to elaborate? use chinese schools for everyone? lets be practical; you know as well as i do that is not going to happen. There is so much opposition even when we want to teach Maths & Science in English. So your proposal which is even wilder is too out of this world. Lets be practical shall we.
i have already stated my reasons why i said chinese
style schools are the best. i think you are unable to
remember things that i have said.
well lets be practical you want the best you work for the
best. thats being practical. i do no understand
what you mean by “lets be practical”.
i say that objections to somethings doens’t mean
a full stop to implementation. if it makes sense
then work around the objections. i have stated
my reasons for saying one school system. a chinese style
school system. what are your objections?
#94 by imranj78 on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:27 am
even during the British times, BM was the most prevalent language in the country. As a matter of fact, the use of the Jawi script for BM was even more prevalent then compared to now. The upper echelon of the adminstration I assume would have been in English due to the colonists. I don’t know about national cohesion back then, but I am sure the `divide and rule’ principle that the British used back then didn’t help at all. At least today everyone can speak, read/write and understand one common language i.e. BM.
Abolition of vernacular schools is not about asking people to give up their own identities and languages. The setup of our national school must give space for everyone to learn their language of choice besides BM and English, hence everyone can maintain their own identities and languages but all within the confines of a single education system that promotes unity and cohesion as well as a single Malaysian identity. Obviously I can understand that there are some reservations about the biasness of some of our national schools and this is something that obviously needs to be corrected.
#95 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:27 am
you are absolutely wrong
i have nothing against BM.
#96 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:29 am
ok well its been great talking to you.
i have nothing against BM or BM as the national language.
i hope all malaysians regardless of
race etc will come together as one
quickly. becasue its going to get really tough out there.
#97 by OrangRojak on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:31 am
Hey I think having separate education systems is a really, really bad sign. It should be a BM state school system, no doubt in my mind. Problem is, you’ve got an increasingly incompetent and authoritarian government guaranteeing that no person in their right mind would send a child to a BM state school.
A neutral language isn’t that good an idea, from an identity point of view. There are non-white areas of the UK, what should the schools teach in there? Klingon? It is my strong suspicion that if Malaysian parents had some faith in the Malaysian public sector’s ability to deliver superb basic education, there would be very few people trying to educate their child in a foreign language. It’s obviously counter-productive in the long run for all but a tiny minority of people who have the means to develop international careers. Awkwardly, that same minority has a high degree of overlap with the blogosphere, so gentlemen, start your flames! I guess it’s additionally more problematic because of a culture of patronage.
The sooner somebody credible starts a ‘1 Malaysia’ programme, prohibits racial and religious profiling of citizens, liberates the media and does something actually effective about income disparity in Malaysia, the sooner we can all stop wasting our time on these ridiculous arguments, get some decent work done and then go and sing Negaraku at the pub with our rainbow coloured friends.
A common education system is a must for Malaysia, or any country for that matter. The sooner you can scrape up someone who isn’t an embarrassingly retarded racist to provide it, the better. Forcing Malaysians into the last-choice education system is not the answer. It wouldn’t surprise me if foreign-language schools did get better results than BM ones in Malaysia. If the statistic is reliable when all other variables are taken into account, that would be a national embarrassment.
The suggestion to switch the national system to a foreign language is ludicrous. That wouldn’t solve the problem, just create a new one. The answer is competent government. It’s going to be a long wait.
#98 by dawsheng on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:32 am
Do you all know why Najib release 13 ISA detainees?
#99 by dawsheng on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:34 am
Why 13? Why not 10, 14 or 16?
#100 by dawsheng on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:40 am
If Najib can release 13 ISA detainees he can also detain another 13 with very good reasons too right?
#101 by imranj78 on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:40 am
why do i think chinese schools will never be the main schools in Malaysia? Well for as long as the majority of the population do not see Chinese as their first language, this will not be possible.
I agree china and india will be increasingly important & that is why english will be increasingly important as these two countries are also strongly pursuing english as a tool for communication. i just came back from china and while i can get by using mandarin, most of the time we still used english. its the same in italy when i got by with my italian but still english is many times used as a `bridge’
nevertheless i do agree that understanding chinese and hindi/tamil is an advantage. However, BM is our national language that binds us together and identifies us as Malaysians. Irrespective of what we say here, BM will still continue to be the language of the federation for a long long time to come. And that is the fact, irrespective of whether BN, PR or whoever controls the government. That is one thing that we can be certain of.
#102 by sheriff singh on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:43 am
13 is Pak Lah’s unlucky number lah.
#103 by OrangRojak on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:45 am
Does anybody know what Anwar’s bug surprise is yet?
#104 by OrangRojak on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:46 am
oops! bug=big honest mistake!
#105 by dawsheng on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:47 am
Mebbe is photo of Najib dining wif HER?
#106 by wanderer on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:48 am
Why all of you are wasting your time with that UMNO pimp imranj78?
He is just a blooming lost cause! He eats and sleeps in that s#it hole.
#107 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:48 am
“Irrespective of what we say here, BM will still continue to be the language of the federation for a long long time to come. And that is the fact, irrespective of whether BN, PR or whoever controls the government. That is one thing that we can be certain of.”
yes of course that is so,
i do not dispute that. neither do
i have anything against that.
and perhaps more importantly
i am not hoping for any change in
the system.
