The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Bill is so watered down that the principles of its independence from the Prime Minister’s control and accountability/responsibility to Parliament can be quite tenuous and even fictitious.
The original intention to amend the Constitution to give the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission a constitutional status has been abandoned while there is no clear-cut provision to establish its responsibility and accountability to Parliament.
Five bodies will be set up under the MACC Bill to hold a close watch over the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to ensure its independence, transparency and integrity, viz: Anti-Corruption Advisory Board; Special Committee on Corruption; Operations Review Panel; Corruption Prevention and Consultative Council; and a Complaints Committee.
However, all these five scrutinizing bodies, including the Special Committee on Corruption which is to comprise of Parliamentarians, are all beholden to the Prime Minister or the Executive, making nonsense of the principle of parliamentary responsibility of the MACC.
As proposed, the Special Committee on Corruption consists of seven members of Parliament from both Dewan Rakyat and Senate to be appointed by the Yang di Pertuan Agong, which means on the advice of the Prime Minister.
Furthermore, the bill provides that the seven MPs shall be nominated by the Leader of the House of Representatives, who again is the Prime Minister , rendering the whole arrangement quite ludicrous – the Leader of the House (who is the Prime Minister) advising the Prime Minister to advise the Yang di Pertuan Agong on the appointments.
As the Special Committee on Corruption is to comprise MPs, why is the Prime Minister shy in calling it the Parliamentary Committee on Corruption?
Is this just to give the impression of some form of “parliamentary” scrutiny without actually permitting robust and proper parliamentary stewardship?
If such a Parliamentary Committee on Corruption is to be meaningful, its composition must reflect the parliamentary representation of the different political parties in the House and its membership decided by MPs themselves and not by the Executive. Furthermore, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Corruption should be an Opposition MP.
I will propose amendments to the MACC Bill to strengthen the principle of the MACC’s independence from Executive control and reinforce accountability/responsibility to Parliament during the committee stage of the debate on the MACC Bill.
(I have been informed that Parliament is posting up the two bills – MACC Bill and JAC Bill – on its website. Kudos to Parliament,which has been responsive to my request for the uploading of these two bills to enable all interested the opportunity to study and comment on them before Parliament starts debate on the MACC Bill on Monday. Of course, all bills presented to Parliament for first reading should be posted up at the Parliament website as a matter of course. – Kit)
(Note 2: Both bills are up on the Parliament website. The English versions are available here. – kit)
#1 by madmix on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 3:06 pm
A slice of cake is better than no cake. It is not possible for Abdullah to push through a bill as envisaged by DAP as he would meet with mutiny in the UMNO ranks. Hehas to come up with a much watered down bill to please his UMNO warlords.
#2 by hiro on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 3:07 pm
As at this moment, there are up to [ ] reasons why the MACC Bill is flawed:
1) salary paid from PM department
2) AG can withdraw delegated prosecutorial power anytime to put the CC in check
3) Special Committee not composed of proportion of representatives in Parliament
4) Are all committees required to produce report to the Special Committee and will the Special Committee be required to table the report in Parliament for debate every year?
5) No ancillary amendment to the Constitution to amend the power of the AG and prosecutor to make this reform meaningful
The people of KT is in a very special position to show the way for the rest of Malaysians that these half hearted amendments are not what they want – it will simply perpetuate corruption and judicial interference – we will be going backwards, instead of forward, which will be extremely sad and even disastrous given the dire economic situation worldwide, where every means of making us more competitive as a nation must be robustly explored.
#3 by k1980 on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 3:21 pm
The only thing the PM has ever reformed is the rate of inflation …from 3% to 8.5%. Let’s give him a big hand– hard on his butt.
#4 by dawsheng on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 3:29 pm
The corrupts propose the eradication of corruption, someone must be kidding me. There is nothing to amend in the two proposed bills, any proposal with regards to corruption and the judiciary coming from UMNO and BN is immediately deemed void. MACC is design to enhance the persecution of current opposition MPs, assemblymen and those who think about crossover to Pakatan, while protecting the corrupts currently the government.
#5 by Tonberry on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 3:48 pm
This MACC bill is an insult to the intelligence of the Malaysians.
In HongKong, the ICAC is given legal powers to investigate and bring the corrupt to book under three specific ordinances:
The Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance
-Establishes the ICAC and prescribes the duties of the ICAC Commissioner.
