
The 29 days left in March 2017 must be regarded as the most important 29 days to “Save Democracy” and “Save Malaysia” to get over four million unregistered eligible voters to register on the electoral roll so that they could vote in the forthcoming 14GE

By Kit

March 02, 2017

The 14th General Election is getting nearer as it is expected to be held this year, whether in July or more likely in September this year.

31st March 2017 is likely to be last date for eligible voters who have not registered on the electoral roll to register as voters, or they will miss the chance to vote in the 14GE if held this year.

The majority of Malaysian voters wanted a change of Federal Government in Putrajaya in the 13th General Elections on May 5, 2013, but they missed the opportunity to bring about the first change of Federal government in Malaysian electoral history because the electoral system was so unfair and undemocratic that with 47% of the popular votes cast, the UMNO/Barisan Nasional coalition was able to win 60 per cent of the parliamentary seats and Datuk Seri Najib Razak could become the first minority Prime Minister (with support only from minority of the popular vote) in the nation’s history.

All Malaysian organisations, not only political parties, should assume the national and patriotic duty to launch a voters’ registration drive in the next 29 days so that everyone can take part in the process to determine the nation’s future, including whether to change the Federal Government in Putrajauya – replacing the UMNO/Barisan coalition with Pakatan Harapan and Bersatu coalition – in the 14GE.

In fact, I will even urge every Malaysian individual to take it upon himself or herself to encourage a voters’ registration campaign in the next 29 days, bring about a change in mindset where the first question we ask when we meet friends or even strangers is not “Apa Khabar”,”Are you Well” or “Have you eaten” but “Have you ensured everybody in your family and close to you is registered as a voter?” It is most shocking that over four million eligible voters have not registered themselves as voters.

This must be regarded as a national emergency, and the 29 days left in March 2017 must be regarded as the most important 29 days to “Save Democracy” and “Save Malaysia” to get over four million unregistered eligible voters to register on the electoral roll so that they could vote in the forthcoming 14GE

Our Election Commission seems to have very poor IT capabilities and facilities when compared to other developed countries, like Australia, New Zealand, United States and the United Kingdom which have facilities where a voter can register today and cast his or her vote the next day, but in Malaysia, the Election Commission has to take three to six months to finalise the electoral register.

The Election Commission should explain why it is so backward in IT capabilities and facilities.

[Media Conference Statement (2) at Voters’ Registration Campaign at ICC Pudu, Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, 2nd March 2017 at 1 pm]