#108 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:49 am
Does anybody know what Anwar’s bug surprise is yet?
he caught a big bug??
#109 by dawsheng on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:53 am
Damage control, that is what the crapshooter imraj78 is doing here. What common education system? We don’t want to be stupid like all the Mat Rempit lah! Our Prime Minister Najib Razak is a murder suspect!
#110 by a g on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 1:08 am
Malaysiakini reports that some 6,000 PPP members are going to join PKR. This could be the bug surprise, I guess.
#111 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 1:10 am
“Malaysiakini reports that some 6,000 PPP members are going to
join PKR. This could be the bug surprise, I guess.”
oh bugger!
#112 by chengho on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 1:10 am
Too late guys , peoples already feel Najib’s kindness and friendly approach. All the peoples in Petaling street , Brickfileld and Lembah Pantai welcomed him like a long lost brother when he visited them today, they just love him. The Indian restaurant even served him a nice spread of Indian foods.
Even LGE welcomes Najib, and wishes to have a good relation with him. With OTK’s support, Najib can win the heart and soul of Malaysian Chinese. The best advisable way for LGE is to form a coalition state government with BN and forget about PAS and ADIL. The Hindraf finally realised, Najib is their man….not bro Anwar,and Karpal was right to ask for Anwar to bertaubat…
The young Malaysians are happy with Najib. They can relate themselves to a young leader like Najib…….
The Baba & Nyonya speak perfect malay since 600 years ago so what seem to be the problem?…….they listen to keroncong song….
#113 by a g on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 1:18 am
And chengho you know it’s too late for a bug to suddenly pop out from nowhere to disturb people ya. Go away!
#114 by dawsheng on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 1:32 am
“The young Malaysians are happy with Najib. They can relate themselves to a young leader like Najib…….” – chengho
How much are you being paid to write like this? Tough job! But of course, you can keep on dreaming.
#115 by ekans on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 1:59 am
Wasn’t it pre-arranged by UMNO’s BN to have people in Petaling Street, Brickfields & Lembah Pantai greet the Pekan MP, sort of a throwback to the days when the former Kubang Pasu MP had those Semarak (Setia Bersama Rakyat) sessions?
The present Penang CM & even the Kelantan MB, as heads of their respective state governments, just want to show some measure of respect to the new head of the federal government as a gesture of common courtesy, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they want cross over.
And why were only two ISA detainees from Hindraf released?
What about the other three?
Isn’t Hindraf still banned by UMNO’s BN federal government?
The present Permatang Pauh MP wasn’t the man who had banned Hindraf & put five of its people into ISA detention in the first place.
Obviously, the Pekan MP is certainly the man who knows how to use his position of authority to win the hearts & minds of the voters (especially the crucial fence-sitters) in three coming by-elections…
#116 by computation on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 2:51 am
“why do you say chinese style schools are the best? care to
elaborate? use chinese schools for everyone? lets be practical;
you know as well as i do that is not going to…”
“why do i think chinese schools will never be the main schools in
Malaysia? Well for…”
this will be my last post on this issue.
i want to point out clearly and carefully
that i have never said chinese schools.
i have said chinese STLYE schools. This
has been deliberate as I have never had the
desire or intention of imposing anything on anyone.
i am neither suggesting nor implying that chinese should
be the medium of instruction.
What i am suggesting however is that the WAY
the teaching is done in the schools be adopted.
#117 by sightseeing on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 3:22 am
//… peoples already feel Najib’s kindness and friendly approach. All the peoples in Petaling street , Brickfileld and Lembah Pantai welcomed him like a long lost brother when he visited them today…// Chengho
Najib should immediate pay a visit to Mongolia and swear to the Mongolian people that he has nothing to do with the murder of Altantuya. His bodyguards just killed her by mistake. The C4 was stolen from the Ministry of Defence without his knowledge. Her entry record at the Malaysian Immigration was wiped out by computer virus.
#118 by Jeffrey on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 4:01 am
Surely you cannot take his words “with immediate effect” (in relation to the release of 13 detainees from ISA detention) literally.
I don’t think it is reflection of his failing “performance test” just because due to paperwork or bureaucratic procedures the 13 are released a day or two later than announcement. Far from showing “incompetence and ineptitude” Najib has (from the restricted stanpoint of UMNO’s interest and perspectives) shown a measure of initial competence and aptitude in downplaying his well known political baggage and swirling rumours, confusing his detractors by ambiguous and conflicting signals, for examples, after banning of Harakah and Suara Keadilan 3 months ago, now lift the ban as a showcase of liberalism; embracing Tun Mahathir and all the authoritarianism he stands for back to UMNO’s fold and yet at same time release 13 ISA detainees to signify liberalism. These conflicting and ambiguous signals between authoritarianism/repression and liberalism are intended to confuse critics so that they don’t where exactly to place this new administration. Not to be beaten by TDM’s Bersih, Cekap, Amanah” and Pak Lah’s “Work with me, not for me” he also has “ 1 Malaysia, People First, Performance Now”! As if to back words by deed, he immediately visited Petaling Street/KL’s Chinatown, the predominantly-Malay area of Vista Angkasa near Kampung Kerinchi, and then Brickfields with its Indian-majority community – to show a 1 Malaysia visit! Bursa Malaysia did not move against him. Investors and diplomats might well favour on business level talking to Najib more than Pak Lah, though the latter, on a personal level, may well be generally thought off as humbler as less Machiavellian disposition.