-Sets the parameters of ICAC investigations, procedures for handling suspects and the disposal of property connected with offences.
-Gives the ICAC the powers of arrest, detention and granting bail, which are fundamental to any law enforcement agency.
-Confers on the ICAC the powers of search and seizure that are consistent with the powers of arrest and detention.
-Permits the ICAC to take a non-intimate sample from a person for forensic analysis.
-Empowers the ICAC to investigate any alleged offence of blackmail committed by a public servant through misuse of office as well as crimes facilitated by or connected with suspected corruption offences.
The Prevention of Bribery Ordinance
Specifies the offences of bribery involving civil servants, public bodies and private sector employees.
-Gives the ICAC powers of investigation to unravel and identify transactions and assets concealed in different guises by the corrupt. The powers include:
o Searching bank accounts.
o Holding and examining business and private documents.
o Requiring the suspects to provide details of their assets, income and expenditure.
-Confers on the ICAC the powers to detain travel documents and restrain disposal of property in order to stop the corrupt from attempting to flee Hong Kong or laundering their ill-gotten gains so as to avoid forfeiture by the courts.
-Gives the ICAC the power to protect confidentiality of an investigation.
The Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance
-Ensures that public elections are conducted fairly, openly and honestly and are free from corrupt and illegal conduct.
-Applies to the elections of the Chief Executive, and members of the Legislative Council, Election Committee Subsector, District Council, Heung Yee Kuk, the Chairman or Vice-chairman or members of the Executive Committee of a Rural Committee and village representatives.
#6 by yhsiew on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 4:18 pm
Pak Lah is just wasting his time.
#7 by de_Enigma on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 5:08 pm
He is wasting our time too, watching an act that will never wins Oscar.
#8 by wahai kawan on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 5:20 pm
Malaysia – Truly a Class by her own!
1) Instead we have drastic increase in petrol …..
2) Then the worst “Wayang Kulit” ever seen… we had the media playing up stupid propaganda on Singaporeans & Thais enjoying our cheaper fuel… A double pump for these foreigner….. A massive blow to these gas station operators…. A standard operating procedures that government officials are monitoring their gas stations…. Where are these people now??? Are they sill monitoring petrol pumps at the border???
3) And when they start to realize that DSAI is using this price increase as his manifesto to win the hearths of all Malaysians, then price of fuel start coming down…
4) Now they are targeting hypermarkets with their Political Features…. SO WHAT IS THE PEOPLE’S BENEFIT WHEN PRICE INCREASE OVER 30% & YOU ARE GIVING US A 20% DISCOUNT NOW????? Isn’t this more expensive NOW???
5) & HIS IDIOTIC ADVISORS/ECONOMIST actually thinks that we can go back to the EQUILIBRIUM point…. HA HA HA
6) An unbelievable court decision on Mongolian case… A sodomy trial that shows their reluctant to pursue….
7) Then a massive landslide that implicates the previous government on profit over people! An untouchable lackadaisical Municipal Council immune from any wrong doing versus an irresponsible Developer abusing to the fullest extend permitted by law…….
8) Then we have this so called judicial review & anti corruption thing…..
I guess all Malaysians are waiting the day when you really see from our eyes my dear PM ??? You never know…. It’s Malaysian’s Politic in the finest !!! Just hope that the next PM will not use these privilege set by you to either you or any of your family members!!!
#9 by hadi on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 5:33 pm
Both the MACC and JAC , only answerable to Parliament and the conference of rulers. Nothing else…. Executives must lay off if we want to put the country on the right footing.
For the rakyats, if it remains the way propose by PM, just remember come next election kick BN out.
#10 by rubini on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 5:59 pm
It was too good to be true. I wasn’t shell shocked when i read the bill.
If the MACC was independent, the first person to be investigated, arrested & prosecuted will be the PM, then DPM, then all the ministers, then the AG, the Deputy AG & 3/4 qtrs of the Prosecution, then the IGP, the DIGP & 3/4 qtrs of the police force & 3/4 qtrs of the civil servants & last the Chief Justice, Chief Judge of Malaya, Chief Judge of Borneo, Appeals Court President, & 90% of the judges in Malaysia.
#11 by m.hwang on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 7:36 pm
Question : Can the MACC in its proposed form be able to initiate an investigation against the PM of the day?
N.B.: I am not asking for an answer. All the readers here already know the answer.
