
Let 2017 be the only kleptocratic Chinese New Year in the history of Malaysia

By Kit

January 27, 2017

Chinese New Year Message 27th January 2017

The Chinese New Year of the Rooster in 2017, like all the national festivities in the country, will be celebrated under the cloud of Malaysia as a global kleptocracy.

The appellation of “global kleptocracy” is a stain and slur on the reputation and integrity of Malaysia and 30 million Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region, gender or age, and it must be the common resolve of all self-respecting and patriotic Malaysians in the coming year to purge and cleanse Malaysia of the ignominy and infamy of being regarded worldwide as a global kleptocracy.

I wish all Malaysians, and just not confined to Malaysian Chinese, a Happy Chinese New Year with the resolution that 2017 is the only kleptocratic Chinese New Year in the history of Malaysia.

Malaysia is a confluence of diverse races, languages, religions, cultures and civilisations – let all the festivities of the diverse races and religions be celebrated as a common festivity by all Malaysians.

This will make Malaysia unique, great and a show-case of inter-racial, inter-religious, inter-cultural and inter-civilisational acceptance, understanding, tolerance and harmony to the world.