Lim Kit Siang

Asean Human Rights Declaration

— Proham
The Malaysian Insider
Nov 20, 2012

NOV 20 — Persatuan Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia (Proham) congratulates PM for his support on Human Rights at the Asean Meeting and calls him to lead in human rights

Proham recognises that an Asean Human Rights Declaration is an important document and a major step forward in fostering a human rights culture within the region. We recognise the role Malaysia has played and emphasis the necessity for Malaysia to enhance our role and position as a promoter and defender of human rights within Asean and the globe. Indeed we call on the PM and Malaysia to take on a strong leadership role in Asean .

However Proham also acknowledges that this the Asean Human Rights Declaration is not a satisfactory document as it does not reach the status of the UDHR and other international human rights instruments. Nonetheless we note that this Asean HR Declaration is welcome as a step forward, in anticipation of the Asean community to be set up by January 1, 2015.

In this context Proham urges the Asean partners such as Singapore, Brunei, Myanmar and Malaysia to take urgent action to ratify the core human rights conventions such as the convention on civil and political rights (ICCPR), economic, social and cultural (ICESCR), elimination on racial discrimination (ICERD) and against torture.

In the track record of ratification some of the Asean partners have already done much better than us — like Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand.

Countries like Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam have a better track record compared to Singapore, Brunei, Myanmar and Malaysia.

This is unacceptable as Malaysians are in a better socio-economic and even political position to do better in our human rights.

This comparative analysis must be a wake-up call for Malaysia. We must be among the core Asean partners like Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.

It is therefore urgent for the prime minister and the Cabinet to seriously review our commitment to human rights by improving our ratification and compliance to international instrument and standards.

Malaysia should not be known and seen to be lagging behind in our human rights legislation and performance. This will not be consistent with our approach to our Vision 2020 Developed status in just seven years’ time!

We urge our government to accept the challenge to take the lead in human rights in Asean.

* Issued on behalf of Proham by Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam (Proham member) and Datuk Dr Denison (Proham secretary-general).

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