by Dr. Chen Man Hin

Despite intensive propaganda by the government and Umno publicity machines against Anwar Ibrahim, the people still trust him. This is shown by the polls taken by Merdeka Centre research which indicate that only 11% of those polled believe the allegation that Anwar sodomised Saiful. An overwhelming 89% prefer to trust Anwar – that even 76% of Malays polled do not believe the government propaganda about Anwar

When news about allegations of sodomy against Anwar were spread in the international print and electronic media, there was shock and dismay.

Condoleeza Rice, US secretary of state, a Canadian ex-prime minister, former World Bank president, former IMF president, Gus Dur ex president of Indonesia, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch – all expressed dismay and disbelief.

They say Anwar is innocent and called upon the Malaysian government to free Anwar of the sodomy charge.

Gus Dur visited Malaysia and declared that Anwar is innocent and not the type of person to commit sodomy. He has called upon the prime minister to practise democracy.

International opinion must be valued and not taken lightly. If foreign investors see that democracy and justice are absent, their confidence will be affected and foreign investments to Malaysia will diminish.

Obviously, to foreign leaders, ANWAR IS THE ONE.


There is a crisis of confidence in the country. Merdeka Centre has from a poll found that PM Abdullah’s standing has descended rapidly from its high point in 2004 to only 26% today. This is because corruption has gone from bad to worse, the judiciary is corrupt, there is no rule of law and there is a corrupt police force. All the promises to clean up the judiciary and police force have come to nought.

Government policies which are supposed to treat all races equally and fairly have deteriorated and are now based on the concept of ketuanan melayu or supremacy of Malays.

Instead of good governance, the entire government is now engaged in a conspiracy to convict Anwar of sodomy on a false charge.

Mafia methods are adopted. The police attempted to pressure the Burmese doctor to change his medical report of Saiful by repeated visits, but the doctor stood by his findings. After filing his sworn affidavit, he and his family are now missing – probably fled overseas for refuge.

if PM Abdullah perceived Anwar as a threat to his government, he should deal with him through democracy, not by subverting the government administration, the Attorney-General’s chambers and the police and pursuing a desperate conspiracy to trap and convict Anwar of sodomy.

The whole country is tired and disgusted with the conspiracy and lack of good governance. The people want a change, for someone to take the country out of the mess and become a clean, corruption-free, multiracial, multireligious, multicultural, democratic and progressive society.


* You are invited to join my Facebook Supporters Page. Thank you.

  1. #1 by pulau_sibu on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 2:20 pm

    What a dirty by-election. UMNO brought out all the dirtiest tricks – sex, racism, ….. This was never the case before. UMNO must be so desperate, as if the end of their world is very near. They know about it. The people would know about it.

    Through this by-election, I also saw the real side of some of the Malays. Because of short term gain, they are willing to sell their friend, thus their own soul and mind. This is really shameful and disgrace for Malay as a race. Don’t ever tell us they are the good Malays and Muslims. Shame on you all and should be burnt in the hell

  2. #2 by malaysia-united on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 2:28 pm

    BN is so so corrupted and no choice, now the Anwar is the best candidate to become our PM, as what he did and said in this 3-4 years. But never forget what he was during he was in BN. Mr Lim yourself also know about this, last time you had scolded him for many years… So Anwar, better you walk your talk, fight for Malaysia for Malaysian. Rakyat will always watching

  3. #3 by zak_hammaad on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 2:42 pm

    ANWAR is neither a leader nor someone who is trusted by the majority of Malaysians. He does not have a consensus and nor is capable of leading a government. He speaks in many tongues depending on who the target audience is. He will never be the PM, period.

  4. #4 by Emily Pratt on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 2:50 pm

    No Anwar is not the only one we trust; I, for one also trust the following people to govern my birth country:

    i) Lim Kit Siang & Son
    ii) Nik Aziz & Co
    iii) Nurul Izzah & Gengnya


  5. #5 by cina on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 2:52 pm

    anwar may not the best but he is the better one if will to compared with those UMNO leaders.

    He is surely much better than najis, muhiddin, khairy, taih with two muhammad, kerismuddin, mamakthahir’s son, toyol and etc.

