Hadi is the single cause of the death of Pakatan Rakyat not only for violating the PR Common Policy Framework and the PR consensus operational principle but trying to be “master” of PR

(Scroll down for English text)

Hadi adalah punca utama kematian Pakatan Rakyat bukan saja kerana mencabul Dasar Bersama dan prinsip muafakat Pakatan Rakyat tetapi juga kerana cuba untuk menjadi “tuan” Pakatan Rakyat

Berat hati saya untuk menyatakan rasa kesal saya yang bersangatan melihat Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang terus mengulang-ulang propaganda UMNO bahawa DAP mahu menjadi “tuan” ke atas parti lain bagi menyelindungkan pendirian politik baru beliau untuk menjadi pembela terkuat Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam keadaan para pemimpin dan ahli UMNO sendiri sedang mencari arah baru untuk negara ini.

Sebagai contoh, ketua UMNO Cheras Syed Ali Alhabshee kelmarin menyifatkan pakatan baru pembangkang tidak mampu menggugat UMNO sambil terus menyebarkan pembohongan bahawa gabungan baru berkenaan akan dikuasai oleh DAP seperti mana kononnya DAP dulu menguasai Pakatan Rakyat yang telah berkubur.

Dakwaan yang hampir sama diulang oleh Hadi kelmarin dengan menyebut bahawa golongan yang menghargai perjuangan Islam tidak akan menjadikan DAP sebagai ‘wali’, mengulangi tuduhan UMNO bahawa DAP mahu menjadi “tuan” dalam hubungan “tuan dan hamba” dengan parti-parti politik lain.

Tuduhan itu bukan saja tidak berasas sama sekali, malah ia pembohongan paling keji daripada seorang bekas pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat.

Pakatan Rakyat dulunya hampir menjadi sebuah gabungan politik baru antara kekuatan-kekuatan politik yang hampir setara di kalangan parti yang menjadi anggotanya, berasaskan prinsip muafakat di mana setiap keputusan atau dasar Pakatan perlu dicapai menerusi muafakat ketiga-tiga parti komponen, di mana tidak ada parti atau pemimpin memegang kuasa veto bagi membatalkan keputusan yang telah dicapai secara muafakat oleh pemimpin-pemimpin ketiga-tiga parti komponen.

Justeru tindakan Hadi mencabul Dasar Bersama Pakatan dan prinsip muafakat ini, kerana mahu menjadi “tuan” dalam Pakatan Rakyat, muncul krisis demi krisis dalam Pakatan, iaitu dengan:

1. Mencabul dasar Pakatan Rakyat untuk memastikan pertandingan satu lawan satu menentang Barisan Nasional dalam pilihanraya dengan meletakkan calon-calon PAS pada hari pencalonan untuk bertanding melawan PKR di enam kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13, menyebabkan UMNO menang di semua kerusi terbabit.

2. Mengenepikan keputusan Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat pada 17 Ogos 2014, yang dihadiri oleh Timbalan Presiden Mat Sabu bagi pihak Hadi, yang menetapkan Presiden PKR Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor.

3. Melanggar janjinya sendiri pada mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat pada 8 Februari 2015 bahawa sebarang pindaan ke atas Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Kelantan dan sebarang usul persendirian Ahli Parlimen Pakatan berkenaan pelaksanaan hudud akan terlebih dulu dibentangkan di hadapan Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat.

Cita-cita Hadi untuk menjadi “tuan” dalam Pakatan Rakyat melanggar prinsip asasi Pakatan sebagai sebuah gabungan antara parti-parti yang setara, dimeterai dengan prinsip muafakat dan Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat.

Atas sebab inilah Hadi mengenepikan keputusan Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat untuk melantik Menteri Besar Selangor kerana Azizah seorang wanita.

Malah, Hadi juga tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan untuk menamakan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai calon dari Pakatan Rakyat untuk kerusi Perdana Menteri.

Tidak berlebihan jika disebut bahawa Hadi adalah punca utama Pakatan Rakyat berkubur, bukan saja kerana mencabul Dasar Bersama dan prinsip muafakat Pakatan Rakyat tetapi juga kerana cuba untuk menjadi “tuan” Pakatan Rakyat, menggunakan kuasa veto bukan saja ke atas Jawatankuasa Pusat PAS tetapi juga Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat.

Konsep politik Hadi, termasuk politik gabungan, sama sekali tidak serasi dengan demokrasi, pluralisme, hak asasi manusia, kepelbagaian budaya, hak wanita serta gagasan pembangunan dan kemodenan.

Saya telah sebutkan kelmarin bahawa terserah kepada Hadi jika beliau mahu membantu memanjangkan hayat politik Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebagai Perdana Menteri di tengah taufan politik skandal 1MDB, tetapi beliau tidak berhak berbohong dan berdusta tentang DAP demi matlamat politik barunya untuk menjadi sahabat sejati Najib yang sedang berdepan tuntutan untuk meletakkan jawatan, termasuk daripada khalayak UMNO.

Setahun yang lalu, saya boleh menyatakan dengan yakin bahawa jika ada usul untuk mengadakan undi terhadap Najib di Parlimen, semua Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat akan mengundi tidak percaya.

Berlainan keadaannya hari ini. Apakah Hadi dan para pendukungnya akan sanggup membuat undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib di Parlimen? Hampir tidak mungkin, melihat kepada pembelaan luar biasa Hadi terhadap Najib.

Setahun yang lalu, tidak diragui lagi bahawa semua Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat dari DAP, PKR, dan PAS akan seiya-sekata menuntut ketelusan dan kebertanggungjawaban berkenaan skandal 1MDB. Apakah hari ini Hadi dan pengikutnya akan menyokong usul sedemikian di Parlimen?

