Umno/Barisan Nasional leaders even more wrong in driving out Malaysians talents and funds out of the country continuing apace after the March 8, 2008 political tsunami

The Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah is more wrong than right when he criticized Malaysians who have emigrated, saying it was “wrong” and insinuating that they were betraying the sacrifices of their forefathers.

I agree that there is basis for Husni’s criticism of increasing numbers of Malaysians uprooting themselves and emigrating overseas to enlarge the Malaysian diaspora which could easily be in the two-million figure but Umno/Barisan Nasional leaders are even more wrong in driving out Malaysian talents and funds continuing apace after March 8, 2008 political tsunami.

I first raised the national problem of brain drain of Malaysians in Parliament in the seventies but invariably the Barisan Nasional Ministers would turn a deaf ear, either dismissing it as “Good riddance to bad rubbish” or denying the existence of the problem, although in some Malaysian towns at the time, “more than 50% of the medical practitioners have packed up their bags and emigrated” – as I said in my speech in Parliament in March 1978 when cited the case of a “doctor-brother of the Deputy Education Minister” who had joined in the emigration.

Since then, what started as a river of migration in the seventies have turned into a tide so to create a Malaysian diaspora of some two million strong in the world – and the loss to Malaysia is so overwhelming in all aspects that they defy proper computation!

The present migration of talented Malaysians to enlarge the Malaysian diaspora today are different from previous decades in two important aspects:

  • Firstly, unlike the early decades of seventies and eighties when Malaysians who emigrated abroad are predominantly Malaysian Chinese and Indians, today it is multi-ethnic including significant numbers of Malays.

  • Secondly, in the seventies and until the nineties, Malaysians parents who sent their children overseas for higher education denied them in the country, want their children to return to home after their graduation. But today, a substantial number of parents not only approve but even encourage their children studying overseas to stay back and emigrate instead of coming home as they see no hope of change for the better for the country and their children.

In the 18 months from March 2008 to August 2009, 300,000 Malaysians emigrated for better education, career and business prospects, working out to a loss of some 630 talented Malaysians a day.

Had the Cabinet, whether under former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or the current Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak ever had a special meeting or brain-storming session to stop the brain drain of Malaysian talents and to work out a strategy of brain gain, not only to retain Malaysians talents presently in the country, but also attract the best talents and brains from the Malaysian diaspora and the world to come to Malaysia to develop and prosper the country?

Are Najib and his Cabinet prepared to stake their political reputation on their ability to staunch the brain-drain of Malaysians as well as to successfully implement a brain-gain programme not only to get the “best and the brightest” from the two-million strong Malaysian diaspora to return to serve the country, but also to attract the service of the “best and brightest” in the world?

Najib is to launch the Tenth Malaysia Plan in the June meeting of Parliament. But what has happened to the ambitious “brain gain” programme of the Eighth Malaysia Plan ten years ago to “reverse brain drain”, especially in the fields of information and communications technology, science and technology, manufacturing industries, finance and medicine, to transform Malaysia into a K-economy and Information Society through a two-prong strategy, viz:

  • An annual “brain gain” of 5,000 “extraordinary world citizens of extraordinary talent” to “lure the best brains regardless of race and nationality, from Bangalore to California”’;

  • Encourage 500 skilled Malaysians overseas every year to return home with their expertise, starting from 2001.

Parliament will meet again on March 15 and I will ask Najib to report on annual results in the past 10 years to recruit (i) “extraordinary world citizens of extraordinary talent” and (ii) skilled Malaysians from the Malaysian diaspora to return to Malaysia to serve the country.

Husni and Najib should know that the government mishandling of the “Allah” controversy has further undermined national and international confidence, driving more Malaysians to think seriously about emigrating to enlarge the Malaysian diaspora. This is why the “Allah” controversy must be resolved without any further delay.

  1. #1 by Jeffrey on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 3:15 pm

    So if 630 brightest Malaysians of talent and brains migrate a day, what’s the implication on those of us remaining behind, and not joining the exodus – that we’re the bottom of the barrel with neither talent skills nor brains? Thanks.

  2. #2 by k1980 on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 3:16 pm

    An annual “brain gain” of 5,000 “extraordinary world citizens of extraordinary talent” to “lure the best brains regardless of race and nationality, from Bangalore to California”’;

    Encourage 500 skilled Malaysians overseas every year to return home with their expertise, starting from 2001.

