Tweets on 20,000 patriotic Malaysians at Dataran Merdeka protesting against Lynas

Tweets by Lim Kit Siang today

From Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat Sabah KK 2Himpunan Hijau Dataran Merdeka KL – quickening of awakening of Malaysians all races religions regions
3hrs ago

Final day of 13-day 300km trek from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur to protest against Lynas rare earth refinery in Gebeng Pahang culminates in 20,000-ppl massive demo
3hrs ago

Most humbling/inspiring sea of confident hopeful patriotic Malaysian faces particularly young generation prepared to stand up for clean/green country
3hrs ago

I told Wong Tack as I joined 20k patriotic Malaysians who loved/cared 4Msia in last lap of 300km Kuantan/KL trek @ Sogo KL, he has made history
3hrs ago

28 Greenwalkers who completed 300km anti-Lynas trek have made history as with massive support of 20k people today, they have sent a powerful messsage.
3hrs ago

The word has gone out 2country and world “era the government knows best” is really gone/past and Msians who want clean green safe future must be heard
2hrs ago

PM Najib should respond positively to Kuantan/KL trek by leading a Cabinet team to dialogue with anti-Lynas activists @ Dataran Merdeka 9 am tomorrow
2hrs ago

PR fully support anti-Lynas campaign. Among PR leaders @ DataranMerdeka include PKR Chmn Azizah PR MPs FongKuiLun TeresaKok WongHoLeng ChongChiengJen ErTeckHwa etc
2hours ago

20,000 join green march against Lynas – by Lee Long Hui (Mkini)
2 hours ago

  1. #1 by sheriff singh on Sunday, 25 November 2012 - 10:40 pm

    33,178 and counting.

  2. #2 by boh-liao on Monday, 26 November 2012 - 1:16 am

    NR n UmnoB/BN kaki2, just like d 3 monkeys (NO C, NO hear, NO talk), “mou gan tai” 没眼看 pahlawan hijau
    They wondered tonite Y d green fools still @ Dataran Merdeka, no stay comfortably @ hotels 1

  3. #3 by yhsiew on Monday, 26 November 2012 - 1:35 am

    Bravo anti-Lynas activists and supporters! March on!

  4. #4 by Noble House on Monday, 26 November 2012 - 3:42 am

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step as it is said. And that single step taken in that 300km has culminated in the hearts of thousands of Malaysians who cherish the hopes for a better Malaysia. The people have spoken yet again but the message has fallen on deaf ears of those who refused to listen.

    And where were PM Najib? Some said he was at the comfort of PWTC watching closed circuit TV of the event showing how ‘stupid’ Malaysian can be!

  5. #5 by Bigjoe on Monday, 26 November 2012 - 9:00 am

    The real significance is that this thing happened so independently, PR role merely an afterthought.

    To me its VERY WORRYING because it shows Selangor/KL have already voted for the opposition even before the GE. What IF the GE result shows OTHERWISE? Clearly if PR makes the case it CAN ONLY BE FRAUD, people will accept it and all hell will break loose…

  6. #6 by yhsiew on Monday, 26 November 2012 - 9:20 am

    齐心合力除公害 – Together let us weed out threats to public health.

  7. #7 by lee tai king (previously dagen) on Monday, 26 November 2012 - 9:21 am


  8. #8 by boh-liao on Monday, 26 November 2012 - 9:35 am

    Dis is a great movement n march indeed!
    A wonderful EVOLUTION of ppl’s POWER in M’sia 2 stimulate REVOLUSI MINDA ;-) ABU

  9. #9 by lee tai king (previously dagen) on Monday, 26 November 2012 - 9:50 am

    There is still time for umno to do the right thing, actually. But umno is much too tied up in vested interests and corruption; and umnoputras have all built up a mega life style around their super greedy needs and corrupt ways. As a result they are (1) not willing to give up that life style; (2) fearful of doing the right thing for that would ultimately means going to jail for their abuses and corrupt practices; and (3) too blind and arrogant to realise the people’s absolute abhorrence to umno and its corrupt ways.

    Good. Let us all overturn umno in GE13, then. The rest of the kutu parties in BN are goner as far as I am concerned.

  10. #10 by boh-liao on Monday, 26 November 2012 - 2:41 pm

    星星之火可燎原, 可把这腐败贪污, 烏煙瘴氣, 朋党企业自肥的政权拉下来 UBAH
    Little drops make an ocean 2 drown n wash away incompetent, corrupt, n stinking gomen

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