
Police shenanigans

By Kit

December 04, 2012

— Sarjen Rossem The Malaysian Insider Dec 04, 2012

DEC 4 — There might be a need to order more popcorn, seeing that two former top cops are feuding openly in public. I refer to today’s The Malaysian Insider report on Datuk Ramli Yusuff and Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

Both speak about political interference and their revelations point to one real fact. That the Polis Di Raja Malaysia is in shambles.

Ramli accuses his one-time colleague of fixing evidence and mixing with underworld figures. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Can we believe such fanciful tales?

These revelations are all the more ironic and distressing at a time when public confidence in the police is already at a low due to the apparently rising spate of crime around the country.

Yes, I know. It is just a perception. There is no rise in crime, because there are fewer reports about crime. The police are doing a good job. I should trust them. Just as much as I should believe there is a tooth fairy

Are we going to get more details if these two senior policemen reveal more in their very public quarrel? I do hope they are brave enough to tell all and show proof of such shenanigans by the top officers.

And what does the government of the day, the current home minister, have to say about this? They have been mum about this.

There has been past revelations of police crack unit personnel being involved in murder-for-hire schemes and the latest is four policemen being charged with rape.

How can we trust the boys in blue if these stories are true? They are supposed to be our protectors to ensure peace and security in the country. Instead of being loyal to King and country, they appear to be self-serving men with their own agenda to gain power and money.

We need a police force we can trust and be proud of. Both Ramli’s and Musa’s revelations show us a different picture. What more with political intervention from the powers-that-be.

I urge the prime minister to intervene and investigate this matter as thoroughly as possible. Distrust of the police force is the first step to not trusting the government.