  6. #6 by newchief on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 2:56 pm

    It is not that anwar CAN BE TRUSTED that we want a change in government. it is ACTUALLY BADAWI & REGIME THAT WE DON’T & CAN’T TRUST in managing rakyat’s welfare that WE WILL GIVE ANWAR THIS CHANCE TO BECOME PM !!

    BN now becomes more MELAYUs VOCALS. When did we actually suppress them & the question is, did we really corner them into a corner!!?? On the contrary, it is other races that are being successfully cornered by them !!

    We sekarang MUST TALK MALAYSIANS & NOT MALAY or any other individual races-lah as it defeats the sole purpose of National Training . Better erase this programme as it brings ONLY WEALTH to those who has contracts with it. Its better to donate the funds to the rakyat !!

    As for anwar should he become PM, we hope he walk the talks and dump away MP that talks racism or show agnorance to the rakyat. do not follow what the present BN is doing or we will drop kick you out even before you have the chance to sit down syok syok .

  7. #7 by cina on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 2:58 pm

    we chinese people will forgive and forget anwar’s past.
    we chinese people will give anwar another chance.
    Any malays who is out of UMNO is a good malay.

  8. #8 by Elwin Heng on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 3:02 pm

    Never-ever seen liar!

    Warned PR do not play dirty ‘money($) politic’, how about ‘blue’ deserves the laws protection skip from anti-corruption detention? What’s a most fastest effectiveness reaction (finger pointed) against PR in order to imply ‘blue’ isn’t a dirty money politic player! However, at the end, admit ‘blue’ gave away money to selected persons! The most ever dirtiest politic player, ‘blue’ is nothing!

    Throughout ‘blue’ administration which lead by ‘Uncle LA & Nji’, so much coincidences happened! Back to Tun M, !S@ & OS@ is politic gaming controller; Uncle LA & Nji, @(A and Cfor is chosen to defense and counter attack those innocent!

    What’s a shame against to anti-corruption administration, especially to those leadership! Why? Back to press reported, ‘blue’ candidate was admitted ‘money politic’ gave away such amount on the purpose of by-election matter! Will ‘big-man’ of anti-corruption authorize and warrant arrest against ‘blue’ representative for investigation or detention? Think about it, ‘blue’!

    2nd ashame to ‘blue’ force administration! Great to effectively publish or through media to warn or ‘arrest’ PR community members; how about Mahkota Cheras gangsters’ status? Don’t accuse or blame or complaints without ‘MC shameful violent gangsters’ photo till can’t publish or through media to warn or warrant arrest them?! Show us your profession, show worldwide, M’ boleh!

    Latest update by astro502 press reported, a line of statement regards petrol price of RM2.700 per little will wait-&-see till year end only under consideration to depreciate value? What’s a liar, ‘blue’!

    ‘Blue’ when we need you, where are you?
    We in suffering environment, you might in most comfort zone!

    ‘Blue’ millionaire-&-billionaire, subsidize 10% back to us for the purpose or subsidy of petrol price, education or f&B? Will sincere and appreciate upon your kindly sincerity if you willing to do so!

    308 voters, P44 voters, appreciate your vote authority to elect most welcoming and sincere and willing contribute and sacrifice to us. To you I don’t know your choice, as I’m a Chinese qualified voter, but to me surely to vote and stand by with PR – En. Anwar as believe he is the one deserved leadership and peoples welcoming PM!

    Bare in mind, no matter Malays, Chinese, Indian, and other races, accorded to En. Anwar said “We are a family”! Love our country, love yourselves, fight for and loving your generations! Victory and future generations fact on your final decision and consideration!

    Victory is you, P44 voters!
    Victory is you, En. Anwar of Pakatan Rakyat!
    Victory is you, Malays, Chinese, Indian, & others!

    Warmest regards.

  9. #9 by Emily Pratt on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 3:10 pm

    Reading Elvin Heng’s post is giving me a headache… is this consistent with other posters?


  10. #10 by yhsiew on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 3:11 pm

    The urgent issue is to kick out the rotten government as soon as possible. The only party capable of doing that is PR and its leader Anwar.

  11. #12 by haris01 on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 3:15 pm

    yes anwar is the best candidate…….
    no body can replace his seat………..
    the phenomenol that is going on is because of answar…..

