Tweets on Karpal’s political tsunami of a funeral

By Kit

April 20, 2014

The following are my tweets today on Karpal Singh’s political tsunami of a funeral:

1. Today 20/4/14 countless Msians, physically or in spirit, will accompany the Tiger of Jelutong on his last journey. pic.twitter.com/DRoqIyTOMj

2. Even before arrival of Karpal’s cortege at Dewan Sri Penang for public lying-in-state, large crowds have gathered to pay their last respects

3. Vibrant air of expectancy with cortege arrival at Dewan Sri Pinang – mark of a great man who has left behind great imprints in sands of time

4. Sombre entry of Karpal’s cortege into Dewan Sri Pinang with heart-rending “Oh when the saints go marching in” and “auld Lang Syne”.

5. Old and young, men and women, of all races, religions, regions filed past in swift unceasing flow in love n last respect 4Karpal – 1MALAYSIA!

6. Ordinary Msians, regardless of race religion gender age physical condition publicly weeping when paying last respects – eloquent testimony!

7. Karpal – exemplar par excellence of DAP leaders who struggled for betterment of all Msians. We are for all Msians not any one group race religion.

8. Endless flow of humanity paying last respects for more than 90 mins creating a tsunami. x possible fror everyone to do so – rest are invited to join procession

9. Yang diPertua Penang arriving shortly at Dewan. CM LGE will deliver eulogy for Karpal. Anwar Sabu among PR leaders here with DAP CEC MPs SAs

10. Over 30,000 Malaysians from all walks of life converging at Dewan Sri Pinang for love and last respects 2Tiger of Jelutong – unprecedented!

11. Overwhelmed by national outpouring of grief and respect for Karpal turning this day of mourning also into a day of celebration of life well lived

12. TYT arrived. CM LGE delivering eulogy for Karpal. Karpal would never expect such a grand reception by the rakyat not only Penang but also Malaysia.

13. Cremation of Karpal at Batu Gantung Crematorium completed. Penang saw political phenomenon with outpouring of support by tens of thousands!

14. In funeral procession, thousands chant ‘Karpal Singh! Karpal Singh! Karpal Singh’ (VIDEO) -SHAZWAN MUSTAFA KAMAL (TMI) http://goo.gl/nqBj