    Jib’s idea of democratic liberization is that of the type being practised in Myanmar, i.e. all tok kok.

    The only people he can manage to fool are village idiots such as Koh TK and his hangers-on

  3. #3 by deven1 on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 3:44 pm

    Melayu sokong DAP? – Awang Selamat
    JAN 24 – Benarkah makin ramai Melayu menyokong DAP? Itulah yang digembar-gemburkan oleh para pemimpin DAP dalam ceramah, perhimpunan mahupun menerusi media kebelakangan ini.

    Keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) lalu yang menyaksikan parti itu menang banyak kerusi, dijadikan modal pukal bahawa semua kaum termasuk Melayu memihak kepada DAP.

    Bukanlah Awang mahu terjebak dengan sindrom penafian tetapi apa yang diuar-uarkan oleh parti tersebut tidak lebih sekadar muslihat.

    Berdasarkan maklum balas yang akhbar Utusan Malaysia dan Mingguan Malaysia terima selain pemerhatian menerusi banyak blog, apa yang didakwa oleh DAP tidak benar malah makin ramai orang Melayu menolak parti berkenaan.

    Awang turut menerima limpahan emel yang marahkan DAP sejak beberapa bulan lalu berikutan banyak isu termasuk penghinaan terhadap raja Melayu dan usaha membawa pemimpin PKM, Chin Peng pulang.

    Anehnya para pemimpin DAP menggambarkan parti itu menerima sokongan secara langsung yang meluas daripada masyarakat Melayu sedangkan hakikatnya cukup berlainan.

    Kejayaan DAP mendapat banyak undi Melayu pada PRU ke-12 adalah atas sokongan para penyokong Pas selain sebahagian lagi penyokong PKR. Jika tidak kerana faktor Pas, DAP tidak akan mendapat sokongan Melayu yang signifikan.

    Sesungguhnya masyarakat Melayu masih menghindari DAP apatah lagi dalam senario pasca PRU ke-12. DAP menjadi lebih rasis dan semakin agresif dalam gerak tindak mereka untuk menulis semula Perlembagaan negara. Yang tersirat, hala tuju parti itu adalah bagi menubuhkan negara republik – tanpa raja, tanpa mengambil kira sejarah bahawa Melayu sebagai kaum teras dan tanpa Islam sebagai agama rasmi.

    Jadi apa muslihat DAP? ia tidak lain bagi mengelirukan orang Melayu dengan memanipulasi sokongan secara tidak langsung yang diterima daripada penyokong Pas dan PKR atas tiket pakatan pembangkang.

    DAP terpaksa menjaja gambaran palsu itu untuk terus memastikan sokongan Melayu bertahan jika tidak pun meningkat.

    Dengan banyak perkembangan politik yang tidak memihak kepada pembangkang, parti itu bimbang Pas dan DAP gagal menarik sokongan pengundi Melayu pada PRU ke-13 nanti. Perpecahan dalam Pas dan banyak kepincangan PKR termasuk kemerosotan sokongan terhadap Anwar Ibrahim yang menjadi taruhan DAP, adalah petanda jelas.

    Perkembangan dalam Pas turut berubah. Parti itu tidak lagi bulat menyokong Anwar, berbeza dengan senario PRU ke-12. Begitu juga sentimen terhadap DAP di kalangan ahli akar umbi Pas, yang kini lebih diwarnai negatif.

    Jadi tidak hairan mengapa DAP makin agresif melaksanakan usahanya menarik sendiri sokongan Melayu termasuk melalui program outreach dan penubuhan cawangan khas Melayu terutama di Perak dan Selangor.

    Selain itu, sudah lama diketahui DAP melantik seorang dua Melayu menduduki jawatan kanan tetapi mereka tiada pengaruh dan jadi pak turut. Semua orang tahu DAP mendabik dada sebagai parti semua kaum sedangkan realitinya ia dikuasai oleh orang Cina dan memperjuangkan kepentingan kaum itu.

