
As Najib has admitted in FAQ to a direct interest in Altantuya case, he should withdraw from all decision-making whether there should be a RCI into Altantuya’s murder to avoid conflict of interest

By Kit

May 20, 2015

(Scroll down for BM version of this statement / Terjemahan BM di bawah)

What has not attracted sufficient notice in the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s FAQ on the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case is that it was a clear admission that he has a direct interest in the case, although it was couched in the language of denial, denying that he had anything to do with the issue and his Sumpah Laknat.

His direct interest in the nine-year Altantuya case was in Paragraph 3 of the FAQ on Altantuya issue, where he said:

“What is important is that the judgment brings justice to everyone, most importantly to the family of the victim, to the accused and even to me.”

Now the nine-year Altantuya case, which concluded in the Federal Court in January with the conviction and death sentence passed on the two accused, former police special commandoes, Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar Umar is the subject of increasing public controversy both nationally and internationally because it had failed to deliver justice to everyone as well as to the family of the victim, the two convicted accused and even to Najib himself.

This is because the nine-year-old Altantuya case has left unanswered two important public interest questions, viz:

• Who ordered Altantuya to be killed; and

• Whether there had been a nine-year “conspiracy of silence” involving the Police, the Attorney-General and the judiciary as well as others to avoid probing into the motives for the killing of Altantuya.

In the circumstances, as Najib’s FAQ is nothing but a public admission that he has a direct interest in the case, he should withdraw from all decision-making process whether there should be a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Altantuya’s murder.

Is Najib prepared to announce that he is cognizant of such conflict-of-interest and he would not be involved in any manner with the decision-making process as to whether there should be RCI into Altantuya’s murder to ascertain (i) whether anyone, if so who, had ordered Altantuya to be killed; and (II) Whether there was a nine-year “conspiracy of silence” involving the Police, the Attorney-General and the judiciary as well as others on the motives for the killing of Altantuya?

Furthermore, whether the Prime Minister would allow the Cabinet or Parliament a free hand to decide whether a RCI into Altantuya’s murder should be established.


(Teks Bahasa Malaysia)

Memandangkan Najib telah mengakui mempunyai kepentingan langsung dalam kes Altantuya, beliau patut menarik diri daripada sebarang proses memutuskan sama ada perlu ditubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja berkenaan pembunuhan Altantuya demi mengelak konflik kepentingan

Apa yang kurang menarik perhatian dalam FAQ Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak berkenaan kes pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu ialah pengakuan jelas bahawa beliau mempunyai kepentingan langsung dalam kes tersebut, meski menggunakan bahasa penafian yang begitu lunak, dengan menafikan bahawa beliau mempunyai sebarang kaitan dengan isu tersebut dan juga Sumpah Laknatnya.

Kepentingan langsung dalam kes Altantuya yang sudah berusia sembilan tahun itu ditemukan dalam perenggan ketiga FAQ berkenaan isu Altantuya, yang menyebut:

“What is important is that the judgment brings justice to everyone, most importantly to the family of the victim, to the accused and even to me.”

Kes pembunuhan Altantuya yang telah dimuktamadkan di Mahkamah Persekutuan pada bulan Januari dengan hukuman mati ke atas dua tertuduh, bekas komando polis Azilah Hadri dan Sirul Azhar Umar menjadi tajuk yang semakin penuh kontroversi di peringkat dalam dan luar negara kerana ia telah gagal memberikan keadilan kepada semua pihak termasuk keluarga mangsa, dua individu tertuduh dan juga Najib sendiri.

Ini adalah kerana kes sembilan tahun pembunuhan Altantuya tidak menjawab dua persoalan besar yang mempunyai kepentingan awam, iaitu:

∙ Siapa yang mengarahkan supaya Altantuya dibunuh; dan

∙ Sama ada terdapat konspirasi senyap selama sembilan tahun yang melibatkan pihak polis, Peguam Negara dan juga badan kehakiman serta pihak-pihak lain bagi mengelak siasatan terhadap motif pembunuhan Altantuya.

Dalam keadaan ini, memandangkan FAQ Najib adalah tidak lain sekadar pengakuan terbuka bahawa beliau mempunyai kepentingan dalam kes ini, beliau patut menarik diri daripada semua proses membuat keputusan sama ada untuk menubuhkan sebuah Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja ke atas pembunuhan Altantuya.

Adakah Najib bersedia untuk mengumumkan bahawa beliau sedar akan wujudnya konflik kepentingan dan tidak akan terlibat dalam apa jua proses membuat keputusan tentang sama ada perlu ditubuhkan RCI bagi menyiasat pembunuhan Altantuya dan memastikan i) sama ada sesiapa, dan jika ya siapa, yang telah mengarahkan supaya Altantuya dibunuh; dan ii) Sama ada terdapat konspirasi senyap selama sembilan tahun yang melibatkan pihak polis, Peguam Negara dan juga badan kehakiman serta pihak-pihak lain dalam hal motif pembunuhan Altantuya.

Selanjutnya, sama ada Perdana Menteri akan membenarkan Kabinet atau Parlimen untuk memutuskan secara bebas sama ada RCI terhadap pembunuhan Altantuya wajar ditubuhkan.

(Kenyataan media di Parlimen pada hari Rabu 20 Mei 2015)