  12. #13 by tan chi nam on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 3:19 pm

    totally agree with haris01,
    DSAI is our leader…..plz all give 100% support without hesitation…

  13. #14 by waterfrontcoolie on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 3:23 pm

    It is sad to note that many bloggers are still so naive in their thinking! Anwar is not a saint! Period. He is a politician who depends on the action of nearly 60k of grey matter of varying degree of maturity on 26th Aug to decide if he would be given a chance to state his case. If anyone out there can do better then he can take over. The so-called Opposition would hardly achieve a couple of seats b4 the previous GE. With his appearance, the Opposition took 4 additional states and became a relevant factor in the equation of Malayisans being given an option to have a 2 party system.
    And now, the Gomen is shitting in their pants when he is contesting PP. So please give him a CHANCE to prove his worth! After all, BN was given over 50 years to bring Malaysia to her knees! By the way, the more the SIL speaks, the more the Shah fellow stands to lose his deposit!!

  14. #15 by Mr Smith on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 3:34 pm

    On March 8, the people rejected BN outright. It was humiliated like never before when it secured less that 50% of the popular votes in the Peninsular, lost 5 states and its 2/3 majority in parliament.
    Yet, it never got the message and is still acting as arrogantly as it did before March 8.
    BN’s reputation within and without the country is tarnished beyond repair and in the process it is destroying the country.

  15. #16 by justiciary on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 3:42 pm

    Elwin Heng,can you be straight forward? Why do you invariably use ‘blue’ to imply BN? I share the feeling of other commentators who are deeply annoyed by your funny English?

  16. #17 by justiciary on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 3:56 pm

    I am sure many public transport commuters are damn sick with the belated remarks made by PM about our inefficient and inconvenient public transport.Kenapa dia baru sedar?

  17. #18 by Emily Pratt on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 4:16 pm

    Regarding Mr Nincompoop riding the LRT:

    A little bird told me that Mr Nincompoop is looking for a new job and is scouting around for openings. (He may be unemployed come 16hb Ramadhan 1429)

    Some eligible posts are:

    i) Budak Jaga Kereta di Stesen Kelana Jaya
    ii) Juruwang at Masjid Jamek station
    iii) Tukang Kebersihan Tandas-tandas Stesen Sentral


  18. #19 by moy yew hon on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 4:21 pm

    great post

  19. #20 by MyPeoplePower on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 4:23 pm

    To All Pakatan Rakyat Supporters,

    The issue of Swear on Quran have affect some of the support on DSAI especially the Malays.

    The BN UMNO ministers keeps on emphasize DSAI not dare to swear on Quran to prove his innocent.
    And many Malay voters had been influence by this.

    So, pls try to explain based on below argument to those voters in Permatang Pauh.

    1. Whoever commit the crime and then swear on Quran or bible to prove innocent, this meant this person is innocent?
    Then just ask Bodohwi to destroy the Palace of Justice la!
    2. If DSAI swear on Quran to prove innocent, then who the nations should believe?

    Tell them the case is now in Court and a person is innocent until the guilty is being proven!
    Ask the voters to pay attention on the issue of economy in our country and give their Holy Vote to DSAI.
    Don’t be fool by these BN UMNO ministers!


  20. #21 by mjalleh on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 4:24 pm

    Go bury yourself, Khairy

    Ten years ago, former PM Dr M tried to “bury” Anwar Ibrahim politically by sacking him from UMNO. But Anwar refused to “go away”.

    Dr M then tried to break and “bury” Anwar’s spirit by having him arrested in front of his family – after which the then IGP would beat him to near death. But Anwar did not succumb.

    Abusing every institution and legislation and using the servile courts, Dr M sought to bury Anwar’s integrity with a sodomy charge. But Anwar withstood the onslaught.

    Through the mainstream media Dr M carried out a character assassination most vile, vicious and venomous on Anwar. Though wounded, Anwar refused to be vanquished.

    Behind prison bars for six years and bruised, Anwar would not buckle. As the years flew by, they had to literally bury a few personages who were involved in putting Anwar away.

    Even when his party had only one MP; even when the PM asked sarcastically “Who is Anwar?”; even when Umno declared he was “irrelevant” – Anwar did not flinch nor falter.