#12 by Concerned Citizen on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 8:22 pm
Dear sir,
Please forgive me for posting this message here, for I do not know DAP’s email address.
I am writing as a very concern citizen of Malaysia. Our education system in Malaysia has not only failed, it has failed miserably.
The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) report is out, to aid in understanding what has transpired, I’m providing two links –
For Math
For Science
To make the long story short, I’ll just compare the result of our neighbor to the south, Singapore, to that of Malaysia
In Science ( ),
Singapore scores 32%, while Malaysia scores 3%
In Math, ( ),
Singapore scores 40%, while Malaysia scores 2%
Dear Sir, please don’t take this as a joke. The truth hurts, and it hurts terribly bad !
One way or another, we must change the education system, or our kids will have no future at all.
Please Sir, please help us change the system.
Thank you for reading.
PS. For more information regarding Timss, please refer to the following link
#13 by rubini on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 9:17 pm
To; m.hwang ;
What a silly question, of course can investigate, with NFI (No Further Instruction) stamped on the file. but that far as it goes (as long as he swears on the Quran, he is innocent). Only “Allah” can / has the authority to prosecute & judge the PM & mete the punishment if found guilty!
#14 by juno on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 9:28 pm
Here it seems the God of all things is the PM himself. He sets the rules to conjure so called fast actions . Umnoputras are experts at this . So the Executive will keep on writing laws with the help of legal malignant eagles in the AG’s chambers. Would the PM even know what he was taking about ?? Talking about the corruption part- on the advise of the PM they will have members handpicked to carry out their cause! The exposure of an email to about the Bukit Antarabangsa should make the PM shudder on how he should word the MACC. Yet he is writing out a complete law book when the world has four seasons!! wonder if justice will ever dawn on this Land
#15 by imranj78 on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 11:35 pm
The bills may not be perfect. But all journeys start with the first step. I consider these bills as a move towards the right direction. Yes we should continue to strive for improvement but we should also be supportive of what our PM is trying to do. Changes, especially a change as big as this is not something easy to introduce and we should be cognizant of that.
#16 by Taxidriver on Friday, 12 December 2008 - 11:59 pm
I am saddened but not in the least disappointed over the insincerity of mr ng to reform to give more bite to the ACA. The Umnoputra crooks, among whom mr ng is one himself,will be in deep shit if the ACA becomes an independent institution like the one in HK. When one is known to be a plunderer, the two words ‘shame’ and ‘sincerity’ are not in their dictionary. So, let’s not expect too much for now. Be patient, united and stay focused on kicking BN out to save our beloved multiracial country from ruin. Get going buddies, GET GOING!
#17 by Taxidriver on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 12:03 am
sorry, should be … one’s dictionary
#18 by Godfather on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 2:15 am
“The bills may not be perfect.” imranj78.
You got it right, the bills are so imperfect that we the rakyat aren’t laughing anymore. Supportive of what the PM is trying to do ? Give him another chance ? For another 50 years ? Nah, we have had enough of these promises while the country rots to hell, and the only way is to vote out the den of thieves. For good.
#19 by frankyapp on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 2:53 am
Brother Lim,it’s looked like a kind of a pretty smart planned joke of the year,right ? Ha ha ha,the MACC should it takes it’s form will have only a tooth to bite.Well,what can you do with a tooth only ? You guys tell me. And when it comes to the PM,he will just veto it ( pull out that one tooth he gave u brother Lim) and it’s back to business as usual for these UMNO/BN bad guys again.
#20 by trublumsian on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 3:14 am
what imranj78?? u saying we should not expect the lot of them to get things right the first time?? is getting things right the first time even possible in bolehland? for crying out loud, they are a whole committee of people, and the guy is the PEE EM, who’s supposed to be competent! hello??
what r we? so stupid we can’t tell “my son’s sister’s mom’s husband is…….. oh get this, ME!!?
u crack me up every time imranj78!
#21 by sulaiman1 on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 4:46 am
dear yb lim kit siang,
Make sure the NEW chief MACC is a man of integrity. Ask in parliment about the senior officers integrity including its chief.
#22 by Jeffrey on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 7:35 am
If we’re looking for “independence” of MACC from Executive, there is none.
The MACC’s Commissioner is apointed by PM. He and all members of MACC are drawn from public service subject to general public service general orders for discipline! In fact the entire present Anti Corruption Agency (present DGI & Officers) will fill up the MACC, so what’s the difference – old wine in new bottle?
