
Why I am going for Bersih

By Kit

April 26, 2012

by T H Liew

I believe that IF our nation practices TRUE democracy, then our citizens will be better off.

However, I feel that our nation has gradually become a one-party state, with the ruling political party having a hold on virtually ALL of the bodies which are supposed to be independent in a true democracy, but are not.

The mass media (printed, electronic) are controlled; the police and anti-corruption agency do not seem to act impartially; the judiciary appears tainted esp at the upper echelons. Under these circumstances, how are we to practice true democracy?

Had these bodies been truly independent, then the ruling government will be more just, and more sensitive, to the needs and rights of the citizens.

The one-party system which has thus evolved since Merdeka, now has become too powerful, and with such great power, comes the opportunity for great corruption. It would seem that those in power have not let such opportunity slip by. This has led to a situation where our country is headed for a fall – economically, socially, and morally.

Policies which benefit cronies at the expense of rakyat; uncountable financial scandals; VKLingam judge-fixing; Teoh Beng Hock death; allegations against AG & IGP; Altantuya murder; religious discord; racist officials; unrighteous detentions and deaths in detention – all these are mere examples of a nation gone wrong but yet nothing is done by those in power to resolve them. I can only foresee things getting worse rather than improving.

In seeking a change of government, I am NOT recommending any violent overthrow of such a government, but instead am for a peaceful legal rejection of such a government at the ballot box.

Unfortunately, it seems that the election system, and even the Election Commission, seems to be biased in favour of the ruling coalition.

So how are we to even remove such an unfair government at the polls?

It is only through a truly free and fair elections that this can be achieved.

And if my participation in Bersih is one tiny step in this direction, it is something I want to do. It is something I need to do.

I feel that I am also doing it for the good of those others who also need it, but do not understand it yet. There are many who are too interested in short-term comforts, or have been ingrained through years of scare-tactics, to realise that the long term ramifications of prolonging this one-party system in power, is much worse.

So, if you read this, and understand the need, perhaps you too, will join me in Bersih this Saturday 28th April 2012.