    He in fact prepared the ground for a “mass burial” which took place soon after the political tsunami in March. The political careers of a few cabinet ministers were buried.

    Now Umno is very worried that its very existence would be buried soon. They create another silly sodomy story. But Anwar keeps on bouncing back.

    In comes a greenhorn who blows his own trumpet and declares that they will bury Anwar’s political career. Dr M and the Umno hegemony tried so hard but Anwar survived and became stronger. Who is Khairy Jamaluddin?

  21. #22 by k1980 on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 4:29 pm

    To Emily Pratt today at 16: 16.37–

    Taiwan’s Chen SB has USD36 million stashed away in swiss banks. So do lots of other corrupt politicians. Do you really believe Mr Nincompoop need ever work? His pension already RM15,000 a month!

  22. #23 by Captain on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 4:45 pm

    Khairy like Noraini Putri leader is a kurang ajar of the highest kind.

    The more you see them, hear them or read about them, the more you hate UMNO.

    Ptg Pauh people must vote for Anwar becos, it is better we try our luck with a possible devil, belum tentu lagi than voting in the already known devil who is a member of UMNO team that is sabotaging vital developments from coming to Penang.

    Anyone who votes UMNO is a traitor to the Penang present and future Malaysian Malaysia.

  23. #24 by Emily Pratt on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 4:49 pm

    Pension? What pension… when you are fired from your job, I doubt you will get any pension.

    Vote of no confident = you’ re fired, right?


    P/S Wrt to swearing upon the Quran, why should DSAI swear on it? As RPK state, swearing is un-islamic, there is no provision of swearing upon the holy book, it is something invented by Shit-Fool [tm] & Co juz 4 lulz!

  24. #25 by limkamput on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 4:53 pm

    Cina says: “we Chinese people will forgive and forget anwar’s past. We Chinese people will give anwar another chance. Any malays who is out of UMNO is a good Malay.”

    Cina, it is obvious you are cyber trooper from BN or a real moron. Both ways, you are not welcome here.

    Please don’t use “we Chinese” because I am not your stupig kind of Chinese.

    All Malaysians must learn to give Anwar another chance not just your stupig kind of Chinese.

    By the way not any Malay out of UMNO is a good Malay. Only a Chinese moron will say thing like that. So please don’t include us.

  25. #26 by sybreon on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 4:59 pm

    Saying that people trust Anwar is stretching it a lot. It is the government that people DO NOT trust. There is a big difference there. Please do not spin things for your political advantage. Anwar is NOT to be trusted. The more foreign support he gets, the less I trust him. If he ever becomes PM, he has to be kept in check 24/7 by the people and removed at the first sign of trouble.

  26. #27 by cina on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 5:55 pm

    Uncle LKS,

    How come there is an animal barking here and barked as if liked it(limkamput) owned this blog? it(limkaput) sounded like as if it has the authority to decide who are allow and who are welcome to this blog….

  27. #28 by cina on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 6:06 pm

    since when this blog is taken over by such retarded animal(limkaput)??? I hope is not…..

    We chinese will mostly vote for anwar as we had already forgave anwar, even before the March 8 GE.

    The indian voters will surely vote PKR as well….

    Malay voters of PP,
    please vote wisely, pls vote PKR and pls don’t let your oldman to go to the polling station as most of them will cast for UMNO….

  28. #29 by limkamput on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 6:08 pm

    Cina, see your stupid English again. Let me rephrase for you:

    “How come there is a dog barking like cina in this blog?”

    See only one line.

  29. #30 by limkamput on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 6:11 pm

    cina, please bark less. PKR’s position in PP will be in jeopardy if you bark more.

  30. #31 by Elwin Heng on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 6:20 pm

    Emily Pratt & justiciary, apologize upon my funny english that might deeply annoyed.

    I’m PR supporter!
    I trust PR PKR-DAP-PAS!!

    ISA & OSA… referred to history, how many innocent or sacrificed opposition warriors detained and charged under ISA-&-OSA after they share or disclose or spoke?
    Hope you understanding concurrent administration misuse power authority, upfront saying ‘freedom of speech’, backward ‘no freedom after you speak’ till might bail-to be-detainee!