    Strategi terbaru ini menampakkan parti itu sendiri tidak percaya dengan kemampuan Pas dan PKR untuk memenangi hati bukan Melayu pada PRU ke-13 nanti. DAP turut khuatir Pas akan beralih arah dengan mengambil pendirian yang lebih mesra Umno atas nama perpaduan umat Islam. Segala-galanya boleh berlaku. Sekarang ini pun ramai orang Islam sedar, kedudukan Islam semakin kritikal disebabkan perpecahan dan percaturan politik yang silap. Dengan kata lain, DAP tidak boleh mengharapkan Pas dan PKR selama-lamanya.

    Selain itu, tujuan DAP menambah ahli Melayu juga kerana menyedari Umno terus mendapat sokongan kuat orang Melayu di bawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Maka tidak hairan DAP semakin terdesak untuk menjenamakan semula parti itu termasuk menerusi gagasan terbaru Middle Malaysia. Ia kononnya bersifat merangkumi berbanding konfrontasi dan menjadi milik setiap rakyat terutama generasi muda.

    Ramai yang memberi reaksi terutama dalam blog. Ada yang menyatakan Middle Malaysia mempunyai agenda rasis. Menurut satu tulisan: “Sekiranya diterjemahkan Middle Malaysia ke dalam bahasa Mandarin, ia membawa maksud tersirat ‘Malaysia untuk kaum Cina’. Ini boleh ditafsirkan kaum Cina mahu menjadi ‘tauke Malaysia’ kerana Chung adalah sinonim dengan ‘Penguasa Cina’ di Malaysia.”

    Awang tidak pasti sejauh mana kebenarannya. Namun tanpa hujah seperti itu pun, Awang memang tidak mempercayai DAP. Jika DAP benar-benar menjadi parti untuk semua kaum, Awang tidak akan mempersoalkannya tetapi itu semua hanya pembohongan dan tipu daya. Banyak tindak tanduk parti itu membahayakan asas kenegaraan kita, ia umpama musuh dalam selimut.

    Tindak-tanduk DAP menyerang secara konsisten agensi awam di bawah kepimpinan Melayu seperti Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia

    (SPRM), Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), institusi perundangan Islam dan banyak lagi, menyerlahkan lagi belang parti itu.

    Sikap keterlaluan DAP memanipulasi isu yang membakar sentimen bukan Melayu juga tidak boleh diterima. Lihat sahaja isu kematian Teoh Beng Hock, penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh pihak gereja Katholik dan kejadian gereja dibakar, amat tidak bertanggungjawab.

    Pada Awang, DAP adalah parti paling ekstrem, yang berselindung di sebalik nama demokratik tetapi agendanya ultra Cina. Selagi parti itu tidak komited untuk menjunjung dan mempertahankan Perlembagaan negara, selagi itu Awang tidak akan terpengaruh biarpun pemimpinnya memetik ayat al-Quran dan hadis. Biarlah Melayu yang tidak sedar diri dan yang punya agenda peribadi dipergunakan oleh DAP. Awang bukan jenis itu. – Mingguan Malaysia

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    written by Anti Awang, January 24, 2010

    Sekiranya DAP anti Melayu, siapakah yang mengatakan orang Cina, India pendatang? Yang lain tak bukan – Ahmad Ismail. Siapakah dia? Orang UMNO – siapakah yang lebih extre…
    +12 …
    written by adamaf, January 24, 2010

    Awang, hang dok merapu meraban apa ni?
    +9 …
    written by malu toyol, January 24, 2010

    kini bukan melayu pun sudah sokong PAS,kenapa melayu tidak boleh sokong DAP? fikiran awang sudah ketinggalan 20 tahun belakang.
    +6 …
    written by chen shiung, January 24, 2010

    melayu can only sokong umno sebab hanya umno boleh menahan
    KKN..korruption, kronism dan nepotism umnoputras