From the restricted standpoint of UMNO’s perspectives and interest, Najib has a “good start”.
Najib’s strength is being able to rely upon and listen to a wider and possibly more competent multi-tiered set of advisers and political strategists in contrast to the small coterie of advisers his predecessor drew on. (This is where the Opposition should be wary). Pakatan Rakyat knows that Najib’s reign portends harder times for the Opposition and civil society.
Indeed I venture to speculate that the “good start” so unnerved Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim that he tonight immediately thought fit to announce defection by Progressive Party (PPP) vice-president V Nagarajan along with 11 of the party’s divisions to PKR.
By one stroke, Anwar has again shot Pakatan Rakyat on the foot and neutralized Pakatan Rakyat’s moral basis to complain of BN’s illegal takeover of Perak Assembly.
Of course the argument is that no inducement is offered to procure the defections. So too are argued by BN in Perak. The fact remains, political defections (without by elections) are, even by DAP’s traditional standards, undemocratic betrayal of constituencies’ mandate, which is why Guan Eng supports the anti hopping laws. So what Anwar does is an act of impatience; a kind of admission that Najib’s ascendency to top post is perceived very inimical to Opposition’s position and could kickstart UMNO’s resurgence in time to come, and so far Najib’s start being a good start for UMNO, requires Opposition to do something drastic now to stem the ruling coalition resurgence.
#119 by Jeffrey on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 4:12 am
Whereas in previous administration Pak lah fought warlords – and TDM, and then Anwar’s PR.
Najib has now the advantage of join forces with TDM against Anwar’s PR whilst warlords are quiet at this moment.
Anwar knows the moment Najib could not be stopped from taking the top position, the power equation will change against Anwar & PR.
#120 by anna brella on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 4:50 am
Why is it so hard for these two Malaysian public SERVANTS to just do a COMPETENT job?
They are paid well for their jobs, aren’t they?
And how disrespectful (of the PM’s stated wishes) and incompetent and heartless can the Home Minister and the IGP be if they cannot even follow simple orders on important matters such as this? What if it was the two of them stuck in there at KDC and it was thier families that were made to wait outside for their release after having had their hopes raised falsely by the new PM?
There just seems to be, in my view, just far too much of this dreadful, dead-pan apathy from what looks like endemic incompetence in public services that makes it seem almost as if public staff operate under the motto:
Why do a great job when you can opt to do a mediocre one instead?
So, is the new PM going to assert his authority and control and demand for those two clearly incompetent public heads to be made accountable for this publicly embarrassing and totally unnecessary blunder, and so, roll?
“Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.
#121 by disapointed86 on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 5:29 am
LMAO sh1t ham1d and MUsa …are they following the swearing in ceremony or fall asleep??…dont blame me to say ” wtf these morons are doing?” i think Uncle Kit should send them a dictionary..Malaysia – English….IN his Speech …Najib did mention IMMEDIATELY..and why only tommorow they got released?… tell both of them Immediately means SERTA-MERTA….come on..what a minister we have in MSia…not to say their proficiency in English which will makes everyone fed up…..
Uncle Kit…i’ve just viewed this video by TheSTar
Najib did mention “perjuangan orang Melayu dan negara”..dont you think this is not right…so sad…what happen to ” nobody going to be left out”??
#122 by lopez on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 5:45 am
if increasing the toll can be taken with top priority and silencing others to voice their plight is an offence
what more do you need to understand about fairness and reasonableness to the common majority that is so hurting and living a slow death as if everthing is okay.
it is not and has not been…see it for your self..
no 1 sick nation going towards oblivion, see for yourself or prepare for hell from the helm.
#123 by Evenmind on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 7:08 am
Well done, Malaysia semua boleh ( brand new slogan ) we’ve got now a half billion dollar commission man as a PM , not a mention a probable assassin. Mana ada system ( MAS), move over Arnold, your terminator is no match to our assassinator.
#124 by Bigjoe on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 8:27 am
Sdr. Lim makes a very excellent point that should be noted here. Najib is a 30 year technocrat and yet he is making what is amateurish errors all over the place. He announced Perak Govt and thought he had his i’s and t’s crossed when he did not. Now again, making a huge announcement on national TV and yet, again, he got the details wrong. After 30 years, you don’t know how to get the details right? Who does a job for 30 years and still screw up?
This is why he gets into trouble. The man loves the drama of surprises but he is really bad at it.
He is now going around trying to look like he is ‘change’ ala Obama but the fact is, if you take a step back, you realise its all not new. Releasing ISA detainee? Mahathir himself announced it on national TV that he did it before 20 years ago. Walkabout and in-touch with the people? Badawi did this 5 years ago and where did it get us? OneMalaysia i.e., mutual respect? If you think about it, all it really is that he promise to keep the ultras in check but in return we cannot criticise mainstream existing ideas which Dr. M actually did when he came into office early on. (Also does he think we forgot that mainstream ideas such as NEP, Islamisation etc is still wrong?) He is just a new advertisement of old ideas…The man still don’t get it we need a new product, not a new advertisement. But then again, its because he cannot come up with a new product.