    BN should be out of gaming!
    PR must be the most welcoming!

    Abdullah, not deserve my vote!
    En. Anwar, predefined and deserved 308-&-826 votes!

    Permatang Pauh voters, wish you may(or must) trust and confident to Pakatan Rakyat together with En. Anwar, will troubleshoot and counter attack against BN weak leadership and money politic strategies!

    Warmest regards.

  31. #32 by k1980 on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 6:25 pm

    Tide turns against BN; landslide win for Pakatan?

  32. #33 by adoionline on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 6:26 pm

    Good on you, Dr Chen! You are such a pillar of fairmindedness and outspokenness. For decades you fought the good fight on our behalf and I remember feeling so proud of you when I was just a young chap, paying only peripheral attention to local politics. You and your long-time colleagues in DAP – Kit and Karpal – are men who will always be loved, admired, and emulated for battlingon and banging your heads against a solid brick wall when all hope seemed lost. Then came the political tsunami of March 8th 2008… which swept away the foundations of that brick wall, allowing a rush of truth to burst into the public consciousness, bringing fresh hope and energy to all of us who love this land and refuse to migrate!


    Infinite Blessings upon you and your family.

  33. #34 by zak_hammaad on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 6:37 pm

    yhsiew Says:

    >> The urgent issue is to kick out the rotten government as soon as possible. The only party capable of doing that is PR and its leader Anwar.

    Right! Kick out one rotten government and replace it with another headed by Anwar; no thanks! In it’s hunger to win the federal government, Pakatan has shown how to play dirt with dirt; the Chinese also in their desperation for a larger political state may “forgive” Anwar’s past, but the Malays will not.

    As far as I’m concerned, UMNO and PR (with the exception of PAS) are as bad as each other, neither deserve the trust of the rakyat.

  34. #35 by limkamput on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 6:45 pm

    zak, you want to sell your mother that anwar will not get to putrajaya? undergrad2 wants to buy.

  35. #36 by dasty on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 7:21 pm

    Haha, if simply by swearing on the Al-Quran would solve all cases then what are police for? What are judges for? Even the most brutal murderer ever existed can simply swear on the holy book and be set free. Anyone who believes in such blasphemy must be really lacking of something.

    Whether Anwar can be the leader that all Malaysian wants is still a pending matter. But for now, all Malaysians could do is just hope.

  36. #37 by riversandlakes on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 8:32 pm

    Yes, I do trust ANWAR.

    DSAI ’08!

  37. #38 by adoionline on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 9:57 pm

    THIS IS ESPECIALLY FOR “zak_hammaad”!

    Strange how some people – even well-educated and apparently intelligent ones, and I’m sad to say I have several close friends who fall in this category – have an irrational hatred for Anwar Ibrahim.

    Some are secular, westernized Malays who would rather deal with the greedy, corrupt liars and hypocrites who populate the BN than with a leader who is actually clean-living and left-leaning. Others insist Anwar is a closet racist and opportunist who will woo anybody to get where he wants (now that’s patently unfair a criticism; one might as well condemn all living things for their hardwired survival instincts!)

    What I strongly believe is that most of these Anwar-haters are people who were once idealists, but became pragmatists in their adulthood. They conformed to the Status Quo and reaped personal benefits (contracts, positions, titles) by toeing the Umno/BN line. So when they see Anwar at 61 still holding on to the principles of his crusading youth, still gung-ho about REFORM, it makes them uncomfortable about their own Faustian pact with the powers-that-be.

    They have what used to be a typically Australian complex: if a local boy returns to his hometown after accomplishing great deeds abroad, the yokels shun him as being “too big for his boots.” These people live such humdrum,. mediocre lives – with so many compromises – they simply can’t bear to see a REAL HERO get his just desserts. Like what happened to Jesus 2,000 years ago, they will attempt to arrest and crucify the bugger… and, maybe 300 years later, proclaim him a saint or a god when he’s long gone and no further threat to their vested interests.


  38. #39 by shadow on Friday, 22 August 2008 - 10:10 pm

    A known DEVIL is much better than an unknown ANGEL. Give DSAI a chance to prove himself. May be he’ll turnout be best one we ever had!