    +4 …
    written by Rajamohan, January 24, 2010

    Hey Awang If only DAP have wrote this article, that is about UMNO………………….. My god how many police report, how many perhimpunan haram, burning of the party falg, stepping on party flag, you say it they do it. All is right if done by the great Awang which is always selamat even he write shit in his paper. Hey Awang who cares about you joining DAP or terpengaruh with DAP’s style. Are you sure DAP is only fighting for china’s mans right only? Well you are wrong, look at their members, how many races are there among DAP members. DAP never said Malaysia without Islam, DAP never said Malaysia without Raja Raja, DAP never said Malaysia to be a Republic. DAP will never go against the the Rukun Negara. All DAP wants is Malaysia for all Malaysian without been rasies, crony,abuse of power, extrimesm, coruption, equal rights in education and higher learning, and a lot, lot more. I have never wrote anything bad about Awang Selamat but this is my first and maybe my only critic of Awang Selamat. Well Awang how if you please write something like how to get rid of all the ill feelings among the Malays with the other races in Malaysia. Make all the rakyat of Malaysia to come together as one Malaysia and do away about your thinking for only satu Bangsa and Satu Agama, Think about all the races including the people in Sabah and Sarawak as One Malaysia. Well start to write today as a lot of Malaysian are already leaving to migrate elsewhere. Write something that people love to talk and praise about you after reading an article. Remember Awang life is never long. Write something good when you are still alive and healthy today as tomorrow would be too late. Hope my comments reach you or change you for good Awang Selamat.

    Angles be with you,

    Rajamohan Paramoo
    +7 …
    written by alladin, January 24, 2010

    Melayu yg bodoh aje yg sokong DAP, nasib baik ada selamat yg boleh sedarkn melayu agar jgn terjun dlm longkang ikut DAP> hoi adamaf dn anti awang hampa teringin nak bawa anak bini hampa ikut DAP laa tu, baguih jugak bole lingkup cepat bangsa melayu dan agama Islam.
    -5 …
    written by decent, January 24, 2010

    Awang tak selamat dgn utusan perkauman tak ada cerita baik ttg DAP. Cerita basi shj asyik2 dap anti melayu – Habih UMNO bukan anti cina, anti india, Sekurang2nya dap berusaha utk memikat hati org melayu – adakah itu salah ? Ada juga pemimnpin melayu yg berkalibar masuk dap . Kenapa? Cerita lah ttg rasuah, penyalahgunaan kuasa , dsbynya. Siapa yg pijak kepala lembu? Siapa yg benarkan demonstrasi dlm isu A, Siapa yg koyakkan gambar pemimpin cina diPP? Siapa yg kata Pendatang? Siapa yg bina mahligai di sgor ? Siapa yg terlibat dgn kmatian TBH & Altantuya ? Bnyk lagi …. Ini bukan isu melayu tapi isu kebenaran dan keadilan utk semua manusia sejagat. Awang keluarlah dari tempurung katak awak. Cakap sbg insan yg jujur dan sbg seorg yg beragama, awang tak sepatutnya begitu rasis tehadap DAP. DAP, PAS dan PKR tidak patut berdiam diri dgn tuduhan2 yg tidak berasas dan berfitnah dari awang tersebar begitu luas dlm media BN ini. DAP,PAS dan PKR patut menyaman Awang dan MEdia perkauman ini supaya rakyat tahu muka sebenar Awang dan utusan perkauman ini. Sebagai 1 contoh : “Awang turut menerima limpahan emel yang marahkan DAP sejak beberapa bulan lalu berikutan banyak isu termasuk penghinaan terhadap raja Melayu dan usaha membawa pemimpin PKM, Chin Peng pulang.” Mana buktinya? Bila DAP hina Raja2 Melayu, Usaha bawa Ching Peng itu apa isunya? Contoh 2 :Tindak-tanduk DAP menyerang secara konsisten agensi awam di bawah kepimpinan Melayu seperti Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia. MACC adalah public agency bukan Malay agency ? fahamlah sikit awang yg kurang akal . siapa pun boleh pertikaikan tindak tanduk MACC demi keadilan. Contoh 3 – hala tuju parti itu adalah bagi menubuhkan negara republik – mana bukti ? Dap pls sue this idiot … He is so st…d but makes alot of damaging statements without any proof…
    +0 …
    written by ujang, January 24, 2010

    kalau melayu tak sokong DAP, Pas & PKR sokong DAP. Siapa ahli PAS? Bangla atau mat Indon? Melayu tu orang UMNO saja ke. Otak letak kat kepala lutut.

    Dear kit Siang:
    >i Challange you to sue this guy for uding and spoiling pakatan and dap image as well.i took it from malaysian insider

  4. #4 by boh-liao on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 3:52 pm

    So touched by Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah’s cry me a river over citizens who left 1M’sia
    Just like a cat crying over rat, a Chinese saying

  5. #5 by tenaciousB on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 4:14 pm

    he’s another rais yatim, oh yeah rais yatim is actually officially a malaysian internet joke. lol

  6. #6 by Bigjoe on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 4:18 pm

    I am a believer in investing in elites. I don’t believe in betting with second-best honestly. But all the years of my working with the best in the world in many places, I have learn one simple thing – the elites don’t work in a vacuum. While only the best can make the really great things, they can’t do it without a system behind them. And by a system I mean people who not only can help them do what they can do, but compete with them, challenge them. In other words, you can’t pick the winners even among elites. You need a whole group of them with a supporting cast behind them.

