What would be the response of the authorities if there is a non-Malay Isma which openly attacked Najib as anti-Chinese or anti-Indian, out to wipe out the Chinese or Indians in Malaysia?

By Kit

June 06, 2014

In response to online news reports that Isma had concocted downright lies and falsehoods in its latest accusations of a plethora of crimes and horrors against me like being “anti-Malay”, “gunning for Malays since 1960s” and “wanting to wipe out the Malay race”, I had tweeted yesterday, among others, the following:

1. How should I react? Such blabber. My hair should stand but sorry, No! http://goo.gl/x7MYkW Isma: Kit Siang wants 2wipe out Malay race (Mkini) 2. Should I lose sleep? Will u if some crazy hurl abuse at u? http://goo.gl/OxUefz Isma labels Kit Siang “anti-Malay” – Looi Sue-Chern (TMI) 3. Thankful for live examples of jesters and liars. http://goo.gl/6lCfW8 In reprisal, Isma claims Kit Siang gunning for Malays since 1960s (MMO)

There have been hundreds of responses on the facebook, twitter, blog and online news portals to the wild allegations by Isma and advising me how to react – basically that I should just ignore Isma and that I should sue it until kingdom come!

I am grateful for the overwhelming support by the netizens, who have used very colourful language to describe the Isma accusations, which include the following:

Extremists; fanatics; moronic; Nazi; deranged sickos; stupid; racist; vitriolic hate; gila; seditious; defamatory; berserk; paranoia; bigot; cancerous; cave man; idiot;delusional; inferiority complex, etc.

I leave out epithets which are even more colourful but not so appropriate for polite society!

One reaction however is worth reproducing and pondering:

WDA Is this a pathetic attempt to neutralize the fact that DAP put forward a Malay candidate in the recent Teluk Intan by-election? Is ISMA saying that Dyana, an intelligent and confident woman, is a mere puppet? Isn’t that a slap in the face for all independent thinking and educated Malay women? If ISMA can’t give DAP some respect, at least show some to this new generation. Whether you like it or not, they are the future, and that is what scares you and keep you awake at nights. (Malaysiakini)

The facebook, twitter, blog and online news portal responses, as well as statements issued by DAP Assistant National Publicity Secretary and MP for Bukit Bendera Ziaril Khir Johari, Haris Zuan, Ketua DAPSY Bukit Bendera and others, are more than adequate responses to Isma.

As for the legal channel, I will await advice from my lawyers.

I am however more interested at presenty in one question. What would be the response of the authorities if there is a non-Malay Isma which openly attacked the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak as anti-Chinese or anti-Indian, accusing him as out to wipe out the Chinese or Indians in Malaysia?

Would the Police and the Attorney-General’s Chambers keep quiet to allow full licence for such lies, falsehoods and calumny to be publicly made against Najib, and if not, why are they keeping so quiet about the defamatory and inflammatory rantings by Isma?