  39. #40 by cintaaman on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - 12:10 am

    please tell Lim Kit Siang/ Lim GUan Eng/Karpal Singh to postpone the 23/24 August DAP AGM to avoid issue be manipulated and published on 25 August. If AGM really goes on, please let it be close door and not ro allow media to go in, otherwise the 25 August newspaper headline may show something untrue that may cause racial tension and impact to the PPauh election

  40. #41 by undergrad2 on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - 2:39 am

    limkamput Says:

    Yesterday at 18: 45.45
    “zak, you want to sell your mother that anwar will not get to putrajaya? undergrad2 wants to buy.”

    Sorry, I don’t buy damaged goods.

  41. #42 by Damocles on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - 9:40 am

    There is one thing about good, clean, efficient government.
    And that is that at least the very top echelon must be completely imbued with such qualities. Only then can they keep the rank and file in line.
    Public administration is full of land mines in the form of tempations. The higher one goes, the greater the tempations.
    This is true whether the BN or the PR is in power.
    It really takes superhuman efforts to resist such tempations.
    Only with such people in place can we have the type of government we want.

  42. #43 by smashchye on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - 12:34 pm

    how ironically things and decision made before the permatang pauh election… whereas yesterday pm announced 15 cents lower price for petrol when he said 3 days ago the price will only be announce by this end of the month and not earlier.. thats wat he said about the increase of petrol price few months ago but suddenly the next year he made a suprising announcement of the new rising petrol price. don’t u tink pm cannot make his decision and cannot keep his word???? sekejap this sekejap dat.. aduhh… i wonder how he can be a pm????? i tink he wants bn to win the permatang pauh election and thats y he suddenly become generous to lower the petrol price before date.

  43. #44 by AsalUsuLMalaysia on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - 12:36 pm

    If I were ANWAR i Ran and Hide disgrace myself nor my dignity long ago!…

    Dear Sir,


    may god bless you and your Family!~

  44. #45 by AsalUsuLMalaysia on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - 1:02 pm

    i wanna post this link here for those who doesnt read it before…

    I hope the those racism politician read this…

    * Parameswara founded Malacca around 1400. He was a Srivijayan(Buddhist-Malay) prince.
    * Parameswara converted to Islam in 1414 and changed his name to ‘Raja Iskandar Shah’.
    * The prosperity of Malacca attracted the invasion of the Siamese, attempts in 1446 and 1456.
    * The development of relations between Malacca and China was at that time a strategic decision to ward off further Siamese attacks.

    Recalling our history, siamese atk was crutial and the chinese had offered help, regardless of we win or lose, we are Malaysian today. “” should read more their History recalling Ketuanan Melayu. We should work best Interest for our future and Unite as a Nation to be proud of, and stands firm to show the world that we Malaysian are “ONE UNITED PROSPER COUNTRY”.

    U.S.A are strong why?… “UNITED” states of america. thats why!


  45. #46 by sirrganass on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - 5:37 pm

    //shadow Says:
    “A known DEVIL is much better than an unknown ANGEL. Give DSAI a chance to prove himself. May be he’ll turnout be best one we ever had!”//

    Give him and give yourself the FIVE YRS period to see what ANWAR will do.

    At the end of the period, judge yourself again, judge him again and “…So we’ll give Anwar his chance. If Anwar doesn’t perform, well, we’ll kick him out at the general elections in five years’ time.”

    5 years is not long!

  46. #47 by shamshul anuar on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - 7:02 pm

    DEar Newchief,

    Yes dear. Give chance to anybody to be PM . But he must have the mandate. If memory has not failed you, you would have realized that BN won in the last election.

    PKR has abled to form the govt in Selangor. PM Abdullah accepts the reality that BN lost in Selangor. Similarly, one would like Anwar to accept reality that BN still win , albeit on fewer representatives in Parliament.

    If he wants to become PM, wait for next election. And fight in the constituency where PM stands. That simple. That is the right way. Not by crying out loud about forming the Federal Govt through bribery.

    As goies the saying , the truth hurts. If Saiful had not sworn in God’s name, many will ridicule him by saying he is afraid to swear as the charge is not the truth. When he swore before Press , many accused him of being paid to swear.

