
Behind the scenes of Raja Petra’s TV3 interview

By Kit

April 22, 2011

By Koon Yew Yin | CPIAsia

At the PKR 11th anniversary dinner on Tuesday (April 19) in Ipoh, party vice president Chua Jui Meng alleged that Raja Petra Kamarudin had been bought. Chua said that money could do wonders as indicated by the recent Sarawak election result.

Why would the fugitive blogger and Malaysia Today editor just before the election, in the TV3 interview, cast doubts on his own sensational statutory declaration?

In his SD of June 18, 2008, Raja Petra swore he had been “reliably informed that between about 10pm on 19th October 2006 and early hours of the following day, the night Altantuya Shaariibuu was murdered, three (3) other people were also present at the scene of the crime”.

In an e-mail interview with Malaysia Insider on April 15, Raja Petra insisted that he is not a turncoat. He said that he will continue to support the opposition – the Pakatan Rakyat. Immediately following the TV3 interview of Raja Petra, the Prime Minister Najib Razak claimed that he is thankful that the truth has finally emerged and he considered the matter closed.

Is the matter really closed?

Many Malaysians, including myself, consider the matter as far from being closed because all the earlier unanswered questions are still awaiting responses, especially from the PM himself.

These questions are as follows:

The above questions have been there right since the start of the case and they will continue to be there for posterity until the truth of the grisly murder finally emerges.

And until these damaging questions are fully investigated by a fair and independent police and judiciary, the cloud hanging over the Prime Minister’s head because of the Altantuya case will not be dispelled.

As this matter is so sensational and the whole world is interested, the government must set up a royal commission to investigate it thoroughly so that all quarters under a cloud can be vindicated, and Malaysia’s image as well as public confidence restored.