Hadi boleh mengubah pendirian dan belang politik beliau untuk menjadi pembela Najib yang paling kuat, namun janganlah melakukannya dengan cara mengorbankan kebenaran, keadilan, dan kejujuran dengan mengulang-ulang pembohongan dan pendustaan yang disebarkan UMNO berkenaan DAP.

(Kenyataan Media di Kuala Lumpur, Jumaat, 24 Julai 2015)

(English Text)

It is with great reluctance that I have to state my utmost regret that PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is continuing to parrot the baseless UMNO propaganda line that DAP wants to be “master” over other parties to camouflage his new political stand to be Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s stoutest defender at a time when even UMNO leaders and members are looking for new directions for the country.

For instance, the Cheras Umno chief Syed Ali Alhabshee yesterday dismissed the proposed new opposition pact as incapable of posing any threat to Umno’s hold on power, but went on to perpetuate the lie that the new coalition would be dominated by DAP alleging that this was the case with the expired Pakatan Rakyat.

This the same line parroted by Hadi yesterday, saying that those who appreciate the Islamic struggle will not make DAP their masters, perpetuating the UMNO line that DAP wants to be “master” in a “master-servant” relationship with other political parties and forces.
This is not only utterly baseless and most contemptible falsehood from a former PR leader.

Pakatan Rakyat was to blaze a new coalition politics in Malaysia, based on a coming-together of political equals based on the PR consensus operational principle where every PR decision or policy must be reached by consensus of all three component parties, where no single party or leader holds veto power to override the decision reached by consensus of the leaders of the three component parties.

It was precisely because Hadi violated not only the PR Common Policy Framework but the consensus operational principle, wanting to be “master” in Pakatan Rakyat that PR went from one crisis to another, viz:

1. Violating the Pakatan Rakyat policy of promoting a one-to-one electoral contest with Barisan Nasional by despatching PAS candidates on Nomination Day to contest against PKR in six state assembly constituencies in the 13th General Elections, causing UMNO candidates to win in all these six seats;

2. Overruling the Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council decision on August 17, 2014 with PAS represented by Deputy President Mat Sabu on behalf of Hadi, that the PKR President Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail be appointed as Selangor Mentri Besar.

3. Hadi’s breach of his personal commitment at the PR Leadership Council meeting of Feb. 8, 2015 that any amendment to the 1995 Kelantan Syariah Criminal Enactment and any private member’s bill motion in Parliament on hudud implementation would first be presented to the PR Leadership Council.

Hadi’s ambition to be the “master” in Pakatan Rakyat violates the fundamental principle of PR as a coalition of equals sealed by the operational principle of consensus and the PR Common Policy Framework.

This is the reason why Hadi overruled the PR Leadership Council decision to appoint Azizah as Selangor Mentri Besar on account of her being a woman.

In fact, Hadi also did not agree to the proposal for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to be the PR candidate for Prime Minister.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that Hadi was the single cause of the death of Pakatan Rakyat because Hadi violated not only the PR Common Policy Framework and the PR consensus operational principle but wanted to be the “master” of PR, exercising veto and overriding powers not only against the PAS Central Executive but also the PR Leadership Council.

Hadi’s concept of politics, including coalition politics, is completely incompatible with democracy, pluralism, human rights, cultural diversity, women’s rights and the idea of development and modernity.

I said yesterday that it is Hadi’s prerogative if he wants to provide a life-line to support Najib and to shore up the Prime Minister in the gathering storm over the 1MDB scandal, but he has no right to tell lies and falsehoods about the DAP in pursuit of his new political objective to be “a friend in need is a friend indeed” to Najib who faced mounting calls for his resignation, even coming from UMNO circles.

One year ago, I could state with confidence that if there is a confidence motion on Najib as Prime Minister in Parliament, all the MPs from Pakatan Rakyat would cast a vote of no confidence against Najib.

This is not the position today. Will Hadi and his stalwarts support any such vote of no confidence against Najib in Parliament? This is unlikely considering Hadi’s extraordinary defence of Najib.

A year ago, there will be no doubt that all the Pakatan Rakyat MPs from DAP, PKR and PAS would have voted in unison to demand full accountability and transparency into the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal. Would Hadi and his stalwarts now support such a parliamentary motion?

Hadi can change his political stand and stripes to be the stoutest defender of Najib but don’t do so as the expense of truth, justice and honesty by parroting UMNO lies and falsehoods against the DAP.

  1. #1 by Saint on Friday, 24 July 2015 - 12:28 pm

    The worst scenario that can happen is a PAS + BN political understanding in GE14. DAP needs to be ready with strategies for such an alliance.

  2. #2 by homeblogger on Friday, 24 July 2015 - 12:57 pm

    Not worst case scenario, Saint. Looks to be the ONLY scenario. No two ways about it. Hadi has even angered his own PAS members. Will they rock the boat and leave the party? Probably not, but will they quietly vote against their own party? Very likely… to teach Hadi a lesson. Hadi knows this, so he knows very well that to hold on to any semblance of “power” he MUST lean on UMNO. Besides… this fella is a snake. A snake only knows how to slither left and right.

  3. #3 by homeblogger on Friday, 24 July 2015 - 1:46 pm

    And yes, agree with Uncle Kit 100 % : Hadi single-handedly killed PR.

  4. #4 by good coolie on Friday, 24 July 2015 - 2:02 pm

    Those fellows cannot leave PAS. If they do, they have to do unpleasant things like – not joking here, friend – divorcing their wives! Next time, please don’t take oaths (ba’iah) like that. At least the woman who left DAP in Kedah (the frog), did not have to divorce her husband.

  5. #5 by worldpress on Friday, 24 July 2015 - 7:40 pm

    Lost track gone haywire under him after without Nik.

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