Lim Kit Siang

Challenge to IGP Fuzi to quote chapter and verse from the PAC Report on 1MDB which states that there is ‘nothing to link Jho Low with 1MDB” or that Najib had not committed any crime in the 1MDB scandal!

For the past five days, informed and concerned Malaysians must have felt very uneasy and uncomfortable, as if a bone is stuck in the throat, with the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun’s ridiculous statement that there is “nothing to link Jho Low with 1MDB”?

I challenge Fuzi to quote chapter and verse from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Report on 1MDB, submitted to Parliament in April 2016 which states that there is “nothing to link Jho Low with 1MDB” or that Najib had not committed any crime in the 1MDB scandal.

This is because Fuzi had used the PAC report to reinforce his contention that there is nothing to link Jho Low with 1MDB” and the PAC Report has been used by those in power to cover a multitude of sins in the world’s worst kleptoracy, claiming that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak had not commited any crime in the 1MDB scandal.

I stand corrected, but as far as I can remember, there is no mention of Jho Low whatsoever in the PAC Report. Just compare the PAC Report with the 251-page 958-paragraph United States Department of Justice’s (DoJ) kleptocratic litigation under the US Kleptocratic Assets Recovery Initiative 2000 on the US4.5 billion 1MDB funds stolen and money-laundered in various countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Singapore, which is studded with references to Jho Low all over the litigation.

Such a comparison will highlight why the PAC Report is a faulty document. The whole world knows about the linkage between Jho Loh and 1MDB – in fact we can state without fear of contradiction that without Jho Loh, there would be no 1MDB.

The best person to know and testify to this would be the Prime Minister himself. All it needs for IGP Fuzi to do to resolve this vexed question is to meet Najib and ask him whether Jho Loh had links with 1MDB. Has Fuzi or the Police asked Najib this simple question? If not, why not!

The very fact that the PAC Report on 1MDB has no mention about Jho Low is an indictment on the comprehensiveness, veracity and accuracy of the PAC inquiry into the 1MDB, and why there is a need for the PAC rectify this major defect and hold a comprehensive inquiry into Jho Low’s role in the 1MDB scandal.

Will the PAC conduct such an inquiry?

One question I want to specifically ask Fuzi is whether he had read the US DoJ’s kleptocratic litigation proceedings?

Does he need to be pointed out the relevant parts of the 251-page 958-paragraph US DoJ kleptocratic litigation proceedings where Jho Low was specifically mentioned as the mastermind in the international conspiracy in the five years from 2009 to 2014 where billions of US dollars were fraudulently diverted from 1MDB through various means, including by defrauding foreign banks and by money-laundering the proceeds of the criminal conduct including “in and through US financial institutions”?

Is Fuzi unaware that two Wall Street Journal journalists will release their book on Jho Low and 1MDB in September with the title “Billion Dollar Whale: The Man Who Fooled Wall Street, Hollywood, and the World”?

Surely Fuzi is aware of the book publisher’s note on, promising that the book will be an “epic true-tale of hubris and greed”, revealing “how a young social climber pulled off one of the biggest financial heists in history – right under the nose of the global financial industry – exposing the shocking secret nexus of elite wealth, banking, Hollywood, and politics”?

Or has the denial complex, that there is nothing to link Jho Low with the 1MDB scandal, become a required position for all the top holders of public office in Malaysia whether the Police, the Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, Bank Negara, the Judiciary and even for the Parliament Speaker?

(Media Conference Statement in in Parliament on Monday, 12th March 2018 at 12 noon)

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