#125 by sotong on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 8:34 am
They had their chance to do the right thing but they betrayed the ordinary people…….get rid of them,all of them by the next election!!!
The global crisis and recession, may be depression, will hurt the poor badly…hunger will become starvation.
#126 by a g on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 8:59 am
//..Anwar has again shot Pakatan Rakyat on the foot and neutralized (their) moral basis to complain of BN’s illegal takeover of Perak Assembly..// Jeffrey
Don’t you think that you have literally confused the two types of \defection\–one in the PPP case and the other one in the Perak Assembly case. The core and crucial point for us to be mindful of is: in the PPP case the \defectors\ are NOT elected representatives while, in the Perak Assembly case, the \defectors\ ARE elected representatives.
In the PPP case, aren’t they just exercising their rights to free association and disassociation, so the proposed \anti-hoping\ regulations are clearly irrelevant here? But we just can’t say the same for the Perak Assembly case.
Having said that, I do think that there are still people confused by, or purposely confusing, the two types of \defection\ to the advantage of the party that could then exploit them as an issue.
#127 by SocratesPlato on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 9:09 am
“Ans: For Sabahans and Sarawakians, I believe the main language would be different depending on who specifically you are talking about but the languages all have some commonality with BM, similar with BM having commonalities with Bahasa Indonesia. (i.e. agreed that not everyone uses BM as their main language but again a majority is competent in BM, more so due to the close similarity between BM and the local languages in Sabah/Sarawak)”
Sarawak has around 40 ethnic groups and Sabah has around 32 ethnic groups. I am from Sarawak and stayed in Sabah for quite some time, I would say at most only 2 ethnic groups have probably 10% close similarity to BM and their mother tongues. The rest are totally different. Heck, if you go Sabah, you can read a Kadazan newspaper printed in their language! I believe you won’t understand a single word! Nothing similar to BM. We in Sarawak and Sabah communicate among our races with our own language/dialect. English is still preferred when talking between different ethnic groups.
I’m Foochow and we talk Foochow in school. Or Hokkien. Language? English is preferred. Our parents and forefathers were schooled through HSC and O/A-Levels. We are forced to use BM because it is being forced to us.
Comment for 1Malaysia concept:
Well, one thing is for sure, you can only find in Sabah and Sarawak where all races come together eat at the food court / kopitiam. I do mean a non-Halal kopitiam where you can eat your Halal food sitting at the same table with me eating pork. This is also common in Singapore. In West Malaysia, you only see multi races it in Halal outlets. We visit each other during festivals and they trust us Chinese when we serve them our cake, biscuits that we prepare it without touching anything un-Halal. Over here in West Malaysia? You give them home make stuffs, they think it is poison. They avoid everything totally and it is impossible to see them sitting at the same table with you. How do you even have 1Malaysia when religion is actually dividing the races and Islam reigns supreme? Let’s be practical.
To me, whatever that comes out from UMNO is about cleaning the identities of all other races and follow the Malay identity as well as religion and thus becomes 1Malaysia. I don’t trust that it is about give and take by everyone to form a balanced 1Malaysia. In the end, it is about Malay and Islam identity which others must take.
#128 by limkamput on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 9:20 am
Gullible Malaysians, please don’t lose track of the issue here and go for the wrong guys. If IGP and Home Minister failed to do their job, whose fault was it? Just go for the one who issued the order, got it? Didn’t we Malaysians realise by now that for the last 20 years the policies and decisions were always right and encompassing, but it was implementation that was found lacking.
It is simple; true leaders do not just make policies and decisions. They must keep watch of their implementation. I have watched public administration long enough to know the “wayang kulit”. Have it ever occurred to you that sometimes a policy was deliberately implemented slowly or haphazardly? It was not implementation weakness as most of you would think. One the contrary, that was the actual intent of the policy. Let me give you a simple example: it is the stated policy of the government to support all vernacular schools. But when come to implementation there will be one thousand and one problems, be it land availability, allocation, teachers and classroom. If one looks at all these inadequacies, one can only conclude that lukewarm or half hearted support to vernacular schools is the actual intent of the government policy.
#129 by monsterball on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 9:24 am
How long does it take to type a simple release paper and sign it?
That’s how sincere Najib is.
Maybe heard 6000 PPP members resigned and joined PR in Perak….make him change his mind?
#130 by monsterball on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 9:29 am
Great! Prof.Limkamput giving lectures again.
But if all lectures are to favour….UMNO and BN…..hantam him left right and centre!
He must not be allowed to poison University students.
#131 by SocratesPlato on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 9:33 am
“Let me give you a simple example: it is the stated policy of the government to support all vernacular schools. But when come to implementation there will be one thousand and one problems, be it land availability, allocation, teachers and classroom. If one looks at all these inadequacies, one can only conclude that lukewarm or half hearted support to vernacular schools is the actual intent of the government policy.”