There are three other bodies advising MACC.
First the Advisory Board, 7 members, supposedly drawn from people of distinguished public service and profession, they are also apointed by PM. Their role is advisory.
This is not satisfactory because being ‘advisory’, MACC is not obliged to follow its advice. And even so, in terms of advice, the advice relates to general problem of corruption, broad strategies to tackle it, and efficient running of the MACC and its resource needs, which any academic of social science, with MBA on organisation behaviour and needs and even some of us here can render such advice.
The second is “Special Committee on Corruption” which merely, looks at Advisory Board’s annual reports, seek clarifications etc. With 7 members drawn from Parliament (can be drawn from those who utter profanities in Parliament as well) this is supposed to be parliamentary oversight!
The third is a Complaints Committee which being not so important have its 5 members appointed by Minister of Home Affairs, and whose function is to identify work procedures of MAC, look into coimplaints of “non criminal” in nature!
#23 by Jeffrey on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 8:05 am
Corruption is the mirror of society.
The will to tackle it must emnate from hearts and minds of those who govern as well as those who are governed, the latter being more important to check the former.
This can only happen if the government has political will to stem corruption which in t ern depends on rakyat being vigilant and insistent of their rights and not feudal in mindset. Otherwise no amount of legislation and institution can tackle this problem!
If you want independence of the Investigator/Prosecutor of Corruption from Executive as formalised by law and institution, you cannot find it anywhere in this world including societies relatively corruption free…. .
For examples: the Chief of the Independent Commission Agency against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong is also appointed by the Chief E xecutive of Hong Kong reporting to the Central Govt of China!
In Singapore, the head of Corrupt Practices of Investigation Bureau (CPIB) is also appointed by President on mandatory advice of PAP Prime Minister to whom CPIB’s head reports.
In the other bastion of democracy , the USA, the Department of Justice (DOJ) invetigates corruption, headed by Attorney general appointed by and accountable to US President.
During Keneddy’s time, Robert Kennedy was AG, no one expects him to investigate his own brother President John Kennedy whether relating to allegations of MAFIA’s conections or trysts with Marilyn Monroe (which probably both partook together !)
There is nothing in the charters of HK’s ICAC, S’pore’s CPIB or US’s DOJ that says these bodies cannot investigate the PM or President.
Likewise, there is also nothing in our MACC Bill to say that investigation/prosercution of the PM cannot be done by that body : but in practical terms will such a thing be done?
It depends on whether, in a society, power is distributed between different centers of which an independent Press figures prominantly in this respect and the public are vigilant of their rights for check and balance.
In the US, it was the press that played up the Watergate against Nixon, and Monica Lewinsky in Clintons case but neither were prosecuted, though the move to impeach was afoot, in the case of Nixon, and he resigned.
As long as we have feudal mindset – ala Hang Tuah’s blind loyalty to the Lord to the extent of fighting and killing his friend Hang Jebat who fell out with the Sultan only because the latter persecuted his good friend Hang Tuah – the tolerance of corruption will be high and no amount of legislation and MACC can address this problem!
#24 by Jeffrey on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 8:11 am
Correction on typos – “emanate” in 2nd para and “which in TURN depends on rakyat” in the 3rd.
#25 by mata_kucing on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 9:21 am
This is what most of us had expected from the lame duck PM. It’s all rhetoric and very little substance like usual. He wanted to leave with a legacy but what we got is recycled newspaper.
#26 by taiking on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 10:06 am
By the way a monkey in jeans & T is still a monkey.
Havent seen the bill yet. So dont know what it is all about precisely. But from newspaper report, badawi said he consulted all parties concerned and the proposals are a compromise after taking all those views into account.
Its a compromise. And it will be a compromise. I dont expect anything good or earth shaking. Dont expect umno to have the will to do anything really and trully good anyway. Besides, anti-corruption would be anti-umno.
#27 by ryan123 on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 10:15 am
No matter how AAB renames the bodies, the fact that they are still under tight control of the current regime will prove that all these actions are pure publicity gimmicks which serve the intended purpose to fool us.
Imranj78, I see that your are very supportive of AAB. But sadly, you are merely a blind supporter who do not dig deep enough into what’s going on.
Read the link I have posted in the DNA bill entry. Hope it can help you a bit.