    The problem with this scheme is that it assumes you get a few good ones to come back and they will magically create great things. It does not work that way. The few good ones will fail and the whole thing will fail. You need a WAVE of good ones to come back and you need an even larger whole group of people behind them that can appreciate what they do and support it.

    This is what UMNO don’t get, they are not going to attract the bumiputras who are good to come back if they don’t attract non-bumiputras to come back FIRST! The best will follow majority of the best regardless of race, religion etc..They don’t understand this and never will..Hence they will never solve the problem.

    Their only hope is to bet Indonesians or Bangladeshi, Pakistanis, Middle East who are good to come here and make up for the lost. But having those people come here create more problems and at best can work only partially because the very best will find it attractive to move say down south. I know for a fact, most Indonesian educated abroad who can’t find a job in US, Europe, Australia, seek to go to Singapore first before they even consider coming here.

    This is all publicity stunt and will fail miserably of course. In other words, this is nothing but publicity warfare – meant to blunt criticism rather than fix real problems..

    Again, showing what Najib is all about – all show not much substance..

  7. #7 by Loh on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 4:33 pm

    Najib mentioned 1Malaysia, and it meant that the integer 1 is free to increase from one to many, as the case demands. He talked about high income country, as if he cares about the welfare of the people. Even if he does, himself, UMNO system would not allow him to deprive other UMNOputras the chance to prepare themselves and their extended families and cronies the chance to become filthy rich. They can then choose a civilised and developed country to spend the leisure days, while keeping their descendants continue to milk the place. The second generation ministers have been in place for decades and the second generation prime minister has taken over. The UMNO dynasties do not want talents to challenge them. They want easy money to spend.

  8. #8 by Dap man on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 4:45 pm

    Hey Ahmad Husni, look at this facts:-.
    Malays control and monopolize

    1. University VCs/Professors
    2. Administrative positions in Hospital.
    3. Civil service
    4. Police, MACC, AG cambers, Judiciary, Army
    5. GLCs
    6. All state govts
    7. Federal Govt

    Discrimination in
    1. University places
    2. Award of Scholarship
    3. IPO shares
    4. APs
    5. 5%-15% discount for Malays(even the rich) to buy houses

    If we add corruption, lawlessness, crime rates, religious bigotry, and Malay Superiority why the hell would we want our children to stay in Malaysia.
    What future is there for them and their children in such a pariah state.

  9. #9 by ReformMalaysia on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 5:28 pm

    “…The Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah is more wrong than right when he criticized Malaysians who have emigrated, saying it was “wrong” and insinuating that they were betraying the sacrifices of their forefathers…..”

    It is Barisan Nasional-UMNO government fault. We can’t blame the talented Malayisan people to emigrate because the Barisan Government racial and religious discriminatory policies has made Malaysia a less conducive place for the talented people to work and progress. This is the fruit of New Economy Policy, Ketuanan Melayu, Corrupt practices …… and lately, the Muslims-dominance government try to prescribe how the Christians should address their God and how they should pray …

    In the United States of America, even an emigrant from Autria (Arnold Schwarzenegger) was entrusted with the position of California’s governor. And President Obama father was from Kenya(Africa).. Can we expect this to happen in Malaysia? Absolutely not under the present Barisan Nasinal/UMNO-led government….

    The so-called non-bumiputra do not have a equal opportunities in Education, economic and public sectors. In in Malaysia, you need to be from right ethnic origin and religious faith to be ‘qualified’ for the post of Prime Minister and Chief Ministers in some of the states.

    So the talented Malaysian whom have eimigrated to other more ‘socially & economically conducive’ countries should be blamed….

    Probably on day , we may have a US president who was born in Malaysia…. where back home , he was not even qualified to hold the post of ‘deputy prime minister’ due to the discriminatory policies that was practiced in Malaysia.