Same with religion. Freedom of religion is guaranteed in this country. However, the difficulty to get land for other religions to build their buildings other than Islam, the many sanctions (cannot show a clear sign that it is a CHURCH), built in hidden funny land zones like Industrial Zone, far away from housing estates which are loaded with mosques and suraus even in Chinese areas, the demolition of temples and so on are silent strategies by the ruling government to make your lives difficult if you choose the other religions.
Yes, freedom of religion guaranteed, with many restrictions of publications, incredible difficulty of approval of land, publications, etc. They just want to find trouble with you and you have to find ways to work around the system. Then, they promote MALAYSIA TRULY ASIA with Indonesia’s song declared to be theirs and portray all races of different religions happily living in the country with so much freedom to the outside world. Freedom my ASS!
#132 by ALLAN THAM on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 9:34 am
Who believe in BN’s sincerity to change and serve the people. Let talk about issue on the Star paper today on “KTMB to swap land with Perak Government to benefit squatters, say ONG ” Do any one believe this will come in normal time without the by election? Many long-long outstanding issues seem can only solve whenever there is by election, with out be election the solution seem to be never in sight. So do you believe in the BN will to serve the people? It only when there is by election where every time they will through in all the money over time and the lightning speed to solve those issues that the people fight for ages.
So never be con by the Bn old tactic. We have been con by them for decade. They only offer the solution when ever the time is right to serve their own agenda and the people.
For ages DAP and other opposition has ask for review of ISA and abolishing ISA, but Najib say nothing and play along. Only when he become PM he talk this and talk that. This is all political gimmick. Many have been suffered for ages only now he talk about review of ISA and just for the purpose to give him a must needed boost to his lowest racking as incoming PM. Please never be con by the old tactic. They will never change and never have the will to change and most of the leaders in BN carrying too much baggage to have the courage to changed.
Those who has the will to changed and serve the people n BN what has happen. Look at Zaid and now Sharir? Those good people will be sideline by their own members because when they want to make changes they will lost out in the gravy train. They will lost the money they need so to speak.
Today we also see the PM walk around the KL as seem nobody know he already PM. What purpose do you serve by walking around ? Does it mean he has too much free time to walk around? What a stupid start of him. What we need to see is constructive and systematic change in the ills that BN has become so far.
The mere fact that they only release two out of the five HINDRAFT shown that he use them as a pawn and not in sincerity.
So please do not be con by them folks.
#133 by TTDI_KL on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 9:36 am
Monsterball, you are paranoid lah. You simply call me a spinster. You think I got no balls like you meh. I think Limkamput is a good lecturer. What we have lousy students.
SocratesPlato, very well said, especially the last paragraph.
#134 by monsterball on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:01 am
You talk like a pondan with your ….lah..meh…hehehe and how.
So you is a male er?
Me good character reader.
A paranoid old man…ready to meet his maker?
Why you also wish I die fast ah? How cruel.
Never mind…if you like Limkamput….that says it all.
Both of you are Tong Sampah University students or graduates with degrees not recognized out of Malaysia….hahahahahahaha
#135 by Jeffrey on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:04 am
I acknowledge that a g has in his post 08:59.44 rightly pointed out the difference in that 6,000 defecting PPP members PPP Kedah case may not involve any elected representatives unlike the Perak Assembly case.
#136 by SocratesPlato on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:11 am
“Many long-long outstanding issues seem can only solve whenever there is by election, with out be election the solution seem to be never in sight. So do you believe in the BN will to serve the people? It only when there is by election where every time they will through in all the money over time and the lightning speed to solve those issues that the people fight for ages.”
In Malaysia, these UMNOputras created a famous culture called First Impression Very Important. In other words, it means from the outside, they show how great and nice they are as the first impression. GAYA MESTI ADA, YANG LAIN TAK APA! Later on, if you explore deeper, you realize it is just for show only at the front. The rest at the back is so foul and screwed up that you thought you are being cheated miserably. It is just a beautiful facade.
It is the same for all civil servants, public amenities and all government implemented projects. You build the world class this and that, civil servants in nice uniforms, everything look CANGGIH from the outside but the software is 3rd rate, the maintenance is 3rd rate, things start to fall apart. Then you go and build another huge world class structure. Repeat the cycle all over the country and pocket money behind it.
Some good examples. In schools and universities where everyone in the world spent their time and energy to build world class students, research and facilities, in Malaysia they are busy in pumping in money to build beautiful landscapes and buildings (look good mah as first impression, behind it, I dunno whether the purpose is to suck dry the budget given to spend). Spent money in beautifying all things that can be seen by the eyes so visitors will be wowed! Then, behind all these facade are lousy teachers / lecturers, lousy students, lousy facilities or good facilities but no maintenance. The priorities are all set wrong. They are aiming at the most beautiful university / school in the world record, not the good education ranking. It is the same for all other government projects. It is not about quality but about looking good, feeling good. Everything looks good, nice and rosy.
Another good example is our national car.