#28 by Jeffrey on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 10:25 am
YB Kit ,
As what Nazri Aziz said in relation to Judicial Appointments Commission, “how independent can you be? Somehow, somewhere, you must be appointed by somebody. For example, the Cheif Justice cannot just fly down from heaven and say, “God has appointed me, so I am independent!”- pg 13 The Star, 13th December.
To fight for “independence” principle, whether in relation to CJ or MACC Commissioner, we cannot criticise the lack of independence merely by reason of the appointment being made by the PM via the King.
In my opinion, this is fighting in the wrong arena, a wrong front.
This is because under the principle of representative government (ie a government of, for and by the people), the Prime Minister being, by convention, the head of the majority party/coalition that won the election, supposedly embodies the will/sovereignty of the majority of the people/electorate. It would be out of t he question to have the appointment made by Opposition Head or by some body like Bar Council that is not elected by the people!
Therefore to buttress the independence principle, you have to take the matter along lines that CJ or MACC Commissioner should have security of tenure protected and sanctioned not just by some legislation but by the basic law the Federal Constitution. We cannot mitigate the risks of political interference if either office is subject to the general orders applicable to all senior civil service public servants.
Also the report of MACC findings must be to Parliament at large not some advisory body comprising 7 MPs from both Houses with majority drawn from ruling coalition.
Of critical importance is the MACC’s independent right to investigate and prosecute which must not depend on Public Prosecutor/AG’s or the PM’s aproval, OK and consent. The lack of this independent power of investigation and prosecution is, in my belief, the fundamental weakness of MACC, defeating the very purpose why it is formed!
There must be life tenure subject to termination only if mental/physical heath disables him or if he otherwise is guilty of criminal acts or misconduct unworthy of office, with the nature of misconduct defined. There must be be some clause somewhere to say that he cannot be removed just becuase he incurs the displeasure of the government by executing his duty without fear or favour of political consequences.
Even such a provision for life tenure is not by itself sufficient to guarantee political independence. The holder of that position, being human, can succumb to blandishment of power and tempatation of huge payoff to make a political decision or not to remain in that position. Likewise there is no guarantee that even if a man of impeccable integrity and independence of mind were appointed as judge or MACC’s commissioner in the beginning, he will remain consistent throughout a tenure of job that you could protract as a life tenure in the above sense.
The battle has to be taken to other fronts, one of the most pivotal of which is independence of the Press.
For this to happen, one has to cause the repeal of the Printing Press Publications Act and liberalise press licenses so that different press representing different concerns and interest groups may proliferate, and hopefully the truth is not suppressed from being published amid the clash of a contrariety of different versions of what hapen or what should happen. This assumes that online publications and blogs are likewise not manacled.
#29 by Jeffrey on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 10:28 am
“Havent seen the bill yet. So dont know what it is all about precisely.” – taiking.
For benefit of all the bill from Parliament website can be read in this link :
#30 by Kelvenho on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 10:37 am
I will not vote for BN the next election, with these type of water
down bills. I believe somebody from UMNO has put pressure on the PM
to water down the bills.
#31 by Godfather on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 10:38 am
How can transparency and integrity be subject to a “compromise” ? Any form of lie, be it a white lie or a blatant lie, is still a lie, and in this aspect, Badawi has been found wanting. Especially since lying is also against Islam Hadhari and he has been lying to us for the past 5 years.
Jeffrey, I don’t think that the PM’s right of appointment of the MACC Commissioner is the issue here. As you have pointed out, it is the principle of check and balance that is blatantly missing. Equating the appointments of the heads of the anti-corruption bureaus in Hong Kong and Singapore to that in Malaysia can only hold water if similar processes of screening, reporting and accountability in Hong Kong and Singapore are adopted here.
#32 by Jeffrey on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 10:43 am
Continuing from last para of my last posting –
A press, unmanacled by the govt, is the search light on the dark corners and recesses of political and bureaucatic landscape for sheninegans and corruption.
It is the exposure to public of wrong doing that is the lynchpin – that must come first to force the politicians to respond to public pressure or suffer the penalty of unpopularity and withdrawal of votes, even more than investigation by police or MACC or prosecution by enforcement agencies, and thereafter adjudication of guilt or innocence by the courts, that come way way way after nthe first exposure….
Although all – the Press, MACC, AG/Prosecutor and Courts – play a part and hence each ought to be as independent and free from executive interference as can be – the first agency (the Press) is of greater importance because it is the institution that first starts the ball of exposure rolling…..