  10. #10 by ReformMalaysia on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 5:31 pm

    So the talented Malaysians whom have emigrated to other more ’socially & economically conducive’ countries should not be blamed….

    Probably on day , we may have a US president who was born in Malaysia…. where back home , he was not even qualified to hold the post of ‘deputy prime minister’ due to the discriminatory policies that have been practiced in Malaysia.

  11. #11 by ablastine on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 5:40 pm

    How can the BN government afford to have the best and brightest around to staff their institutions. Can you imagine MACC being staffed with top brains. They will be aiming their guns at all the big shots in the Government with ill gotten gains instead of the opposition. Can you imagine the courts, including the appeal courts being filled with judges the calibre of Lau Bee Lan. They can no longer have their day sodomising oppositions in the court. If they have top calibre people in the Defence Minister how to get lucrative commission when buying weapons for the country or take down jet engine to sell. So no, the government needs all these corrupting, half baked talentst to assist them is plundering the nation for their self gain.

  12. #12 by waterfrontcoolie on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 6:40 pm

    All those requests for Brains to come back are “bulls”. The little Dot down south does need rocket-brain to take advantage of the situation. They just organise our brains and then send them around the world for which their companies/corporations take the “Management Fees”. Here day-in and day-out we hear “sloganeerings of all kinds” and they remain as such. Hence to question to question anyone who wants to leave this proclaimed paradise is rather idiotic. If it is paradise, why would anyone wants to leave?? If you’re lead because of your numbers, refusing to get the better brains to offer some help; you can’t go far as proven over the past 30 years! maybe you shouldn’t waste time asking them to come back and spend more time doing your own homeworks as you are bent on moving forward with only your own community. with so much glaring setbacks; with whatever you have, you would realise by own that all ‘sloganeerings’ would come to nought!

  13. #13 by waterfrontcoolie on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 6:41 pm

    > The little Dot down south DEOSNOT…need”.

  14. #14 by -ec- on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 6:53 pm

    “The problem with this scheme is that it assumes you get a few good ones to come back and they will magically create great things. It does not work that way. The few good ones will fail and the whole thing will fail. You need a WAVE of good ones to come back and you need an even larger whole group of people behind them that can appreciate what they do and support it.” –Bigjoe

    in fact there is a case precedent. many indian engineers and technology experts left US following the technology bubble burst and went back to india. these people build up and strengthen indian’s technology sector that we witness today.

    if we want a huge group of malaysian diaspora to return, we have to:

    1. firstly wish for the fall of singapore!
    2. secondly wish for intensification of racial unrest in US, Europe and ANZ.

    if the above is to remote, we then have to wish for bn to be eliminated in the next ge!

  15. #15 by yhsiew on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 6:58 pm

    So long as ethnonationalism perpetuates in the country, Malaysia cannot escape the fate of being a donor of professionals and specialists to other countries.

  16. #16 by wanderer on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 7:02 pm

    if they are the real brains and employed overseas, surely, their pay packets will be quite substantial…convert to
    ringgit and compared to malaysian salary holding the same position, it is just peanuts!!…. without mentioning the inferior bosses they have to tolerate…

  17. #17 by Onlooker Politics on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 10:13 pm

    Please forget about the brain drain problem for the time being. People come people go. When the Malaysian economy is having bad recession, many desperate unemployed Malaysians will surely struggle to survive by “jumping aeroplane” in the Western countries, Middle-East countries, Taiwan or mainland China in order to work there as an illegal worker.

    Home Minister Hishammuddin said that the 4 suspects of arson attacks on 2 suraus at Muar confessed that they did the crime on their own will, hoping to bring people’s attention to their long-ignored underdeveloped kampung. While the city dwellers can always think of the choice of “jumping aeroplane” as the way to overcome the personal unemployment problem, many kampung dwellers can only think of setting fire on suraus in order to get Umno Central Government to allocate subsidies to the kampung folks. This is the end result of the long-term implementation of the spoon-feeding New Economic Policy. The places of worship of “Allah” will eventually suffer as a result of the impulsive outrageous vandalise attack or arson attack by some disappointed youngsters due to the ever-increasing unemployment problem, underemployment problem, and poverty problem in the rural areas. Even “Allah” will not be willing to help Umno now, for “Allah” has been annoyed by the arson attack on his holy places of worship. Allah will no longer permit Umno to adopt the land opening schemes, which have been implemented by Felda and Felcra at the initial stage of implementing the NEP during 1970s, for purpose of relocating the landless have-nots from the kampung areas and city areas to the yet-to-be-opened jungles.