    But no Muslims would want to swear unless he is telling the truth. So, Anwar, in your quest to live in Sri Perdana, do us a favour. Can you swear. You know swear like what Saiful did. Just say that you are accepting whatever divine punishment should you lie.

    What are you afraid of? You said Saiful created a story. Just swear sir. IOt would make your chance to win ( or win big as you had claimed) brighter.

    What are you waiting for?

  47. #48 by AsalUsuLMalaysia on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - 8:25 pm

    You see, heres when wrong doing when we combined politic religion.

    heres interesting quote:

    * People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That’s how they define “reality”.
    * But what does it mean to be “correct” or “true?”, Merely vague concepts…
    * their “reality” may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs.

    Its all up to you define ur beliefs and reality.

  48. #49 by undergrad2 on Sunday, 24 August 2008 - 8:20 am

    zak_hammaad Says:

    August 22nd, 2008 (2 days ago) at 14: 42.28
    ANWAR is neither a leader nor someone who is trusted by the majority of Malaysians”

    Says who? Says coconut head??

  49. #50 by shadow on Sunday, 24 August 2008 - 11:33 am

    We have enough of BN rule. Give to others and we see the result. You’re not happy vote them out and bring the next…. until we get the best. Zak I think you don’t like DSAI..right! We’re not GOD, we’re only humans. Everyone makes mistakes sometime in their life. We can change and I sincerely wish and hope DSAI change to a better human. “Anak melayu anak kita, anak cina anak kita and anak india pun anak kita”. This is the best I have ever read and heard. Go for it DSAI, we’re behind you.

  50. #51 by ctc537 on Sunday, 24 August 2008 - 12:55 pm

    We have been under BN rule since 1974 and we can’t detect any signs that it would become a multi-racial party in the true sense of the word. With endemic corruption and seemingly irrational policy we can’t see our country having a bright future under BN rule. Anwar Ibrahim is a changed man compared with 10 years ago. The majority of Malaysians of all races are convinced that DSAI is the man who can initiate genuine Malay non-Malay cooperation in economy and all other areas to propel the country forward which would see Malaysia joining the league of newly advanced countries in 10 to 20 years time.

  51. #52 by imranj78 on Sunday, 24 August 2008 - 3:07 pm

    I used to strongly admire Anwar and even contemplated joining PKR. But in the end I decide I’d rather be independant of PKR and BN. In my view, Anwar is extremely over rated. He speaks many languages – one is when he was in government and one when he is out of the government – totally inconsistent and conflicting. His manifesto, while some are admirable, are unsustainable and populist in nature at best.

    But we should really admire him for one thing though – he is a true politician. Saying things that are popular, whether it is right or wrong, comes naturally to him.

    Yes I would be surprised if Anwar lost in PP as PP is his home ground. But Anwar as PM (IF PR unethical wrest control of the federal government)? I have serious reservations about that. Nik Aziz or Hadi would be preferable in my view.

  52. #53 by ktteokt on Monday, 25 August 2008 - 9:50 am

    DSAI, the “beam of light at the end of the tunnel” for Malaysia!

  53. #54 by zak_hammaad on Monday, 25 August 2008 - 1:17 pm

    adoionline, I wrote a lengthy response to your post a while back; but conveniently enough, it has still not be published. So much for freedom of expression on this blog :^)

    In summary, I do not “hate” Anwar for the sake of hating. Unless you’ve been asleep for the last 15 years, you would judge him according to his record. If AAB won a landslide in 2003 based on his “mr clean” image (which was a false assumption) – Do you think that “mr dirty” Anwar will be given a chance just in case he turns our clean?

    Anwar is not welcome as is the current incompetent and corrupt leadership. How the political turmoil ends is anyone’s guess at the moment, but I can assure you that Anwar will never be the PM.

  54. #55 by shadow on Monday, 25 August 2008 - 3:40 pm

    DSAI is going to win PP and become the next PM. No one can stop that. Its already written in the history of Malaysia.

  55. #56 by wantonhead on Wednesday, 27 August 2008 - 7:59 pm

    Leave it to the people to decide the outcome of our current affairs. That is the wish of the people, so be it. Nobody is prefect anyway, give them a chance to proff themselves

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