#33 by Godfather on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 10:48 am
In any case, the MACC is just one of three legs in prosecutorial effectiveness against corruption, the other two being the AG’s Chambers and the Judiciary. If the MACC says there is a case, but the AG refuses to prosecute, it is useless. If the MACC and the AG agree to prosecute, but the judiciary is tainted in favour of know-who, then it is also useless.
If all three legs do not have a certain degree of separation from the executive, then we can keep going round in circles over the next 50 years.
#34 by lee wee tak_ on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 10:55 am
Badawi wanted this 2 piece of legislation as the legacy of his administration
the biggest achievement of his administration, in my opinion, are
1) release of Anwar Ibrahim
2) Siti Nurhaliza’s wedding
that’s all I can remember
#35 by Godfather on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 11:01 am
I beg to differ.
Badawi’s greatest achievement is his opening of the Nasi Kandar restaurant in Perth, and then see it close down six months later. No other minister of prime minister in the world can boast of this achievement.
#36 by k1980 on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 11:36 am
Blatant money politics– RM400 million in oil royalties given to Trengganu in view of KT by election
#37 by PSM on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 12:21 pm
Pak Lah will go down in Malaysian History as the most “waste of time & forgetable” PM. I wonder if he ever thinks of that? Or maybe he’s still sleeping…someone please wake him!
#38 by trublumsian on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 2:11 pm
jeffrey, valid points at the outset, but the context in which you use parallelism to taper part of this forum’s uproar is a little fallacy on your part. one example, you neglected the fact that hong kong and singapore are far from being pluralistic societies, the constituent as a whole is solely after the best government for the country. malaysia, on the contrary, are polarized by race and ancestral origins, whereas India has traditionally struggled with deep rooted caste systems. folks vote first for what elected officials can do for their kind, the country comes second. ICAC and CPIB work well for hk and sg, MACC in it’s current proposed form, not so much for malaysia. the DOJ in the u.s. likewise come close because the country truly set in place checks and balances in all facets of government. underlying the democracy are two strong political parties with parity. bad shots will all too eager be called out. and as mentioned in this forum, the u.s. also has an unabated media culture going for it.
#39 by wesuffer on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 2:47 pm
pakatan in perak , is showing true colour as BN now.
they afford to waste public fund to change all exco car proton perdana to toyota camry 2.4 litre worth RM 2.7 million for 16 nos.
change car reason is smiliar with BN goverment in terenganu
high maintenence cost rm 1 million per year for 14 cars
mean each car will spend almost RM72 000.00 yearly,
this firgure totally cant be accepted. the most expensive part for car normaly is gear box . how much it cost ? RM20 k alright and every year gear box changed? and i think the current exco car are less than 6 years old. and where are the 2 years part waranty period ?
#40 by lee wee tak_ on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 2:48 pm
“# Godfather Says:
Today at 11: 01.54 (3 hours ago)
I beg to differ.
Badawi’s greatest achievement is his opening of the Nasi Kandar restaurant in Perth, and then see it close down six months later. No other minister of prime minister in the world can boast of this achievement.”
GF kowtow! U r the MAN
#41 by wesuffer on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 2:49 pm
I think in PERAK, there still alots of infra or upgrading place to be concern too !
#42 by lee wee tak_ on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 2:52 pm
I agree with wesuffer
why not the Perak state gomen
1) keep the proton but change maintenance contractor Ah Wong Motor or Ah Beng “Ma-chek” might give a better quote
2) tender & sell off the perdana & get Hyundai Accent. It gets people arond, doesn’t it?
I remember watching on TV, Chong Eng driving a kancil and dear nie ching is having a kenari
#43 by undergrad2 on Saturday, 13 December 2008 - 11:20 pm
What principle of check and balance?
They can’t even balance their own check books.
#44 by TheWrathOfGrapes on Wednesday, 17 December 2008 - 8:50 am
/// Concerned Citizen Says:
December 12th, 2008 (5 days ago) at 20: 22.46
Dear sir,
The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) report is out, to aid in understanding what has transpired, I’m providing two links –
For Math
For Science ///
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Those are very interesting charts you have linked. The top 4 countries for Grade 4 and the top 5 countries for Grade 8 are all chopsticks-wielding countries.
Very interesting indeed. Is there some correlation here?