  18. #18 by Ramesh Laxman on Sunday, 24 January 2010 - 10:25 pm

    I have said this many times and would like to say it one more time. Brain drain is better than brain in the drain.

  19. #19 by riversandlakes on Monday, 25 January 2010 - 1:26 am

    Stupid, stupid man. There is no hope as long as we have these joke crop of leaders.

    “I get very sad when I hear we have people migrating to foreign shores. To me, this is wrong.”
    => Don’t get emotional. Learn to be professional.
    => Institutionalized racism. That is wrong.

    “Surely, our complaints are merely discomfort”
    => Surely, you are being very mean and blind even though you can see.

    “work hard together to make things better”
    => Not until you learn to listen and dismantle the institutions of racism. By then, it’s probably too late.

  20. #20 by DCLXVI on Monday, 25 January 2010 - 1:31 am

    Before he retired from office, the old doctor had the Malaysian government set up InventQJaya with some dubious US R&D company to stop this brain-drain. Instead, it failed, but not after millions of government funds were ‘drained’. Now this old doctor has recently brought up again conspiracy theories about the 2001 911 terrorist attacks in the US, including him saying that he believe the Arabs were not ‘capable’ enough to orchestrate those attacks. Yet, not long after the 911 attacks, when the old doctor was one of the government leaders whom the US government had shown classified evidence to, evidence which is said to tie the attacks to al-Qaeda, the old doctor did not publically say that the evidence from the US government was a lie, did he? Obviously, somebody’s brain had gotten drained…

  21. #21 by frankyapp on Monday, 25 January 2010 - 2:01 am

    Some so-called malays’ NGO staged a boycott against companies such as McDonald and Coke accusing them of having linked to the jewish state of Israel.I wonder what they would do to the malays share holders in these companies.

  22. #22 by waterfrontcoolie on Monday, 25 January 2010 - 8:38 am

    Talking about InventQJaya, the loss was greater than the R&D Centre of Microsoft at BeiJing!! And what did/does Microsoft get in return?? Our loss was some rm$400 M; whereas Microsoft initial investment was only us$80 M! Just look at our double-tracking KTM project; how much has been spent and still no-go! I gather we spent more time figuring how to increase the project cost rather than maximising the benefits. With such mission, you don’t need brains to lead; you only need a repeat group of the likes of VTs, YTLs, Anans. Tajus, Motar-Bulls,WCs and ASMs to lead this country to Zimbabwe.

  23. #23 by boh-liao on Monday, 25 January 2010 - 9:53 am

    InventQJaya failure is not d fault of MMK
    But d fault of d evil US
    Actually a conspiracy staged by d US
    They created an avatar that conned d great dictator n racist MMK

  24. #24 by taiking on Monday, 25 January 2010 - 9:55 am

    A government that allows a serious problem (and brain drain is a mighty serious problem) to gather for 30 yrs is completely irresponsible and absolutely incompetent.

  25. #25 by Godfather on Monday, 25 January 2010 - 10:14 am

    This is typical UMNO mindset. If you leave the country for greener pastures, you are a traitor, so it’s better to let traitors go than to try and persuade them to stay. Worse, if you persuade them to stay, you will have to make sacrifices and adjustments for these people, so the better option is always to let them go.

    To all those aspiring and qualified Malaysians – don’t listen to these misguided UMNO politicians. Just go make your fortune overseas. Keep a small home here, and come back to vote for a better future for those who are left behind for whatever reason. Then when it comes time to retire, go buy a home in a gated community in Johor Baru, play golf, and drive into Singapore for some casino fun.

    Live your life. UMNO only wants to steal your tax money.

  26. #26 by taiking on Monday, 25 January 2010 - 11:25 am

    There must be a way for malaysians living abroad to vote.

  27. #27 by boh-liao on Monday, 25 January 2010 - 3:35 pm

    Yeah, there is a way if d gomen wants 2 get it going
    BUT, but d gomen is NOT interested in M’sians living abroad 2 vote
    No, in fact, DOES NOT want them 2 vote ‘cos most of them r anti-Umno B/BN
    Good riddance, overseas voters!

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