This is the famous culture in Malaysia. Good first impression, the rest sucks. The rest here means implementation and maintenance. You build such a good quality building, no maintenance, it looks like shit sooner or later from weathering. It looks good but quality of building material doesn’t mean is good. You will see leakages, broken glasses, broken escalators, broken lifts one after another. Aircon not functioning, lights burnt out one by one. When you go in such buildings, you see signs everywhere (MAINTENANCE IN PROGRESS). These signs are left there for years too. It is so typical in Malaysia. The building houses incompetence workforce who sucks to perform.
Thus, this famous culture will be consistent as long as BN is in power because they are the inventors of this culture. You go around Malaysia and you see the people upholding this culture everywhere and they are PROUD of it. GAYA MESTI ADA, YANG LAIN TAK APA! For the rest of us who hates such culture, we must make sure we are not conned by their FIRST IMPRESSIONS. You suffer the consequences later because it is not as good as it seems. We have enough examples in this 52 years of nation history to remind us over and over again. Sweet talk in front, later zero or lousy implementations / maintenace. Cheated enough alreadylah.
#137 by yhsiew on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:14 am
MCA should stop day-dreaming of getting a Chinese Deputy Prime Minister appointed.
#138 by monsterball on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:16 am
Why make it so difficult?
6000 willingly cross over to Anwar.
Three parliamentarians bought over by UMNO…like frogs.
I do not know how to acknowledge and confuse..twist and turn.
Let readers conclude what is cross overs and bought over.
#139 by TTDI_KL on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:19 am
Aiyoh yoh monsterball, I am not sure about limkamput lah. I am not from a tong sampah university. I have a degree recognised in Malaysia and outside of Malaysia, but not “out of Malaysia” lah. May be you have not gone to a tong sampah university. I think you went to an attap school like limkamput. But limkamput has become a prof. What about you – collecting sampah is it?
#140 by TTDI_KL on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:26 am
yhsiew Says:
“MCA should stop day-dreaming of getting a Chinese Deputy Prime Minister appointed.”
You see, it is not day-dreaming. It is the way gullible Malaysians, including the MCA think. The MCA may get a deputy PM, but the job is to go airport to send or receive foreign dignitaries. Grow up lah you fellows. Why until now still can not separate the core from the periphery, the substance from the form. May be more than 20 years under Mamak, we have indeed become stupid people.
#141 by monsterball on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:26 am
Who cares who Najib may appoint as DPM…even if it is one from MCA.
You simply cannot be a sincere PM.. when you have parties you support that focus to divide and rule and control Malays….not to be free to choose any religion…in Space Age era.
So simple to understand.
UMNO will keep saying these are sensitive issues…to shut our mouths ..telling the truth.
#142 by monsterball on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:38 am
I have become a self made successful millionaire.
I have seen…ate….done…experience ..good for 2 lifetimes.
Yes….some who collect sampahs may become millionaires too.
Don’t look down on people willing to do the jobs that you idiots think too low class.
Don’t look down on streets road sweepers….garbage collectors…road builders…maids and servants.
And you can stuff all your degrees into your arse..until you can stand tall and say things…like I am saying and doing.
I walk the talks..on Malaysian matters..do you?
Goodluck to all your degrees TTDI-KL and lets stop talking cock and bull.
#143 by ALLAN THAM on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:40 am
MCA and Gerakan was just running fool of UMNo! Does any one think they will offer DPM? So what if they was given, you can have what post yopu might have, but if you do anything against so call party line you will be condemn and sack.
For all these these two parties have been condemned to just YES Sir party and keep kow tow to the big BOSS. UMNO will never give any damned post to MCA or Gerakan. let think about it Gerakan ex Boss has openly say it only after he retired from the party that his party is kow tow party.
MCA now is in favour if buying back the PLUS concessionaires. So let wait and see what they can achieve.
Think of it, we people are really just like meat lay on the chopping board and let BN chop into pieces and feed all those cronies. Remember, all these privatization was done during the old hat time and this old hat has been back in action. More pain will be inflicted these time.
We have been rob in broad day time to pay for all those corrupt and feed them for decades.
We have been paying all the taxes and also force to pay unnecessary so to create the gravy train for those CORRUPTS to enjoy for generation.
Look at the Selangor water deal.The poor was make to pay to create a CEO who was paid RM15 millions a year, not to mentioned all other contracts that benefits the handful.
so do you believe in BN to change. NO, unless the government change no way they will change. They will not serve the people interest thet only serve their own cronies and these are the legacy lay down but the old hat who is coming back NOW. So beware, time will not be good worst is coming.
Remember the old hat used ISA to the mas to his fancy and achieve his own political purpose.
Remember the old hat who lay his ugly hand to crippled the judiciary. and he is back in action. so beware.There is no time to celebrate and worst is coming Folks.
Remember the old hat has sack Tun Salleh and he say he has forgotten about it. And this old hat is back now. Beware and no time to celebrate. Worst is coming.
Remember the old hat was the one who stripe off the Sultan immunity and now they say PR is derhaka. Who is derhaka? Beware the old hat is coming bak. No time to celebrate. Worst to come.
Folks, do not and never con by the release of ISA detainees. They should not be ISA anyway. They have keep it to serve their purposes of oppression. They have keep it to serve as a political tools to silent all the dissident. Remember the old hat has use it to the max for achieving his political purpose and keep his seat for over 22 years. he is back now and beware. No time to celebrate wand worst is coming.
#144 by monsterball on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:44 am
I am a self made millionaire….TTDI-KL
I have seen…done..good for 2 lifetimes and is still healthy and well.
I walk the talks on Malaysian affairs….do you?
Do not look down on street sweepers..garbage collectors…road builders .maids and servants.
Enough…lets move on.
#145 by gyp on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 11:28 am
In simple sentence.
corrupted racist UMNO must DIE.
To free Malaysian.
#146 by zak_hammaad on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:03 pm
Pakatan must stop whining and crying and trying to paint every good act of the government as sinister. The fact is that they have been proven wrong almost instantly. Najib has hit the ground running as PM and is also making people feel at ease with his pro-people policies. Barely 2 days in office, he has shown what he is capable of doing and with an evolutionary approach, I think the rakyat will appreciate the things he has in store for them and the country.
Pakatan are bitter at the fact that unlike Abdullah, Najib will actually be more effective and give no more reasons for Pakatan to make gains.
p.s. The major announcement that PKR had hyped up on Friday turned out to be a big disappointment – it amounted to a crossover of PPP members to PKR. Clearly Anwar has not learnt from his mistakes in Perak :^)
#147 by gyp on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:07 pm
Free 13 ISA detainees at the time of election can consider a CORRUPTED ACTS of election votes.
Free people to get votes, not abolish the ISA policy.
#148 by OrangRojak on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:09 pm
Oh I see… according to The Malaysian Inside Her’s story “PKR claws back Bkt Selambau Indians”, the PPP joining PKR is not the big shock:
Shannon Teoh remarks Anwar ‘said anti-climactically’, which seems a bit redundant.
#149 by TTDI_KL on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 12:09 pm
Enough and move on, what makes you think that you must have the last say in everything. I will move on when I have decided to move on, not you.
Who is looking down on whom? Who talked about Tong Sampah University not recognised abroad when that person has not even gone to an attap school?
A self made millionaire (hopefully not in ringgit or worse still in rupiah) who walks the talk. No need to talk very much, just tell us here one thing you do.
#150 by lakshy on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 1:36 pm
Najis announced the release of the ISA detainees with immediate effect. But it took 2 days for home minister and igp to get the paperwork in order. Which would seem to indicate that they were not prepared for this move.
The question I would like to have answered is:- How come it is the pm who announces the release, and not the home minister? Whose portfolio is this anyway? Who makes these arrangements? Shouldn’t it be the home minister who has to give the ok for their release? Najis is not the current home minister. So how did he manage to do this?
The way it has been done, shows that it is just a PR exercise.
Also means that in future for any ISA release, just petition the PM. He is the one who decides.
Also means that Najis will be taking over the Home Ministry…so bye bye Albar!
#151 by monsterball on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 1:47 pm
hahahahahaha…TTDL-KL looking for rubbish talks.
Tong Sampah Universities in Malaysia…..so welknown…to Malaysians and all over the world.
What can you say to one who is so young and blind?
hi….TTDL-KL…..you win..I loose…OK?
Lets move on.
aiyayaya….this must mean MU will loose the match tonight.
I may may well withdraw my bets. Bad sign……..hahahahaha
#152 by monsterball on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 1:55 pm
One thing I have been doing as a commentator for 5 years……is parting knowledge to young and old…and exposing without fear….UMNO’s cunning mentalities and corruptions.
Thousand of my messages have been written.
One who is new as a commentator..know nothing should shut up and learn.
But if one is pro MCA….watch out the art of how to agree to disagree..by old timers and young fut….talking so much smarter than a man of all seasons.
#153 by mauriyaII on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 4:13 pm
What documentaion crap is this IGP moron talking about? Could it be that the police, the Kamunting goons and the botak alblur were taken by surprise at the new PM’s announcement? Was it a spontaneous show of power on the part of the new PM? Whatever it is, does it take more than 24 hours to prepare “documentation” for “immediate release”?
Unless the said documentation is a long “confession” by the detainees to absolve all the crimes perpetrated on them under the guise of being a security threat to the nation. If they are to be released unconditionally then they only need to collect their belongings and sign in the log book at the Kamunting detention camp on their way out.
Most of the detainees should not have been incarcerated in that gulag in the first place. They were not terrorists or violent criminals. They were not tried in an open court and were not given the chance to defend themselves.
The Home Minister and the BN government acted as judge, jury and excecutioner and deprived the families the love, care and guidance of the man of the house.
Detaining people who oppose the wrongdoings of the government is the route taken by dictators who find that they do not have the evidence to present in a court of law. It is akin to silencing dissent by the malicious use of the draconian ISA which has no relevance today.
ISA was meant for the eradication of the communist menace. It is high time the ISA is REPEALED. There is no necessity for even a review. Just scrap it.
Archaic and sadistic rules and regulations as the ISA are used by obnoxious morons such as the retarded alblur who is at a loss when faced with dissent from peace-loving ordinary citizens.
#154 by anna brella on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 9:59 pm
Each one of the released ISA detains must now sue the pants off the Home Minister, the IGP and the Malaysian Government, either individually or in a class action.
They must take the matter as far as it needs to go in Malaysia and if need be, outside to an international court of law.
What has been done so arbitrarily to these ISA detainees (who are all innocent Malaysian citizens) and to their families – and who are all supposed to be living in a democratic nation where their fundamental human rights and freedoms are guaranteed and protected by their democratic Constitution – is against all standards of civilised behaviour and justice, and even common standards of human decency, that exist within all civilised nations and societies today.
And yet, the Home Minister and IGP failed to grasp the nettle and understand priorities, and callously decided that it was somehow still “okay” to delay their release and extend these innocent people’s incarceration further because of some pointless, irrelevant paper-pushing exercise, which could have been done in five minutes if they had put their minds to it!
The Home Minister and the IGP have failed to act within the standards of normal professionalism, care and the urgency that was expected of them and clearly required in this important matter. Such a failure in carrying out their public duties is not acceptable. It is not only a dereliction of their public duty, but it is also against the public interest to allow such high ranking public officials to act in such a cavalier manner over such critically important matters to the Malaysian People.
“Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.
#155 by AhPek on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:05 pm
When I asked Imranj 78 to research on the number of times Malaysia and America amend their constitution,compare them and tell us why in Malaysia’s case we amend our constitution as often as we change our underwear, he saw it fit to lecture me that it is valid and legal since BN has the necessary 2/3rds majority which we all know and we are not disputing its legality.The true intent of the question if he had understood really is why is the need to mutilate the original Constitution.
In its 300 years of history the American Constitution has been amended 27 times.The 27th Amendment is the most recent amendment to the United States Constitution,having been ratified in 1992,more than 202 years after its initial submission in 1789.
Now to Malaysia’s case,the Constitutionhas been amended 42 times over the 48 years since Independence as of 2005.However the true number of individual amendments is around 650.There is no doubt that the true spirit of the original document has been diluted.It has in fact been so mutilated that the present Federal Constitution bears only a superficial resemblence to its original model!
#156 by AhPek on Sunday, 5 April 2009 - 10:10 pm
In following similar lines along what dawsheng has remarked recently,I have this to say.Some people are ignoramus.Some are knowledgeable whilst some think they are knowledgeable when in fact they are ignoramus
#157 by anna brella on Monday, 6 April 2009 - 3:30 am
For those who are interested, here is some research on ethnolinguistic groups in Malaysia taken from Wikipedia, link is also attached: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Malaysia
Twenty largest ethnolinguistic groups in Malaysia
Malay Peninsular 9,041,091 38.1%
Malay, East Malaysia 271,979 1.0%
Han Chinese, Hokkien 1,848,211 7.8%
Han Chinese, Hakka 1,679,027 7.1%
Han Chinese, Cantonese 1,355,541 5.7%
Han Chinese, Teochew 974,573 4.1%
Han Chinese, Mandarin 958,467 4.0%
Han Chinese, Hainanese 380,781 1.6%
Han Chinese, Min Bei 373,337 1.6%
Han Chinese, Min Dong 249,413 1.1%
Straits Chinese 236,918 1.0%
Tamils 1,743,922 7.4%
Banjarese (inc Dayaks) 1,237,615 5.2%
Iban 666,034 2.8%
Dusun 191,146 0.8%
Minangkabau 874,536 3.7%
Indonesian 772,558 3.3%
Filipino 442,933 1.9%
Tausug 201,797 0.9%
Nepalese 217,587 0.9%
TOTAL 23,717,466
Malay 9,313,070 39.3%
Chinese 8,056,268 34.0%
Indian 1,743,922 7.4%
Other 4,604,206 19.3 %
TOTAL 23,717,466
#158 by taiking on Monday, 6 April 2009 - 8:55 am
Dear anna,
Wow. Never occur to me to wiki the issue for statistical breakdown. For the sake of knowledge can you also find out the race compositon and their respective size in terms of numbers for the group of people who are identified formally as Malay?
#159 by AhPek on Monday, 6 April 2009 - 9:01 am
According to CIA’s figures the population of Malaysia is 25,715,819 (July 2009 est).
The breakdown of various ethnic groups are as follows:
Malay50.4%,Chinese23.7%,indigeneous11%,Indian7.1%and others7.8%.
The figures from Wikipedia is definite suspect for the Malay population can’t be that low 39.3% and the Chinese population can’t be that high 34%
#160 by OrangRojak on Monday, 6 April 2009 - 11:16 am
anna brella has presented a summary that could permit arithmetic ‘sleight of hand’ if used as the basis for an argument.
The list of languages by head is interesting, but the summary is silly. I imagine the source figures for (for example) Hakka are not for some sort of official version of Hakka, but for speech that is mutually intelligible by a group identifying it as Hakka.
I have Hakka- and Hokkien-speaking in-laws, and I understand the two dialects are not mutually intelligible. You can’t summarise them as ‘Chinese’ in a list of mutually intelligible languages. The summary’s only real value is in indicating what ‘root’ the languages have.
Ah Pek’s question is about ethnicity. As ever, ethnicity, race, language and religion are not necessarily the same in the real world. It’s easy to be confused by what authority figures say to the contrary in Malaysia.